Report of the Director of Strategy and Regeneration and the Director of Development Services

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Report of the Director of Strategy and Regeneration and the Director of Development Services

Part 1 (Open to the Public) ITEM NO. 7

Report of the Chief Executive and Strategic Director of Housing and Planning

To Regeneration Initiatives Cabinet Working Group on Monday 14 May 2007

TITLE: Update on Regeneration Projects and Programmes

RECOMMENDATIONS: That the report is noted.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This report provides a summary update on key regeneration programmes and projects. It outlines progress against milestones and highlights emerging issues.

BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: (Available for public inspection)

Making the vision real; Salford's Community Plan for 2006 - 2016 Regenerating a Great City, Salford's Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy


Risk is assessed and addressed within individual projects and programmes.

SOURCE OF FUNDING: Key funding sources are identified throughout the report. Current applications for funding are also indicated in the report.


1. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS Provided by: n/a




CONTACT OFFICER: Cath Inchbold, Assistant Head of Service, Regeneration Strategy and Co-ordination, 0161 793 3796 Lynne Braid, National Management Trainee, Regeneration Strategy and Co-ordination, 0161 793 3444


1 KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Making the vision real; Salford's Community Plan for 2006 - 2016 Regenerating a Great City, Salford's Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy

DETAILS: Information in this report is set out according to Community Committee Areas. It also includes a range of programmes which facilitate much of the investment.

Area Project Page No Claremont & Weaste 6 Weaste Renewal Area 7 Claremont Weaste Neighbourhood Plan 8 Eccles New Road Renewal Area 9 Building Schools for the Future 10 East Salford 11 - 12 Higher Broughton 13 -15 Lower Broughton 16 -17 Chapel Street 18 – 19 Charlestown & Lower Kersal NDC 20 -21 Claremont Village 22 Eccles 23 Liverpool Road Corridor 24 – 25 Eccles Town Centre 26 – 27 Building Schools for the Future 28 Irlam & Cadishead 29 Barton Strategic Site 30 Chat Moss Visioning 31 Liverpool Road Corridor 32 – 33 Building Schools for the Future 34 Little Hulton & Walkden 35 Ashton Field Site 36 Cutacre Mining 37 Walkden Town Centre 37 Building Schools for the Future 38 Ordsall & Langworthy 39 - 41 Chapel Street 42 - 44 Pendleton 45 – 46 Seedley Village 47 Salford Quays 48 – 50 Ordsall 51 Swinton 52

2 Croal Irwell Regional Park / Lower Irwell Valley 53 Improvement Area (LIVIA) Swinton Town Centre 54 Agecroft Commerce Park 55 Building Schools for the Future 56 Worsley & Boothstown 57 Salford Forest Park/ Manchester Race Course 58 Building Schools for the Future 59 Programmes HMRF 60 NRF 61 NDC 62 North West Objective 2 - Priority 2 63 North West Objective 2 - Priority 2 64 North West Objective 2 - Priority 3 65 Fairshares Transforming Your Space 66 SHIFT 67 LIFT 68 URC 69 SSCF 70 Building Schools for the Future 71 Irwell City Park 72 Salford West Regeneration Framework 73

Summary of Key Issues

Key developments that have occurred over the past six weeks within the following areas:

3 Key Developments Project

All land necessary for the completion of the canal project has now been acquired. MBB Canal All site investigation works have been completed and advance earthworks has commenced with 90% of materials removed from site. The remaining material is being removed from site April / May 2007.

The City Council and the government formally agreed the Local Area Agreement in March 2007. Over £17 million of funding is pooled under LAA the Agreement, with a further £322 million identified as aligned to its outcomes.

The first residents have now started to move into the Urban Splash Seedley & homes. It is expected that up to 45 residents will move into the area as Langworthy part of this first phase of completions in April/ May.

Work started in March 2007 on the housing redevelopment at the former NDC Kersal High School site.

Pendleton Consultation on preferred options will commence on 15/06/07 for a Area Action period of 6 weeks ending on 26/07/07. The draft of preferred options was Plan presented to lead member on 16/04/07. This will now be sent to Cabinet briefing on 08/05/07 and cabinet on 24/05/07.

The decision around the CPO of the Top Streets area is still awaited. Higher Vincent Street is now fully occupied by residents from the Clearance area Broughton at Top Streets Work is ongoing at Devonshire Square and buildings will start to be erected in May 2007.

Lower The Countryside Properties showhouse is complete and was launched Broughton on 20/04/07. Family housing units have been in demand.

An agreement with MCC on the future of the area has been reached. An application for the public realm submitted to MCC still has to be Chapel Street registered. It is anticipated that it will be registered in the near future. The Chapel Street planning guidance has been prepared for English Cities fund and Ordsall Riverside.

Planning Panel approved the reserved matters application for buildings mediacity:uk A, B and C. Planning applications for the studio block and Quays Plaza are expected to be received within the next few months.

Exchange Greengate Progress made in discussion with MCC regarding pedestrianisation of Victoria Street, Greengate access issues and inclusion of a scheme for that area in the Irwell City Park bid has been made. A planning application for Victoria will go in May 2007. There are currently a number

4 Key Developments Project of funding issues relating to this project.

Salford Salford University has appointed AIMS consultants to review the University university estates strategy.

A decision is anticipated in May / June 2007. Tendering would then start BSF over the summer with a preferred bidder being appointed in summer 2008.

The baseline highlights and draft strategic options were reported to both Housing & Planning and Chief Executives Lead Members in April 2007. A57 Strategy A consultation programme has been drafted and will be implemented during May / June 2007.

SCC and Central Salford URC are jointly working on the Salford Economic employment land study. A brief for consultants to undertake the study Development / has been sent out. The closing date was 27/04/07. The process for Employment selecting a consultant is currently underway with an expected decision by Land Studies the end of May. The deadline for the completion of the study is December 2007.

Discussions need to be on-going with major infra-structure provides (e.g. United Utilities, HD) in order to understand how Salford's regeneration Core Strategy and development aspirations can and will be underpinned by new and renewed infra-structure. This will be a key issue for the Core Strategy.

The Big Lottery has allocated £628,000 to Salford to improve gaps in the Children's Play provision of children's play activities. A play policy and strategy is being Strategy produced to be submitted to the Big Lottery in September 2007. A consultant has been appointed to develop the play strategy document.

The draft framework and action plan will be consulted on in May 2007. A Salford West summary booklet will be distributed to interested parties with a full SRF document being sent to officers. The framework will be finalised in June 2007.

5 Claremont and Weaste

Weaste Renewal Area

 Weaste phase 5 block improvement scheme started on site on 08/01/07. The scheme, which is being delivered by partner contractor Seddons, incorporates 52 properties and will continue the improvement works along the Weaste Lane and Tootal Road corridors. The anticipated completion date is the end of August 2007.  The HMR team is currently working up new start schemes for 2007 /2008 subject to funding approval via the Capital Investment Strategy.

Claremont Weaste Neigbourhood Plan

 Brief for neighbourhood plan was reviewed and reconfirmed by Cabinet and Political Executive in March 2007.  A public meeting regarding the Oakwood school site took place in April 2007. Following the appearance of Sir Peter Heywood, the legal issues relating to the covenant are being investigated.

Buile Hill Hall

 A significant number of objections to the planning application have been received from a range of heritage groups. The planning application has been received and is under consideration.  Wilkinson Corporation was named as the preferred development partner for the Buile Hill Mansion site in November 2006.  It is proposed that the mansion is developed into a hotel, conference and function venue.

Eccles New Road Renewal Area

 The HMR team are awaiting funding confirmation on its bid for capital investment into next year for a block improvement scheme to Humber Street and Borough Road. Consultation with residents will also be carried out for an alleygating scheme on these two blocks.

Building Schools for the Future

 The Outline Business Case (OBC) was approved by Cabinet on 27/02/07 and submitted to Partnerships for Schools on 28/02/07. The programme proposes £118m investment between 2008 and 2012.  In the OBC the Academy falls within phase 1B of the programme, with a proposed opening date of February 2011.  Proposals to close All Hallows High and replace it with a new school in Central Salford and closure of Hope High School and replacement by an Academy in Salford Quays are included in the programme within the OBC.


Project: Weaste Renewal Area

Pledge: Enhancing Life

Area Covered Claremont Village Lead Officer Paul Longshaw, Housing and Planning Directorate To provide a strategic framework for the physical, social and economic renewal of the neighbourhood; securing its long-term sustainability by making the area a more attractive and safer place to live, more Summary desirable places to visit and more inviting areas for private sector investment; building on a strong local identity and aspiration and involving the communities and other stakeholders.

Priorities and Milestones Timescales Completion of Weaste phase 5 block improvements. August 2007 Progress Date Weaste phase 5 block improvement scheme started on site on 08/01/07. The scheme, which is being delivered by partner contractor Seddons, incorporates 52 properties and will continue the improvement April 2007 works along the Weaste Lane and Tootal Road corridors. The anticipated completion date is the end of August 2007.

The HMR team is currently working up new start schemes for 2007 / 2008 subject to funding approval via the Capital Investment Strategy. April 2007

Funding sources Housing Capital Programme, HMRF and ERDF The new starts will offer an opportunity for good news stories in the Publicity to date press.

7 Project: Claremont Weaste Neighbourhood Plan

Pledge: Enhancing Life

Area Covered Claremont, Weaste Community Committee Area Lead Officer Barry Whitmarsh, Housing and Planning Directorate To provide a strategic framework for the physical, social and economic Summary regeneration of the area. Priorities and Milestones Timescales Consultation on key issues for the area. Autumn 2007 Consultation on draft Neighbourhood Plan. Spring 2008 Neighbourhood Plan complete. 2008 Progress Date Brief for the neighbourhood plan was reviewed and reconfirmed by Cabinet and political executive. March 2007

Baseline report published on internet. February 2007 Funding sources SCC staff resources Publicity to date An information plan is being developed

8 Project: Eccles New Road Renewal Area

Pledge : Enhancing life in Salford

Area Covered Enterprise Park/Quays Lead Officer Paul Longshaw, Housing and Planning Directorate To provide a strategic framework for the physical, social and economic renewal of the neighbourhood; securing its long-term sustainability by making the areas more attractive and safer places to live, more Summary desirable places to visit and more inviting areas for private sector investment; building on a strong local identity and aspiration and involving the communities and other stakeholders. Priorities and Milestones Timescales Demolition of properties on Nelson Street/Bridson Street. June 2007 Progress Date The HMR team are awaiting funding confirmation on its bid for capital investment into next year for a block improvement scheme to Humber Street and Borough Road. Consultation with residents will also be April 2007 carried out for an alleygating scheme on these two blocks.

The General Vesting Declaration for the 2 CPO’s on Bridson Street and Nelson Street were both sealed on 17/11/06. The Council are now in the process of taking legal possession of any outstanding properties April 2007 enabling demolition to proceed.

The former Weaste bus depot is currently being redeveloped by private developers into apartments for private sale. On going

Two remaining owners are to relocate from Nelson Street/Bridson Street. This is being closely monitored by members of the local area On going team.

Funding sources Housing Capital Programme and HMRF Publicity to date Newsletter/ Claremont Weaste Community Committee


9 Project: Building Schools for the Future (BSF) Pledge: Pledge: A learning and creative City/ A city where children and young people are valued

Area Covered Seedley Lead Officer Stephen Bradbury, Project Director, BSF The BSF vision is to create buildings for the 21st century and to provide choice and a greater range of services at each secondary Summary school. Supporting the vision is an investment of up to £110 million from Government's BSF programme. Priorities and Milestones Timescales Opening of the Academy February 2011 Progress Date The Outline Business Case (OBC) was approved by Cabinet on 27/02/07 and submitted to Partnerships for Schools on 28/02/07. The April 2007 programme proposes £118m investment between 2008 and 2012.

