Word Study Words:

1. Deceive

2. Deterioration

3. Absurd

4. Introspective

5. Neurosurgeon

6. Naiveté

7. Sensation

8. Tangible

9. Proportional

10. Intellectual

11. Refute

12. Opportunist

13. Specialization

14. Impair

15. Psychological What you need to write for the word study activity:

1. The word

2. The sentence that the word is in. The sentence should come from the short story “Flowers For Algernon”

3. What you think the word means from using context clues from the sentence in which the word is used in

4. A synonym of the word (use a Thesaurus)

5. A antonym of the word (use a Thesaurus)

6. The syllable of the word (use word study one as an example; the sound-it-out activity we did in class).

7. A dictionary definition You must complete all of these steps to complete each word 