RCR-CTRad Academic Workshop Friday 6 May 2016 The IET, Austin Court, Birmingham

13:30 Registration and coffee

14:00 Welcome and aims of meeting

14:10 How to arrange a period of out of programme (OOP) research Mr Chris Murley, Training Manager, The Royal College of Radiologists, London

14:25 How to be successful in research grant applications Dr Geoff Higgins, CRUK/MRC Oxford Institute for Radiation Oncology

14:50 Role of the Clinical Trials Unit (CTU) Dr Sarah Bowden, Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Unit, Birmingham

15:15 Coffee

15:30 Tips to writing a thesis Dr Yuk Ting Ma, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust

15:50 Support available - mentoring schemes TBC

16:05 How to incorporate research into a new consultant job plan Dr Ananya Choudhury, The Christie Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester 16:30 Open question and answer session

16:45 Conclusion – way forward

17:00 Meeting close

This workshop is kindly supported by: RCR-CTRad Academic Workshop Friday 6 May 2016 The IET, Austin Court, Birmingham

This event is free to attend. To register your place please complete the information below and return to: The Professional Learning and Development Office, The Royal College of Radiologists, 63 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3JW or [email protected].

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- Data Protection Act. Your name and hospital will be included on the list of participants, which will be issued to delegates, speakers, sponsoring companies and other interested parties.

For any further information please contact the Professional Learning and Development team on 020 7406 5942 or [email protected].