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Clayton College & State University

to job search preparations. The official writing and oral presentation assessments for B.B.A. forB.B.A. writing presentationassessments and oral official job The search preparations. to related requires activities speaking “lab” ofwriting by students and components and significant contains The communications. course and relatedexternal communications interactive organizations, including within 3120focusescommunicationprocess study ofthe MGMT onthe Description:Course Note: no There make-upNOTE: of registrationis missed dueto assignments begins. after class 01.10.16-1 01.10.16-1 LetterMagic Cover 0071406734 to Hired Get2500 Keywords You 0071385527 Resumes Yourself to Sell 101 Best Assignment: forLab Job Supplemental Resources same however, retailers; orat be foundonline may other also and content, Used NOTE: cover soft 2013, 2014,or2015). CommunicationAdministrative textbookThe required the first class.) will (Textbook beneededfor Materials: Required Course Prerequisites: scheduled. course materials of A number in thislarge arecourse. administered students This helps sortedThis to helps keep and bymy ina classes resultsresponse quickersection you.


Except inan Except emergency, should should edition printed for MGMT 3120, and is available at thebookstore.) CSU at printed3120,and isavailable forMGMT edition (ANY Edition OK.) (ANY Edition (ANY edition OK.) (ANY edition hard-copy Admission to the College of Business; ENG 1102. the ENG ofBusiness; College Admission to will be posted to GaView (D2L). GaView be posted to will not MGMT 3120 Managerial CommunicationMGMT 3120Managerial

(This course(This ina is taught hybridformat. Seeschedule for specific (Wendy Enelow bepurchased CSU Office: Tel Office: ( CSU CRN 20986-Section 20986-Section 90 CRN CRN 20988-Section 91 CRN 20988-Section CRN 20911-Section 92 CRN 20911-Section ISBN versions of the ofthe versions is LCS COLT (Clayton State University) MGMT isLCS COLTUniversity) 3120: (ClaytonState #:

please theclass use courseGaView email (D2L) Course SyllabusCourse 9780077777-86-7 or College of Business / Room T-267 / Room ofBusiness College by Kitty O. Locker and Donna Kienzler, Kienzler, Donna Locker O. byand Kitty Home Office: Tel (770)420-2011 Tel Home Office: (Add-DropEnds


Clayton StateClayton University

(Jay Block) (Jay

(JayA. Block)

. class meetingdates times.)class and

) Mr. E. Dulaney Ronald

ISBN is9781593577352(ANY edition OK.) College ofBusinessCollege 678) 466-4547 10 th edition MW 12:45 MW 12:45 p.m. to T1522:00

p.m.to3:25p.m. inT212 MW 2:10 p.m.to7:45p.m. inT101 MW 6:30

ISBN January 14, 2016 January

ISBN It is important that they be viewed as as they that be viewed It isimportant Spring 2016 Spring (ISBN 978-0-07-340318-2) are identical in in 978-0-07-340318-2)are identical (ISBN -10: 0071406735; -10: ISBN

/ Fax( / -10: 0071385525; -10: : 978-0-077777-86-9 (This is a special isa special 978-0-077777-86-9 (This “lectures” 678) 466-4599 )

earlier editions earlier editions covering the text and text the covering ISBN 10 . ISBN th -13: 978- -13: Edition -13: 978- -13: Business and Business 1 of are not theare not (2012, 17

Page7 Outcome #2:Outcome d. usingprocessa to plan, revise, compose, andedit message.a makingwriting c. to read, easy b. adaptingthe to message the audience, building a. goodwill, communication: comprehend,Know, andapply four of principles effective business #1:Outcome Upon ofthecourse,students shouldto: completion beable Learning Outcomes:Course See academic program. student’s forthe requirements hardware and software faculty-approved meets that computer laptop PowerPoint (D2L),Microsoft Word ofGaView 3120requiresuse extensive MGMT Competencies: Required Computer requiredcourses. coreandmajor your from notes, class handouts,andPowerPointfiles materials,as materialsandtext such course retain Exit Exam: Senior Series Success Tips Writing Writing and Resource: Supplemental Grammar 01.10.16-1 01.10.16-1 performance five elements defined byas grading the rubric. oral persuasive presentation using PowerPoint oral Demonstrate presentationskills by preparingand delivering a #3:Outcome bythe grading rubric. purpose andmeets the sevencriteria for effective writing defined as and grammaticallyconcise, memo that accomplishes correct given a written Demonstrate communication skillsbywriting clear, a ® . Each CSU student is required to have ready access throughout the semester to a throughoutsemester the ready access studentto have CSU isrequired . Each To assist you in preparing for senior exit exams, youstrongly are to assistexams, urged To exit preparingforsenior you in : Available from the Center for Academic Success charge. without from forAcademic the Center : Available

