Community Unit School District #3
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December 12, 2016
1. CALL TO ORDER: The Board of Education of Community Unit School District #3, Fulton County, met in a regular session on December 12, 2016 at the Unit Office. President Sue McCance called the meeting to order at 6:37 P.M.
2. ROLL CALL: Roll call was taken with the following members present: Mrs. Debbie Corsaw, Mrs. Connie Davis, Mrs. Sue McCance, Ms. Dawn Stambaugh, and Mr. Eugene Wallace.
5. COMMUNICATIONS: The Board of Education recognized the Middle School 7th Grade Girls Basketball team for making it to the “Elite Eight” at the State Tournament. The Board thanked the players for their effort, the parents for their support, and the coaches on a job well done. Mr. Kenser included attendance reports for November. Some discussion was held on the number of tardies in certain grade levels. Mr. Wallace brought to attention the “Nets for Vets” for the National Honor Flight program held at the Elementary. The children collected $3,800 which will fund about 8 veterans to Washington D.C. Thanks to Cuba Elementary for a very successful event.
6. PRINCIPALS REPORTS. Ms. Simmons and Mr. Braun highlighted the good things that are happening in their buildings. At Cuba Elementary, the K-2 nd and 5th grades presented a Christmas Program which was very well attended and was a huge success. The PTO held the Fall Festival serving a variety of items from walking tacos to taco salads. It was announced that Jackson Gibboney was chosen as the November Buzzy Bee. The Kindergarten class went to the Clayberg Nursing Home to spread some Christmas cheer. Cuba Elementary participated in the Christmas Parade this year with a float. A few students and staff rode, walked and sang carols. The guest reader was Tracy Snowman. She read her original books about reindeer and discussed her reindeer farm. The students were very engaged and excited about her presentation. Thanks to the efforts of many generous donors we will begin the Bag Buddy program in January. We have enough funding to go through the entire semester. Families will have the opportunity to “Opt out” of the program if they do not wish to be included.
Regular Meeting - December 12, 2016 Page 1 At the Middle-Sr. High School, Renee Mance was chosen as senior of the month for December. The High School Student Council held a canned food drive during the month of November where they raised over $650 and collected three truckloads of canned goods which were delivered to the local food pantry. On November 15 th, 9th grader Ethan Zimmerman travelled to Peoria and played with the Bradley Honor Band. Football All-Conference Award winners were: 1st Team Offense – Scott Marlow; 2nd Team Offense - Cody Maxwell, Ben Johnson; Special Mention Offense – Chris Utsinger; 1st Team Defense – Ben Johnson; 2nd Team Defense – Logan McCallister, Scott Marlow; Special Mention Defense – Ian Noe; and, 1st Team Special Teams- Logan McCallister. The High School Drama Club put on their show “Game of “on December 10th and 11th. The 15 students making up the cast and crew also played multiple parts in the production.
7. MINUTES: Approved under Consent Agenda.
8. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION by Mr. Wallace, seconded by Ms. Stambaugh to approve the agenda as presented. All members present voted “Yea”. Motion carried.
9. FINANCIAL REPORTS: Approved under Consent Agenda.
10. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT: Under his superintendent's report, Mr. Kenser reviewed several items happening in the school district including attending the Triple I Convention in Chicago and a Vision 20/20 video. Mr. Wallace talked about 3D Technology they were introduced to at Triple I Conference. Mrs. Davis also talked about continued education for staff members and the need for continued education for Board members. She explained what Board members do at Triple I Conference and commended Sue McCance for her 10 years of service as District Director of the Western Division. She acknowledged the efforts and time Sue puts in. Mrs. Davis attended several “panels” at Triple I and explained each one. She challenged the Board to get a “better view” of our district. Mrs. Davis suggested a community engagement program, starting with a survey, and then have meetings of Board with community members to help improve our district. Mr. Braun and Ms. Simmons shared their sessions at Triple I. Mr. Kenser discussed school safety and a shooter drill coming up. He also reported that we had received two FOIA requests and had complied with both requests. Lastly, Mr. Kenser reported on the State Budget and that the district may have cash flow problem in the spring. He disclosed that the state owes the district $193,000 and, because of this, $50,000 needs to be transferred from the education fund to the transportation fund.
