STEP Project - AMS Cookbook

STEP Project - AMS Cookbook

2018/5/3 Strategic Tactical Enterprise Processes Page 1 STEP UP TO SUCCESS STEP Project - AMS Cookbook

Document Control Change Record

Date Author Version Change Reference 08-Mar-2017 Sai Kiran V Draft Initial Document


Name Position Signature


Name Position Signature

2018/5/3 Strategic Tactical Enterprise Processes Page 2 STEP UP TO SUCCESS STEP Project - AMS Cookbook


Document Control...... 2 Change Record...... 2 Approvers...... 2 Reviewers...... 2

Purpose...... 4

Common issues and Solutions...... 5 Issue: PO Workflow Issue...... 5

2018/5/3 Strategic Tactical Enterprise Processes Page 3 STEP UP TO SUCCESS STEP Project - AMS Cookbook

Purpose This document will be used to document recurring production issues and the corresponding solutions. The new project team members can use this document to understand the common production issues and provide the solution quickly.

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Common issues and Solutions Issue: PO Workflow Issue

Problem: PO Workflow Issue, Workflow encounters the error in Reject Doc Activity. Using below script we can reset PO to Incomplete, Once the PO is reset it will be either in “Incomplete” or “Requires Re-approval” status. Then resubmit the PO for re-approval after being reset Example and Error Messages: Please see below screen shot.

1. PO#77000004593 from 2/15-In Process Error Stack Wf_Engine_Util.Function_Call(PO_REQAPPROVAL_ACTION.REJECT_DOC, POAPPRV, 74630- 188805, 285457, RUN) --po.plsql.PO_DOCUMENT_ACTION_PVT.do_action:16:failed to lock document after 1000 tries Reject doc error Why this is launched twice, second time also approver rejected this PO.

CAUSE : 2018/5/3 Strategic Tactical Enterprise Processes Page 5 STEP UP TO SUCCESS STEP Project - AMS Cookbook

When approving the notification, the approver clicks on link 'Open Document' which opens the document. Upon modifying the purchase order details in the form the status of the form changes from QUERY to CHANGED and as a result the PO tables will be locked. When the approver does not exit the PO Entry form, but tries at the same time to approve the purchase order through the notification, the PO tables are still locked and as a result the locking error is thrown.

SOLUTION: 1> This information we should share with P2P User/Approvers. 2> Suppose If it is not possible to prevent approvers from updating details whenever accessing the PO Entry form. the following workaround can be performed: Work Around: Run and use the reset script poxrespo.sql detailed on the following note to reset the standard PO as per the steps provided below. : First run this query to obtain the parameters: SELECT segment1 PO_NUMBER, po_header_id, type_lookup_code, org_id FROM po_headers_all WHERE Segment1 = '&PO_NUMBER'; Note: If the type_lookup_code is not STANDARD then please advise support Note: If more than one row is returned then that means you have more than one document with the same number across operating units, this can happen with multiorg. If this is the case then please advise support Then Reset the PO approval status Here are the steps to run the reset script a. Open a SQLPLUS session Start spooling a file for reference SQL>spool reset_log.txt b. Now run the reset script poxrespo.sql mentioned above (ref Note 390023.1) The script will be available in the $PO_TOP/sql directory. @poxrespo.sql c. You will be prompted for po_number: d. You will then be prompted for org_id: e. You will be prompted for the action history: Do you want to delete the action history since the last approval ? (Y/N) &delete_act_hist' Support recommends that you retain the action history: respond to the prompt and enter 'N' f. Watch the script run, if no errors occur as the script completes, please enter a commit command SQL>commit; If errors occur enter a rollback (if you do this please upload the spooled file to MetaLink) SQL>rollback; g. After the commit the PO will be in Incomplete Status (possible it could go to Requires Reapproval, and that would be ok). h. Stop spooling SQL>spool off i. Then resubmit the above PO for approval

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