® ® that meets criteria in for full details ofthis details policy. forfull ® , and Microsoft , and Multiple Choice, MultipleChoice, T/F, Web-based Exam: Assessment Method grading grading rubric. presentation,using a Instructorevaluates instructor. studentsof and tosetting an audience room conference Oral presentation in a appropriatememo. situation andwrite an addresscorrectly the to case develop and assignment,using a TimedwritingA Questions Short Answer 2 of 17


requirement. Re-taking and passing the Assessment is expected Assessment andthe isexpected Re-taking passing requirement. ofBusiness College writing student. the assessmentisa steps”with Passing the “next discuss will instructor oftheassessment, the secondwriting administration student the not does pass If a assessment a secondwriting administer paper, and student’s previous workComFitreview the the the student, in discuss done with will instructor drills, an practice prescribed and completingComFit’s diagnostics the After mechanics. writing Center (ComFit) Learning FitnessOnline Communication assessmentmust in writing enroll the Business pass whoofficialof College to the fail Students 3120. in MGMT writing assessment isadministered The official 4. 3. 2. 1. to: students’ abilities enhance coursewill outcomes, to this the course primary In addition 01.10.16-1 01.10.16-1 classprimary lectures. audio/PowerPoint oractivity. assignment individual will foreach be provided criteria grading objectives, learning specific the achieve To and Requirements Course Expectations: HUB@ contactthe help, For (D2L)Log-In GaView page. the on hyperlink / onthe isproperly forGaView D2L,click makeconfigured yourTo sure computer students that isessential Therefore, it (D2L) site. courseGaView through bethe 3120,includinge-mail,handled will MGMT GaView administered though partially (D2L coursewill be This GaView(D2L) Administration: Course taken Writing Business was the inof Assessment College semester which first following the semester internship posting, produce a targeted resume and cover letter that meets specified criteria. criteria. specified meets letterthat resume and cover produce a targeted posting, internship ona job or job, and based “ideal” assessment, their planning identify a career Complete PowerPoint and boards, based discussion Web- (e.g., incontext e-mail, a business appropriately technology basic communication Use and presentations. produce bothdocuments diversewritten to team in a collaboratively groupdynamics processes understanding and by working ofteam an Demonstrate situation. given communication context/situation)fora and objections, benefits, analysis information, aaudience, PAIBOC/S (purpose, by critically completing Think .

® to diagnose and work ontheir and work to diagnose presentations on the class GaView (D2L) home page. (D2L)home classGaView onthe presentations It is very important to your success in the class that you view the you view class that the to in yourIt the success isvery important access GaView (D2L) on a daily basis. GaViewadaily access (D2L)on before the end of the next fullbefore the endofthe semester

® ). According Journal to According the Wall Street . . . . Top Five Skills Employers FiveSeekTop Skills 4. 3. 2. 1. 5.

skills / problem-solving Analytical work in teams to well Ability skillsInterpersonal skillsCommunication Computer skillsComputer ). Primary communicationfor ). Primary before the end of the next full full next end ofbefore the the These AREthe These .

3 of



Collaborative Teams Collaborative afterdeadline. the available be submissions aremidnight by Quiz due Sunday on book” and timed. quizzesbe “open will (D2L).The GaView through administered willbygraded quizzes be assessed and audio lectures assignments reading onthe weekly based and principles Knowledge ofclasses. concepts ofa number beginning the due at exercises are Pre-classpractice exercises. completion ofpractice and lectures, to audio/PowerPoint from the listening text, assignments reading study includes Independent Learning Self-Directed 30points. by calculationspoints total the final missed absence,eachgrade unexcusedreduce meeting class will After thefirst classroom gained activities. ofresponsibilityfrom theforknowledge student relieve discussions. donot copyAbsences isto beforteam used grade. Another ofthe participation part ofthe beginning classas instructor the to the at isdue assigned pre-class exercise copy ofthe A and exercises required the readings complete points. calculations grade subsequentpoints letter 15 by reduce thefinal “tardy,” each tardywill the experience. learning to be essential will participation and active attendance class punctual Regular, experiential. emphasis onthe and lecturebased,with experiential, both will delivery be The PowerPoints,and pre-class exercises. voice-over readings, on sessionsfocus Class will MeetingsActivities and Classroom 01.10.16-1 01.10.16-1 accepted. not beand paperlate, will will class,the to late Remember, a line! will be willworking,orthere be printer not the iswhen you do,that Hint: ormissing forlate assignments. excuse due. ifwhen accepted submitted be posted (D2L). willonGaView be criteria, includinggrading assignment, foreach instructions job postingComplete assignment. letter/ to/ thecover resume addition in writingplusthe WritingAssessment, COB assignments, graded be fourmini-team will There Writing Lab Job Resume Assignmentsand Graded / Search Assignment only 50%forhisorher areearn due will evaluations the memberwhen team foreach a peer evaluation A not submitting student evaluations. onpeer be graded will based member team byeach process collaborative to the contribution and Participation writing presentationassignments. onthe and oral each other support to coaching provide editing/ and onaofactivities variety together work will members Team team. withinlarger the will there be two“mini-teams” of4to 6students. Inaddition, consisting assigned to will a team Accordingly, student be business ineach today’s environment. skill key managerial and virtually, both inon-site isa teams, effectively and communicating Working Please do NOT wait until just before class to attempt to print. Murphy’sif to that print. to Law attempt means just until before class Pleasewait doNOT Students are expected to view the posted voice-over PowerPoint lectures, and to lectures, the PowerPoint posted voice-over to expected view Students are application No exceptions.No