In the OBC the Academy falls within phase 1B of the programme, with a proposed opening date of February 2011. April 2007

Proposals to close All Hallows High and replace it with a new school in Central Salford and closure of Hope High School and replacement by an Academy in Salford Quays are included in the programme within the April 2007 OBC.

Funding sources BSF Consultation information on SCC website. Publicity to date

10 East Salford Higher Broughton Broughton Green

 All 177 new build properties will be completed by August 2007.  Plans for the Hanover Court site and the Newbury Place site are now being developed. Homeswap to New Build

 The 19 Vincent Street houses are now fully occupied and feedback from residents continues to be very positive. The positive news has now been incorporated into the latest edition of the Broughton newsletter delivered to residents on 16/04/07. Provision of New Playing Fields

 Preparatory work to the sports pitches started in early April and it is expected that the pitches will be ready for use later this year.

Top Streets CPO Area

 A decision regarding the outcome of the Top Streets CPO is expected in May. In the meantime the Council continues to acquire properties, where possible, by agreement.  Planning permission has now been given to demolish two blocks of Council owned houses on Wiltshire Street, if a positive CPO decision is received.  Service disconnections are now complete on a number of blocks and the HMR team continue to work closely with the Environmental Services team to remove repeated flytipping on the streets and alleys of the Top Streets.  Work with residents around the refurbishment of 23 houses on Top Streets will continue once the outcome of the CPO is known. Devonshire/Bond Square

 Construction of the new properties is underway. Expected completion is set for February 2008.

Gainsborough Street Area.

 An information gathering exercise about this area is now complete. The second officer working group took place on the 24th April and agreement was reached to go out to consultation with local residents. A resident steering group will be established shortly.  The HMR team intend to carry out a detailed neighbourhood planning exercise for the approx 400 properties in the proposed study area. The process is likely to take around 12 months to complete and will result in an action plan to bring about housing improvements in the area. The next step is to send out questionnaires to the residents, landlords and business owners in the area. It is hoped that this will happen in May.

Community Hub

 A planning application is ready to be submitted after further consultation. A costing exercise has been undertaken by Urban Vision. Revisions to the scheme and revised costs, along with capital and revenue implications have been reported to and approved by Lead Member. A meeting is being organised between youth services and the local community in connection with the youth club.

Salford University  Salford University have appointed AIMS consultants to review the university estates strategy. SCC Chief Executive, Assistant Chief Executive and Chris Findley are scheduled to attend a meeting on the 15/5/07 to discuss.

11 Lower Broughton

 The Countryside Properties showhouse is completed and was launched on 20/04/07. Family housing units have been selling well.  Home visits have been undertaken at the end of March/early April to consult with a further 62 households living within the outline planning application area to invite them into the second moving phase of the redevelopment.  60 of the properties released for sale have been sold on the open market.  87 properties have now been allocated to residents identified as living in the first moving phase. 85 residents have provisionally accepted their offer of property in the new development.  Consultation workshops for the Charter of Commitments for tenants living in Lower Broughton have now been completed.  A design consultation session was held in April.

Chapel Street Adelphi Media Quarter

 The Broadway Malyan and Vermont schemes have both been approved. The Vermont proposal includes a tower designed by Will Alsop.

Springfield Lane

 Urban Splash have advised that they have now employed additional designers and consultants in order to conclude the design update process. The planning application for the first phase will be submitted in June 2007.

Charlestown and Lower Kersal

New Deal for Communities (NDC)

 The housing redevelopment at Kersal High School started on site in March 2007.  The local young persons inclusion group has won a Diana award to recognise and celebrate outstanding contributions made by many young people to their communities.

Salford Science and Innovation Park

 The project plan is now complete and all parties are progressing towards potential completion in autumn 2007.  A proposal has been worked up to link Salford Science and Innovation Park into the Knowledge Capital Arc of Opportunity creating the Salford Innovation Park.

Claremont Village

Duchy and Pendlebury Renewal Area.

 Duchy Bank housing development by SPACE is ongoing (37 properties). First phase of properties will be complete in July 2007.  Bank Lane Railway Bridge – environmental improvement works to improve ‘street scene’ started on site March 2007.  April 2007 - formal consultation undertaken for alleygating scheme off Bank lane/ Duchy road.


Project: Higher Broughton Regeneration Initiative – Homeswap to new build

Pledge: Enhancing life in Salford

Area Covered Higher Broughton Partnership area David Evans, Assistant Director Planning Regeneration Lead Officer Kevin Scarlett, Chief Executive Salix Homes This will provide access to new properties in the redevelopment for Summary owners living in the clearance area. Priorities and Milestones Timescales January - February Commence next phase of Devonshire Street homeswap to new build. 2008 Progress Date Devonshire Street works complete. April 2007 The 19 Vincent Street houses are now fully occupied and feedback from residents continues to be very positive. The positive news has now been incorporated into the latest edition of the Broughton newsletter April 2007 which was delivered to residents on 16/04/07.

 Housing Market Renewal Programme.  Housing Capital Programme Funding sources  Higher Broughton Community Hub to be funded by unsupported borrowing and receipts from the Partnership.

A positive article appeared in the Manchester Evening News about the development, The Broughton newsletter has recently featured positive Publicity to date publicity on homeswap to newbuild at Vincent Street.

13 Project: Higher Broughton – Broughton Green Development and Related issues

Pledge: Enhancing life in Salford

Area Covered Higher Broughton Partnership area David Evans, Assistant Director Planning Regeneration Lead Officer Kevin Scarlett, Chief Executive Salix Homes Maintain and support existing communities whilst seeking Summary opportunities for new development through a range of interventions. Priorities and Milestones Timescales Decision on the CPO still outstanding. Expected decision in May. Early – Mid 2007 All 177 new build properties to be completed . August 2007 Devonshire street complete. February 2008 Progress Date Work with residents around the refurbishment of 23 houses on the Top April 2007 Streets will continue once the outcome of the CPO is known. Planning permission has been given to demolish two blocks of council owned houses on Wiltshire Street, if a positive CPO decision is April 2007 received. Service disconnections are now complete on a number of blocks and the HMR team continue to work closely with the Environmental Services April 2007 team to remove repeated flytipping on the streets and alleys of the Top Streets. A decision regarding the outcome of the Top Streets CPO is still awaited from the Government . In the meantime the Council continues Ongoing to acquire properties where possible by agreement. Plans for the Hanover Court site and the Newbury Place site are now Ongoing being developed. Further sales are being generated on the Broughton Green development following the Higher Broughton Partnership’s success at Ongoing the M.E.N. Residential Property awards. Around 50 properties are now occupied on the Broughton Green site. Ongoing

Devonshire/Bond Square The new properties are being erected. Marketing of this scheme will Ongoing need to begin shortly. Expected completion is set for February 2008. Gainsborough Street Area An information gathering exercise about this area is now complete. The second officer working group meeting took place on the 24th April and agreement was reached to go out to consultation with local residents. A March 2007 resident steering group will be established shortly. The next step is to send out questionnaires to the residents, landlords and business owners in the area. It is hoped that this will happen in May. Higher Broughton - Community Hub A planning application is ready to be submitted after further consultation. A costing exercise has been undertaken by Urban Vision. Revisions to the scheme and revised costs, along with capital and revenue implications have been reported to and April 2007 approved by Lead Member. A meeting is being organized between youth services and the local community in connection with the youth club. Housing Market Renewal Fund 2006/07 Programme and Housing Funding sources Capital Programme. Positive publicity is being lined up to maximise this opportunity at the Publicity to date appropriate time.

14 Project: Higher Broughton – Broughton Renewal Area Pledge: Enhancing life in Salford

Area Covered Broughton Lead Officer Jackie Crook, Housing & Planning To develop and implement an action plan, in consultation with residents and stakeholders, for the Broughton Renewal Area. Renewal Summary Area is bounded by Camp St to the South, the River Irwell to the West, Bury New Road to the East and the Kersal border to the North. Priorities and Milestones Timescales Delivery of block improvements. Nov 06 – April 07 Progress Date Developer partner has been appointed. Detailed surveys now complete. April 2007

MSCA Douglas Street: April 2007 Desktop analysis is being undertaken.

MSCA Hill and Rock Street: Desktop analysis is being undertaken. Questionnaire being developed April 2007 in preparation for consultation with the community.

Renewal Area Action Plan: Copies of the action plan are now available on the renewal area April 2007 website. Site Assembly Hamilton Street: April 2007 The CPO was confirmed on 30/03/07. Alley gating scheme: Planning application for gates to the rear of Priory Ave and Great Clowes St were submitted in March 2007. April 2007 Five alleys have been resurfaced in the Wellington St West area. Work on resurfacing is now complete.

Hamilton Street: Planning approval received Oct 2006. The developer is now on site. On -going

Funding sources Capital Programme, HMR Formal declaration notice – MEN and Salford Advertiser 18th May Publicity to date 2006

15 Project: Lower Broughton Regeneration Pledge: Enhancing life in Salford

Area Covered Lower Broughton Lead Officer Richard Wynne, Urban Vision Regeneration of large area (150 acres) of public and private Summary residential and commercial / mixed use property. Priorities and Milestones Timescales The first handover of properties are expected in May 2007. May 2007 Progress Date Contour and HMR consultation workshops for residents in the first moving phase have been held. April 2007

Consultation workshops for the Charter of Commitments for tenants living in Lower Broughton have been completed and comments and issues raised by the residents will be fed into the draft document prior to submission for approval. A draft Charter of Commitments for owner April 2007 occupiers in Lower Broughton has been compiled for consultation.

60 of the properties released for sale have been sold on the open market. April 2007

87 properties have now been allocated to residents identified as living in the first moving phase. 85 residents have provisionally accepted their offer of property in the new development. April 2007

Contour Housing is co-ordinating a video diary request made by residents to enable them to see the gradual progression of their new homes. This project will be completed once the first properties have been handed over. The proposed handover dates for the first phase is April 2007 between May and September 2007.

Home visits have been undertaken at the end of March/early April to consult with a further 62 households living within the outline planning application area to invite them into the second moving phase of the redevelopment. The visits were successful with only 6 visits April 2007 outstanding due to no access. A planning application for this phase is expected to be submitted within the next few months.

A design consultation session was held in April. Approximately 20 of the 62 households invited to move into new homes in the next phase attended the drop-in event. The small number of attendees enabled quite a comprehensive information giving and gathering session.

Residents were given the opportunity to discuss the layout of the site, how the plans have evolved, parking, CCTV, green space, apartments, specification and choices. 18 residents completed a short April 2007 questionnaire.

Residents were also given feedback from recent one-to-one consultation visits when residents were asked about their housing needs and their preferences for the next phase of the development in Lower Broughton.

The planning application for Phase 4 is expected to be submitted by the end of May. April 2007

The Countryside Properties showhouse is finished and was launched April 2007 on 20/04/07. The Lower Broughton Partnership Steering Group 16 members were invited to a pre launch on 16/04/07. Family housing units have been selling well.

Demolition of Moss Street CPO houses completed. February 2007 HMRF and Housing Capital Programme Funding sources Private Publication of newsletters Publicity to date Advertising campaign planned by Countryside associated with Phase1 Advertising campaign to start January 2007

17 Project: Adelphi Media Quarter Pledge: Encouraging learning, leisure and creativity in Salford

Area Covered Chapel Street Lead Officer Richard Wynne, Urban Vision Redevelopment of vacant land and outdated industrial properties Summary either side of Adelphi Street. Priorities and Milestones Timescales Progress Date The future of the Farmer Norton site is uncertain pending a file decision by the university and the university estate review. April 2007

The Broadway Malyan and Vermont schemes have both been approved. The Vermont proposal includes a tower designed by Will April 2007 Alsop.

The sale and acquisition of sites between Salford University and Salford City Council for Adelphi Street, Meadow Road and the Irwell Valley January 2007 campus is complete.

