Electoral Matters Working Party
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20 NOVEMBER 2013
Meeting commenced: 1:30 pm
Meeting ended: 2:20 pm
PRESENT: Councillor Lancaster – in the chair Councillors E. Burgoyne, V. Burgoyne, Clarkson, Critchley, Dawson, Dennett, R. Garrido, Humphries, Hunt, Jones, McIntyre, J. Mullen, M. Mullen, Ord, Turner, P. Wheeler and P. Wilson
OFFICERS: Neil Watts (Principal Democratic Services Advisor (Elections))
Ben Dolan (Returning Officer/Electoral Registration Officer)
An apology for absence was submitted on behalf of Councillor Balkind
The minutes of the meeting held on 18 September, 2013 were approved as a correct record.
Neil Watts presented a report which provided details of the responses to the recent compulsory Polling District/Places Review.
1 RESOLVED: (1) That the following actions be taken in respect of the Polling Places referred to:-
Polling District Ward Current Polling Action Place
AF Cadishead Irlam and Cadishead That, due to the Youth Centre closure of the current Polling Place, Fit City Irlam be used as the new Polling Place
BA & BD Irlam Irlam Community Irlam Community Centre Centre is not now to be closed but will be operated by a non- Council organisation. It has been confirmed that the Council will be able to continue to use the building.
EF Eccles City West Eccles Ward Councillors Area Office, Regent have agreed to the Street, Eccles use of a temporary cabin on the car park at The Lamb Public House for the May 2014 elections. For the 2015 elections, the Polling Place will revert back to the Community Room, College Croft Flats, Eccles.
JC Walkden South Walkden High It was not possible School, Old Clough to use the former Lane Walkden High School site or the currently vacant shop premises at Rydal Crescent. An
2 Polling District Ward Current Polling Action Place
alternative Polling Place will be sought in consultation with the Ward Councillors.
JD Walkden South Temporary Building, Parr Fold Park Junction of Edge Fold Pavilion was not a Road/Broadway suitable alternative due to the poor lighting in the park. Consideration will be given to the use of a mobile polling place or the nearby Walkden Sixth Form Centre.
MC Boothstown & Temporary Building, That further Ellenbrook Ellenbrook Primary discussions take School, Longwall place with the Head Avenue teacher to establish whether the old main hall or the staff room within the school could be used as a Polling Station. If this option is not possible, then The Boundary Stone Public House be used (ensuring that there is a separate entrance to the Polling Station which avoids the main bar area).
ME Boothstown & Bridgewater Ward Councillors Ellenbrook Park/Boothstown confirmed the Junior Football Club, continued suitability Amberhill Way of Boothstown Football Club as a Polling Place with good access and parking. The Polling
3 Polling District Ward Current Polling Action Place
Place was well known to residents in the area and a map will be attached again to Poll cards for the 2014 elections. No concerns had been expressed by electors other then the one member of the public who had submitted a response to the review.
NA & NB Kersal Lower Kersal Further Primary School, St consideration be Aidan’s Grove given to the use of the Foyer area at Salford Sports Village which is felt to be large enough for a double-station.
OD Broughton The Cliff Training That discussions Ground, Lower take place with the Broughton Road Ward Councillors to split the Polling District into 2 areas and to confirm the Polling Places in each area.
NA,NB,NC, NE & Kersal and Lower Kersal That no action be OF Broughton Primary School, St taken in respect of Aidan’s Grove (NA & these Polling Places NB) which are of a suitable size and St Paul’s Primary have good School, Neville Road accessibility. (NC)
Bethel Church, Hamilton Hall, Tetlow Lane (NE)
4 Polling District Ward Current Polling Action Place
Marlborough Road Primary School (OF)
OC, PB & RF Broughton, Community House, That no action be Ordsall and Irwell 89 Heath Avenue taken in respect of Riverside (OC) these Polling Places.
Islington Community Centre, Canon Hussey Court (PB)
Youth Offending Services, ST. Simon Street
LD Little Hulton Peel Park Pavilion, The Polling Place is Ram Street M38 9EG outside the Polling District boundary. Consideration to be given to the use of the Library.
(2) That the following actions be taken in respect of the Polling Districts referred to:-
Polling District Ward Action
JB Walkden South Amend the Polling District boundary so that it runs along the back of the properties on Walkden Road so that both the odd and even number properties on Walkden Road vote at The Guild Hall Polling Place.
JC & JG |Walkden South Amend the Polling District boundary so that 184-196 Walkden Road are moved from the JC Polling District to the JG Polling District, In effect, extending the eastern boundary of the JG Polling District along the loopline to the intersection with Walkden Road
MC & MD Boothstown & Amend the boundary between the Polling Ellenbrook Districts so that it runs along Newearth
5 Road.
(3) That a response be sent to ‘One Voice’ requesting details of any specific Polling Places where there may be access issues for disabled persons.
Neil Watts presented a report providing details of the number and location of the temporary Polling Stations used in the City. It was stated that work had taken place in the past 18 months to reduce the number of temporary stations as they are expensive to provide. However, it was difficult to replace the majority of the temporary Polling Stations due to the lack of any permanent alternative.
RESOLVED: That , taking into account the actions to be taken arising from the Polling District/Places Review (see Minute 4 above), the report be noted.
Neil Watts presented a report providing details of a recent Electoral Commission Consultation paper seeking the views of interested parties in respect of the process for standing for election.
RESOLVED: That the Labour and Conservative Groups be requested to provide comments on the consultation paper, to be shared between the 2 Groups prior to provision to the Electoral Commission by the deadline of 18 December 2013.
RESOLVED: That the next meeting of the Committee be held on Wednesday 15 January 2014 at 1:30pm.