Patricia Taylor-Cooke
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Patricia Taylor-Cooke 2926 E. 17th St. Indianapolis, IN 46218 (317) 684-0501 [email protected]
Education Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis B.S. in Psychology (May 2002) Cumulative GPA 3.98 Psychology GPA 4.0
Career Related Experience
Research Assistant IUPUI Department of Psychology 3/99- Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Philip S. Fastenau, Ph.D. Entering data into SPSS, rescoring neuropsychological tests, mailing appointment letters, cleaning database
Principal IUPUI Department of Psychology 1/00-5/00 Investigator Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Mentor: Philip S. Fastenau, Ph.D. Project involved preliminary analyses on the Effects of Test Order and Modality on Sustained Attention in healthy children and children with chronic epilepsy and recent-onset epilepsy culminating in a research grant proposal, which was funded.
Principal IUPUI Department of Psychology 8/99-5/00 Investigator Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Mentor: Charles Goodlett, Ph.D. Project involved a survey of approximately 400 psychology majors and other majors enrolled in various psychology courses. The purpose of the project was to determine interest in a newly proposed undergraduate specialty track in Behavioral Neuroscience.
Clinical (See addendum for list of tests administered)
Populations Children and adolescents with Spina Bifida Children and adolescents with Epilepsy Children and adolescents from Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital (ADHD, conduct disorder, head injury, developmental language disorder, epilepsy, mood disorder, anxiety disorders, and schizophrenia) Patricia Taylor-Cooke 2 of 7
Research Assistant/ Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Psychometrist Epilepsy/Spina Bifida Research Project and Private Practice 8/00- present Philip S. Fastenau, Ph.D. Administered neuropsychological test batteries Updated Excel database Rescored neuropsychological test battery Entered data into SPSS database Trained graduate students to administer test battery
Project Coordinator/ Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Research Assistant/ Epilepsy/Spina Bifida Research Project Psychometrist and Private Practice 05/99-08/00 Philip S. Fastenau, Ph.D. Scheduled participants for neuropsychological testing Administered neuropsychological test batteries Updated Excel database Rescored neuropsychological test batteries Entered data into SPSS database
Group Facilitator Larue Carter Memorial Hospital 03/97-03/98 Adult Psychiatric Unit Held focus groups for patients
Clinical Associate Marion County Mental Health Association 06/98-05/99 Crisis and Suicide Intervention Service Supervised by Lucinda Nord Received crisis related phone calls from individuals in the community Teaching/Mentoring
Program Development Professional Practice Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis 01/02-05/02 Drew Appleby, Ph.D. Development of a program module on how to prepare long- term and short-term for the Graduate Record Examination General Test and Subject Test Development of a program module on the application process to get into graduate school
Teaching Assistant Tests and Measurements Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis 01/02-05/02 Philip S. Fastenau, Ph.D. Administered Quizzes Assisted in lab Patricia Taylor-Cooke 3 of 7 Tracked Grades
Co-Instructor Introduction to Counseling 08/01-12/01 Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Janet Kain, M.S. Participated in creating exams, grading and lectures Provided feedback in basic counseling skills Participated in role playing for student learning
Teaching Assistant Introduction to Clinical Psychology 08/01-12/01 Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Jovier Evans, Ph.D. Created exams Tracked and recorded grades Graded exams Graded abstracts Teaching Assistant Statistics 08/00-05/01 Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Carlos Goldberg, Ph.D. Taught Statistics Lab Administered Exams Graded Exams Tracked and recorded grades Substitute Teaching Introductory Psychology 07/00 Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Norma Skaruppa, M.S. Led discussions on psychology topics Graded homework assignments
Supplemental Instruction Leader Introductory Psychology Mentor for Freshman Seminar 08/97-12/00 Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis University College Learning Center/ John H. McGrew, PhD. Facilitated study sessions for introductory psychology Mentored entering freshmen Instructed students in PowerPoint Maintained attendance and grade database Patricia Taylor-Cooke 4 of 7 Practica
Gallahue Mental Health Center 01/01-05/01 Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Supervised by John C. Guare, Ph.D. Completed 8 hours per week Worked with people diagnosed with all types of SMI Learned about services available to clients provided by community or government agencies Attended a weekly Mental Health Group Led one weekly Mental Health Group Attended, participated and helped lead the Mind Over Mood Group Attended home visits with case managers
Taylor-Cooke, P., & Fastenau, P.S. (2002, February). Effects of test order & modality on attention in child epilepsy: Study II. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Abstract, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 7 (2), 151.
