Minutes of a Meeting of Warkworth Parish Council 06

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Minutes of a Meeting of Warkworth Parish Council 06


Present: Cllrs. Mr Stuart Elliott, Mr Jeff Watson, Mrs Cate MacKay, Mr Alan Clark, Mr Chris Ward, Mr John Heir, Miss Helen Wilson, Dr. James Cox, Mrs June Watson, Mrs Judith Frisch

1 Apologies for absence: Cllr. Mr Chris Ward.

2 Minutes of last meeting

The Minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed; they have been posted on village notice boards and the web site.

3 Matters Arising

Repair of Black Bridge Cllr Jeff Watson said that it had been hoped to open the bridge for the bank holiday but this had not been possible, however it should open shortly. The approach road to the bridge will be reinstated resulting in a better, wider and stronger road. The costs for the works were more than expected. He said that should a heavy flood wash away the gravel footpath this will be reinstated. An official opening was suggested and Cllr. Watson said that if Simon Rudman of the Highways Dept. agrees this can be arranged. A ribbon cutting ceremony could take place attended by County Council, Parish Council members and others. It was agreed that the Parish Council will supply light refreshments for the event in the Memorial Hall. Fundraising for St. George’s Day Cllr June Watson said that this event, organised by the British Legion had been well attended and had been greatly enjoyed by those attending. A net profit of over £400 was achieved. Donation to Warkworth Memorial Hall The connecting door between the British Legion room and the Library staircase has been completed and work has now commenced on the new toilets. Dial Place Cllr Jeff Watson said he had twice made calls about the potholes in Dial Place but only the small hole has been filled. The work on the grating has not yet been completed. Landscaping at Butts Parking Bays The contractor has now spread the soil, rotavated and seeded the area around the new parking bays. Cllr. Stuart Elliott suggested that there was a need to revisit the area as the degraded area extends beyond Mr Burnett’s house and that spreading gravel as previously agreed may not work. It was suggested that on the Councillor’s annual village walk they meet there and discuss the area and what could be done to prevent cars parking on the grass, even when the bays are empty, leading to further damage to the grass. New seat for Guilden Play Park Cllr Stuart Elliott said he had spoken to Mr Buddle asking him to place an extra seat in the play park.

4 Visit of Mr Richard Robinson, North East Area’s Flood Incident Management Team Leader.

Cllr Stuart Elliott thanked Mr Robinson for attending the meeting and said that it was felt that Warkworth was a forgotten part of the Flood Management Plan and that Mr Robinson had been invited to the meeting to see what can be done in the future. Cllr John Heir gave details of his experience with the flood line, both during the floods of September 08, when no warnings were issued even at the height of the flood, and since that occasion when he has found the Flood Line to contain no information or for the fast-track number to have been changed without informing the general public. He has repeatedly complained to the Agency and attended meetings held by the Environment Agency and had not been contacted by them for a year. Mr Robinson said that every dwelling at risk of flooding should have received a letter from the Agency. Cllr Heir detailed the applications for flood funding in the area, and queried why Warkworth had not been included on an application for funding.

Mr Robinson told the meeting that he was party to the Flood Catchment Management Plan before taking up his present position and gave the meeting details of the network of rain and river level gauges across the region that actively monitor the situation and trigger alarms that in turn activate the flood warnings. He said he was conscious that the warnings in 2008 had arrived after the event and that a flood warning improvement study has since been carried out and had come up with a number of recommended improvements.

Cllr Jeff Watson said he felt Warkworth is totally ignored and there was no mention of Warkworth when he attended public meeting at Morpeth. Mr Robinson replied that the area of flooding in Warkworth has been looked at as far as defence is concerned by the local levy team who do the costing, but that the costs outweigh the benefits and admitted that this should have been communicated to the community. Alternatives have been looked at on the Coquet such as holding pools and land management changes. 1 Direct funding goes to areas most at risk. He agreed to ask the Environment Agency to share details of any flood management plans on the Coquet with the Parish Council but reiterated that no physical works are planned to protect Warkworth

Cllr. Elliott raised the issue of the bund being removed between the caravan park and the dunes to extend the floodplain, but Mr Robinson replied that this would be done for environmental reasons rather than flood management and would make little difference. He gave Information about a website that will be made available to the public that give information gathered from the network of rain and river level gauges. Mr Robinson has agreed to get back to the Council after receiving a copy of the Minutes.

Cllr Helen Wilson queried whether the eroded area near to the railed off car parking on the Stanners was the Environment Agency’s responsibility but was told that river banks are the owners’ responsibility, in this case Northumberland Estates. Thanks were extended to Mr Robinson for attending the meeting.

