Dr. Aref Ali Nayed

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Dr. Aref Ali Nayed

Dr. Aref Ali Nayed

P.O.Box 8051 SAIF Zone, Sharjah United Arab Emirates Tel.: 06-5570095 Fax.: 06-5570094 Mobile: 00971-50-4566410 E-mail: [email protected]

Personal: Place and Date of Birth: Benghazi,1962 Citizenship: Libyan and Canadian Residence: Sharjah, UAE Marital Status: Married Family: Three Children Religion: Muslim

Languages: Fluent: Arabic and English Very Good: Italian Reading Knowledge: French and Spanish

Education: Ph.D. in Philosophy (1994), University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada: Thesis title: “Interpretation as the Engagement of Operational Artifacts: Operational Hermeneutics”. The thesis begins with a critical assessment of the interpretation theories of Schleiermacher, Betti, Hirsch, and Gadamer, and then goes on to suggest an alternative “Operational Hermeneutics” as a comprehensive model of texts and their engagement. About three years were spent in Rome in order to conduct research at the Emilio Betti archives, and the libraries of the Pontifical Gregorian University, the Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies, and the Pontifical Biblical Institute. The thesis includes many illustrative examples from the history of Biblical Exegesis. The thesis supervisor was Professor Jeff Mitscherling of Guelph.

Special Student (1987-1993), Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, Italy: Audited courses in Philosophy of Religion, Theology, and Spirituality.

M.A. in Philosophy (1986), University of Guelph: Specialization: Philosophy of Science. Degree completed through course- work with two major research-papers: “The Philosophy of Science of Benedetto Croce” and “The Epistemology of the Pyrrhonian Sceptics”. Graduate seminar project: “Imre Lakatos on the Philosophy of Science and the History of Science”.

Special Student (1985-1986), University Toronto, Ontario, Canada: As the M.A. degree was pursued at Guelph, courses in Religious Studies and Islamic Philosophy were audited at the University of Toronto. Extensive work on Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd, and al-Ghazali was conducted under the supervision of Professor Michael Marmura. Special Student (1985), University of Guelph: Before entering the M.A. program, completed several Humanities courses including: History of the Ancient Near-East, and History of Islamic Art.

B.Sc.(Engineering) (1985), University of Guelph: Work towards a Bachelors of Science in Industrial Engineering was started at the University of Iowa, U.S.A.. In 1983 a transfer was made to the Biological Engineering program at the University of Guelph. The B.Sc.(Eng.) was granted in 1985 by Guelph. Specialization: Biological Waste Treatment.

Hight School Diploma (1980), West High School, Iowa City, U.S.A.: Final year of High School completed, and Diploma granted.

Previous Schooling: All previous schooling was conducted in Arabic in Libyan public schools. The schools attended were: Ahmed Gnaba, Ali al-Sa’ati, and Ali Wariath, all in Tripoli. Several summers were spent in Boy Scout camps in Libya, and language schools in Switzerland and London.

Present Projects: Founder/Managing Director of Agathon Systems Limited a family enterprize that is consturcting Data Center, Neworking, and Banking infrastructe in Libya. Agathon is the Libya partner of such companies as IBM, NCR, Nortel and APC. Agathon constructed Libya’s National Payment System at the Central Bank of Libya. Nayed, following PMI Methodology, worked as the Project Director, supervising 6 Project Managers and managing 7 sub- contractors.

Professional Associatons: Member: Society for the Study of Theology (U.K.). Member: The Canadian Philosophical Association. Member: The Canadian Society for Continental Philosophy. Member: The Project Manaement Institute (PMI).

Fellowships: Fellow: The Royal Al al-Bayyt Foundation. Amman, Jordan. Former Visiting Fellow: The Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge.

Academic Work Experience:

Senior Advisor to the Cambridge Interfaith Program at the Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge (2006- present), Cambridge.

Adjunct Professor of Dialogue and Comparative Religion (1999- present), The Islamic Call College, Tripoli: Supervising and Co-Supervising Theses in the areas of: - Interfaith Dialogue. - Christian and Missionary Studies. - Comparative Religion.

Instructor (wa’iz) (2007), Uthman Pasha Madrasa (a traditional 360 year old madrasa in the old town of Tripoli), Tripoli: Teaching: - Logic (al-sullam al-murawnaq). - Principles of Juriciprudence (al-waraqat).