Funding sources None directly Publicity to date n/a

18 Project: Springfield Lane Pledge: Enhancing life in Salford/ Creating prosperity in Salford

Area Covered Chapel Street Stephen Gwatkin, Urban Vision Lead Officer Christine Duffin, Market Renewal Team, Housing and Planning Redevelopment for residential and mixed use scheme with Urban Splash. The scheme is currently comprised of 450 apartments, 20,000 square feet of commercial space on the lower levels of the apartment Summary blocks, an office building of approximately 50-70,000 square feet on the corner of Trinity Way / Springfield Lane and 400 car parking spaces.

Priorities and Milestones Timescales Submit detailed plans & financial appraisal for the first phase of development to Salford Council for approval as landowners. May 2007

Submit detailed planning permission for first phase of the development. June 2007

1st phase on site. December 2007 Progress Date Urban Splash have advised that they have now employed additional designers and consultants in order to conclude the design update process. The planning application for the first phase will be submitted in April 2007 June 2007.

Funding sources Private Sector, possible Public sector in relation to affordable housing Publicity to date Urban Splash coverage

19 Programme: Charlestown and Lower Kersal New Deal for Communities Pledge: All 7

Area Covered North Irwell Riverside Lead Officer Tim Field – NDC Chief Executive  Building Communities  Crime and Community Safety  Education, Children and Young people Summary  Physical Environment  Health  Business, Employment and Skills Priorities and Milestones Timescales Review meeting for the Intensive Neighbourhood Management Plan May 2007 Housing Improvements to commence on Levens Street/Gerald Road. Summer 2007 Masterplanning options consultation for Riverside sites. Summer 2007 Handover of the Salford Innovation Forum to the operator. June 2007 Progress Date The local young persons inclusion group has won a Diana award to recognise and celebrate outstanding contributions made by many young April 2007 people to their communities.

The new health investment strategy for the local area was presented to the NDC Partnership Board for approval on 30/04/07. The strategy was April 2007 approved.

The new Children and Young People’s strategy for the local area was presented to the NDC Partnership Board for approval on 30/04/07. The April 2007 strategy was approved.

78 alleygates have been installed to date. In total 1,031 homes have now been made safer. April 2007

Work on a housing development started on site at the former Kersal High March 2007 School site NDC newsletter & website Publicity to date 'In Bloom' and young people’s filming projects coverage


20 Project: Salford Science and Innovation Forum Pledge: Creating prosperity in Salford

Area Covered North Irwell Riverside Lead Officer Bernie Vaudrey, Economic Development, Chief Executive Directorate Salford Science Park encompasses the Salford Innovation Forum Summary (SIF) Building, Salford University Technology House and surrounding business units to promote the growth of knowledge based industries. Priorities and Milestones Timescales SCC and MKC to submit Northern Way Science Cities bid to NWDA June 2007

Completion of construction contract. Autumn 2007

Fit out stage completed and opening of building. Dec 2007

Progress Date The project plan is now complete and all parties are progressing towards a completion date of autumn 2007. April 2007

The Northern Way Science Cities bid passed the NWDA concept approval stage. Salford City Council and M:KC will work up a full April 2007 application to be submitted to the NWDA

A proposal has been worked up to link Salford Science and Innovation Park into the Knowledge Capital Arc of Opportunity to create the Salford March 2007 Innovation Park

This is a URC priority project and features in the Manchester and part of the Knowledge Capital ‘Arc of Opportunity’.

£3.4m ERDF £6.0m NWDA Funding sources £300K NDC £0.56 Northern way Science City Fund £9.7m Total capital costs Press release January 2006 Publicity to date Press release October 2006

21 Project: Duchy & Pendlebury Renewal Area Pledge: Enhancing life in Salford

Area Covered Claremont Village Lead Officer Bob Osborne, Housing and Planning Directorate To provide a strategic framework for the physical, social and economic renewal of areas’ neighbourhood; securing its long-term sustainability by making the areas more attractive and safer places to live, more Summary desirable places to visit and more inviting areas for private sector investment; building on a strong local identity and aspiration and involving the communities and other stakeholders. Priorities and Milestones Timescales Development brief for CPO area completed. June 2007 Duchy Bank housing development first phase complete. September 2007 Progress Date Selective demolition programme due to start imminently in CPO area (on Minden Street). April 2007

Bank Lane Railway Bridge – Environmental Improvement works to improve ‘street scene’ started on site. March 2007

Funding sources Housing Capital Programme and HMRF Newsletter updates Publicity to date

22 Eccles Liverpool Road Corridor

 Discussions have taken place to resolve technical difficulties experienced with the CCTV equipment. Funding has been secured from Home Office ASBU to install 'Talking CCTV' on all cameras installed along Liverpool Road.  A bulb planting programme is being set up for the key Salford West corridors to include the A57.

A57 Strategy

 The baseline report was completed in March 2007.  The baseline highlights and draft strategic options were reported to both Housing & Planning and Chief Executives Lead Members in April 2007.  A consultation programme has been drafted and will be implemented during May / June 2007.  There are a number of significant employment sites in the Eccles area (Green lane, GUS Warehouse), the future of which is under review.  A pre consultation planning session took place on 1/5/07 around the development of a ten year strategy and action plan for the A57. Update to be presented at RICWG 14/5/07.

Eccles Town Centre

 Work progressing on LIFT site with completion expected in July 2008.  The new Wilkinson store has now opened.

Magistrates Court and Justice Centre Initiative

 Heads of terms with HMCS almost agreed. PFI Gateway 2 dealt with adequately by HMCS.  Detailed terms awaited in respect to replacement of car park procurement options.

Building Schools for the Future

 The Outline Business Case (OBC) was approved by Cabinet on 27/02/07 and submitted to Partnerships for Schools on 28/02/07. The programme proposes £118m investment between 2008 and 2012.  The proposal for a new building for Wentworth High school falls within phase 2 of the programme. A proposed opening date of September 2011 is indicated within the OBC.  The proposal for a refurbishment (including 29% new build) for St Patrick's RC High school falls within phase 3 of the programme. A proposed opening date of September 2012 is indicated within the OBC.

Trafford Rectangle

 The first project board meeting looking at joint working between MCC, SCC and Trafford MBC took place in April 2007.  The next meeting of the project board will take place when the panel report on RSS is published, setting out the key housing parameters in Trafford.

23 Project: Liverpool Road Regeneration Pledge: Creating prosperity in Salford

Area Covered Eccles Lead Officer Ruth Shields, Economic Development, Chief Executive Directorate To stem and turn around the decline of the Liverpool Road Corridor by implementing a series of physical improvements. The challenge is not simply to make regeneration happen, but to ensure that it builds long Summary term sustainability in every respect, economic, social and environmental. This will involve balancing the retention of existing communities, improving their social and economic prospects, with a need to attract newcomers into the area. Priorities and Milestones Timescales Shop Front Improvement Scheme completion. On-going Progress Date Discussions have taken place to resolve technical difficulties experienced with the CCTV equipment. Funding has been secured from Home Office ASBU to install 'Talking CCTV' on all cameras installed April 2007 along Liverpool Road.

A bulb planting programme is being set up for the key Salford West corridors to include the A57. March 2007

NRF 2006/07 - £100,000 Funding sources Capital budget 2006/07 - £180, 000 Publicity to date Press Release in MEN re: Ministerial visit

24 Project: A57 Corridor Strategy Pledge: Creating Prosperity in Salford

Area Covered Eccles Bernie Vaudrey, Strategic Manager Business & Investment, Economic Lead Officer Development, Chief Executive Directorate Summary Strategy to develop the Liverpool Road Corridor (A57). Priorities and Milestones Timescales Formal Adoption of Strategy & Action Plan (17/09/07). Sept 2007 10 year strategy and action plan produced (23/07/06). July 2007 Final strategy and action plan, presented to both Political Executives and Community Committee’s and Lead Member. End June 2007

Formal consultation phase planned for 14/05/07 - 22/06/07 comprising of: 1. Online through 2. Promotional leaflet 3. Salford West Business Dinner 4. Formal Events (x4) May/June 2007 a. Public (x2 – Eccles and Irlam & Cadishead) b. Key stakeholders c. Business 5. Youth – questionnaire 6. Drop in Sessions (x4) Political Discussions (Political Exec Chairs and LMB X2 Housing & Planning and Chief Execs) April 2007

Progress Date Baseline Report and draft strategic options report produced as a basis for consultation. This has been circulated to both Lead Members for April 2007 Chief Executives and Housing & Planning Directorates

Local Political Members updated on progress. April 2007 A pre consultation planning session took place on 1/5/07 around the development of a ten year strategy and action plan for the A57. Update April 2007 to be presented at RICWG 14/5/07.

There are a number of significant employment sites in the Eccles area (Green lane, GUS Warehouse etc), the future of which is under review. April 2007

NRF/CAP £20k for commission Funding sources Plus additional for consultation phase, potential £6K Article in the Salford Advertiser – Feb 2007 Publicity to date Further publicity planned

25 Project: Eccles Town Centre Pledge: Creating prosperity in Salford

Area Covered Eccles Lead Officer Richard Wynne, Urban Vision Summary Various interventions to promote or enhance the town centre. Priorities and Milestones Timescales Eccles LIFT Centre open. July 2008 Progress Date Work progressing on LIFT site with completion expected in July 2008. March 2007 The new Wilkinson has now opened. April 2007 Funding sources Publicity to date Press coverage of LIFT proposal.

26 Project: Magistrates Court and Justice Centre Initiative Pledge: Enhancing life in Salford

Area Covered Eccles Lead Officer Richard Wynne, Urban Vision Confirmation of site for new courthouse at John William Street. Summary Car parking solution will involve multi storey car parking.

Priorities and Milestones Timescales Her Majesty's Courts Service (HMCS) & Department of Constitutional Affairs (DCA) approval through National Property Strategy. On -going

Completion of Magistrates Court. Earliest Jan 2008 Progress Date Heads of terms with HMCS almost agreed. PFI Gateway 2 dealt with adequately by HMCS team. April 2007

Detailed terms awaited in respect to replacement of car park procurement options. April 2007

Magistrates Court is dependent upon Comprehensive Spending Funding sources Review. Publicity to date Press coverage of Magistrate Court proposal.

27 Project: Building Schools for the Future (BSF) Pledge: A learning and creative City/ A city where children and young people are valued

Area Covered Eccles Lead Officer Stephen Bradbury, Project Director, BSF BSF vision to create buildings for the 21st century and to provide choice and a greater range of services at each secondary school. Summary Supporting the vision is an investment of up to £110 million from Government's BSF programme. Priorities and Milestones Timescales Opening of new Wentworth High school building. September 2011 Progress Date The Outline Business Case (OBC) was approved by Cabinet on 27/02/07 and submitted to Partnerships for Schools on 28/02/07. The February 2007 programme proposes £118m investment between 2008 and 2012.

The proposal for a new building for Wentworth High school falls within phase 2 of the programme. A proposed opening date of September February 2007 2011 is indicated within the OBC.

The proposal for a refurbishment (including 29% new build) for St Patrick's RC High school falls within phase 3 of the programme. A February 2007 proposed opening date of September 2012 is indicated within the OBC.

Funding sources BSF Consultation information on SCC website Publicity to date

28 Irlam & Cadishead Barton Strategic Site Red City Developments  This is the development of a 20,000 seat stadium with retail park.  A meeting with Red City Developments is to be scheduled. Port Salford

 This is the development of a multi modal freight terminal; to include 2-berth port, rail freight terminal, and 200,000 sq m warehousing.  The Highways Agency holding direction now extends until 21/05/07, allowing them more time to assess the highway modelling and implications.  There is a need to review progress on this application and related studies underway, in light of the potential for Parkside (rail freight terminal) in St Helens to be called in the next few months.

