Netapp Multiterm Term Base: Maintenance Model

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Netapp Multiterm Term Base: Maintenance Model

NetApp MultiTerm term base: Maintenance Model

Version 1.5 – August 2016

1 Contents

2 1. About this document

This document describes the agreed workflow to keep the NetApp MultiTerm term base up to date.

2. Process objectives

Maintaining and updating the NetApp terminological entries will be a centrally-driven, standardized process, managed by the MultiTerm core team. The individual Global Content Managers (GCMs) in country do not update the term base directly, but work on terminology offline. In regular intervals, new or updated terminology will be imported into the term base.

This centrally-driven process has the following objectives:  Fast: make new terminology available as quickly as possible.  Efficient: reduce overhead and make terminology maintenance fast and efficient.  Reliable: make sure that new terminology is approved and reliable.  Consistent: ensure that the term base stays clean and consistent, and that all entries are complete and follow the same format.

3. MultiTerm governance

1.2 Roles and permissions (TBD new sharepoint)

1.2.1 Admins

Administrators:  Barbara Burbach – [email protected]  Globalization Systems Team and SDL users (see Appendix IV)

→ Administrators have permissions to: o create/edit/remove term bases o create/edit/remove users o create/edit/remove language pairs from a particular termbase o create/edit/remove descriptive fields in a particular termbase o create/edit/remove entry structures in a particular termbase

Non-administrators: All other users are non-administrators. They lack the administrator permissions listed above. Non- administrators are divided into the roles listed below under 3.1.2.

3 1.2.2 Roles

Expert Users: (planned per MultiTerm evaluation)  Mark Haasen – [email protected]  Globalization Systems Team

→ Expert users have permission to: o Create entries o Delete entries o Change entry class value o Import terms o Export terms o Edit all terms for all languages

Semi-Expert Users:  Mark Haasen – [email protected]  Yukako Ueda – [email protected]  Alessandra Gobbi – [email protected]  Kelly Park – [email protected]

→ Semi-Expert users have permission to: o Create entries o Delete entries o Change entry class value o Export terms o Edit all terms for all languages

NetApp Vendors:  Welocalize team  Pactera team The vendors use a shared vendor account: User name: NetAppVendors Password: NetApp01

→ Vendor users have permission to: o View terms for all languages o Export terms

NetApp GCM Users:  NetApp Primary GCMs and GCMs  Edith Bendermacher – [email protected]

→ NetApp users have permission to: o View terms for all languages o Export terms

4 Public Users: Default role for anyone not listed under any of the roles above

→ Public users have permission to:  View terms for all languages

To see a full list of currently existing users, please contact Globalization Systems Team

1.3 Communication

All the communication regarding regular term base content management will be directed to the following DL: ng-gpso-tms-suppor This DL includes all the Globalization Systems Team, expert & semi-expert users.

4. Sources of new and updated terminology

 Terminology extracts of new NetApp documentation and localization projects  Term lists compiled by NetApp Global Content Managers (GCMs)

5 5. Process flows

6. Terminology extracts

For every major project (launch, campaign, product localization, legal or support localization, etc.), the Expert user team will create terminology extracts of the core materials, which will then be imported into the term base in all 15 languages. This will not have any impact on the schedule of any localization project. All the terminology work will happen in parallel to the usual project process.

7. Alternative 1: Before the start of a localization project

Ideally, new terminology should be available before the start of major localization projects. For this purpose, the Expert user team exports the key terminology from assets that are available ahead of the start of the projects.

Assets (examples):  Launch / Campaign message board  Draft core assets such as data sheets or solution briefs  Slogans that become available during launch / campaign planning  Draft files in case non-marketing projects


Step Owner Time 1 Obtain assets Obtain assets from project team team NetApp Ops PM 1 working day (launch/campaign/product, etc.), and send to Expert responsible for the user team L10N project 2 Extract terms Term extraction with MultiTerm Extract Vendor (or, in 1 working day future, Expert user with MultiTerm Extract license) 3 Clean up extract Clean-up of term extract – removal of inappropriate Expert user2 1 working day terms1 4 Prepare templates for term translation Paste term extract into the Excel term base Expert user 1 working day template – 1 per language

1 Guidelines on appropriate vs. inappropriate terms: see Appendix I.

2 At the beginning of each round of terminology updates, 1 Expert user will be assigned to the update, and will handle all the steps owned by “Expert user” in this table.