Visiting Professor (1999), Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies (PISAI), Rome: Teaching: - Islamic Philosophy. - Islamic Theology. Conducting Field Research on Libyan Sufi literature in Tripoli.

Professor (1997-1999), International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Courses Taught: - Philosophy of Science. - Western Hermeneutics: A Survey. - Readings in Islamic Theology: Al-Taftazani on Kalam. - Late Islamic Theology. A Survey. - Readings in Islamic Theology: Al-Taftazani on ‘Ilm.

Participated in the Supervision of the following theses: - “Al-Bazdawi on the Theological Basis of Normativity”. - “Al-Sanusi on Modalities and Divine Attributes”. - “Al-Nursi on Burhan”. - “Ibn Sina on Intentionality”. - “Al-Juwaini on Knowing”. - “Al-Qarri on Abu Hanifa”.

Professor (1995-1997), Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies (PISAI), Rome: Courses Taught: - Qur’an. - Arabic Texts: Sayyid Qutb. - Arabic Texts: Ibn ‘Ata’ Allah al-Sakandari. - Islamic Philosophy: Ibn Sina. - Islamic Philosophy: Introduction. - Arabic Texts: Al-Ghazali. - Islamic Theology: Al-Nasafi. - Islamic Theology: Al-Farabi.

Participated in the Supervision of the following theses: - “Adonis on the Unity of the Qur’an” (in Italian). - “Ahmad ibn Hanbal on the Friday Prayer” (in Arabic). - “Fath Allah Khulayf on Ibn Sina’s Metaphysics” (in Italian). - “Al-Rummani on the Eloquence of the Qur’an”. - “Al-Muhasibi on the Intellect” (in Italian). - “Multiplicity of Meaning in Ibn ‘Ashur”. - “Ahmad Zarruq on Ibn ‘Ata’ Allah’s Hikam. - “Ibn Arabi on Isa-Followers” (in Italian). - “Christian-Muslim Dialogue in Jordan”. - “A Letter of Spiritual Guidance by al-Muhasibi”.

General Lectures, PISAI’s “Interactive Days”: - “Values in Islam”. - “Ibrahim in Islam”. - “Certitude in Islam”.

Discussion-Circles: Participated in all Christian-Muslim discussion-circles organized by the Pontitical Council for Iner-Religious Dialogue for the Academic Years: 95/96, 96/97.

Adjunct Professor (1996/1997), Loyola University of Chicago, Rome Center, Italy: Taught: - Knowledge and Reality: Metaphysics.

Adjunct Professor (1995/1996), The University of Dallas, Rome Campus, Italy: Taught: - Philosophical Anthropology: Max Scheller.

Adjunct Professor (1994/1995), Al-Fateh University, Tripoli, Libya: Taught: - Philosophical Terminology (in Arabic). - Philosophical Research Seminar (in Arabic).

Seminar Leader (1994/1995), Al-Jihad Historical Studies Institute, Tripoli, Libya: - Lead 12 Seminar Sessions under the title: "Philosophy of History and the Human Sciences" (in Arabic).

Lecturer (1994/1995), Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies (PISAI), Rome: Taught: - Arabic Philosophical Texts: Ikhwan al-Safa. - Sufi Texts: Ibn 'Ata' Allah al-Sakandari's Hikam.

Lecturer (1993/1994), Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies (PISAI), Rome: Taught: - Islamic Philosophy: An Introduction. - Arabic Philosophical Texts: Ibn Rushd's Fasl al-Maqal.

Lecturer (1993/1994), University of Guelph: Taught: - Social and Political Issues (Ethics).

Lecturer (1992/1993), Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies (PISAI), Rome: Taught: - Islamic Philosophy: Al-Ghazali.

Lecturer (1991/1992), Loyola University of Chicago, Rome Center, Italy: Taught: - Philosophy of Science. - Ethics.

Lecturer (1989/1990), University of Guelph: Taught: - Critical Thinking (Logic).

Lecturer (1988/1989), University of Guelph: Taught: - Critical Thinking (Logic).

T.A. (1987/1988), University of Guelph: Assisted in the teaching of: - Social and Political Issues. - Critical Thinking (Logic).

