Round Valley Unified School District No
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Wednesday, June 21, 2017, 6:00 p.m. District Administrative Center Board Room
Agenda Item No. 1 CALL TO ORDER
Board President Greg Erhart called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following Board members present:
Greg Erhart, Board President Steve Nicoll, Board Member Justin Walker, Board Member
Absent: Steve West, Board Clerk Reece Hadlock, Board Member
Also attending:
Travis Udall, Superintendent Gene Gardner, The Professional Group John Allen, Middle School Principal Jill Hoover, Curriculum Director
District staff members and members of the public were also in attendance.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Greg Erhart, followed by a prayer led by Reyna Kemp.
Agenda Item No. 3 AGENDA REVIEW
There were no changes made to the agenda at the time of the meeting.
Agenda Item No. 4 PUBLIC INPUT - None
Agenda Item No. 5 REPORTS
A. Administrator/Supervisor Reports
1. RVHS Athletic Director Chris Matthews reported to the Board on athletics for the year.
2. Curriculum Director Jill Hoover reported to the Board on AzMERIT testing and the state school
Regular Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Page 1 label process.
B. Budget Report
Business consultant Gene Gardner reported on the proposed budget for 2017-2018.
C. Superintendent’s Report – Travis Udall
Superintendent Travis Udall updated Board members on district projects and events.
Agenda Item No. 6 ACTION ITEMS
A. Approved Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 and Approved Publication
State statutes require the District to approve a proposed budget each year. Gene Gardner presented the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 during his budget report. The formal hearing and adoption of the budget will take place at the Board’s regular meeting on July 12, 2017.
MOTION - APPROVE PROPOSED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 AND APPROVAL TO PUBLISH Steve Nicoll moved, Justin Walker seconded, and motion carried unanimously to approve the District’s 2017-2018 proposed budget as presented, and authorize publication of the summary of the District’s proposed expenditure budget.
B. Approved Delegate for ASBA Delegate Assembly in September
Each year the Board appoints a delegate to attend the Arizona School Board Association Delegate Assembly. This year it will be held in Scottsdale, Arizona, on September 9, 2017.
MOTION - APPROVE DELEGATE FOR ASBA DELEGATE ASSEMBLY IN SEPTEMBER Steve Nicoll moved, Justin Walker seconded, and motion carried unanimously to approve Steve West as the Delegate to attend the ASBA Delegate Assembly in September, as presented.
C. Approved Out of State Travel for FBLA Students
Round Valley High School requested Board approval for out of state travel for FBLA students and chaperones to attend the nationals competition in Anaheim, California, June 26 through July 3, 2017. This travel will be paid for by CTE, FBLA fundraising dollars and personal funds.
MOTION – APPROVE OUT OF STATE TRAVEL FOR FBLA STUDENTS Justin Walker moved, Steve Nicoll seconded, and motion carried unanimously to
Regular Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Page 2 approve the out of state travel for FBLA students, as presented.
D. Approved Inter-Governmental Agreement between Round Valley Unified School District #10 and Northern Arizona Vocational Institute of Technology
The District sought approval of the IGA between the District and NAVIT to provide satellite student programs for our high school students. This is an annual renewal of an ongoing agreement, and there have been no substantive changes to the agreement since last year. The District requested that Travis H. Udall be authorized to sign this agreement on behalf of the District.
MOTION – APPROVE INTER-GOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROUND VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT #10 AND NORTHERN ARIZONA VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Justin Walker moved, Steve Nicoll seconded, and motion carried unanimously to approve the intergovernmental agreement between Round Valley Unified School District #10 and the Northern Arizona Vocational Institute of Technology, as presented.
E. Approved the Facilities Fee Schedule
The Board is required by statute to approve the fee schedule for District facilities on an annual basis. The District recommended that there be no changes from last year at this time.