“Problems with technology” will not be an acceptable acceptable not technology”be will an “Problems with of concepts and principles drawn from the assigned from drawn andthe principles ofconcepts

prior (Hint: Don’t wait until the last minute!) the until last Don’twait (Hint: to each class. each class. to for the previous week’s work and will not and will work previous week’s forthe own peer evaluation grade, submitted as by evaluation peer Assignments will onlyAssignments will After thefirstAfter 4 of if you are if 17 ®

Page7 will include material covered in all self-study and team assignments. The exam will consist of will assignments. exam team consist The inself-study all and covered material include will bookand exam be closed will to This the GaViewSchedule. Course through (D2L)according midterm, worth100points. at be one exam will There ExamMid-term nextsemester. full the end thanof later the but not bytheand student, instructor timedetermined present at again a and presentation, revise the session, coaching a attend special required (70%)will to be 150 points 120out of Studentsdonot assessment. who achieve B.B.A. communicationskills oral official will the serveas situation.This presentation be basedona case will oral presentation The classhomepage.on the forthe ofthe assignment. 150possible points points nomore115 will 10minutes than earn 6minutes than than less ormore taking Presentations roomsupported setting, by PowerPointconference small presentationin persuasivea group, oral an and8-minute deliver will student design Each Presentation AssignmentOral and PowerPoint following end ofthe semester. by fornoclasscredit the be taken it scheduled, must when taken Ifnot assessment.) writing pass officialofBusiness whoCollege to the fail forstudents details (See pages2and 3for theassignments. as coursewriting same criteria usingthe correctness willonboth and content memo be graded situation.The basedona case memo one-page usingMSlaptops Word classon willin WritingAssessment be administered ofBusiness College official B.B.A. The Assessment Writing 01.10.16-1 01.10.16-1 This Lab SearchJob Development date. exam the published after for exams taken andpoints deducting exams judgment inmake-up allowing personal the to reserves exercise right instructor The office. absence. notifyinstructor student the must the not as beup.” “made can isfirm, date noted, and exam except The and content methodology. exam the midterm both as preview will of serve quizzes a The regurgitation weekly simple offacts. than synthesis rather and be onapplication will focus questions. The fill-in-the-blank and true-false, choice, multiple self-directed    of the CSU Career Services resources, and in collaboration with your team your members. andin collaborationwith Services the Career resources, CSU of utilization books, by usingthereference completed supplemental assignmentistoThis be An excused absence for medical reasons requires a written excuse from a doctor’s excuse afrom written formedical requires reasons absence An excused posting.) letter. and cover an effective resume, Produce skills.” personal “transferable Determine job.” their “ideal and identify choices aboutcareer deeply their Think study lab consists of a series of activities designed to help students: to help designed ofa consists seriesofactivities study lab  . Students will be required to complete a situation analysis and write a write situationanalysis a complete requiredand willa to be Students in advance and provide written documentation for the forthe andprovidedocumentation in written advance

 and other appropriate media. media. other appropriate and Detailed assignment instructionsposted assignment are Detailed The exam will be administered onlaptops be administered Thewill exam (Supported bya job orinternship (Supported If the exam must be missed, must exam be missed, Ifthe No make-ups. No make-ups. 5 of 17