6 Lock the 15 Excel sheets for editing, so that only the language-specific columns can be edited Send sheets out to the GCMs 5 Term translation Translate the terms and obtain FMM / SE approval GCM team 3 working days 6 Term base import Merge reviewed lists and import into term base Expert user 1 working day Total time needed: 7 working days

8. Alternative 2: At the beginning of a localization project

To make additional project-related terminology available to the teams, a similar process is followed right after the start of the localization projects. This is particularly important in those cases where no material is available before the start of the localization projects, i.e. where the process under 5.1.1 cannot be followed.


Step Owner Time 1 Obtain assets Obtain core assets from NetApp Ops PM Expert user 1 working day 2 Extract terms Term extraction with MultiTerm Extract Vendor (or, in 1 working day future, Expert user with MultiTerm Extract license) 3 Clean up extract Clean-up: removal of inappropriate terms3 Expert user4 1 working day 4 Prepare templates for term translation/review Put the context phrases contained in the term extract into TMS (Staging) to get matching segments for each language Paste term extract & translated segments into the Expert user 2 working days Excel term base template – 1 per language Lock the 15 Excel sheets for editing, so that only the language-specific columns can be edited Send sheets out for review by the GCMs 5 Term translation/review Review sheets and populate the term fields, based GCM team 2 working days on the translated context segments.

3 Guidelines on appropriate vs. inappropriate terms: see Appendix I.

4 At the beginning of each round of terminology updates, 1 Expert user will be assigned to the update, and will handle all the steps owned by “Expert user” in this table.

7 Obtain FMM / SE approval as needed. 6 Term base import Merge reviewed lists and import into term base Expert user 1 working day 8 working Total time needed: days

9. Alternative 3: Periodic updates and changes as required by GMs

To make additional project-related terminology available to the teams, additional periodic updates may be made but not more than bi-monthly.

10. Offline term lists compiled by GCMs

For those terms that are not covered by the term extracts outlined above, the following process provides an alternative for GCMs to add additional terminology to the term base. These updates will be done bi- monthly using the schedule below.

Whenever required, any GCM can submit a list with new or updated terms to the Expert user team. The GCMs will have to make it clear whether they want to add new terms or update existing ones. This plan should include how discrepancies with the existing TM will be handled.

5.2..1 Process for adding new terms

Step Owner Time 1 Term list creation Compile Excel lists of terms that will have to be added to Multiterm, using template provided by Expert user team Important requirements:  Include a context for every new enUS term. GCMs Ongoing  Before submitting the list to the Expert user team, perform a fuzzy search in the term base to see if any of the terms already exist. → If any of them are found in the termbase and have to be updated, proceed to 5.2.2. Send new term list to Expert user team GCM First Monday of planned month 2 Terminology approval

8 Review of term candidates in Expert user meeting, every 2nd Thursday of each month. First Thursday of The team will approve or dismiss proposed new Expert user team planned month terminology based on the guidelines in Appendix I. 3 Prepare templates for translation/review If several lists are submitted to Expert user team: consolidate all lists Paste terms into the Excel term base template – 1 per language Expert user5 2 working days Lock the 15 Excel sheets for editing, so that only the language-specific columns can be edited Send sheets out to GCMs 4 Term translation/review Review sheets and populate the term fields for all the languages. GCM team 3 working days Obtain FMM / SE approval as needed. 5 Term base import Merge reviewed lists and import into term base Expert user 2 working days Total time needed: 7 working days

5.2..2 Process for updating existing terms

When an GCM wants to make changes to existing terminology, they will be required to fill in a different template and follow the process below. These updates are:  Changes to existing terms  Removal of obsolete terms

Step Owner Time 1 Term list creation Compile Excel lists of terms that will have to be changed or removed in Multiterm, using the change log template provided by Expert user GCMs As needed team Send change log to Expert user team 2 Change log approval Review of change log in Expert user meeting, every 2nd Thursday of each month. First Thursday of Expert user team The team will approve or dismiss the proposed planned month changes based on the guidelines in Appendix I. 2 Term base import

5 In the Expert user meeting, 1 Expert user will be assigned to carry out the following steps for this terminology update.