Public Lectures and Talks:

“On the Building of Libya’s National Infrastrucure: The Case of Banking (the National Payment System)”. 1st International Conference Banking & Finance in Libya. Tripoli, June 18 – 19, 2007.

“Compassion and Understanding in Islam”. Bradley Lecture. Pontitical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies. Rome, May 2007.

“National Capacity Building: the Importance of the Human Factor”. Training for Top Management of Libya’s Social Security Fund. Tripoli, April 4th 2006.

“The Good Word, Rooted and Open-ended: First Day Concluding Remarks”. Islam and Muslims in the World Today. Lancaster House, London.

“Al-Rahman: God The Compassionate”. Society for the Study of Theology 2006 Conference, on the theme ‘Theology and the Religions’. Held at Bodington Hall, a campus of the University of Leeds, April 3rd to 6th 2006.

“ The Environment as Indicative Divine Compassion”. The Fourth Building Bridges Seminar. By invitation of His Eminence the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams. Sarajevo, May 16-18 2005.

“Reading Scripture Together: Towards a Sacred Hermeneutics of Togetherness”. Address at the Inaguration and Installation of Dr. Iain Torrance as President of Princeton Theological Seminary and Professor of Patristics. March 11, 2005.

“Discussions”. Third ‘Budilng Bridges Seminar. Georgetown University, Washington, DC, March 30th – Aprial 1st 2004. Published as Bearing the Word: Prophecy in Biblical and Qur’anic Perspective. Edited by Michael Ipgrave.

“Al-Ghazali on Approaching the Qur’an”. College of Arts and Sciences. American University of Sharjah. March 2001.

"Said Al-Nursi as Qur'anic Man". Third International Nursi Symposium. Istanbul, April 1998. “Towards a Muslim Participation in the Eighth General Council of the World Council of Churches”. Preparation Meetings for the Eighth General Council of the WCC. Johannesburg, March 1998`

"A Muslim's Comments on the Documents of the Synod for Asia". Pax Romana Consultation on the Synod for Asia. Manilla, January 1998.

"Bearing the Qur'an Today". Saturday Night Lectures. International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), Kuala Lumpur, June 1997.

"The Heart as Navigational Instrument". Seminar on the Concept of Modernity: An Analysis of a Current Value Crisis and Ethical Dilemma. National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN), Kuala Lumpur, July 1997.

"Homo Qur'anicus". Journees d'Arras, Milan, May 1997. A Dutch translation of this talk was to be published in the January 1998 issue of Begrip, Netherlands.

"The Notion of 'Good Literature'". Symposium on Meanings, Values, and the Arts. Loyola University of Chicago, Rome Center, April 1997.

"Disciplined Living in Islam". Come Disciplinary la Vita: A Scuola dal Monachesimo. Arcicenobio Benedettino S. Andrea Apostolo, Arpino, April 1997.

"The Presuppositions of a Muslim Researcher", "Hermeneutics and the Qur'an", and "Muslim-Christian Dialogue and International Relations". Methodology Lectures, Al-Bayt University, Mafraq, Jordan, March 1997.

"A Muslim's Life as 'Rembering' (dikr)". Seminario Internazionale per i Dieci Anni dall 'Incontro di Assisi'. Istituto di Studi Ecumenici S. Benardion, Venezia, March 1997.

"Fazlur Rahman's Hermeneutics: A Critique". Islam and Modernism: Fazlur Rahman Symposium. Istanbul Municipality, Istanbul, February 1997.

"Cruelty and Compassion (Rahma)". Domande sul Male tra Sacro e Secolarizione. Centro Ambrosiano di Documentazione per le Religioni. Unioni Culturale Franco Antonicelli, Torino, December 1996.

"Hermeneutics: A Survey", and "Hermeneutics and the Qur'an". Ihsan Vakfi, Istanbul, July 1996.

"Hermeneutics and the Qur'an", and "Al-Ghazali on Causality". Graduate Seminars. Faculty of Divinity (Ilayiyat), Marmara University, Istanbul, July 1996.

"Hermeneutics and the Qur'an". Discussion circle with Dr. Ducane Cundioglu and students of Bilim ve Sanat Vakfi, Istanbul, July 1996.

"A Muslim's Living in Gratitude to Allah". Istituto Studi Asiatici: Convegno Inerreligioso Monastico. Monastero Benedettino di Bassano Romano, April 1996. A brief report on this talk was included in Maddalen Pirodda's "Incontrarsi con l'Asia in Italia". Missionarie dell'Immoacolata (PIME), Milano, No. 6, June-July 1996, p. 10.

