Town of Oxford
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Town of Oxford Board of Selectmen June 16, 2016 The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Chairman Scott Owens. Other members present were, Peter Laverdiere (Vice-Chair), Scott Hunter, Roger Jackson and Floyd Thayer. Also present were Town Manager Derik Goodine, Deputy Town Clerk Elizabeth Olsen. Members of the public were present. Chairman Scott Owens led all in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Selectmen Meeting
3. Action on Minutes- June 2, 2016- A motion was made and seconded to accept as presented the minutes of 06/16/2016 Selectmen’s Meeting. Motion passed 4-0.
4. Adjustments to the Agenda- Agenda Items 9. A, 11. G, and 11. H were tabled. Scott Owens and Floyd Thayer were sworn in by Deputy Town Clerk Elizabeth Olsen Appointments (Agenda Item 12) were read and acted on- Motion to accept as read by Roger Jackson and seconded by Scott Hunter.
5. Public Hearings: None
6. Manager’s Update/Report – Fire pumper ads have been run Public works Equipment operator ad has been run Cable TV Committee – will start putting it together in a couple of weeks Been looking for a used Trash trailer – none found – may start emptying the trailer more often during busy times. Will be putting an ad together tomorrow for a part time administrative employee. Full report can be heard on the recorded minutes.
Adjustment to the agenda: Motion made by Peter Laverdiere: A motion to have Scott Owens as Chairman of the Board of Selectmen. Seconded by Scott Hunter – passed 5-0 Motion made by Peter Laverdiere: A motion to have Floyd Thayer as Vice-Chairman of the Board of Selectmen. Seconded by Scott Hunter – passed 5-0
7. Questions/Comments from the Public- When will the patching start on the roads? It will be starting soon. Is the Rec Building going to be connected to the Town Sewer? It will be discussed when the time comes. Lack of water at the Pottle Rd Field is becoming an issue quickly. A temporary pump is needed to pump water from the reservoir immediately.
1 Derik Goodine stated he would call Kennebec Rental and see if we could get a pump. Pam Lovely would get the specs on what kind of volume is needed. What is the criteria for moving into Executive session? Derik Goodine read the statutes dealing with Executive Session.
All comments and discussion is available on recording.
8. Questions/Comments from the Selectmen- Question from Roger Jackson on removal of brush from the roadsides. Aspen Ave. and Number Six Road back to East Oxford Road. He would also like to see culverts cleaned and road maintenance done this summer.
9. New Business- . A. Allen Hill Road Water Site Access Update - Tabled
B. Public Works and Sewer Department Vehicles A new Vehicle is needed for the Sewer Department which should come from the TIF account. Public works needs 2 new vehicles, a replacement ¾ ton pickup with a plow and a 1 ton, gas, 3 yard dump truck. Derik Goodine has the specs and will start the process.
C. Solid Waste Haulers that deliver to the Town Transfer Station – Curbside pick-up – Private hauler of residential waste, one in particular, is not following the rules and is bringing out of town waste to Oxford Transfer station and not properly separating the recycling. Oxford policy states we only accept Oxford trash. All selectmen agreed that if the rules are not being followed, that they will not be allowed to dump anymore. There was discussion on being fair. Derik will work on a proposal for a policy update and keep looking for a second trailer for the transfer station.
D. Sewer Connection Subsidy Amounts – Town Manager Derik Goodine wanted clarification on the letter containing the subsidized amounts and timing for connecting to the sewer. The selectmen stated that the paragraph containing the language on the subsidizing was correct, however the language including the Walmart TIF is not, the Omnibus TIF money is being used.
E. Request from Maine Adventure Relay Request to use Pismo Beach- a 200 mile relay fundraiser would like to use Pismo Beach as a relay exchange if road construction doesn’t prohibit. It was discussed that construction may be an issue depending upon the route used. It was also mentioned that the date of 09/24/2016 is a busy boat day and it may be better to have them exchange at the rec center. The Town Manager will bring in the exact route to be reviewed.