MOTION – APPROVE THE FACILITIES FEE SCHEDULE Justin Walker moved, Steve Nicoll seconded, and motion carried unanimously to approve the Facilities Fee Schedule for the 2017-2018 fiscal year, as presented.
F. Approved Food Service Program Contract
Each year the Board needs to approve the Food Service Program Contract between Round Valley Unified School District and the Arizona Department of Education Health and Nutrition Services. This contract is to ensure that our district is in compliance with student health and nutrition policies.
MOTION – APPROVE FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM CONTRACT Justin Walker moved, Steve Nicoll seconded, and motion carried unanimously to approve the Food Service Program Contract, as presented.
G. Approved Northland Pioneer College Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) for 2017-2018
Each year Round Valley Unified School District partners with Northland Pioneer College in a Dual Enrollment Program for high school students wishing to earn college credit for qualifying classes at Round Valley High School. This IGA needs to be Board approved on an annual basis.
MOTION – APPROVE NORTHLAND PIONEER COLLEGE INTER- GOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (IGA) FOR 2017-2018 Justin Walker moved, Steve Nicoll seconded, and motion carried unanimously to approve the Northland Pioneer College Inter-Governmental Agreement for 2017-2018, as presented.
Regular Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Page 3 H. Approved Acceptance of Audited Financial Report from the Firm of Dobridge & Company P.C. for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2016
The audit for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2016, has been completed. Gene Gardner led the discussion.
MOTION – APPROVE ACCEPTANCE OF AUDITED FINANCIAL REPORT FROM THE FIRM OF DOBRIDGE & COMPANY P.C. FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2016 Justin Walker moved, Steve Nicoll seconded, and motion carried unanimously to accept the Audited Financial Report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2016, as presented.
I. Approved the Client Service Agreement with Educational Services, Inc. (ESI)
The District needs approval of the Client Service Agreement with ESI in order to use them as a third party employer for employees that have retired and are returning to work. The District also asked that Travis Udall be authorized to sign the agreement on behalf of the District.
MOTION – APPROVE THE CLIENT SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, INC. (ESI) Justin Walker moved, Steve Nicoll seconded, and motion carried unanimously to approve the Client Service Agreement with Educational Services, Inc., as presented, and authorize Travis Udall to sign the agreement on behalf of the district.
J. Approved Out of State Travel for RVHS Boys Basketball Tournament
Basketball coach Cass Pond needed Board approval to take some students from the High School Boys Basketball Team to tournament in Grand Junction, CO, on June 18-22, 2017. The trip expenses will be paid for with personal funds.
MOTION – APPROVE OUT OF STATE TRAVEL FOR RVHS BOYS BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT Justin Walker moved, Steve Nicoll seconded, and motion carried unanimously to approve the out of state travel for the high school boys basketball team to Grand Junction, CO, in June, as presented.
K. Approved Out of State Travel for RVHS & RVMS Wrestlers
Wrestling coach Tod Workman requested Board approval to take some students from the high school and middle school wrestling teams to a wrestling camp in Orem, Utah, on June 25-30, 2017. Trip expenses will be paid for through personal, club and auxiliary funds, and donations.
MOTION – APPROVE OUT OF STATE TRAVEL FOR RVHS & RVMS WRESTLERS Justin Walker moved, Steve Nicoll seconded, and motion carried unanimously to approve the out of state travel for the middle school and high school wrestlers to Orem, Utah, in June, as presented.
L. Approved Adoption of a Resolution Ordering and Providing Notice of a Special Election for Budget Override and Declaring a Deadline for Submitting Arguments Related to the
Regular Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Page 4 Override as August 14, 2017.
If the Board decides to call for an election for an M&O Budget Override, then the board needed to adopt a resolution calling for the election to be held on November 7, 2017, and declare a deadline for submitting arguments as August 14, 2017. The resolution was provided at the meeting.
