Word and Definition
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Vocabulary Words 2nd Six Weeks—Quiz Friday, October 21st Word and Definition Example in a Sentence Abrogate: to abolish by formal or official Free parking passes abrogate the intent of the law to enforce the no parking zone for the street. means; cancel; deny; repeal Absolution: the act of setting free from Wracked with grief and remorse, Julian traveled to Rome seeking absolution. obligation or consequence of guilt; pardon Blasphemy: speech which offend religious He also had committed blasphemy by threatening the uniqueness of God's presence. sentiments (attitudes) Blatant: obvious Despite a pretty blatant title, the film is not constituted entirely by large amounts of violence. Comrade: an intimate friend or associate Austin was killed on his third trip in advance of the front lines to rescue his wounded comrades. Credible: offering reasonable grounds for The new tax law would be an extraordinary proposal in normal times; in today's context, it is barely being believed; believable credible. Enigma: something obscure or hard to Much research is still to be done to resolve the enigma of learning styles. understand; puzzle; mystery Ensconce: to settle securely; establish firmly Katie was safely ensconced in her hotel talking about the Scottish culture and eating fine food when the in a position blizzard blew into Glasgow. Harbinger: one that announces or Sally believes that Saturday night's misfortune is the harbinger of things to come. foreshadows what is coming Hasten: to move or act quickly; hurry For the ease of your mind I hasten to tell you why. Labyrinth: a place constructed or filled We will explore the rich labyrinth of waterways in the Florida Everglades which will afford us with confusing passageways; a maze excellent wildlife viewing. Laceration: a torn or ragged wound; a cut Sue ran over some broken glass which caused a deep laceration on the bottom of her foot. Nullify: to declare or make legally invalid or We need to nullify that contract to make sure that the correct party is awarded the money. void Nuzzle: to press closely or affectionately; My dog Lily tries to chew my hand off one minute and then nuzzle up to me to the next! cuddle; snuggle Obdurate: stubbornly resistant Although he was recently released from prison, the convict still had the obdurate conscience of an old sinner. Plaintiff: the complaining party in a lawsuit The basis of the claim was that the power had been exercised to induce the plaintiff to confess. Plaudit: act of applause; statement giving Jamie Oliver deserves some plaudits for using his celebrity status to good promote good eating habits. strong praise Plausible: seemly worthy of belief; I am indeed grateful to Donald for clarifying matters for me with an explanation that appears plausible. reasonable MORE WORDS ON THE BACK Replete: fully provided Jonathan gave a speech replete with sentimentality which persuaded the voters to elect him. Reprehensible: deserving blame or censure The antics of the committee were so reprehensible from all sides of the argument that the witnesses were genuinely shocked. Reprieve: to delay the punishment or The inmate on death row did not receive a last minute reprieve from the governor. Vocabulary Words 2nd Six Weeks—Quiz Friday, October 21st execution Sect: a group adhering to a distinctive The police conducted a mass round-up of all members of non-conformist sects. doctrine or a leader Tangible: substantially real; can be touched Nowhere in the world is ancient history so visible, so tangible, and so dramatic as in Egypt. Tardy: delayed beyond the expected or AHS changed the tardy procedures at the beginning of the school year. proper time; late Tawdry: cheap and gaudy in appearance Karen’s tawdry taste in clothing is an embarrassment to her boyfriend Tom. and quality
The following words will be on The Canterbury Tales unit test on Wednesday, October 26th/Thursday, October 27th and not on the vocabulary quiz. Avarice: excessive desire for wealth; greed Extreme avarice can be seen when people must always have the most expensive items to represent themselves. Benign: of a gentle disposition; showing kindness Most nurses have a benign personality that puts their patients at ease. Bequeath: to leave by will; to hand down The king would often bequeath all of his fortune to his oldest son. Coy: bashful; shy; playfulness The coy lady was too quite to flirt with the young men. Daunt: to lessen the courage of Students often feel daunted when they are forced to face a challenge for the first time.