Chat Moss Visioning  This project examines the Mosslands area identifying sustainable future landuses.  A preliminary vision has been presented to the Chat Moss land and produce group. The preliminary vision will be presented to Irlam and Cadishead Community Committee on 17/05/07.

Liverpool Road Corridor

 A request to roll forward funding for the public art project was approved in March 2007. The project management team are in discussions with the artists and Urban Vision to agree the next stages of the project. A57 Strategy

 The baseline highlights and draft strategic options were reported to both Housing & Planning and Chief Executives Lead Members in April 2007  A consultation programme has been drafted and will be implemented during May / June.  A pre consultation planning session took place on 1/5/07 around the development of a ten year strategy and action plan for the A57. Update to be presented at RICWG 14/5/07.  Building Schools for the Future  The Outline Business Case (OBC) was approved by Cabinet on 27/02/07 and submitted to Partnerships for Schools on 28/02/07. The programme proposes £118m investment between 2008 and 2012.  The proposal for a refurbishment (including 28% new build) for Irlam and Cadishead Community High school fall within phase 1A of the programme. A proposed opening date of January 2011 is indicated within the OBC.  Outline planning permission was granted for Irlam & Cadishead community high school at Planning Panel on 01/02/07.

Irlam Railway Station  GMPTE are putting a programme of works together to improve security and real time information, this should be completed by Spring 2007. Work on site is expected to start late 2007/ early 2008. 29 Project: Barton Strategic Site Pledge: Creating prosperity in Salford

Area Covered Barton Lead Officer Martin Hodgson, Urban Vision Salford Reds: 20,000 seat stadium with retail, hotel, fast food etc to Summary support the stadium use; and

Priorities and Milestones Timescales Site allocation in the Unitary Development Plan. On-going Progress Date An internal meeting has been scheduled early May to discuss the information provided by Red City Developments. April 2007

A meeting with Red City Developments is to be scheduled. The developer is seeking to sign up key anchor tenants to make the retail element of the scheme viable. April 2007 The developer will also be seeking NWDA assistance to offset the cost of developing brownfield land.

Secretary of State gave approval to Salford Reds stadium development 03/11/06. 03/11/06

Funding sources Private Publicity to date Coverage of Salford Reds Stadium in MEN and Guardian

Area Covered Barton Lead Officer Helen Ashworth, Urban Vision Port Salford: multi modal freight terminal; to include 2-berth port, rail Summary freight terminal, and 200,000 sq m warehousing. Priorities and Milestones Timescales Highways Agency pronouncement expected 21/05/07 Progress Date Highways Agency holding direction now extends until 21/05/07 to allow more time to assess the highway modelling and implications. January 2006

Assessment of the planning application and traffic issues being investigated. On-going

Funding sources Private Publicity to date

30 Project: Chat Moss Visioning Pledge: Enhancing Life in Salford

Chat Moss (in Salford); Rixton and Risley Mosses (in Warrington) and Area Covered Astley Moss (in Wigan) Lead Officer Nick Lowther, Housing & Planning To carry out an assessment of the Mossland project area to produce a long term Vision that will promote the “best fit” for competing landuses and establish sustainable landuse patterns with a view to:

- understanding mossland habitat and landscape in order to deliver maximum public benefit. - secure long term economic viability of mosslands based around Summary agriculture, establishment of local markets, specialist products and creation of jobs for local people. - recognise unique potential of mossland to deliver rare and significant amounts of mossland habitat of high biodiversity value. - maximise value of mossland landscape as an accessible leisure, health and local heritage resource for tourists, visitors and local communities. Priorities and Milestones Timescales The preliminary vision will be presented to Irlam and Cadishead Community Committee on 17/05/07. May 2007

Progress Date A preliminary vision has been presented to the Chat Moss land and produce group. April 2007

Wigan MBC have contributed £10,000 towards the costs of the project (thereby matching Salford City Council and Warrington Borough Council contribution).

Salford City Council £10K Warrington DC £10K Funding sources Countryside Agency £5K NWDA £10K NRF £5K Publicity to date n/a

31 Project: Liverpool Road Corridor Pledge: Creating prosperity in Salford

Area Covered Irlam & Cadishead Lead Officer Ruth Shields, Economic Development Officer To stem and turn around the decline of the Liverpool Road Corridor by implementing a series of physical improvements. The challenge is not simply to make regeneration happen, but to ensure that it builds long term sustainability in every respect, economic, social and Summary environmental. This will involve balancing the retention of existing communities, improving their social and economic prospects, with a need to attract newcomers into the area.

Priorities and Milestones Timescales Completion of Public Art on Cadishead Way roundabout. Sept 2007 Progress Date A request to roll forward funding for the public art project was approved in March 2007. The project management team are in discussions with April 2007 the artists and Urban Vision to agree the next stages of the project.

A planning application may be received for a waste recycling facility at Boysnope Wharf. April 2007

Public art model has been produced and discussions are underway with fabricators. Detailed drawing are being produced to enable costings to March 2007 be obtained and planning permission to be sought.

A bulb planting programme is being set up for the key transport corridors in Salford West including the A57, A6, A580 and A666. March 2007

NRF 05/06 £45,000 Funding sources NRF 06/07 £tbc Publicity to date

32 Project: A57 Corridor Strategy Pledge: Creating Prosperity in Salford

Area Covered Eccles Bernie Vaudrey, Strategic Manager Business & Investment, Economic Lead Officer Development, Chief Executive Directorate Summary Strategy to develop the Liverpool Road Corridor (A57). Priorities and Milestones Timescales Formal Adoption of Strategy & Action Plan (17/09/07) Sept 2007 10 year strategy and action plan produced (23/07/06) July 2007 Final strategy and action plan, presented to both Political Executives and Community Committee’s and Lead Members. End June 2007

Formal consultation phase planned for 14/05/07 - 22/05/07 comprising of: 7. Online through 8. Promotional leaflet 9. Salford West Business Dinner 10. Formal Events (x4) May/June 2007 a. Public (x2 – Eccles and Irlam & Cadishead) b. Key stakeholders c. Business 11. Youth – questionnaire 12. Drop in Sessions (x4) Political Discussions (Political Exec Chairs and LMB X2 Housing & Planning and Chief Execs) April 2007

Progress Date Baseline Report and draft strategic options report produced as a basis for consultation. This has been circulated to both Lead Members for April 2007 Chief Executives and Housing & Planning Directorates

Local Political Members updated on progress. April 2007 A pre consultation planning session took place on 1/5/07 around the development of a ten year strategy and action plan for the A57. Update April 2007 to be presented at RICWG 14/5/07.

There are a number of significant employment sites in the Eccles area (Green lane, GUS etc), the future of which is under review. April 2007

Resource issues within Urban Vision meant the project was temporarily put on hold. A meeting between all key partners took place on the 6th March 2007. A revised timetable (see above) and a new project team March 2007 approach were agreed.

NRF/CAP £20k for commission Funding sources Plus additional for consultation phase, potential £6K Article in the Salford Advertiser – Feb 2007 Publicity to date Further publicity planned

33 Project: Building Schools for the Future Pledge: Pledge: A learning and creative City/ A city where children and young people are valued

Area Covered Irlam and Cadishead Lead Officer Stephen Bradbury, Project Director, BSF BSF vision to create buildings for the 21st century and to provide choice and a greater range of services at each secondary school. Summary Supporting the vision is an investment of up to £110 million from Government's BSF programme. Priorities and Milestones Timescales Opening of refurbished Irlam and Cadishead High school. January 2011 Progress Date The Outline Business Case (OBC) was approved by Cabinet on 27/02/07 and submitted to Partnerships for Schools on 28/02/07. The February 2007 programme proposes £118m investment between 2008 and 2012.

The proposal for a refurbishment (including 28% new build) for Irlam and Cadishead Community High school fall within phase 1A of the programme. A proposed opening date of January 2011 is indicated February 2007 within the OBC.

Outline planning permission was granted for Irlam & Cadishead community high school at Planning Panel on 01/02/07. February 2007

Funding sources BSF Consultation information on SCC website Publicity to date

34 Little Hulton & Walkden

Ashton Fields Site

 This employment site is currently on the market for B1, B2, B8 use and is being marketed by LSH on behalf of NWDA. A development brief has been produced in partnership with SCC.  The NWDA have produced and issued a development brief to market the site.

Cutacre Site

 This project will see a coal washing operation opening.  The start date for archaeological work at Wharton Hall has been put back to spring 2008.  During summer 2007 approximately 2ha of soil stripping will take place south of Cutacre tip.

Walkden Town Centre

 Building work on Walkden LIFT centre commenced and will be completed by July 2008.  Permission has been granted for residential development on the former cuemasters site on Harriet Street.

Building Schools for the Future

 The Outline Business Case (OBC) was approved by Cabinet on 27/02/07 and submitted to Partnerships for Schools on 28/02/07. The programme proposes £118m investment between 2008 and 2012.  The proposal for a new building for Walkden High school falls within phase 1A of the revised programme. A proposed opening date of September 2010 is indicated within the OBC.  Outline planning permission was granted for Walkden High school at Planning Panel on 01/02/07.  The BSF team are currently investigating access options.

35 Project: Ashton Field Site Pledge: Creating prosperity in Salford

Area Covered Little Hulton Lead Officer Barry Whitmarsh, Planning Services Summary Attract prospective developers to the Ashton Field site. Priorities and Milestones Timescales Progress Date This employment site is currently on the market for B1, B2, B8 use and is being marketed by LSH on behalf of NWDA. A development brief has April 2007 been produced in partnership with SCC.

Discussions are ongoing with Web Lighting regarding the retention of their current operation in Little Hulton. March 2006

Public open space works were completed November 2006. Maintenance agreements are in place for the site to be maintained by November 2006 the Land Reclamation Trust.

Funding sources NWDA/ EP Publicity to date

36 Project: Cutacre Site Pledge: Creating prosperity in Salford

Area Covered Cutacre site, Little Hulton Lead Officer Anthony Stephenson, Urban Vision Reclamation and restoration of the land, following coal extraction, for a Summary mixture of amenity, agriculture and woodland uses. The coal extraction programme has a 4 year timetable Priorities and Milestones Timescales Completed restoration of land following coal extraction. 2011 Archaeological works to begin at Wharton Hall. Spring 2008 Approximately 2ha of soil stripping will take place south of Cutacre tip. Summer 2007 Progress Date The start date for archaeological work at Wharton Hall has been put back to spring 2008. April 2007

Discussions are on-going between UK Coal and Bolton MBC regarding the employment potential of the site. March 2007

All pre-commencement conditions have been discharged and work is commencing. On-going

Funding sources Private funding Liaison meetings with Ward Councillors and residents take place every few months. Given the size of the site, it has been split into Publicity to date areas A-H which will be worked as separate phases (some of which overlap). These phases offer an opportunity for communication.

Project: Walkden Town Centre Pledge: All

Area Covered Walkden Town Centre Lead Officer Richard Wynne, Urban Vision Summary Various interventions to promote or enhance the town centre. Priorities and Milestones Timescales LIFT centre complete July 2008 Progress Date Building work on Walkden LIFT centre on-going. On-going

SCC have written to the owners of the former Kwik Save site to request plans for redevelopment. The new owners replied in November November 2006 formalising proposals and requesting further discussions with SCC.

Funding sources Publicity to date

37 Project: Building Schools for the Future (BSF) Pledge: Pledge: A learning and creative City/ A city where children and young people are valued

Area Covered Little Hulton & Walkden Lead Officer Stephen Bradbury, Project Director, BSF BSF vision to create buildings for the 21st century and to provide choice and a greater range of services at each secondary school. Summary Supporting the vision is an investment of up to £110 million from Government's BSF programme. Priorities and Milestones Timescales Opening of new Walkden High school building. September 2010 Progress Date The BSF team are currently investigating access options. February 2007 The Outline Business Case (OBC) was approved by Cabinet on 27/02/07 and submitted to Partnerships for Schools on 28/02/07. The February 2007 programme proposes £118m investment between 2008 and 2012.