Useful telephone numbers are: Flood Line 0845 9881188: Fast track 0845 130007. For the Coquet 0845 131601.

5 Correspondence Received. ACTION Mr G Parker, 11 Castle Street. Closure of the footpath to the rear PC no objections but the of Castle street to allow for wall repairs. Responsibility of N. Estates. Northumberland Estates – advice of transfer of Estate Management functions to Earl Percy. File. Notice of special meeting of NALC. Noted. Letters of thanks from Great North Air Ambulance, Warkworth War Memorial Hall, Joan Robinson & British Legion. Requests for donation: Warkworth Cricket Club, Christmas Lights and Friends of Alnmouth Station. Next Agenda. Arriva Bus Update. Letter regarding axing of No. 402 through Shilbottle.

6 Finance: Payments T & H (order for folding tables for British Legion) £376.00 Warkworth & Amble Royal British Legion (balance of donation) £280.00 Clerks salary & expenses £226.80 The Playhouse, Alnwick (donation). £25.00 Receipts Precept from Northumberland County Council £13,700 HM Customs & Excise, VAT return £1,822.90

The Annual return for the year ended 31st March 2010 was presented, agreed and signed. The budget for 2010/11 was circulated, and the current accounts to date.

7 Plans:

Proposed Development: New gateway access to field off 50 Watershaugh Road, Warkworth. (A/2010/0125) Applicant: Mr K Stewart, Kevin Stewart Builders, The Bumbles South Road, Amble.. Council comments: No objections. Proposed Development: Part demolition of existing dwelling to create a new 5 bed dwelling at 3 Station Road, Warkworth. (A/2010/0136) Applicant: Mr I Gourley, 3 Station Road, Warkworth. Council comments: No objections.

8 Date of annual litter pick

It was suggested that if councillors liaised with the PCC and Rotary, more people may join in the annual litter pick. A provisional date of 5th June was set with volunteers meeting at the Memorial Hall. A notice will be put on the Parish board and Neighbourhood Services contacted for equipment etc.

9 Approval of the Lease for the Butts

Cllr. Stuart Elliott said that the annual rental cost would be £25.00 and that the only change to the draft would be to change the address from his to the Clerk’s, as is the usual practice. 2 10 Review of Northumberland Charter for Local Councils

The questionnaire from the NALC has not yet been received.

11 Annual Review of Risk Assessment and Asset Register

The changes to accounting procedures suggested by the internal and external auditors have been added to the Risk Assessment, and those procedures were instituted and have been carried out for several months. No further changes were made and both the risk assessment and asset register were approved for the following year.

12 Any Other Business

Cllr June Watson said that some topsoil that was meant for landscaping around the new parking bays on the Butts had been taken. After the police were involved the soil was returned by the person responsible.

Discussion took place about the possibility of the Parish Council using the newly refurbished British Legion room instead of the Library for its meetings, as it is a larger room and will more easily accommodate visiting members of the public. It was decided to use this room for the June meeting to ascertain whether the room will be suitable.

Cllr Jeff Watson explained that the measuring strips placed on Cemetery Bank were probably linked to the Caravan Park’s request to improve access.

Cllr. John Heir reported that a large tree is now caught across the central span of the old bridge and was told that it was likely that the Environment Agency was responsible for its removal. The Clerk will contact Mr Richard Robinson to ask if the Environment Agency is responsible for its removal and also several dead trees upstream of the bridge.

Cllr Dr. James Cox mentioned the very poor state of the pavements on Woodlands and that a complaint had been received from a wheel chair user. This matter has been raised before with the Highways Agency, but Cllr Jeff Watson said that they have a very small budget for the repair of pavements making it difficult to get any repairs carried out. Cllr Cox suggested that if the new lay-by on Rotary Way gets built next year that perhaps the contractor could carry out some improvements to the Woodlands pavements at the same time.

It was reported that several lights were out on Bridge Street and Station Road area. Cllr Dr James Cox will get the numbers from the lamp posts and call customer services to ask for the lights to be repaired.

Cllr Stuart Elliott, a Warkworth First School governor, explained to the Council that the school has to find 10% of the funding for the two new classrooms presently being built. Although the teachers and PTA have already raised a large amount towards the works, he suggested to the Council that a donation may be appropriate. The Council agreed that if an application is received from the school, together with details of the building costs, that this will be considered at the next meeting.

13 Date and time of next meeting. The next meeting will be the Annual Meeting held on Thursday 3rd June 2010 at 7.00 p.m to be held in the British Legion Room.


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