10. Old Business
A. Personnel Policy Approval and Determination of Health Insurance Buyout language Scott Hunter made a motion to go with the second proposal, seconded by Pete Laverdiere.
2 Scott Hunter Amended the motion to the dollar figure of $81.91 per week, Seconded by Peter Laverdiere. Motion to amend passed 4-0 Amended motion passed 4-0 The language will read: Employees who are currently covered or can be covered under other medical coverage can opt to receive an annual buy-out payment of $81.91, to be paid weekly. Proof of valid medical coverage must be presented in order to be eligible for this option prior to the annual open enrollment date each year. Should an employee leave the town’s employ, then they shall only be paid for the amount due up to the date of their final week of employ.
If other health coverage ends for any of the following reasons, the employee (and his/her eligible dependents) may still enter the Health program offered by the Town and according to the insurers rules of eligibility.
(1)Loss of the other insurance coverage due to termination of employment, or a reduction in the number of hours worked. (2)Loss of other coverage because such other coverage is no longer available. (3)A change in contribution required by the other plan. (4)Divorce or legal separation. (5)Death of the spouse. (6)Loss of Medicaid benefits.
B. Tax Acquired Property Project – set up Selectmen’s Workshop to discuss various properties. It was decided to schedule a workshop to be held Monday June 20, 2016 at 6:30 pm.
C. Tower 4 Repair Options Decision- Peter Laverdiere motioned to go with the Reman Motor through Big Rig. Second by Roger Jackson: 3-1 passed – one abstained (Floyd Thayer).
11. New Business
A. Closure of Clerk and Finance Office for Year End Processing The Town office will shut down at noon on 06/30/2016 to close all books for the fiscal year end. An ad will be placed in the paper to announce the closure.
B. Heat Pumps Recreation Building Roger Jackson made a motion to have funding come out of the Capital Improvement Account – second by Scott Hunter passed 5-0 Floyd Thayer made a motion to purchase the Fujitsu 15RLS3H from Eco Heat Maine- seconded by Peter Laverdiere passed 5-0
C. Town Meeting Minutes – No action needed D. Maine State Retirement Original Intent From 1974
3 Derik requested history on the Maine State Retirement. Lois Pike remembered that back in 1974 all employees with more than 720 hours a year were eligible. She would try to find any records she may have and bring them into Derik. E. Write off uncollectible Tax Acquired property, IE Mobile Homes that were taxed, but the mobile home was removed. Elizabeth Olsen, Deputy Tax Collector requested $10,543.53 in uncollectable tax be written off. Moved by Roger Jackson and seconded by Scott Hunter – passed 5-0
F. Tax Bill Which was Paid but not Recorded Write-off as uncollectable Elizabeth Olsen, Deputy Tax Collector requested $4842.16 on tax account 732 to written off. So moved by Roger Jackson and seconded by Scott Hunter, passed 5-0
G. Policy Updates - Tabled H. Reserve Balances Transfers Approval – Tabled
12. See Adjustments to the Agenda
13. Approve any licenses or permits if any – none
14. Sign Warrant(s): #112, #114 Vice-chair Floyd Thayer made a motion to approve and sign warrant #112 and #114; seconded by Selectman Roger Jackson Motion Passed 5-0.
10. Executive Session- Peter Laverdiere moved to go into executive session at 8:12 Title 1, §405 6F - seconded. 5-0 passed.
Motion made by Peter Laverdiere to come out of executive session at 8:17. Seconded 5-0 passed. Motion to do the write off by Scott Hunter and seconded by Peter Laverdiere – passed 5-0
11. Adjournment- Motion made by Roger Jackson to adjourn the Selectmen’s Meeting; seconded by Floyd Thayer at 8:18. Motion passed 5-0. Meeting adjourned
Respectfully Submitted,
Elizabeth Olsen Deputy Town Clerk of Oxford