The proposal for a new building for Walkden High school falls within phase 1A of the revised programme. A proposed opening date of February 2007 September 2010 is indicated within the OBC.

Outline planning permission was granted for Walkden High school at Planning Panel on 01/02/07. February 2007

Funding sources BSF Consultation information on SCC website. Publicity to date

38 Ordsall & Langworthy

Chapel Street Salford Central Station  Improvements to the station and approaches will provide a major transport interchange for surrounding developments in Chapel Street and Manchester City Centre  The final phase 1 design has been agreed and the various statutory approvals received. Phase 1 started on site on 04/12/06 and will be completed by September 2007.

Central Chapel Street

 English Cities Fund (ECF) is developing a masterplan for the area as part of their evaluation of development potential around the station. The masterplan will cover the area around the station, extending west to Oldfield Road/Adelphi Street and north and south of Chapel street. ECF are continuing to acquire properties through 2007/08.  SCC are producing planning guidance for the area for consultation in summer 2007. The ECF are to produce the development framework for consultation in October/ November 2007.

Ordsall Riverside

 The URC, working with the City Council, commissioned a masterplan to look at regeneration options for the Ordsall Riverside area, January 2007.  A presentation of the final masterplan will be given to stakeholders on 31/05/07. Planning guidance is to be produced in summer 2007 and adopted January 2008.  Planning permission was granted 19/04/07 for the Hulton Street scheme.  Plan to approach English Partnerships for funding for 1st time buyers scheme.

Crescent  Working with the City Council and other public sector / land owning stakeholders, the URC have commissioned a masterplan to look at regeneration options for the Crescent area.  The draft masterplan will be complete by May/ June 2007.  There are significant funding issues relating to the public realm which may require a report to Planning Panel in the near future. Greengate

 The final Exchange Greengate planning guidance was adopted by Council on 17/01/07.  Three planning applications for Exchange Greengate were submitted in September 2006 – these include two applications for mixed use development submitted by ASK and ASK/Network Rail and an application for the primary public realm submitted by Central Salford URC. These applications are currently being considered with a decision expected on 17/05//07.  An agreement with MCC on the future of this area has been reached. An application for the public realm submitted to Manchester City Council has still to be registered. It is anticipated that the

Crescent Railway Station  The Crescent Railway station is being considered within the Crescent masterplanning process. Plans to redesign the station or relocate the platforms are being considered.  Work has started with GMPTE, Network Rail, the University and Central Salford URC on options for the future of Salford Crescent station. The station is currently working beyond its design capacity and there are safety concerns at peak hours due to overcrowding of platforms.  The work will look at short term measures and longer term solutions.

39 Middlewood/ Manchester Bury and Bolton Canal

 Planning permission was granted in December 2006. The completion of 1st phase of the MBBC is important for the delivery of Middlewood.  Section 106 for Middlewood has been agreed and the planning permission granted on 30th April 2007. The Strategic Director of Customer and Support Services is to be authorised to secure the repayment of £1,000,000 to the Council for the advance funding of the canal; a financial contribution of £50,000 towards increased canal restoration costs; and a financial contribution of £901,897 to the implementation of environmental improvements outside the site, improvements to pedestrian routes to Salford Central Station and public transport, public art, air quality monitoring, and towards enhanced landscaping and public realm within the site.  All site investigation works have been completed and advance earthworks has commenced with 90% of material removed from site. The remaining material will be removed from site in April / May 2007  The main civils contract has been tendered and appraisal completed. Discussions are underway with the preferred tenderer (April 2007).  All land necessary for the completion of the canal project has now been acquired.


Pendleton Area Action Plan  Consultation on preferred options will commence on 15/06/07 for a six week period ending on 26/07/07.  The report was presented to Lead Member in April and has now been sent to Cabinet Briefing for approval. Cabinet decision expected at the end of May.  Pendleton, PFI, was awarded £102m. A technical advisor and design champion is to be procured to assist with the project. The Outline Business Case (OBC) is being prepared for submission in November 2007.

Proposed TESCO adjacent to Shopping City  Tesco/ PCP have confirmed their full commitment to the project.  Bi - weekly design team meetings are taking place between the Tesco/PCP and Council teams  A planning application is expected to be submitted in June/July 2007. Many items are still to be resolved. It is now intended that the draft development proposals will be consulted on through the Pendleton area action plan consultation which is scheduled for June 2007. If this deadline slips advanced consultation solely in respect of the Tesco/PCP proposals may need to be considered.  Tesco/PCP have agreed to look at the part funding of a project manager. The project manager will work with Tesco/PCP consultants to look at the early delivery of parts of the scheme based on land availability, CPO and road closure timing. The project manager will also assist with the planning and preparation work for the 2 new Primary schools in the area linked to the timetable for the delivery of Tesco/PCP proposals.

40 Seedley Village  The first stage of the marketing process for the Langworthy Hotel is complete. Following a poor response the Board has agreed to revise the brief and re-advertise in May 2007.  The first residents have now started to move into the Urban Splash homes. It is expected that up to up to 45 residents will move into the area as part of this first phase of completions.  The HMR team is currently working up new start schemes for 2007 /2008 subject to funding approval via the Capital Investment Strategy.  There will be a ceremony to celebrate the laying of the first stone for the new church on 9/5/07.  The Langworthy Board have asked the Housing Market Renewal Programme Sub-Board to advise on the two options that have been presented for the Seedley South Area. The Sub-Board is using its advisor EKOS to do a value for money desk top exercise. The Sub-Board will review this and advise the Langworthy Board and the Housing Lead Member on which option it feels is most practical. Housing Lead Member will then make a decision on the way forward.

Salford Quays Clippers Quay  Outline planning application was approved by Planning Panel on 01/02/07 for the demolition of the former cinema and erection of 654 residential units and 7,212m2 of commercial floor space. Michigan Avenue  Planning Panel granted planning permission on 01/02/07 for the erection of four 26-storey buildings comprising of 1036 apartments and 58,475 sq.ft. of commercial space. mediacity:uk

 Work is expected to begin on site in May/June to ensure the BBC are able to occupy the site in 2010. Development of an Academy  The Academy proposal is included in the BSF programme. The Outline Business Case (OBC) was approved by Cabinet on 27/02/07 and submitted to partners for Schools 28/02/07. The programme proposes £118m investment between 2008 and 2012.  The proposal to replace Hope High with a new build Academy school falls within phase 1B of the programme. A proposed opening date of February 2011 is indicated in the OBC.  Outline planning permission was granted for the Academy at Planning Panel on 01/02/07.


 Public consultation on development of 22 dwellings on Robert hall Street has been held.  A planning permission for development of 260 dwellings at Hulton Street granted by planning panel on 19/04/07.  Surveys of potentially contaminated sites have been undertaken. Awaiting results.

41 Project: Salford Central Station Pledge: Creating prosperity in Salford

Area Covered Chapel Street Lead Officer Peter Baker (Central Salford URC)  To improve the station and its approaches Summary  To provide a major transport interchange for surrounding development in Chapel Street and Manchester City Centre Priorities and Milestones Timescales Phase 1 completed. September 2007

Progress Date The final Phase 1 design has been agreed and the various statutory approvals received. Phase 1 commenced on site on 04/12/06. December 2006

Repair and restoration of the historic railway bridges was completed. November 2006 English Cities Fund (ECF) developing masterplan for the area as part of their evaluation of development potential around the station. The masterplan will cover the area around the station, extending west to October 2006 Oldfield Road/Adelphi Street and North and South of Chapel Street. The ECF scheme was presented to the URC board on 25/10/06.

Phase 1: EDZ £1,080,848 Funding sources GMPTE £3,352,442 Publicity to date

42 Project: Restoration of Manchester, Bury & Bolton Canal (MBBC) Pledge: Enhancing life in Salford

Line of the Canal from the River Irwell Trinity Way / Hampson St to Area Covered Clifton Junction (and on into Bury & Bolton) Phase 1 Middlewood David Evans, Housing and Planning Directorate Lead Officer Mark Jackson, British Waterways To see the restoration of the canal to navigation, as a catalyst to Summary regeneration & redevelopment along its line. Priorities and Milestones Timescales Expected completion of phase 1. Late 2007 Secure NWDA approval to project outline for future phases of the canal. Post 2006

Progress Date Section 106 for Middlewood has been agreed and the planning permission granted on 30th April 2007. April 2007

All site investigation works have been completed and advance earthworks have commenced with 90% of material removed from site. April 2007 The remaining material will be removed from site April / May 2007.

The main civils contract have been tendered and appraisal completed. April 2007 Discussions are now underway with the preferred tenderer. April 2007 All land necessary for the completion of the canal project has now been acquired. April 2007

East Ordsall Lane Bridge works will commence late April. April 2007 Discussions are required with British Waterways to consider the impact of proposed budget cuts on the 2nd and future stages of MBBC. This is On -going continuing but is tied in with making a start on phase 1.

Phase 1 ERDF £2,039,362 Funding sources NWDA £1,100,000 S106/ SCC £1,354,000 Private sector £1,000,000 (contribution of land) Publicity to date

43 Project: Greengate Pledge: Enhancing life in Salford/ Creating prosperity in Salford

Area Covered Chapel Street Lead Officer Peter Baker (Central Salford URC) Redevelopment of vacant and underused land and industrial property in Greengate to create a new mixed-use urban quarter at core of conurbation. Key project within Central Salford URC’s Chapel Street/The Summary Crescent Transformation Area. Need to ensure links with Irwell City Park, City Centre Transportation Strategy and Springfield Lane site.

Priorities and Milestones Timescales Public realm application submitted to MCC to be determined May 2007

Key acquisitions by EP (former Exchange Bus Station) and May 2007 ASK/Network Rail (Chapel Street frontage).

EP investment programme developed and approved. By Spring 2007 Progress Date Three planning applications for Exchange Greengate were submitted in September 2006 – these include two applications for mixed use development submitted by ASK and ASK/Network Rail and an application for the primary public realm submitted by Central Salford April 2007 URC. These applications are currently being considered with a decision expected on 17/05/07.

An agreement with MCC on the future of this area has been reached. An application for the public realm submitted to Manchester City Council has still to be registered. It is anticipated that the application April 2007 will be registered and determined in the near future.

The final Exchange Greengate Planning Guidance was adopted by Council on 17/01/07. January 2007

Public realm scheme being appraised by EP. The former bus station has been declared surplus by GMPTE. EP are now negotiating bus January 2007 station purchase with GMPTE. CPO under consideration.

Development proceeding on site - Abito, Dandara and Chestergate On -going Land Ltd schemes progressing well. Funding sources English Partnerships, Private Sector and SCC Section 106 Positive publicity in local press and professional journals about various Publicity to date planning applications and public realm proposals.

44 Project: Pendleton Area Action Plan Pledge: Enhancing life in Salford

Area Covered Pendleton Centre Lead Officer David Percival, Assistant Director (Spatial Planning) Summary To develop an Area Action Plan for the central Pendleton area. Priorities and Milestones Timescales Consultation on Preferred Options for Pendleton Area Action Plan. 15/06/07 - 26/07/07 Submit outline business case for PFI. November 2007 Consultation on Draft Pendleton Area Action Plan. June - July 2008 Public Examination into the Draft Pendleton Area Action Plan. January 2009 Selection of preferred PFI bidder. Winter - Spring 2010 Adoption of Pendleton Area Action Plan. December 2009

Progress Date Consultation on preferred options will commence on 15/06/07 for a six week period ending on 26/07/07. The draft of preferred options was presented to lead member on 16/04/07. This will now be sent to Cabinet April 2007 briefing on 08/05/07 and Cabinet on 24/05/07.