11. EXECUTIVE SESSION: MOTION by Ms. Stambaugh, seconded by Mr. Wallace to enter closed session at 8:19 P.M. to consider information regarding appointment, employment, or dismissal of an employee or officer, collective negotiating matters between a public employer and their employees and/or their representatives, evaluation of personnel, acquisition of property, to discuss individual students and/or to discuss possible
Regular Meeting - December 12, 2016 Page 2 litigation. Roll call: “Yeas”: Ms. Stambaugh, Mr. Wallace, Mrs. Corsaw, Mrs. Davis, and Mrs. McCance. Motion carried.
MOTION by Mrs. Davis, seconded by Ms. Stambaugh to go out of closed session at 9:38 P.M. Roll call: “Yeas”: Mr. Wallace, Mrs. Corsaw, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. McCance, and Ms. Stambaugh. Motion carried.
12. CONSENT AGENDA: MOTION by Mrs. Davis, seconded by Ms. Stambaugh to remove Item 14.2 Approval of the adoption of the resolution and certificate for the 2016 Tax Levy; and Item 14.4 Approval of the resolution to abate $30,000 of the facilities occupation tax receipts from the consent agenda. All members present voted “yea”. Motion carried. A special meeting to address 14.2 and 14.4 Items was set for December 19 @ 6:00 P.M. at the District Office. MOTION by Mr. Wallace, seconded by Ms. Stambaugh to approve the consent agenda as presented: Items approved were: minutes of the November 14, 2016, regular and closed session meetings; District Cash Balance Report $50,565.46, (November); High School Activity Account, $95,973.20 (November) and C.D. Account, $23,423.64 (November); Cuba Elementary Activity Account, $10,517.50 (November), and Tom Wat Account, $24,405.15 (November); Payroll for November, $311,809.05; and December vendor bills, $68,739.76 and an intrafund loan of $50,000 from education fund to transportation fund. Roll call: "Yeas": Ms. Stambaugh, Mr. Wallace, Mrs. Corsaw, Mrs. Davis, and Mrs. McCance. Motion carried.
14. NEW BUSINESS: 14.1 Personnel
14.1b Employment – HS Scholastic Bowl. MOTION was made by Mrs. Corsaw, seconded by Mr. Wallace, to employ Julie Thompson-Vass as scholastic bowl coach for the 2016-17 school year. Roll call: “Yeas”: Mrs. Davis, Mrs. McCance, Ms. Stambaugh, Mr. Wallace, and Mrs. Corsaw. Motion carried.
14.1c Approval – HS Track Volunteer. MOTION was made by Mrs. Davis, seconded by Mrs. Corsaw to approve Paul Bailey as HS Track volunteer for the 2016-17 school year. Roll call: “Yeas”: Mrs. McCance, Ms. Stambaugh, Mr. Wallace, Mrs. Corsaw, and Mrs. Davis. Motion carried.
14.2 Resolution and Certificate for 2016 Tax Levy. Mr. Kenser explained the Tax Levy and gave his recommendation to be approved at the December 19th meeting.
14.4 Abatement. Mr. Kenser recommends the abatement of $30,000 of the Tax Levy and will be voted on at the December 19th meeting as well.
Regular Meeting - December 12, 2016 Page 3 15. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Kenser announced the Ed/Finance committee will meet in January to review 6 month closed session minutes and next set of board policies. The meeting is tentatively set for January 11, 2017 at 3:15 P.M. at the district office.
16. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Ms. Stambaugh, seconded by Mrs. Corsaw to adjourn the meeting at 9:56 P.M. All members present voted yea. Motion carried.
Sue McCance, Board President Connie Davis, Board Secretary Sue McCance, Board President John Vigna, Board Secretary
Regular Meeting - December 12, 2016 Page 4