Page7            COMPONENT * System, andGrading Scale, Policies 01.10.16-1 01.10.16-1 posted,within the being returned, pickup. 48hours of grade ormade availablefor class, orispickup. gradesorin willbe adjusted the availablefor reviewed, No changedunless received request is willhaveStudents 48hours agrade protest to Scale: Grading and completed assignments are if ALL offered, IF “regular” only be earned, may credit ****Extra make-ups. No Points / Pre-ClassExercises: ***Participation details.additional See passed. syllabus until the for WritingAssessment syllabus in and the retake described program ComFit the to betake of70pointsrequired will whoearn a minimum donot Students Assessment. COB forthe required beB.B.A. earned Writing 70points (70%)must **Note: Weekly Quizzes: Weekly Must Quizzes: 9 take all (in D2L) when scheduled. No lowestgrade make-ups; dropped. DueDates: Points Participation (“P Points”) #2:Evaluation #1:Evaluation (2): Peer Evaluations Collaboration PersuasiveOral Presentation / Individual COB ServesAssessment Writing Graded** Also Courseas Assignment Assignment #4:WritingPersuasive /Mini-Team Problem Memo Solving Assignment# Writing Memo3: Request Persuasive / Mini-Team Direct Assignment#2:WritingNegative News / Min-TeamBad Memo Assignment# Writing 1: Informative / MemoMini-Team Resume points)(Cover Letterpoints; 50 Job 20 100 Posting points; Job SearchDevelopment Lab Midterm [Taken Exam in D2L / GaView] Quiz Dates: Due 8 *WeeklyQuizzes: 15* @ [Taken D2Lpoints each /GaView] in on time, except for certain bonus offered. opportunities, IF forcertain ontime,except 100 points Writing100 for Mini-Team Assignments 4.1, 2, 3, and 100 No assignments are accepted late, and noscheduled. and late, assignmentsareaccepted No “make-ups”be will points toLargeAssignments.Teamfor Contributions F = Less than Less 785points = F 785to 916points = D 917to 1048pointsC = 1049to 1180pointsB = 1181to 1320points = A ______****Potential Extra Opportunities ****Potential Credit Extra Pre-Class8 10 @Exercises: points each*** after agrade the posted to is class grade after returned GaView book,is

(See Schedule (See in Schedule Syllabus) (Due withoral (Due presentation) Total Course PointsTotal Course

Dates Here Dates ← Dates Here Dates ← Students ______Add Add ↓ Add DUE 6 of 17 up to 25 POINTS 1320 100 100 150 100 100 100 100 100 170 100 120 80

Page7      Information: Other Web site: Registrar’s ofBasic Responsibilities posted list onthe Student the and Handbook, University inStudent Catalog, policies the byall abide are to expected Students Policies:Student instructor.) by isreceived the Resource Center the Disability from documentation appropriate canthe until be made accommodations phone 678-466-5445.(No 255; Room Hall ServicesEdgewater Coordinator, the Disability please format, contact alternative in document an this toorobtain request disabilities,accommodations need who with Individuals Accommodations: Special Handbook. Student University’s outlinedin as official the bytheCode toofConduct abide Student expected University. State Clayton Students are at integrity isofparamountimportance Academic Integrity: Academic 01.10.16-1 01.10.16-1 announced ina contained group or or email. individual changes.relate to may class theyour GaViewWatchemail, /D2L both class and email, the regular CSU necessarychangesabsolutelythose will made. be schedulecontentsemester thebe and/orduring Adaptations willcommunicated andto in only advance, accompanyingThis course syllabus course and provide generalschedule planforthea course. tofulfill and the the goals of class the course. theneedsofscheduletoaccommodate and tocontent, periodic requirements, changes generalfor the provides a course.plan week. /courseThis outline by syllabus checklist ofdetailed topics assignmentsand courseprovidesschedulefollowing The a Schedule:Course *

The theright reserves instructor to make advisement: and career foracademic Web the site sureofBusiness College check Be to theif assistance needed. instructor from seekindividual Please grade. semester final the to calculationsused determine occurrencethe per from points total ofloss 10points result will forother orclass thanin phones, assignments class a Computers, in PDAsused assignment. usedin a classroom being unless PDAsoff; and phones all cell observe goodclassroom etiquette: Please forfree @ downloaded RealPlayer. may (D2L).You be deliveredonGaView need will lectures Most Students violating the CSU Code of Conduct will receive an “F” an receive “F” CSU will violating the Code ofConduct Students Points loss doubles each time after the first time in the same timein classmeeting. the first timeafter doubles Pointseach loss orreading announcementchange Not doesanyan notnegate expectation

    ofThe to: the Mission Collegeofis Business Serve profession. toresearch and the service Support studenttechnology enhance learning. to Provide education. a byproviding careers quality professional Prepare . primarily a student-centered environment, using student-centered a a diverse student diverse business and a body for faculty in applied and instructional faculty applied in