Taylor-Cooke, P. A. (2001, November). An undergraduate’s view of the methods sequence in IUPUI’s psychology department. Oral presentation to the psychology department’s methods faculty.
Taylor-Cooke, P., & Fastenau, P.S. (2001, November). Effects of test order, modality, and clinical status on sustained attention in children. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, San Diego, CA. Abstract, Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 16.
Taylor-Cooke, P., & Fastenau, P.S. (2001, May). Effects of test order and modality on sustained attention. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Neuropsychology Group, Iowa City.
Taylor-Cooke, P., & Fastenau, P.S. (2000, October). Effects of test order and modality on sustained attention. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Indiana University Undergraduate Research Confererence, Kokomo, IN.
Hufford, B. J., Fastenau, P. S., Keller, K. L., Taylor-Cooke, P., & Austin, J. K. (1999, December). Self- awareness of neuropsychological abilities in children and adolescents with newly-diagnosed and chronic epilepsy. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Orlando, FL. Abstract, Epilepsia, 40, XX. Patricia Taylor-Cooke 5 of 7
Honors, Awards and Recognition
Outstanding Female Student Leader Spring 2002 IUPUI School of Science Scholars List Spring 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998 Fall 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998 Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities Spring 2001 Supported Psychology Undergraduate Research Program 2000/2001 Chancellor’s Honors Spring 2000 IUPUI Outstanding Student Award Spring 2000 IUPUI Undergraduate Education Center Highest Honors Spring/Fall 1997
Scholarships and Grants
School of Science Alumni Association Outstanding Science Student 2002 Scholarship ($500) Challenger Scholarship ($1575) 2001/02 School of Science Dean’s Scholarship ($2,000) 2001/02 Golden Key International Honor Society Junior Scholarship ($500) 2001 School of Science Dean’s Scholarship ($2,000) 2000/01 Community Service Scholarship ($3,000) 2000 UROP (Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program) ($2,000) 2000 Honors Department Fellowship ($250) 1999
Clubs, Organizations and Affiliations
Midwest Neuropsychology Group (Student Affiliate) 2001 Golden Key International Honor Society (Member) 2001 Psi Chi (Member) 2001 American Psychological Association (Student Affiliate) 1999 Alpha Lambda Delta (Member) 1998 Phi Eta Sigma (Member) 1998
Campus Activities
Peer tutor in Statistics, Spring 2000 Campus volunteer activities
Relevant Course Work
Statistics Abnormal Psychology Introductory Lab in Psychology Tests and Measurements Introduction to Counseling Community Psychology Practicum Introduction to Clinical Psychology Capstone Honors Research Behavioral Neuroscience Learning Drugs and Behavior Developmental Psychology Brain Mechanisms of Behavior (in progress) Patricia Taylor-Cooke 6 of 7
Computer Skills
SPSS 10.0 Microsoft Programs (Excel, Word, and PowerPoint) Eudora
05/99-05/01 National Multiple Sclerosis Society (Volunteer) 08/00-05/01 Indiana Epilepsy Services (Creating Databases and forms, attending seminars) Patricia Taylor-Cooke 7 of 7 Addendum Neuropsychological Tests Administered
Tests Administered #Admin. Woodcock-Johnson Revised Letter-word Identification 137 Passage Comprehension 90 Calculations 137 Applied Problems 90 Dictation 137 Writing Samples 90 Picture Vocabulary 90 Visual Auditory Learning 1 Memory for Names 1 Tokens 61 Stroop 99 Children's Category Test 60 K-BIT 163 WRAML 155 Conners' CPT 111 Attentional Capacity Test 61 Trail Making Test (9-14 year olds) 132 Grooved Pegboard 122 Seashore Rhythm test (doubled) 23 WISC III 0 Picture Completion Training Information Training Similarities Training Picture Arrangement Training Block Design Training Vocabulary Training Object Assembly Training Comprehension Training Digit Span 40 Coding 29 Symbol Search 97 Rey-Auditory Verbal Learning Test 43 Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (computer) 138 Verbal Fluency 40 CELF-3 95 CTOPP 76 VMI 49 CPT-II 106 Extended Complex Figure Test 3 Boston Naming Test Training California Verbal Learning Test- Childrens Version 1 Finger Tapping Test Training Gray Oral Reading Test, 3rd Ed. 1 Hooper Visual Organization Test 1 Judgement of Line Orientation 3