Pendleton, PFI, was awarded £102m. A technical advisor and design champion is to be procured to assist with the project. The Outline Business Case (OBC) is being prepared for submission in November March 2007 2007.

Funding sources Housing Capital Programme, Private, PFI credits Various, associated with AAP consultation. MEN press coverage of PFI announcement Dec 06. Publicity to date PAAP Newsletter Feb 2006.

45 Project: Proposed TESCO Development – Shopping City Pledge: Creating prosperity in Salford/ Enhancing life in Salford

Area Covered Land adjacent to Pendleton Way Lead Officer Peter Openshaw, Urban Vision New food store to support the centre and enhance retail facilities in the Summary area. Priorities and Milestones Timescales A planning application is expected to be submitted in June/July 2007. Many items are still to be resolved. It is now intended that the draft development proposals will be consulted on through the Pendleton area action plan consultation which is scheduled for June 2007. If this June 2007 deadline slips advanced consultation solely in respect of the Tesco/PCP proposals may need to be considered.

Planning application to be submitted. June/ July 2007 Progress Date Tesco/ PCP have confirmed their full commitment to the project. Bi - weekly Design team meetings are taking place between the April 2007 Tesco/PCP and Council teams.

Tesco/PCP have agreed to look at the part funding of a project manager. The project manager will work with Tesco/PCP consultants to look at the early delivery of parts of the scheme based on land March 2007 availability, CPO and road closure timing.

Further steering meetings scheduled between February and May 2007 Monthly meetings to drive matters to a conclusion. ongoing

Funding sources Private Publicity to date

46 Project: Seedley and Langworthy Pledge: All 7

Area Covered Seedley Village Lead Officer Gill Finlay, Housing and Planning Directorate To create a sustainable neighbourhood of choice that offers a safe Summary and attractive place to live for the existing community and encourages newcomers and private investment. Priorities and Milestones Timescales Chimney Pot Park celebration event. July 2007 Neighbourhood strategy for Seedley South to be in place. June 2007 Seedley South proposals to be reported to the Pathfinder programme June 2007 and scrutiny sub-committee on 12/06/07 for financial sign off. Completion of disabled adapted bungalows on Nadine Street. May 2007 Shops Phase 2 refurbishments complete. May 2007 Chimney Pot Park completion. May 2007 Progress Date The first stage of the marketing process for the Langworthy Hotel is complete. Following a poor response the Board has agreed to revise April 2007 the brief and re-advertise in May 2007.

There will be a ceremony to celebrate the laying of the first stone for the new church on 9/5/07. April 2007

The Langworthy Board have asked the Housing Market Renewal Programme Sub-Board to advise on the two options that have been presented for the Seedley South Area. The Sub-Board is using its critical friend and advisor EKOS to do a value for money desk top April 2007 exercise. The Sub-Board will review this and advise the Langworthy Board and the Housing Lead Member on which option it feels is most practical. Housing Lead Member will then make a decision on the way forward. The HMR team is currently working up new start schemes for 2007 / 2008 subject to funding approval via the Capital Investment Strategy. April 2007

The first residents have now started to move into the Urban Splash homes. It is expected that up to up to 45 residents will move into the April 2007 area as part of this first phase of completions. Renovation works are currently on-going to improve 10 properties for Homeswap purposes on Cooperative St. Five households have moved April 2007 into their new homeswap homes (to end of March 2007). Seedley South consultation via TPAS is now complete. The community’s aspirations for their neighbourhood have been evaluated and revised proposals have been prepared. These are due to be appraised during May and reported to the Pathfinder programme and April 2007 scrutiny sub-committee on 12/06/07 for financial sign off. Following the release of funding there will be ongoing community involvement in the development of project detail and implementation. Construction of a mixed use scheme including a church (Emmanuel Church) community facilities and 22 apartments is due to commence on April 2007 site in spring 2007. NWDA, ERDF, HMRF, English Partnerships and Housing Capital Funding sources Programme. Chimney Pot Park press coverage Publicity to date Launch of US First Time Buyers Initiative in October 2006 In Bloom July 2006

47 Project: Clippers Quay Pledge: Enhancing life in Salford/ Creating prosperity in Salford

Area Covered Salford Quays – Clippers Quay Lead Officer Dave Jolley, Urban Vision Mixed-use development. Summary Residential to comprise mix of dwelling types from 1 to 3 bed. Strong design requirement – aim is landmark building. Priorities and Milestones Timescales Clippers Quay to begin on site. Late 2007

Progress Date Outline planning application was approved by Planning Panel on 01/02/07 for the demolition of the former cinema and erection of 654 February 2007 residential units and 7,212m2 of commercial floor space.

Michigan Avenue Planning Panel granted planning permission on 01/02/07 for the erection of four 26-storey buildings comprising of 1036 apartments and February 2007 58,475 sq.ft. of commercial space.

Funding sources Private Sector Publicity to date

48 Project: mediacity:uk Pledge: Creating prosperity in Salford / Enhancing life in Salford

Area Covered Salford Quays – Dock 9 Lead Officer Alan Westwood, Director Customer and Support Services, SCC Proposed relocation, from London and Manchester, of key BBC Departments such as Childrens', Sport and Radio Five Live and the Summary creation of a hub of media and creative industries with the BBC at its heart, mediacity:uk.

Priorities and Milestones Timescales Progress Date Work is expected to begin on site at in May/ June to ensure the BBC are able to occupy the site in 2010. April 2007

Planning Panel approved the reserved matters application for buildings A, B and C. April 2007

Planning applications for the studio block and Quays Plaza are expected to be received within the next few months. April 2007

Discussions over a range of issues are currently being discussed in tandem. April 2007

Letter received from BBC Director General offering £200,000 towards the next design phase March 2007

The BBC Trust confirmed plans to move to Salford Quays, following the announcement of the licence fee settlement on 18/01/07. January 2007

Informal planning guidance approved January 2007. January 2007 Pre planning application discussions are on-going regarding phase 1 reserve matters application, to be submitted in February 2007. January 2007

Funding sources BBC / NWDA / private sector / SCC Publicity to date BBC relocation local and national press coverage.

49 Project: Development of an Academy Pledge: A learning and creative City/ A city where children and young people are valued

Area Covered Salford Quays Lead Officer Stephen Bradbury, Project Director, BSF Summary The Hope Academy proposal forms part of the BSF proposal. Priorities and Milestones Timescales Opening of new Academy building. February 2011 Progress Date

The Academy proposal is included in the BSF programme. The Outline Business Case (OBC) was approved by Cabinet on 27/02/07 and February 2007 submitted to partners for Schools 28/02/07. The programme proposes £118m investment between 2008 and 2012.

The proposal to replace Hope High with a new build Academy school February 2007 fall within phase 1B of the programme.

Outline planning permission was granted for the Academy at Planning February 2007 Panel on 01/02/07. Funding sources DfES Publicity to date


Project: Ordsall Development Pledge: Enhancing life in Salford

Area Covered South Irwell Riverside Lead Officer Barry Whitmarsh, Housing and Planning Directorate Summary Regeneration and development within the Ordsall estate. Priorities and Milestones Timescales New primary school opening. Autumn 2007 Design project team to complete development work. May – Dec 2007 Submit stage 2 application. February 2008 Heritage Lottery decision expected. June 2008 Progress Date Construction of new primary school and children’s centre commenced On-going on target. Construction of a further 750 new apartments, by Bellway, David McLean Homes and Lowry Homes well advanced. On-going

Public consultation on development of 22 dwellings on Robert Hall Street held. April 2007

A planning application for development of 260 dwellings at Hulton Street was granted by planning panel on 19/04/07. April 2007

Quay 5 development won the 'Your New Home ' magazine 'Best Development for 1st Time Buyers' award. March 2007

The Heritage Lottery fund approved the bid for £4.3m for Ordsall Hall on 20/03/07. Ordsall Hall lottery assessment visits were carried out over March 2007 Jan/Feb 2007.

Private sector-led development, predominantly on Council-owned Funding sources land. Infrastructure works funded from land values. Sources of gap funding to be identified. Housing Capital Programme.  Local press articles followings completion of development agreement. Publicity to date  Press releases issued in respect of recent consultation event.  Quarterly newsletter for local residents.

51 Swinton

Croal Irwell Regional Park / Lower Irwell Valley Improvement Area (LIVIA)

 This project will assess and treat contaminated land, where possible returning it to soft- end and recreational use. Over 200 hectares of land has been identified for reclamation in the Irwell Valley.  The NWDA now recognise the Croal Irwell Regional Park as a priority.  The Forestry Commission (FC) have commenced site management and maintenance. Significant improvements are already visible.

Swinton Town Centre

 Discussions still proceeding with regards to the LIFT Centre.  A meeting was held between Swinton shopping centre owners (Millers) and the shopping centre car park leases (Excel) April 2007.  The Planning and Transportation panel have approved 2 residents parking schemes to be piloted on an experimental basis, following consultation.

Agecroft Commerce Park

 This is a 16.5 hectares site, is owned by the Northwest Development Agency (NWDA) and marketed by DTZ (Manchester Office).  PZ Cussons have been granted planning permission to construct a £26m innovation centre which will be their UK headquarters for manufacturing. This will take up the largest plot of land on Agecroft Phase III.  The marketing of the remaining four plots by DTZ is on-going.

Building Schools for the Future (BSF)

 The Outline Business Case (OBC) was approved by Cabinet on 27/02/07 and submitted to Partnerships for Schools on 28/02/07. The programme proposes £118m investment between 2008 and 2012.  The proposal to replace Moorside High and Swinton High with a new high school in Swinton falls within phase 2 of the programme. A proposed opening date of September 2011 is indicated in the OBC.  The proposal for a refurbishment (including 39% new build) for St Ambrose Barlow RC High school falls within phase 3 of the programme. A proposed opening date of September 2012 is indicated in the OBC.

52 Project: Croal Irwell Regional Park/ Lower Irwell Valley Improvement Area (LIVIA) Pledge: Enhancing life in Salford

Area Covered LIVIA area in Pendlebury Lead Officer Barry Whitmarsh, Housing and Planning Directorate Over 200 hectares identified for reclamation in the Irwell Valley. Site suffers from significant contamination from a wide range of past industrial uses. Summary Focus of the programme will be to assess contamination, treat it where possible and restore the land for soft-end and recreational after uses. Priorities and Milestones Timescales Identify and agree 3 year capital programme. On approval Progress Date The NWDA now recognise the Croal Irwell Regional Park as a priority. April 2007 The Forestry Commission (FC) have commenced site management and maintenance and significant improvements are already visible. March 2007

Coalfield Community Funding of £225k has been secured for the Clifton area, directly linked to the Newlands work on the LIVIA site. Groundwork Salford, Manchester and Trafford have taken lead responsibility for the delivery of this programme on behalf of the On-going Council. Phase I of works at Queensmere Dam to support the work of Swinton and Pendlebury Angling Club has been completed. Progress being made on entrance features at Silverdale.

£4.75m approved over a 5 year period, Approximately £1.5m of this will provide at least 15 years management and maintenance. Approximately £0.5 m has already been spent on site investigation work, planning, design, legal issues, consultation work etc.

Match funding has been secured from a number of sources including: Funding sources - Coalfield Communities fund, Environment Agency landfill tax credits, S106 agreements, council capital receipts, Home Office ‘Gate-It’ funding.

Need to ensure linkage with other major regeneration initiatives including e.g. Manchester Bolton & Bury Canal restoration, Central Salford and New Deal for Communities. Publicity to date Coverage in MEN

53 Project: Swinton Town Centre Pledge: Enhancing life in Salford

Area Covered Swinton Lead Officer Richard Wynne, Urban vision Summary Overall improvement of town centre Priorities and Milestones Timescales Progress Date A meeting was held between Swinton shopping centre owners (Millers) and the shopping centre car park leases (Excel). April 2007

The Planning and Transportation panel have approved 2 residents parking schemes to be piloted on an experimental basis, following April 2007 consultation.