Our Mission Our the Atlanta metropolitan area. EVERY dayEVERY computers closed closed computers for thecourse. ® ® for notices that 7 It can be It can

of 17

Page7 The policy in CSU classes The concerning children on-campus:and theassignment Classunlesswhenattendance policy is due. documentedapplies event inadvanceand assignmentseventevents the due tothe submit any priorif datenecessitates being absent will studentsinCSU who participatingmiss must sponsored competitionsThose class document those Athletics Grades be on will available Grades be on will available Instructor/Course evaluations (for theBucks use and University Bookstore) other your such success academic as study breaks, sessions, workshops,and opportunities to earn Study forOperation Look achievement. this Study and that semesterenhanceactivities programs aredesigned to Study: Operation Notes: be time. must on including areassignments,pre-class All exercises,due class toearn credit at the of andbeginning any each assignment. useassignments. templatestocompletebeWhen the Pleaseprovided, sure your NAME on is TYPED typed. MUST be result fromLoss assignment. will handwrittennames, of and tobe points for assignments accepted,they instructed,andUnless papers otherwise assignments your must all namesubmitted have the typed on 01.10.16-1 01.10.16-1    areas campus: of different sectionspresence children theof in address specific following The such heldareas. in is being children for designed event or program University-sponsored a unless children by visits extended Work Student Resource Handbook. Student Resource the in provided as procedures disciplinary to subject be may student the and Conduct, Student of Code the in outlined as Environment Learning the of Disruption as child the of presence the treat may member faculty the class, to child a brings student a statement, policy this despite If, prospective students, enrolled the learning instructorstudent to the by invited contribute to and visitors students, instructors, to limited be should meetings class at Attendance Classrooms adult.aresponsible byvisits occasionalwhen accompanied workspacesshort, hazardous for and buildings,non- offices and non-instructional are visit campus welcome to Children the Spacesand Buildings, Offices Work enjoy to encouraged are guests and are subject the to campus and grounds visitors responsible-adult of children Supervised Grounds University

areas of the campus and housing facilities generally facilities housing and campus the of areas Noname paper on Being late late meansthe not to paper classearn Being late is will credit. and At Clayton University, At State expect wesupportand Clayton academicand high motivation May 26 May 13 May will available DUCKthefrom be on for students NOT who courseDO thecomplete evaluations. for students who theinstructor completeevaluations. course when submitted Use of Outdoor Facilities Facilities Policy Use Outdoorof

, gradeand, no addlater. name “corrections” to

are not appropriate environments for environments appropriate not are April 2.18-MayApril . in in advance 8 of 17 .

Page7 01.10.16-1 01.10.16-1 office hours. office I posted that recommendhours,make appointment,even you you if an plan to meet postedduring Although not but required, becauseother College conflict may or University or meetingsactivities with 11:00 a.m. - and 12:30 p.m.p.m. 5:00 - p.m.6:00 11:00 a.m. - 11:00 12:30 a.m. p.m. 3:30 - and 6:00p.m. p.m. ______(Subject to Change with appropriate notice to classes.) to (Subject Change appropriate to with notice College of Business / Room T-267 of Room / Business College Senior Lecturer of Lecturer ManagementSenior January February11 through 1 February Aprilthrough 3 4 Mr. Ronald E. Dulaney Mr. Ronald MondaysWednesdays and Spring SemesterSpring 2016 April Maythrough 6 2 2:30 p.m. 2:30 3:30 – p.m. Office Hours: By Appointment Wednesdays

Mondays ***** and

9 of 17


Discuss Teams Formation and Peer Evaluations Teams Formationand Discuss   onMonday, Class For 1:SucceedingChapter in Business Communication Teams / Form Orientation Course January Week of week. that class meets first today that the completed are prior to be particular shownweek Assignments underNote: a CommunicationAdministrative LSC COLTUniversity) text (ClaytonState from the readings are Chapter Note: 01.10.16-1 01.10.16-1 theclass. attended Note: take to Deadline take to Deadline Sunday, “Add/Drop”Thursday,FYI: ends    on Class For Check the GaView / D2L Class D2L Board. the / Bulletin GaView Check synchronized the have DUCK. been with files after Note: site 3120GaView the MGMT course Tour    from/ GaView D2L: thedocuments following Review 1 PowerPoint) LectureonChapter audio (Voice-over to Listen Correctly) BAC. 1and andAppendix StudyBin (Writing Chapter Read These two quizzes two These Writing Success TipsWriting Series Success Rules Exercises forPre-Class Ground GroundQuiz rules 1/17 drop/add students until registration late and to sitenot be will available The course

Wednesday Comma Splices, Run-Ons, Fragments Splices, Comma WordsCommonly Confused Proofreading AgreementSubject-Verb Pronouns Usage Comma Orientation QuizOrientation Writing MechanicsPre-test: MGMT 3120 Managerial Communications:MGMT 3120Managerial


, 11


are “bonus” opportunities and are not be“madeup” cannot if yet

(Week 1) Course ScheduleCourse andChecklist

(BAC) 10 (BAC) Spring Semester,Spring 20 (Add-DropEnds (Up topoints) (Up 5bonus : 1/14/2016. th Edition.

