Notice of Meeting of CIE Australia

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Notice of Meeting of CIE Australia

CIE Australia Registered as CIE Australia Inc. Associations Registration No: A0022976Z ABN: 32301390692 formerly the Australian National Committee on Illumination member of the International Commission on Illumination

Minutes of the 66th Annual General Meeting of CIE Australia

held on

Monday 26th May 2014 at 4:00 p.m. with attendees via Webex and Audioconference

1. Present: Steve Jenkins (Chairman), Tony Bergen, Andre Tammes, Kevin Monaghan, Steve Coyne, Peter McGinley, Ian Cowling, Paul McMullen Wanted to be present but couldn’t: Jim Gardner, Warren Julian

2. Apologies: Urbain du Plessis, Derrick Kendrick, Mary Ryan

3. Minutes of last meeting: Tony Bergen read the minutes. Motion to accept Minutes: Moved Tony Bergen / Seconded Andre Tammes - Passed

4. Business arising from the Minutes: Nil

5. Election of Vice-President: Chairman announced that Andre Tammes had to resign the position of Vice-President due to work commitments. Kevin Monaghan agreed to take on the role. There being no other nominations, so KM elected unopposed.

6. Chairman’s report: 0n the Website. The Chairman reported on Australian representation at TC meetings and at the CIE general meeting in KL

The Chairman also reported on the annual amount that we need to contribute to our dues once Standards Australia have made their contribution – of the order of $3,000. Individual membership fees had been increased to $75 for 2014. Invoices were supposed to have been issued to all members but only a few members indicated that they had received them for the coming year. The President indicated that he would take the matter up with the Treasurer.

The Chairman finished his report by saying that the key to improving the activities of the CIE in Australia was the web-site, and encouraged members to use it more. 7. Treasurer’s Report: Available on the Website. The Treasurer reported on the year from January 1st to December 31st 2013. The main notes from the report included:

i) Income from membership of the order of $1575

ii) we received $1120 from publication sales

iii) and about 2730 Euros from Standards (not sure about this item?) Paypal was used by 11 members to pay their subscriptions

Andre Tammes expressed concern that we were continuing to go backwards financially. The Chairman responded by saying that we were looking at breaking even in 2014 (or maybe a small loss) with the increase in membership fees, but that we did need to generate more income.

It was suggested that activities in the UNESCO International Year of Light in 2015 could be used to bring in more money (a one-off situation)

In response to a question from Andre Tammes, the Chairman reported the quadrennial session meeting held in Melbourne in 1991 had generated surplus funds of about $40,000 for the CIE Aust, and that since then, this asset had been reduced to about $20,000.

It was pointed out that we had only a small number of sustaining members. Sustaining members pay $500 per year membership fees, and it was resolved to target about 20 to 30 relevant companies to become sustaining members. We would need to clearly articulate the benefits of membership of the CIE and be prepared to spend some money to promote this.

RESOLVED: a subcommittee be set up comprising Kevin Monaghan, Andre Tammes and Tony Bergen to identify and target new sustaining members.

It was moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Peter McGinley / Seconded Steve Coyne – Passed

8. Publication Officer’s report: Tony Bergen reported.

There had been no list of who had purchased publications using the code and getting a discount in 2013 (This is usually made available).. It was pointed out that we do not have a Publications Officer. There was a list of people who had purchased CIE publications without using the code, and some were members, who presumably didn’t know they could get a discount. We need to communicate better to our members how to get the discount that they are entitled to.

The Chairman pointed out that the receipt issued for payment of membership fees included information about the discount and the code for Australian members to use to obtain the discount. 9. Membership and Membership Fees: This item was covered in the Treasurer’s Report- no further business on this item

10. Report from Web-master: Report can be viewed on the website.

The website continues to receive about 3 hits per day and about 50% only see the home page

Most popular pages visited are the publications available, “what’s on” in the CIE, and membership information.

The success of holding the AGM as a web-based meeting was discussed and Andre stated that there should be an occasional face-to-face AGM so we could remember what we all looked like. He suggested that every third AGM should be face-to-face, and that this should be considered for 2015, which would correspond with the election of the President.

11. Report from Division representatives Division 1: Peter McGinley reported that CIE central were not aware that the Div 1 rep was Wendy Davis. The Chairman resolved to email CIE Central to inform them of Wendy’s role. Division 2: - report available on website – There had been 2 meetings in the last 12 months, including a workshop on uncertainties in photometry – attended by Jim G and Tony B, and both gave presentations. Several TCs are nearing completion and TC2-71 is dealing with the important issue of photometry of SSLs. Electrical characteristics of SSL devices is very complex. Tony Bergen reminded the meeting of a workshop and technical meetings which will be held in Vienna in September.

Division 3 – no report was presented

Division 4 – report available on the website. Most important issues were roadway lighting and applying mesopic photometry. The Chairman indicated that adaption was most commonly set by the roadway, not the lighting, and that not enough attention was being paid to reflectivity of road surfaces – there was a need to categorise surfaces.

Division 5 – Report available on the website – There are 9 technical committees working, and the obtrusive lighting publication was soon to be released in draft format. for comment

12. Any Other Business i) The new CIE logo was on the web-site for members to see

ii) The UNESCO International year of Light was a significant opportunity to promote lighting and the CIE in Australia it was proposed that the CIE should approach the Lighting Council, IES, IALD to discuss how we could all work together to get the message out. One idea was to have a Global Open Laboratory Day, and invite photometric Labs to open their doors to the public It was resolved that the Chairman would write to the above organisations and suggest a collaborative approach to activities in this Year of Light. It was suggested that David Boughey in Canberra be included in the circulation list

iii) Divisions 2, 4 and 5 will hold their annual meeting s in Melbourne in 2016, and it is proposed that a conference be run in conjunction with this. While September was suggested, the unlikely attendance by people from the northern hemisphere at that time was a problem, and it was felt that March 2016 might be better, possibly coinciding with the annual Light Festival in Melbourne

It was resolved that Tony Bergen and Steve Jenkins would start the organisation of this event, and enlist the help of other Melbournians. The Chairman indicated that he had already held talks with an Event Organising Company and that this approach should be seriously considered. It was suggested that the theme of the conference should be Lighting Quality and Energy Efficiency Ian Cowling, Steve Coyne and Andre Tammes all agreed to work on the sub- committee for this meetings / conference

iv) Steve Coyne pointed out that the access code for obtaining publications was not on the receipt for membership payments issued through Paypal. The Chairman was to look into this.

v) Tony Bergen advised that he had recently received an email from Central CIE announcing that the CIE had been accepted into the International Council of Scientific Unions and that this was considered a recognition of the status of the CIE, although how this worked was not exactly clear to the meeting. The information was to be placed on the Website.

vi) It was also reported that there was to be a new General Secretary of the CIE. Martina Paul is to remain until early 2015, but the new GS would be in place by the time of the next Quad session in Manchester in 2015.

The Chairman thanked members for their attendance and closed the meeting at 17:35 EST.

Ian Cowling Secretary

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