"An Alternative Model of Texts and their Engagement". Rudolf-Otto Symposium. Philipps-Universitat, Marburg, May 1996. A German translation was published in the proceedings of the conference, Marburg 1997.

"Muhammad Iqbal and the Project of Reconstructing Muslim Theology". International Muhammad Iqbal Days, Municipality of Istanbul. Istanbul, December 1995. The paper was published in the Turkish version of the conference proceedings.

"Bearing the Qur'an". Conference on Holy Scriptures, Values, and Society: Hermeneutics, Ethics, and Pluralism from the Perspectives of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Amsterdam, November 1995. A brief report on this talk was included in Van een Medewerker's "Heilig Boek vraagt passie en afstand", Trouw, November 8, 1995.

"The Usurpation of God's Greatness". XX Journees Romaines. Centro Nazaret, Rome, September 1995. This paper was published in the meeting's proceedings: The Greatness of God as Understood by Christians and Muslims, 1995, pp. 29-33. Subsequently published in Focus, Vol. 15, No. 4, 1995, pp. 197-204, and in Encounter: Documents for Muslim-Christian Understanding, No. 226, June-July, 1996, pp. 10-15. A brief report on this paper was included in John Azumah's "CSIC at the 20th Session of Journees Romaines, Rome". Newsletter of the Center for the Study of Islam and Christian- Muslim Relations, Birmingham, No. 34, November 1995, pp. 2-3.

"Theoria, Praxis, and Poesis in Muslim-Christian Dialogue". Consultation on the Establishment of an Institute for Muslim-Christian Studies. University of Balamand, Balamand, Lebanon, May 1995. A brief interview regarding the consultation was published by Al-Safir, May 27, 1995. A brief summary of the presentation was included in Dawr wa Ru'iat Jami'at al-Balamand, Balamand University, 1996, p. 20.

"Presuppositions in Human Sciences" (in Arabic). The Department of Antiquities, Tripoli, Libya, April 1995.

"Teaching Islam to Christians". La Convivance entre Chretiens et Musulmans dan les Pays Mediterraneens: Colloque CHEAM/PISAI. Rome, September 1994. A variation on this talk was published as "Dialogical Engagment as Vigilant Rememberance (dikr)", Islamochristiana, No. 21, 1995, pp. 23-25.

"Ikhwan al-Safa on Making". Institute of Islamic Studies. McGill University, Montreal, October 1994. This paper will be published in a Festschrift dedicated to Professor Hermann Landolt as "Ikhwan al-Safa's Philosophy of Production".

"Trading Intangibles: Outline of a Theory of Communication". University of Guelph, Guelph, October 1994. "Texts as Tools: Outline of an Instrumentalist Hermeneutics". University of Guelph, Guelph, October 1993.

"General Hermeneutics as a Grand Symposium of the Human Sciences: Emilio Betti's Vision Revisited". University of Guelph, Guelph, October 1992.

"Speech-Act-Theory and the Qur'an" (in Arabic). Al-Jihad Historical Studies Institute, Tripoli, Libya March 1993.

"The Ethics of Interpretation" (in Arabic). Al-Jihad Historical Studies Institute, Tripoli, Libya, March 1992.

"A Sketch of the History of Western General Hermeneutics" (in Arabic). Al- Jihad Historical Studies Institute, Tripoli, Libya, May 1991.

"St. Augustine, al-Ghazali, and the Hermeneutics of Charity". University of Guelph, Guelph, February 1991.

"Islam and Peace". The United Church of Canada, Guelph, November 1990.

"The Contemplative and Transcendental Nature of Gadamer's Hermeneutics". The Ontario Philosophical Society, Trent University, October 1990.

"Charity and Humility in Interpretation". University of Guelph, Guelph, October 1990.

"E.D. Hirsch's Ethical Argument for Re-Cognitive Interpretation". The Canadian Society for Hermeneutics and Post-Modern Thought, University of Victoria, May 1990.

"Is General Hermeneutics Possible?". University of Guelph, Guelph, January 1990.

"Al-Ghazali: His Life and Works". University of Guelph, Guelph, January 1988.