(Up 5bonus to points) January 14) January 16 Business & Business 10 of 17 .


 on Class For    onMonday, Class For 5:Planning,Chapter Composing, Revising(MakingWriting Your and toRead) Easy 3:BuildingChapter Goodwill Week of 2( Quiz 2onChapter take to Deadline 1( Quiz 1onChapter take to Deadline Sunday,      /Class Holiday No Monday,JanuaryMLK 18 2:AdaptingChapter totheAudience Message Your Week of 01.10.16-1 01.10.16-1   Sunday, ClassNo Wednesday, on    onMonday, Class For 5:Planning,Chapter Composing, Revising(Making Writing Your and toRead) Easy Week of  Sunday,  

Read and study Chapter 5. and study Chapter Read 3 PowerPoint) LectureonChapter audio (Voice-over to Listen 3 and study Chapter Read a copy of: bring print,to class and Review, Your( #1:to Exercise Adapting Audience Pre-Class Message Complete 2 PowerPoint) LectureonChapter audio (Voice-over to Listen 2. and study Chapter Read and Study BAC Read Assignment / Instructions forSearch Services Job Development Speaker: CSU Career on Class For Deadline to take Quiz 5 on Chapter 5( Quiz 5onChapter take to Deadline 5( Quiz 4onChapter take to Deadline and( Stronger #3: Verbs Exercise Passive Voice Pre-Class Complete 5 PowerPoint) LectureonChapter audio (Voice-over to Listen 5. and study Chapter Read 3 Quiz 3onChapter take to Deadline #2: Goodwill Exercise Building Pre-Class ( Complete 5 PowerPoint) LectureonChapter audio (Voice-over to Listen 2/7 1/31 1/24 January 18 February 1 February January 25


Wednesday 1/25 2/1

, Appendix B Appendix 1/27 2/3

(Week 2) (Week 4) (Week 3)



(Note: (Note: (Writing Correctly). (Writing 15 points 15 points (14 points) 15 points 15 points January 21is“noJanuary show” deadline.

Collaborative Skills andPeer Evaluation. Skills Collaborative ) ) GaView ) ) 10 points ) Part 2 Part 1 Part 10 points 10 points ) ). 11 of ). 17


Sunday, ClassNo Wednesday, on      onMonday, Class For Week of Sunday,    Reminders: ClassNo Wednesday on   onMonday, Class For Across 7:Communicating Chapter Cultures Week of 01.10.16-1 01.10.16-1      Messages 9:SharingInformativeChapter &Positive Class For on   Exam (Midterm) onMonday, Class For and 9:SharingInformation Chapter Messages Positive Exam Week of date, andare earned to submitted grades Midpoint by be Note: will exam week’s preparationfornext Complete

Review the Review exam. midterm test forthe a practice to complete yourpower and laptop, Ethernet cable Bring cord, Chapters 1,2,3,and 5( #5: Exercise KeyConcepts Pre-Class Complete Changes / Track toComments MS onhow use yourfora practice laptop session Word Bring / classGaView D2Lfor Review (Lab) optionswith toyourAssignment? help Resume Services’ Have youCareer used onPage 1ofSyllabus? Listed Resources Supplemental the Have you reviewed Resumes”? 12: “Building Chapter Have you reviewed of“O”(10points) Tale #4: Exercise DimensionsThe Pre-Class ofDiversity: Complete 7 PowerPoint) LectureonChapter audio (Voice-over to Listen Sunday, Informative Memo and( Positive #6: Exercise Writingan Pre-Class Complete Memo and Assignment Positive forInformative pattern organizational Review 9 PowerPoint) LectureonChapter audio (Voice-over to Listen 9. and study Chapter Read notes: 1,2,3,5,7,Appendix B,and Lecture Chapters Covers computers laptop required). / GaView D2Lbased; Is 2/21 2/14 2/28 February 8 February February 22 February 15 February

Wednesday Exam Study Guide Exam 2/22 2/15 2/8 not


, 2/17 50% of the total value of the final semester grade.) semester final of the the value total 50% of 2/24 (Week 5) (Week 7) (Week 6) . Microsoft Word Comments Word /TrackMicrosoft Changes

2/28/16 . (Midpoint grades reflect only those grades reflectonly . (Midpointgrades 100 points. 10 points links, etc. links, 10 points 12 of ) 17 ).


