Welcome to Citrus Hills Intermediate, Home of the Jaguars

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Welcome to Citrus Hills Intermediate, Home of the Jaguars

Home of the Jaguars

Welcome to Citrus Hills Intermediate, home of the Jaguars! My name is Mr. Granda and I are looking forward to working with each student and helping him/her grow academically. We will be exploring many concepts in the areas of United States History which is aligned with the California content standards. All other subjects such as Language Arts and Math will be taught by a variety of different teachers. Physical Education and Exploring class will be mainstreamed with the general population.

Topics that will be covered through out the school year:

History  Early Exploration and Settlements  The English Colonies  The American Revolution  Launching of a Nation  A Divided Nation  The North  The South  The Civil War  Reconstruction  America becomes a World Power

Materials Needed: ◊ Text book which I will provide in the classroom. Each student will check out his/her own book to keep at home. ◊ Lined paper and organized folder that labels each subject. ◊ Pencils and or pens (black or blue only). ◊ A pencil sharper and color pencils.

Homework Class work and Participation Policy: ◊ Completion of homework, participation and class work assignments is vital to your success. ◊ All these subjects require much reading, understanding and evaluating. ◊ Assignments will be given each day and must be completed each day. ◊ Homework  Any assignment not completed in class, will be done for homework.  Homework/assignments will be completed on lined paper with all questions written out and answered in complete form.  Turn work in with your name, date, and period and section assignment labeled.  Late work will not be accepted. ◊ Obtaining homework assignments after an absence is your responsibility. ◊ Any homework, assignments or projects that was due the day you were absent, is due the day you return.

Grading System Grading Weighting

100%-90% = A Exams = 5% 89%-80% = B Quizzes = 25% 79%-70% = C Projects = 25% 69%-60% = D Class work = 25% 57% & below = F Homework = 20%

Classroom Rules: 1. Show respect to yourself, others and the classroom. 2. Come to school prepared (paper, textbook, pencils and completed work assignments) and give your best effort! 3. Follow directions the first time they are given 4. Raise your hand to speak and/or to leave your seat. 5. No cursing, profanity or derogatory remarks. 6. No drinking or eating in the classroom with the exception of water.

Incentives: 1. Positive affirmation 2. Become teachers assistant 3. Five (5) minutes of free time 4. Phone call to parents to give positive feedback about behavior and/or accomplishments. 5. Assignment passes, front on the lunch line passes

Consequences: 1. Non-verbal warning 2. Verbal Warning 3. Sixty (60) minutes of detention and phone call to parents 4. On campus suspension for that period. 5. Referral to assistant principal’s / vice principals office

Extra Help/Tutoring I will be available almost any time after school or before. The student must let me know ahead of time so I can make arrangements.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (951) 736-4600 or by e-mail at [email protected]

Students and parents/guardians must date and sign the next page and return it to me by



Mr. Granda Citrus Hills Intermediate Specialized Education

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