"Agrippa: A Pyrrhonian Sceptic". University of Guelph, Guelph, November 1988.

"On Philosophical Conflicts: The Implications of Assuming that Reality is Ambiguous". The Canadian Graduate Conference in Philosophy, University of Guelph, Guelph, October 1987.


Article in Magazine: “A Muslim’s Commentary on Bengedict XVI’s Regensburg Lecture”. Published in Islamica Magazine, Issue 18, 2006. The article has been translated and published in Arabic, Spanish, Turkish, and German. The Gemran translation has been published within a book covering the Regensurg controversy. “Ein muslimischer Kommentar zur Regensburger Vorlesung Papst Benedikts XVI”. Pp. 17-40. Die Religionen und die Vernunft: Die Debatte um die Regensburger Vorlesung des Papstes. Knut Wenzel (HG.). Articles by the following authors are also published in the book: Kurt Flasch, Jurgen Habermas, Wolfgang Huber, Walter Kardinal Kasper, Magnus Striet, Knut Wenzel, and Uwe Justus Wenzel. Verlag Herder. 2007. This is a German translation of the Islamica Magazine article referenced below.

Book: The Author's Intention co-authored with Tanya DiTommaso, and Jeff Mitscherling. Published 2004. Lexington Books. ISBN 0739108948.

Proceedings of the Canadian Graduate Student's Conference in Philosophy (McMaster University, 1988). Co-edited with Fiore Guido. Agathon Books Limited, Toronto, 1991.

“Preghiera come ricordo della compassione di Allah”. Studi Ecumenici. Anno XVI – n.1, January-March, 1998. Istituto di Studi Ecumenici S. Bernardino, Venezia.

"Said Al-Nursi as Qur'anic Man". Third International Nursi Symposium. Istanbul, April 1998.

"Homo Qur'anicus". Journees d'Arras, Milan, May 1997. A Dutch translation of this talk was to be published in the January 1998 issue of Begrip, Netherlands.

"Fazlur Rahman's Hermeneutics: A Critique". Islam and Modernism: Fazlur Rahman Symposium. Conference Proceedings. Istanbul Municipality, Istanbul, February 1997.

"An Alternative Model of Texts and their Engagement". Rudolf-Otto Symposium. Philipps-Universitat, Marburg, May 1996. A German translation was published in the proceedings of the conference as: “Ein alternatives Modell zur Bewertung von Texten und ihres Gebrauchs” in Hermeneutik in Islam und Christentum: Beitrage zum interreligiosen Dialog. E.B.-Verlag, Hamburg, Marburg 1997.

"Muhammad Iqbal and the Project of Reconstructing Muslim Theology". International Muhammad Iqbal Days, Municipality of Istanbul. Istanbul, December 1995. The paper was published in the Turkish version of the conference proceedings.

"The Usurpation of God's Greatness". XX Journees Romaines. Centro Nazaret, Rome, September 1995. This paper was published in the meeting's proceedings: The Greatness of God as Understood by Christians and Muslims, 1995, pp. 29-33. Subsequently published in Focus, Vol. 15, No. 4, 1995, pp. 197-204, and in Encounter: Documents for Muslim-Christian Understanding, No. 226, June-July, 1996, pp. 10-15. A brief report on this paper was included in John Azumah's "CSIC at the 20th Session of Journees Romaines, Rome". Newsletter of the Center for the Study of Islam and Christian- Muslim Relations, Birmingham, No. 34, November 1995, pp. 2-3. "Teaching Islam to Christians". La Convivance entre Chretiens et Musulmans dan les Pays Mediterraneens: Colloque CHEAM/PISAI. Rome, September 1994. A variation on this talk was published as "Dialogical Engagment as Vigilant Rememberance (dikr)", Islamochristiana, No. 21, 1995, pp. 23-25.

"The Unitary Qur'anic Hermeneutics of Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr". Islamic Studies, Vol. 31, No. 4, Winter 1992.

"The Radical Qur'anic Hermeneutics of Sayyid Qutb". Islamic Studies, Vol. 31, No. 3, Autumn 1992. The article was also reprinted by Al-Ilm, Durban, South Africa, Vol. 15, 1995.

"On Philosophical Conflicts: The Implications of Assuming that Reality is Ambiguous". The Canadian Graduate Conference in Philosophy, University of Guelph, Guelph, October 1987.

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