By Sunday, assignments.) toonteam usethework may classroom (Teams onWednesday, Class No     onMonday, Class For Messages Negative 10:Delivering Chapter March Week of NoThisCSU SpringBreak / Classes Week Week of assignments.) toonteam usethework may classroom (Teams onWednesday, Class No Mini-Team / Posting /Job due CoverLetter Resume onMonday, Class For Memo Assignment#1 andResume Mimi-Team February8) Week of 29(Week  01.10.16-1 01.10.16-1 11( Quiz 7onChapter take to Deadline Sunday, preparations.] forteam (if usetheavailable) may classroom [Teams onWednesday, Class No       Mini-Team onMonday, Class For Choosing forPresentation your Oral aCase 11:CraftingPersuasiveChapter Messages Week of Review organizational pattern for a Negative Memo Negative fora pattern organizational Review the document (prior to class) Review the document Read ( Self-Assessment #7: Exercise ListeningSkills Pre-Class Complete 9( Quiz 6onChapter take to Deadline Complete Pre-Class Exercise: #8: “10 Commandments of E-mail ( Commandments ofE-mail Exercise:#8: Pre-Class “10 Complete class. during withinteam selections each will case make We persuasive fora pattern organizational Review ofyour preference. terms the instructions. in cases caseRank and Presentation classthe and bringOral to Review 11 PowerPoint) LectureonChapter audio (Voice-over to Listen 11. and study Chapter Read 3/27 3/20 March 21 March 7

Negative Negative / PositiveInformative Memo #2Due atStartofClass Memo

3/21 3/14 2/29 14 Interpersonal Communication

3/16 3/2 3/23 (Week 10) (Week 9)

Memo atStartofClass #1Due 15 points Use of Media & ofTechnology Media Use 15 points (hard of copy

) Direct Request Direct ) . each ) at beginning of class Memo without accountability. forthe deadline withdrawal Note: Friday, . 10 points 10 points ). March 4th March ). 13 ( 170 of points 17 is ).


   onMonday, Class For RehearsalsPresentation Opening Begin for Presentations 19:MakingChapter Oral Week of 16( Quiz 8onChapters take 6and to Deadline Sunday preparations.) forteam if available, usethe may classroom, (Teams onClass Wednesday,      Persuasive Mini-Team onMonday, Class For and 16:CreatingChapter Visuals Displays Data 6:DesigningChapters Documents Week of 01.10.16-1 01.10.16-1   onMonday, Class For Week of   19( Quiz 9onChapter take to Deadline Sunday,     *

Bring yourto laptop class. Bring with during your reviewmembers class. team these will You assignment. Presentation design PowerPoint class,begin to Prior to Persuasive Mini-Team Persuasive fora pattern organizational Review andbringto classPrint PowerPoint work yourWe foreffective laptop. will ontechniques Bring 6) “Chapter titled lecture 6and 16(Voice-over PowerPoint) LectureonChapters audio (Voice-over to Listen 16. Chapters 6and Read * class(1to Bring opening 2minutes). your in laptops. present hisorher will person opening 5,preparepresentation.Each foryour the oral if4,and needed; 3complete, Teams the document Review rehearsal. ofyour / persuasive the continue presentation. Begin design Complete drive, please. onone (1toAllflash members’ 2minutes.) team opening in class his orher present will person opening presentation.Each Prepare foryour the oral 1,2,and 3: Teams Class For on 19 PowerPoint) LectureonChapter audio (Voice-over to Listen 19 and study Chapter Read Wed 4/13 Wed Mon 4/11 Team 1 (ONLY) Rehearsal 1(ONLY) Team , 4/3 4/10 March 28 April 4 April 11

Wednesday (Week 12) (Week 4/4 3/28 4/11

3/30 (Week 13) (Week

Direct Request Writing Assessment (Week 11) the instructions for the Persuasive Oralassignment. Presentation forthe instructions Persuasive the TBA TBA

Problem SolvingProblem


4/6 Team 2(rehearsal) Teams 2,3,4,5 / Room Class RoomClass Memo atStartofClass #3Due 15 points T236.

 #4Due atStartofClass Memo for an overview of the writing assessment process process oftheassessment writing foran overview slides you Persuasive planOral to in slides use 15 points ) Team 1(presentation)Team 1(rehearsal)Team Problem SolvingProblem Room T236 ) Memo * Teams 3,4,5,excused ® design. 14 of 17


2. 1. ( Reminders: * Schedule Presentation 3120-02:Oral MGMT chart below: See Week of Schedule Presentation 3120-02:Oral MGMT chart below: See of Weeks   Sunday, 01.10.16-1 01.10.16-1 5. 4. 3. Teams toprepare time aretouse Teams this fortheir toreviewpresentations and for the writing Wed 4/20 Wed Mon 4/18 Date Wed 4/27Wed Mon 4/25 points. nomore105points of150possible than will 10minutes receive than orlonger 6minutes shorter than theor–1minute). Presentations timing+ (8minutes, insure your presentationto Practice GradeSheet criteria. the your presentationagainst Review the document Review rehearsal. ofyour / persuasive thecontinue presentation.Begin design Complete score for each minute late.score foreach have classwill to late members Team drive. deadlineto sets Team complete the drive presentation. bring to thumb bythe to team selected pre-loaded PowerPoint files Please oral presentations. onefor the use computer will team Each order: in following this arranged containing the items to a packet your presentation Bring No notes are to be used, and will not be allowed during oral allowed presentation. tonot beand used, will notes are No f. e. d. c. b. a. 4/17 STAPLE “late.” be willaccepted not class, and ifisdone in any part not in be class,will accepted be completed are to evaluations lose 50% ofthe points will otherwiseearned.presentation time atthe beginning ofthe evaluationssubmitted assigned not Peer team oral earned.) points can be team.(200total and 100points forcomplete for Mini-Team member. team Form foreach Peer Evaluation Collaborative completed A presentation(if handouts usedinapplicable) the Other grayscale). (6per page / copyformat ofyourPrinted PowerPoint slides GradeSheet Presentation Oral April 25

