Example partner agreement for the delivery of school-to-school support

This is an agreement between XXXX Teaching School Alliance (TSA) and XXXX for the delivery of school-to-school support for 4.5 days (one day is 6 hours).

The work will be reviewed and quality assured by a quality assurance partner on completion. XXXX TSA partners are entrusted to carry out work promptly and efficiently, exercising due care.

Confidentiality XXXX TSA partners:  acknowledge that any confidential information obtained from any source is the property of the client.

 shall not disclose any confidential information to a third party without prior consent

 who consider that procedures or practice exist which are detrimental to the wellbeing of children or staff in the school must report this to the Headteacher of the school being supported and/or XXXX TSA

 will inform XXXX TSA immediately if any conflict of interest arises

 will work to the spirit of the XXXX TSA Code of Conduct

Data Protection XXX TSA undertakes to comply with all statutory requirements for the time being in force in relation to this agreement and the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA)

Payment The daily rate for the work to be undertaken is £XXX. This rate includes expenses. On completion of the work agreed, an invoice is to be submitted to XXXX TSA and payment will be made within 30 days.

XXXX TSA partners will lead the delivery of the work and are responsible for ensuring its completion. The Director of the Teaching School Alliance has overall management responsibility and will deal with any enquiries. Partners are expected to inform the Director of any concerns or issues which may arise.

The agreement is effective from INSERT DATE and will end on completion of the contracted work.