A meeting was held with Swinton shopping centre owners on 06/03/07. March 2007 Discussions still proceeding with regards to the LIFT Centre. March 2007 Funding sources n/a Publicity to date n/a

54 Project: Agecroft Commerce Park Pledge: Creating Prosperity in Salford

Area Covered Swinton Lead Officer Bernie Vaudrey, Economic Development, Chief Executive Directorate Lever in private sector development in to the site using NWDA funding. Currently the site is cleared and made up of development plots serviced by an access road constructed in 2005 by NWDA. In Summary planning policy terms the end use is for employment generation in terms of B1 Business, B2 General Industrial or B8, which is storage or distribution. The site is 16.5 hectares and is owned by the Northwest Development Agency and marketed by DTZ (Manchester Office). Priorities and Milestones Timescales Encourage investment and developer interest in Phase III, which will mean that all phases are up to full occupancy and maximum economic End 2007 capacity.

Progress Date Currently approx. 43% of the site is available for let April 2007 PZ Cussons have been granted planning permission to construct a £26m innovation centre which will be their UK headquarters for manufacturing. The site will provide 7,200 sq metres of floor space for industrial use April 2007 together with 1,240 sq m of offices over two floors. This will take up the largest plot of land on Agecroft Phase III.

NWDA has commissioned DTZ Debenham Thorpe to market the remaining four plots. April 2007

Funding sources NWDA and RSI Publicity to date Article in Manchester Evening News 11/01/07.

55 Project: Building Schools for the Future (BSF) Pledge: Pledge: A learning and creative city/ A city where children and young people are valued

Area Covered Swinton Lead Officer Stephen Bradbury, Project Director, BSF BSF vision to create buildings for the 21st century and to provide choice and a greater range of services at each secondary school. Summary Supporting the vision is an investment of up to £110 million from Government's BSF programme. Priorities and Milestones Timescales New high school building open. September 2011 Progress Date The Outline Business Case (OBC) was approved by Cabinet on 27/02/07 and submitted to Partnerships for Schools on 28/02/07. The April 2007 programme proposes £118m investment between 2008 and 2012.

The proposal to replace Moorside High and Swinton High with a new high school in Swinton falls within phase 2 of the programme. A April 2007 proposed opening date of September 2011 is indicated in the OBC.

The proposal for a refurbishment (including 39% new build) for St Ambrose Barlow RC High school falls within phase 3 of the programme. April 2007 A proposed opening date of September 2012 is indicated in the OBC.

Funding sources BSF Consultation information on SCC website Publicity to date Production of draft vision brochure

56 Worsley & Boothstown

Salford Forest Park/Manchester Race Course

 A second planning application for an international race course/equestrian centre/forest park visitors centre/hotel/golf course/eco village submitted (July 2004). Urban Vision is in the process of undertaking a detailed assessment of the proposed development.

 The Highways Agency now has a holding direction in place until the 24/05/07 2007. This directs that the Local Authority cannot grant planning permission. All technical matters will need to be resolved before the application can be taken to the Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel with a recommendation.

Building Schools for the Future

 The Outline Business Case (OBC) was approved by Cabinet on 27/02/07 and submitted to Partnerships for Schools on 28/02/07. The programme proposes £118m investment between 2008 and 2012.  The closure of St George's RC school is proposed within the OBC.

57 Project: Salford Forest Park/Manchester Race Course Pledge:

Area Covered Worsley/Boothstown Chris Findley (Housing and Planning Directorate) Lead Officer Martin Hodgson/Helen Ashworth (Urban Vision) The Masterplan for the site includes the provision of a racecourse with floodlit all weather track and grandstand; an equestrian centre; 80 bed hotel; a golf course and clubhouse; a forest park centre comprising timber initiative centre, woodland wildlife centre, exhibition space, a demonstration eco-village, camping and woodland play area Summary A network of footpath, riding trails and cycle paths are proposed A number of new roads are proposed including a link to J13 of the M60 Extensive landscaping, including ground remodelling, the creation of water bodies and woodland is also proposed

Priorities and Milestones Timescales Highways Agency pronouncement expected. 24/05/07 Progress Date Peel's consultants submitted Green Belt supporting evidence in October 2006. This is currently being assessed. March 2007

The Highways Agency now has a holding direction in place until the 24/05/07. This directs that the Local Authority cannot grant planning permission. All technical matters will need to be resolved before the January 2007 application can be taken to the Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel with a recommendation.

A second planning application for the international race course/equestrian centre/forest park visitors centre/hotel/golf July 2004 course/eco village was submitted. Urban Vision is in the process of undertaking a detailed assessment of the proposed development.

Funding sources Private Sector Publicity to date

58 Project: Building Schools for the Future Pledge: Pledge: A learning and creative City/ A city where children and young people are valued

Area Covered Worsley Lead Officer Stephen Bradbury, Project Director, BSF BSF vision to create buildings for the 21st century and to provide choice and a greater range of services at each secondary school. Summary Supporting the vision is an investment of up to £110 million from Government's BSF programme. Priorities and Milestones Timescales Progress Date The Outline Business Case (OBC) was approved by Cabinet on 27/02/07 and submitted to Partnerships for Schools on 28/02/07. The April 2007 programme proposes £118m investment between 2008 and 2012.

The closure of St George's RC school is proposed within the OBC. April 2007

Funding sources BSF Consultation information on SCC website Publicity to date Production of draft vision brochure


Programme: Housing Market Renewal Fund

Area Covered Central Salford Lead Officer Bob Osborne, Housing and Planning Directorate This project is reversing a failing housing market. There are four major intervention Summary areas. These are NDC area, Seedley & Langworthy, Higher and Lower Broughton Start Date 02/10/03 End Date 2013 Key Outputs Output Target 06/07 Actual April 2007 Homes constructed 46 19 Homes acquired 26 190 Houses assisted with relocation 97 38 Progress Date

National Audit Office visit as part of the national evaluation of the Pathfinders. Their April 2007 report is expected in the summer.

The 9 Pathfinders held a reception for MPs in Westminister aimed at raising their March 2007 profile.

Audit Commission monitoring visit feedback received. December 2006 Discussions on-going with DCLG regarding CPO forward commitments/ use of On-going capital receipts. Expenditure Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total Spend Projected Spend 2006/07 2,300,000 4,920,000 4,039,000 5,610,000 17,870,000 Actual Spend 2006/07 2,300,000 4,476,000 4,353,000 6,741,000 17,870,000 Total Approved Spend 16,370,000 06/07 All linked to delivery of neighbourhood level programmes within each of 8 Publicity to date neighbourhoods across Central Salford. Integrated secretariat team now includes Marketing and Communications post.

60 Programme: Neighbourhood Renewal Fund

Citywide with focus on 10% most deprived wards according to 2004 Index of Multiple Deprivation (affecting 15 of the 20 wards in Salford - these being Little Area Covered Hulton/ Walkden North/ Swinton North/ Pendlebury/ Swinton South/ Winton/ Irlam/ Barton/ Eccles/ Weaste & Seedley/ Langworthy/ Ordsall/ Irwell Riverside/ Broughton/ Kersal) Lead Officer Alan Tomlinson, Policy and Improvement, Chief Executive Directorate This programme aims at improving floor targets and closing the gap in the following areas:-  Economic Development  Lifelong Learning Summary  Children and Young People  Health  Crime  Social Inclusion  Living Environment Start Date April 2001 End Date March 2008 Key Outputs *1 2006/07 Number of people into employment (priority 2) - Jobshop Advice Network. 62 Number of people into employment (priority 1) - Jobshop Advice Network. 69 Number of people engaged - Jobshop Advice Network. 263 Number of personal loans - Tackling Financial Exclusion project. 61 Number of people receiving financial advice -Tackling Financial Exclusion. 36 Number of grant applications from young people - Youth Action project. 10 Number of community groups supported - SAYO & SPARKY projects. 8 Progress Date All projects have signed-off contract letters. January 2007 Third Quarter spend reports received. January 2007 Only 2 projects do not have signed contract letters. November 2006 All but 6 projects have returned signed contract letters. October 2006 Second Quarter spend reports received. October 2006 First Quarter spend reports received. July 2006 £152,460 was carried over from 2005/06 and is now allocated to 2006/07 projects. April 2006 Expenditure Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total Spend Projected Spend 2006/07 £500,000 £1,000,000 £3,500,000 £4,460,460 £9,457,535 £4,300,000 Actual Spend 2006/07 £697,451 £2,814,132 £2,094,585 £9,500,000 * Total approved spend £9,457,535 Publicity to date

*A small number of returns are still outstanding as of 25/04/07

Programme: New Deal for Communities 61 Area Covered North Irwell Riverside Lead Officer Tim Field – NDC Chief Executive This programme concentrates on delivering improvements in the following areas: Building Communities Crime and Community Safety Summary Education, Children and Young people Physical Environment Health Business, Employment and Skills Start Date April 2001 End Date March 2011 Programme Projects  Housing redevelopment in riverside locations and at former Kersal High School site  Remodelling and renewal of existing housing public and private estates.  Salford Innovation Park hub.  Supporting Schools  GEARS+ (Automotive project with Young People)  Burglary Reduction  Community Health Action Partnership  Alley gating.  Public realm improvements.  Pendleton Gateway.  CRASY sports development.  Targeted policing.  Business Support (special grants for expansion)  Shop Parade improvements  Summer Fun  Job Shop. Key Outputs to date Beneficiaries of community safety initiatives - 438 People gaining advice and guidance - 2,146 Residents entering education / training - 923

Progress Date See earlier NDC Project update Total Expenditure Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Spend Projected Spend 2006/07 1,663,621 1,566,157 1,944,939 2,711,486 7,099,548* Actual Spend 2006/07 1,306,339 1,250,239 1,831,484 2,728,320 7,116,382** Total Approved Spend £7.1 million 06/07 Publicity to date NDC Newsletter *The approval letter from GONW has been received and the grant amount was £7,099,548. The extra £77K allocated initially has now been revised. ** Please note these figures are of 17/04/2007 and are still open to change.