9 If several lists are submitted to the Expert user team: consolidate local change logs Import list to term base, choosing setting that Expert user team 2-3 working days will overwrite existing terms in the specific languages, instead of creating duplicate entries Total time needed: 2-3 working days

10 Appendix I: Appropriate vs. inappropriate terms

To keep the NetApp term base clean and not flooded with unnecessary or misleading terminology, the following guidelines apply. These have to be followed both by MultiTerm Expert user when cleaning up a terminology extract, and by every GCM when compiling a list of terms that will be imported to the term base.

The terminology in the NetApp term base must be:

 NetApp specific: relating to NetApp technology, NetApp marketing communications or other NetApp operations. Rule of thumb: if the term can be found in a generic dictionary, we don’t need it in the term base.

 Global: ideally, every term should exist in all of our languages

The terminology in the NetApp term base must NOT include:

 Generic terms that do not relate specifically to NetApp (example: “Phillips screwdriver”, “to improve”)

 Local style choices: for this purpose, use the language-specific style guides.

11 Appendix II: Fields in the NetApp termbase

Level Field name Field type Picklist Text field guidelines Entry level Subject Picklist with HR option to Legal select Marketing multiple ones NetAppU Product Sales&Finance Services Technical UI element Other Definition Text n/a Status Picklist Approved New Obsolete Context Text n/a Context source Text n/a Part of speech Picklist Adjective Adverb Noun Other Verb Index level Comment Text n/a

Term Text n/a

Term level Context Text Choose a meaningful context that aids the understanding of the term and its usage Context source Text Appropriate context sources are:  TMS job ID  AMS activity ID  URL (only NetApp or trusted storage-related sites) Gender Picklist Feminine Masculine Neuter Singular/Plural Picklist Singular Plural

12 Appendix III: Metrics

The following quantitative and qualitative metrics will be collected on an ongoing basis, to measure the success and impact of the terminology maintenance performed by NetApp.

Monthly quantitative metrics

Number of new entries and terms  Granularity: o Number of entries per subject o Number of new terms per language  Goal: show an increasing trend over time.  What this means: maintenance model is working, term base is growing.

Number of terminology errors in TMS grading6  Granularity: o Number of terminology errors per language, per 1000 words  Goal: show a decreasing trend over time.  What this means: term base contains the right terms, it is up-to-date, the translation terms do not have to deviate from the translations provided in the term base.

Number of term base occurrences in source files [TBD – depends on availability of custom TMS report]  Granularity: o Number of occurrences per language, per 1000 words  Goal: show and increasing trend over time  What this means: term base is growing, it contains the right terms that actually occur in the source files, it is up-to-date.

Quarterly qualitative metrics

GCM and translation teams’ feedback  Approach: o Ask GCM team and translation teams to grade the efficiency and speed gains produced by the regular termbase maintenance  Goal: show an increase in efficiency an translation speed  What this means: the termbase is up-to-date and contains the terms needed to save time both during translation and during review.

6 Important: terminology errors are those errors where a translator disregards the term found in the term base. This error category must NOT be logged if the term is not contained in the termbase, i.e. if the LPM simply does not like the translator’s choice.

13 Appendix IV: Revision History Version Date Author Notes 1.0 December 2013 Silvia Di Siena Original ITB version 1.1 4/16/14 Andrea Jimenez Feedback on maintenance model Barbara Burbach 1.2 4/29/14 Barbara Updated to include changes in Alessandro’s role 1.3 2/08/16 Sebastián Urresti Updated Roles section mapped to Version 15 33526

1.4 4/20/16 Barbara Burbach Update expert list. Minor edits. 1.5 8/1/16 Andrea Jimenez Added appendix VI. 2.0 (future) Add Appendix to define Subject pick list. Inputs from Alessandra