See the complete assignment posted instructions in the D2Lhomepage complete class See April 18

only please (no covers orbinders) please (nocovers only (Week 15) (Week (Week 14) (Week Writing Assessment Team 4(rehearsal) Team 3(rehearsal) Room T-152 on the same flash (thumb) thesameflash on drive Room T152 Room 5(rehearsal)Team substantial

for an overview of the writing assessment process process oftheassessment writing foran overview Team 3(presentation)Team 2(presentation)Team Room T240A Team 5(presentation) Room T236 Team 4(presentation) points deducted from final assignment point fromassignment deducted final points Room BEFORE arriving T236 . One team member isbe member team . One bring all team members’ members’ team all bring * * * * Teams 1,2,5,excused Teams 1,4,5,excused Teams 1,2,3,4,,excusedTeams 1,2,3,excusedTeams . No peer No peer

15 assessment. [100 points [100 points of 17 .) ]


grades on classgradeson final to their access DUCK )will be posted onthe formswill have period (valuation the evaluation during instructor AND the ofthe course evaluations completeon-line who confidential Remember….students by theWednesday, to beregistrar submitted to gradeshave Final Grades: Final  exam theMGMTcount as final for 3120. 2,and ofBusinessAssessmentbegiven MONDAY, on The College Writing May will onMonday Class For Week of 01.10.16-1 01.10.16-1 the capstone class. (No course points will be earned forthe be“make-up.”) pointsearned class.(No will capstone course the be taken passed and MUST course assignment passThis assessment.) also serves to the / D2L email GaView address. instructor’s to the emailed onlaptopsWord usingMS This be assessmentadministered will forthis class. exam the willas WritingAssessment be administered ofBusiness College official B.B.A. The 5/26. May 2

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As COBAssessment the Writing as a as graded assignment 100 points. May 11 May forthe course (70 points are required (70points are (11:59 p.m.). , however 16 , and as and a of , 17 it  and will will

Page7 Very limitedjewelry Very socks, Dark shoesprofessional Conservative tie or light bluelong sleeve White shirt (Dark and also slacks blazer worn) can be colored,conservativeDark suit Manicured nails Sparse make-up professional Neat, hairstyle jewelry Limited Moderate shoes blouse Coordinated colored,conservativeDark dress, suit, or slacks Attirefrom Women's (adapted wear: forDressingsuccess foris different women below so seelistmen and the for pleasehints what on to Jim will announcedWoods andThe on Speakers scheduleof postedbe website. Businessthe College campus.are speakerson scheduled courses. a As result, youhelp great andprofessionally yourwill make establish first impressions career.throughout credibility element professional An important to knowing being a is how to “ first right impression. strongDress is a non-verbal you communication to with those whom interact, and theis critical in making ProfessionalDevelopmentStudent 01.10.16-1 01.10.16-1 ISBN Bolles N. forIsAJob-hunters Your Career-ChangersWhat Manual Color Practical Parachute? and 0-451-16772-4 ISBN toGet and of Control Time LifeHow Your ISNB 0-671-70075-8 toGet OutLifePsycho-Cybernetics, MoreNew LivingA Way of 0-671-64678-8 ISNB ofMagic Thinking The Big ISBN 0-671-72367-0 ISBN 0-449-21492-3 GrowRichand Think ISBN 0-671-74322-8 Mental PositiveSuccess Attitude Through a RECOMMENDED READING: ofdressedproperlystudents(and Pictures tips) at: interview can found be trimmed Neatly nails professional Neat, hairstyle How How to Win InfluenceFriends and AttireMen's (adapted - 10: 10: 158008270X

daysscheduled are These usually days Wood’sthe Speaker sameon as JimSeries the COB The College The Professionalof instituted Dress College Business a has forDayALLBusiness

by NapoleonHill by ; ISBN by J. David Schwartz - 13:978-1580082709 (Not required for (Not required course.)

People by Dale Carnegie by Napoleon Hill and W. Clement andNapoleonClement W.Stone Hill by

b y Lakein Alan

(ISBIN numbers change with each revision.)

look look the part by Maltz Maxwell .”

Knowing how to dress 17 of by 17

Richard Richard


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