Electronic Supplementary Material: Overview of the Data Set

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Electronic Supplementary Material: Overview of the Data Set

Electronic Supplementary Material: Overview of the data set.

Species Reported Interaction type Network size Authors group size Cercopithecus neglectus 6 6 grooming Mörike 1976 Cebus apella 12 12 grooming Izawa 1980 Saimiri sciureus 10 10 socio-positive Vaitl 1977 Saimiri sciureus 8 8 socio-positive Vaitl 1977 Saimiri sciureus 9 9 socio-positive Vaitl 1977 Papio hamadryas 35 35 grooming Sugawara 1979 Pan troglodytes 12 12 socio-positive Sugiyama 1979 Pan troglodytes 15 15 grooming Sugiyama 1969 Macaca fuscata 13 13 grooming Furuichi 1985 Alouatta caraya 5 5 grooming Jones 1983 Theropithecus gelada 7 7 socio-positive Dunbar 1982 Mandrillus sphinx 6 5 grooming Mellen et al. 1981 Macaca fuscata 9 7 grooming Hasegawa & Hiraiwa 1980 Cercopithecus campbelli 15 15 grooming Hunkeler et al 1972 Macaca fascicularis 12 12 social play Fady 1969 Macaca fuscata 5 5 socio-positive Alexander & Bowers 1969 Macaca fuscata 4 4 socio-positive Alexander & Bowers 1969 Pan troglodytes 8 8 grooming Hemelrijk 1991 Gorilla gorilla 6 6 body contact te Boekhorst 1991 Gorilla gorilla 7 7 body contact te Boekhorst 1991 Alouatta palliata 6 6 socio-positive Domingo et al 2003 Cebus capuchinus 6 6 grooming Perry 1996 Cebus olivaceus 9 9 grooming O’Brien 1993 Macaca fascicularis 8 8 grooming Butovskaya et al. 1996 Macaca fascicularis 10 8 grooming Butovskaya et al. 1996 Macaca fuscata 11 11 grooming Chapais & Mignault 1991 Macaca fuscata 11 11 grooming Chapais & Mignault 1991 Macaca fuscata 21 21 grooming Takahashi & Furuichi 1998 Macaca fuscata 13 13 grooming Takahashi & Furuichi 1998 Macaca radiata 16 16 grooming Sugiyama 1971 Macaca radiata 23 23 grooming Koyama 1973 Macaca mulatta 16 16 grooming Sade 1972 Miopithecus talapoin 8 8 grooming Wolfheim 1977 Erythrocebus patas 19 19 grooming Kaplan & Zucker 1980 Chlorocebus aethiops 8 8 grooming Seyfarth 1980 Chlorocebus aethiops 7 7 grooming Seyfarth 1980 Chlorocebus aethiops 8 8 grooming Seyfarth 1980 Pan troglodytes 7 7 socio-positive King et al. 1980 Eulemur rubriventer 4 4 grooming Tecot unpublished Eulemur rubriventer 4 4 grooming Tecot unpublished Chlorocebus aethiops 35 31 grooming Scheid, unpublished Callithrix jacchus 4 4 socio-positive Kasper 2005 Callithrix jacchus 6 6 socio-positive Kasper 2005 Macaca fascicularis 19 19 grooming Gumert 2007 Papio papio 9 9 grooming Boese 1975 Papio papio 25 25 grooming Boese 1975 Chlorocebus aethiops 7 7 grooming Cheney & Seyfarth 1990 Theropithecus gelada 6 6 grooming Bramblett 1970 Papio cynocephalus 8 8 grooming Seyfarth et al 1978 Electronic Supplementary Material: cont.

Species Reported Interaction type Network size Authors group size

Pan troglodytes 10 10 grooming Takahata 1990 Pan troglodytes 9 9 grooming Nishida & Hosaka 1996 Callithrix jacchus 8 8 grooming Ingram 1978 Homo sapiens 5 5 socio-positive Costabile et al. 1988 Homo sapiens 5 5 socio-positive Costabile et al. 1988 Macaca radiata 23 23 body contact Koyama 1973 Cercopithecus mitis 16 16 grooming Cords 2000 Alouatta fusca 6 6 grooming Chiarello 1995 Saimiri sciureus 5 5 body contact Anschel & Talamage-Riggs 1977 Pan troglodytes 11 11 grooming Simpson 1973 Macaca assamensis 19 19 grooming Cooper et al. 2005 Cercocebus torquatus 35 35 grooming Fruteau unpublished Macaca nigra 16 16 body contact Petit unpublished Macaca fuscata 20 20 body contact Petit unpublished Chlorocebus aethiops 7 7 grooming Fruteau et al submitted Chlorocebus aethiops 10 10 grooming Fruteau et al submitted Macaca arctoides 21 20 socio-positive Estrada et al. 1977 Macaca arctoides 5 5 socio-positive Rhine & Kronenwetter 1972 Macaca arctoides 5 5 socio-positive Rhine & Kronenwetter 1972 Macaca tonkeana 25 25 socio-positive Thierry unpublished Papio papio 33 33 socio-positive Petit unpublished

The analyzed dataset consists of the sociopositive interaction matrices of 70 primate groups. They were partly taken from the literature and partly from unpublished material either collected by the authors or shared by colleagues. Distinctions of subspecies were not considered and in the case of Papio P. anubis, P. cynocephalus and P. hamadryas were treated as subspecies. 36 groups were kept in captivity, 6 in parks or larger outdoor enclosures (semi-free-ranging) and 28 were observed in the wild. Interaction categories were grooming, body contact and social play. If two or three of these categories were merged together this is summarized as “socio-positive”. These behaviors have in common that they require close proximity of the involved individuals, usually over a prolonged time period. Unconnected individuals or pairs that had no relationships with anybody else in the group were removed from the matrix. Group sizes of the interaction networks (network size) can therefore differ from the originally reported group size.


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