14 Appendix V: List of users NAME USERNAME E-MAIL ADDRESS ROLE Adrian aboloveschi [email protected] Expert User, NetApp Boloveschi GCM Users, NetApp Vendors, Public, Semi-Expert User Alessandra agobbi [email protected] NetApp GCM user Gobbi Andrea Jimenez ajimenez [email protected] Expert User, Public Akiko Noda anoda [email protected] NetApp GCM Users Aaron Zhang azhang [email protected] NetApp GCM Users Barbara Burbach bburbach [email protected] Public Beate Petersen beap [email protected] Public Beatriz Lopez blopez [email protected] NetApp GCM Users Belén Martínez bmartínez [email protected] NetApp GCM Users Cecilia Chen cchen [email protected] NetApp GCM Users Chiara Di cdibisceglie [email protected] NetApp GCM Users Bisceglie Claudia Digel cdigel [email protected] NetApp GCM Users Corina Ess cess [email protected] NetApp GCM Users, Public David Boyle dboyle [email protected] Expert User, Public Edith ebendermacher [email protected] NetApp GCM Users Bendermacher Eoin Murphy emurphy [email protected] Expert User, Public Gabriela gabraham [email protected] NetApp GCM Users, Abraham Public Grace Gao ggao [email protected] She has been removed from all groups (ZD# 2360) Gema Guijo gguijo [email protected] NetApp Vendors Gloria Lee glee [email protected] NetApp GCM Users, Public Gabriela Torres gtorres [email protected] NetApp GCM Users MultiTerm Guest guest N/A - System User Public User Helen Zhang hzhang [email protected] NetApp GCM Users Ingrid Fitzgerald ifitzgerald [email protected] NetApp GCM Users Ian Mulvaney imulvaney [email protected] Expert User, Public Julio Solano jsolano [email protected] NetApp GCM Users Kevin Rayner krayner [email protected] Public Luciana Capisani lcapisani [email protected] NetApp GCM Users Monica Canilang mcanilang [email protected] Expert User Marion Cot- mcotnicolas [email protected] NetApp GCM Users

15 Nicolas Mark Haasen mhaasen [email protected] NetApp GCM Users Mark Haasen mhaseen [email protected] Semi-Expert User Managed monitoring [email protected] Public Services Monitoring Sonia Martin msonia [email protected] Semi-Expert User, Public Masahito msugahara [email protected] NetApp GCM Users Sugahara myallin myallin [email protected] NetApp GCM Users, Public NetApp Vendors netappvendors [email protected] NetApp Vendors Natsuko Kamioka nkamioka [email protected] NetApp GCM Users Olga Razinkova orazinkova [email protected] NetApp GCM Users Pactera User pacterauser [email protected] NetApp Vendors Peter Fischer pfischer [email protected] NetApp GCM Users Reorg Tool user reorg_tool N/A - System User Expert User Rie Ono rono [email protected] NetApp GCM Users System sa N/A - System User No group assigned Administrator Sara Castiglioni scastiglioni [email protected] NetApp GCM Users sgoldin sgoldin [email protected] NetApp GCM Users, Public MultiTerm Super super N/A - System User Expert User User Sebastian Urresti surresti [email protected] Expert User TMS User tms-user [email protected] System/ Expert User TMS tmsadministrato [email protected] System Administrator r Youngmin Jeong youngmin [email protected] NetApp GCM Users Kelly Park ypark [email protected] NetApp GCM Users Yukako Ueda yueda [email protected] NetApp GCM Users

16 Appendix VI: Termbase Definition

When a new termbase is created, all information about the termbase structure is stored in the termbase definition. People belonging to the “Expert User” role can make the following changes to a termbase definition:  Change the termbase name.  Add new indexes.  Add new descriptive fields.  Add new values to picklists.

Existing indexes or fields cannot be renamed, edited or deleted, unless they are removed from all the terms using them first.

Even though only users belonging to the “Expert User” role can introduce changes to the termbase, all users can take a look at the termabase definition file using “Multiterm Desktop 2014”:

(NOTE: you should connect to the NetApp Termbase first. If you are not sure how to do so, please refer to this KB article)

17 The termbase definition is basically composed of 3 sections: 1. Languages In this section, the different languages to be used in the termbase are set. Currently, NetApp is working with the following 16 languages:

It is important to know that in the case of “Spanish (LatAm)”, the language code to be used when importing new terms in “es-MX”, i.e. Spanish from Mexico. This is set in this way because of an incompatibility issue between the Spanish Latin America codes in SDL Multiterm and SDL TMS. To make sure that the TMS-Multiterm integration works fine, the “es-MX” code was used when createing the “Spanish (LatAm)” language in the termbase.

2. Entry Structure You can refer to “Appendix II: Fields in the NetApp termbase” above for further details.

3. Descriptive Fields You can refer to “Appendix II: Fields in the NetApp termbase” above for further details.


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