Programme: North West Objective 2 Programme Priority 2 62 ‘Improving People & Communities’

Barton, Blackfriars, Broughton, Langworthy, Little Hulton, Ordsall, Pendleton, Area Covered Weaste and Seedley, Winton (Walkden North, transitional) Dee Carroll, Regeneration Strategy and Co-ordination, Lead Officer Chief Executive Directorate To create local employment and enterprise opportunities, remove barriers to participation and progression, improve employability and to increase participation in the labour market, build the capacity and cohesiveness of groups and communities and improve the local physical environment. This will be delivered through 5 key themes: Summary  Developing Enterprise & Employment in Communities.  Improving Access to Employment.  Developing an Inclusive Information Society.  Connecting Communities.  Building Economically Sustainable Communities Start Date January 2000 End Date December 2008 Key Outputs Q1 - Q4 2006/07 New premises (m²) - 1580 Community safety initiatives 107 People assisted towards employment 42,648 Actions Date Moneyline On-going Job Shop Plus On- going Langworthy Road improvements August 2006 Salford Sports Village - opened August 2006 SALT - established 1997 - On-going Cornerstone - opened March 2002 ICT in the community - established March 2002 Expenditure (calendar year) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total Spend Projected Spend 2006/07 900,000 250,000 200,000 200,000 1,550,000 Actual Spend 2006/07 940,523 261,578 207,549 190,142 1,599,792 Total approved spend £21,761,831 Jan 2000 to March 2007 Publicity to date

63 Programme: North West European Objective 2 Programme Priority 2 ‘Manchester Salford Sustaining Neighbourhoods Initiative’

Area Covered Central Salford wards Dee Carroll, Regeneration Strategy and Co-ordination, Lead Officer Chief Executive Directorate The Programme seeks to support the process of transformation in a limited number of Priority 2 wards surrounding the regional centre, maximising the opportunity afforded to the area its designation as the first Housing Renewal Pathfinder. The Action Plan seeks to utilise ERDF resources to add value to the Housing Market Renewal in order to create sustainable neighbourhoods Summary through:  Targeted streetscape and environmental enhancements  Alleyway treatments and alley-gating  Associated neighbourhood planning and ward co-ordination

Start Date October 2004 End Date December 2008 Actions Date Community safety initiatives - 10 December 2008 Environmental initiatives - 10 December 2008 Expenditure (calendar year) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total Spend Projected Spend 2006/07 1,430,742 90,000 513,492 418,704 £2,300,000 Actual Spend 2006/07 1,430,742 87,075 415,969 75,65 £1,941,351 Total approved spend £2,300,000 Publicity to date

64 Programme: North West Objective 2 Programme – Priority 3 ‘Irwell Corridor Economic Development Zones’

Area Covered Blackfriars/Broughton Dee Carroll, Regeneration Strategy and Co-ordination, Lead Officer Chief Executive Directorate To develop employment sites and realise the economic potential of natural, built, cultural or industrial heritage assets to create significant number of jobs, that are accessible to residents from ‘communities in need’. This will be delivered through 3 themes: Summary  Developing Strategic Employment Opportunities.  Maximising the economic potential of the Region’s Natural, Cultural Assets.  Connecting with communities in need. December Start Date January 2000 End Date 2008 Actions Date December Manchester Bury Bolton Canal - Opening of the first phase 2007 All land necessary for the completion of the canal project acquired. March 2007 Securing NWDA approval to project outline for future phases. Post 2006 Phase 1 complete Salford Central Station. June 2007 Expenditure (calendar Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total Spend year) Projected Spend 2006/07 1,942,926 1,500,000 1,093,831 2,087,299 5,324,358 Actual Spend 2006/07 1,942,926 886,137 *215,120 82,066** £3,126,249# Total approved spend £5.3 million Publicity to date * £77,512 suspended for payment on MBB canal. ** £48,083 suspended for payment on MBB canal. # £2,198,109 was not claimed in 2006 due to delays relating to the Granada site.

65 Programme: Fairshares Transforming Your Space

Area Covered City Wide Sue Ford, Regeneration Strategy and Co-ordination Lead Officer Chief Executive Directorate Chimney Pot Park Mandley Park City Park and Play Activity in 5 parks Strengthening Communities – improvements at 5 community centres Summary Ordsall Community Café Oakwood Park Beechfarm Playing Fields Princes Park Start Date August 2003 End Date March 2007 Actions Date All projects to be complete. 31 March 2007 Chimney Pot Park – The lottery funded element of the scheme is now complete. December 2006 Mandley Park – Completed and open to the public. October 2005 Oakwood Park – Completed and open to the public. Autumn 2006 Chimney Pot Park - Site investigations completed. September 2006 o St. Mary’s Park – Completed and open to the public. March 2006 o Albert Park – Completed and open to the public. Additional multi-games area May 2005 now installed and open. Winton Park – Completed and open to the public. Sure Start contributed £85k to July 2005 the project. o Lightoaks Park – All works completed and open to the public. November 2005 o Eccles Recreational Ground – Completed and open to the public. Additional December 2005 multi-games area now installed and open. Ordsall Community Café phase one completed and open to the public. Funding June 2005 has been secured to complete the final phase of the refurbishment. Beechfarm Playing Fields – Completed and open to the public. May 2005 Princes Park – Completed and open to the public. Additional access path now May 2005 completed. Strengthening Communities – All five Community Centres are complete and All completed open to the public. The project is now financially complete. December 2004 Expenditure (Lottery only) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total Spend Projected Spend 2006/07 40,000 90,000 145,000 40,506 315,506 Actual Spend 2006/07 40,386 91,970 144,125 39,025 315,506 Publicity to date

66 Programme: SHIFT (Salford’s Health Investment For Tomorrow)

Area Covered Salford community and hospital NHS services Lead Officer Stephen Whittaker, Salford PCT Hope Hospital Redevelopment in a £130 million PFI contract and a further £35 million modernisation investment.

Change Management & Delivery: Redesign of health services to provide integrated primary and hospital care with services provided in the most Summary suitable location: in hospital, in the community or at home. Six project areas are Planned Care, Unscheduled Care, Diagnostics, Children’s Services, Long Term Conditions and Practice Based Commissioning NHS National Programme for IT IN Salford (now NHS Connecting for Health) IN Salford, An integrated NHS Workforce IN Salford

Start Date April 2002 End Date Actions Date Handover and completion of phase 3 Hope hospital. Handover and completion of phase 2 Hope hospital. Handover and completion of phase 1 Hope hospital. NHS CFH - Local NHS patient information records transfer to new February 2007 national system (NHS Care Record System – Salford Primary Care (complete) Trust).

Intermediate Care Beds at Heartly Green Care Home commissioned, aiming to reduce demand on Hope Hospital beds for patients in October 2006 rehabilitation.

Hope Hospital - Financial close and start of construction. Spring 2007 Electronic prescriptions IN Salford. June 2007 NHS Connecting for Health (CFH) - Local NHS patient information records transfer to new national system (NHS Care Record System - June 2007 Hope Hospital).

Hope Hospital - Submit full business case. Autumn 2006 SHIFT website updates Publicity to date Choose & Book – local and regional publicity campaign

67 Programme: LIFT

Area Covered Six Health and Social Care Centres across Salford Alan Westwood, Strategic Director Customer Services and Support Lead Officer Services Provision of new community and health buildings Charlestown Lower Kersal Summary Walkden Swinton Pendleton Eccles Priorities and Milestones Timescales Financial close Swinton. Early 2007 Decision on final location of Swinton LIFT centre. March 2007 Walkden - practical completion. July 2008 Eccles - practical completion. July 2008 Pendleton - practical completion. November 2008

Progress Date Building works on-going at Pendleton, Walkden and Eccles. April 2007 Phase 1C financial close Eccles. 05/12/06 Lower Kersal complete. November 2006 Proposals for Swinton to be reviewed, subject to the outcome of the sale of the shopping precinct. Winter 2006/07

Funding sources PCT / NHS Walkden / Pendleton Financial Close Publicity to date SHIFT website updates

68 Programme: Urban Regeneration Company (URC) Support

Area Covered Central Salford Malcolm Sykes, Housing and Planning Directorate. Lead Officer Cath Inchbold, Regeneration Strategy and Co-ordination

Key projects for the URC are: Salford Central station area. Chapel Street realignment, transformation. Summary Greengate Pendleton Irwell Corridor BBC Relocation

Progress Date Vision & Regeneration framework supplement in Salford Advertiser (18/01/07). January 2007

Regeneration Director appointed. December 2006 Measures to open up/ clear trees on the Meadows under consideration. October 2006

SCC/URC monthly meetings now established. On-going

Publicity to date BBC relocation covered nationally and locally

69 Programme: Safer Stronger Communities Fund (SSCF)

Little Hulton (super output areas E01005662/ E01005664/ E01005665), Area Covered Winton (super output areas E01005725/ E01005729/ E01005731) Lead Officer Alan Tomlinson, Policy and Improvement, Chief Executive’s Start Date April 2006 End Date March 2008 Delivery of a programme of projects for Little Hulton and Winton in respect of Summary the Neighbourhood Element and Cleaner, Safer, Greener Element of SSCF Actions Date Programme of projects for 2007/08 to be drafted. April 2007 Identified under spend of £10,000 re-allocated to substitute projects. 12/3/07 Identified under spend of £55,881 re-allocated to substitute projects. 22/01/07 Amber rating achieved for SSCF Programme by GONW. 21/12/06 Board approves further projects to the value of £71,975. 3/11/06 Further applications assessed by SSCF Officer Group. 13/10/06 Further applications submitted 9/10/06 Board approves programme of projects for Little Hulton and Winton. 03/10/06 Board approves bulk of programme subject to further information on many 20/07/06 projects. GONW accepts Salford SSC Agreement. 07/07/06 SSCF Partnership Board agrees quick win projects for Little Hulton March/ April 2006 (£42,529 for 7 projects) and Winton (£122,975 for 7 projects), largely youth and community safety focused. Expenditure Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total Spend Original projected 0 10,000 343,200 1,029,600 1,382,800 spend Revised actual April 1,365,800 0 10,631 207,262 1,147,907 2007 (17,000 under spend) Total approved spend £1,382,800 - projects in Little Hulton and Winton. 2006/07 Publicity to date

70 Programme Title: Building Schools for the Future

Area Covered City Wide Lead Officer Stephen Bradbury, Project Director, BSF Start Date Jan 2006 End Date 2012 BSF vision is to create buildings for the 21st century, to provide choice and a greater range of services at each secondary school. Supporting Summary the vision is an investment of up to £110million from Government’s BSF Programme. Priorities and Milestones Timescales Decision by Partnerships for Schools anticipated May / June 2007 Tendering process starts Summer 2007 Preferred bidder to be appointed Summer 2008 Building to be completed 2012 Actions Date The Outline Business Case was approved by Cabinet on 27/02/07. It was submitted to Partnerships for Schools on 28/02/07. March 2007

Three planning applications were approved at planning panel in February 2007. All three applications will be working to tight March 2007 timescales.

Stakeholder consultation event held on 09/01/07. January 2007 Consultation sessions being held across the city Publicity to date Dedicated pages have been set up on the Council's web site A consultation leaflet has been published and widely distributed

71 Programme - Irwell City Park (ICP) Living Landmarks Lottery Bid

Area Covered Ordsall / Irwell Riverside Malcolm Sykes, Strategic Director of Housing and Planning Lead Officer Cath Inchbold, Regeneration Strategy and Co-ordination

Preparation of stage 2 Living Landmarks BIG Lottery submission. The submission is being prepared through a collaboration of Salford City Council, Manchester City Council, Central Salford URC and Trafford Summary metropolitan Borough Council. The vision of Irwell City Park is to restore the river Irwell as an important urban waterway and create a new and exciting city park at the heart of the regional centre.

Priorities and Milestones Timescales ICP planning guidance 1st consultation draft. Summer 2007 Preparation and submission of final lottery application. 31/05/07 Bid to be submitted to Cabinet for sign off. 22/05/07 Progress Date A version of the draft planning guidance is being produced for April 2007 submission with the lottery bid. The core scheme was signed off by the ICP Board on 16/03/07. March 2007 Public consultation events were staged in Manchester city centre, March 2007 Broughton, Ordsall, Salford Quays and Trafford. Funding sources Living Landmarks development funding for bid submission Press release following progress to stage 2 and launch of the Publicity to date technical and design competition. Dedicated pages have been set up on the Council's web site

72 Programme - Salford West Regeneration Framework

Salford West area covers 13 wards (Cadishead, Irlam, Winton, Barton, Area Covered Eccles, Boothstown & Ellenbrook, Worsley, Swinton North, Swinton South, Pendlebury, Walkden North, Walkden South, Little Hulton). Maura Carey, Group Leader, Regeneration Strategy and Co- Lead Officer ordination Development of a Strategic Regeneration Framework and Action Plan Summary that will drive investment and regeneration across the area for the next 20 years. Priorities and Milestones Timescales Consultation on draft framework and action plan. May 2007 Final framework and action plan adopted. June 2007 Progress Date Salford West business dinner held 25/04/07 Councillor and community representative workshop was held. 14/03/07 Private sector stakeholder workshop was held. 08/03/07 Strategic stakeholder consultation workshop was held on. 01/03/07 A series of public exhibitions were held in public venues in all 5 March 2007 community committee areas during the first two weeks in March. Funding sources NRF Dedicated pages have been set up on the Council's web site. Coverage in Community Committee newsletters. Publicity to date Article in property magazine.


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