MOTION – APPROVE ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ORDERING AND PROVIDING NOTICE OF A SPECIAL ELECTION FOR BUDGET OVERRIDE AND DECLARING A DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING ARGUMENTS RELATED TO THE OVERRIDE AS AUGUST 14, 2017 Justin Walker moved, Steve Nicoll seconded, and motion carried unanimously to approve the adoption of the resolution calling for a special budget override election, and deadline for argument submissions, as presented.
M. Approved Middle School Substance Communication Program
The Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family created a “Healthy Families – Health Youth” program to cultivate healthy student choices regarding substance use through education. Jeff Udall from the Apache County Superintendent’s Office was available to explain how the program works.
MOTION – APPROVE MIDDLE SCHOOL SUBSTANCE COMMUNICATION PROGRAM Justin Walker moved, Steve Nicoll seconded, and motion carried unanimously to approve the Middle School Substance Communication Program, as presented.
N. Approved Summer Girls Weights Position
The high school would like to implement a summer girls weights training program. This was brought to the Board for approval for the program and the new position.
MOTION – APPROVE SUMMER GIRLS WEIGHTS POSITION Justin Walker moved, Steve Nicoll seconded, and motion carried unanimously to approve the high school girls summer weights program and coaching position, as presented.
O. Approved New Time for July Board Meeting
Due to conflicts, it has become necessary to change the time of the July Regular Board Meeting from 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 noon. Board approval was requested for this change.
MOTION – APPROVE NEW TIME FOR JULY BOARD MEETING Justin Walker moved, Steve Nicoll seconded, and motion carried unanimously to approve July 12, 2017, at 12:00 noon, for the July regular board meeting.
P. Approved ASBA New Policy/Policy Revisions – 1st Reading
ASBA suggested revisions to:
EEAG Student Transportation in Private Vehicles EEAG-R Student Transportation in Private Vehicles
Regular Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Page 5 EEB Business and Personnel Transportation Services EFDA Collection of Money/Food Tickets JL Student Wellness
MOTION – APPROVE ASBA NEW POLICY/POLICY REVISIONS – 1ST READING Justin Walker moved, Steve Nicoll seconded, and motion carried unanimously to approve the 1st Reading and schedule the 2nd Reading and Adoption of the ASBA suggested policy revisions, as presented.
Agenda Item No. 7 CONSENT ITEMS
A. Approved Minutes of Meeting
Regular Meeting Minutes – May 10, 2017
B. Financial/Business
(1) Approved vouchers signed between meetings.
(2) Approved Monthly Financial Statements.
C. Authorization to spend M&O Monies
The Board needed to approve the authorization for the expenditure of monies budgeted within the M&O section of the budget in accordance with ARS 15-905(g) on an annual basis. They approved this authorization, also for any subsection within the section in excess of amounts specified in the adopted budget as long as the expenditures for all subsections of the section do not exceed the amount budgeted as provided in this section.
D. Authorized the Establishment of a District Revolving Fund Account for 2017-2018
The Board approved the authorization to establish a $10,000 District Revolving Fund Account for FY2017-2018 in accordance with ARS 15-1101(A) with Cass Pond as Treasurer, and Travis H. Udall, Merrilea McBride, Cass Pond, Kathy Hansen, Kayla Dillon and Tonya Gleave as authorized signatories, in accordance with ARS 15-1101(A).
E. Authorized Establishment of a Student Activity Fund Account for FY2017-2018 at Round Valley High School
Administration asked for Governing Board approval to continue with the Round Valley High School Student Activity account. It is required that the district get Board approval on an annual basis. This was Board approved in accordance with ARS 15-1122 with the Business Manager as Treasurer, and the Gigh School Principal as Assistant Treasurer, and Slade Morgan, Travis H. Udall, Cass Pond, Merrilea McBride, Wendy Crowther, Kathy Hansen and Marcie Udall as authorized signatories in accordance with ARS 15-1101(A).
F. Authorized the Establishment of a Student Activity Fund Account for FY 2017-2018 at Round Valley Middle School
Regular Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Page 6 Administration asked for Governing Board approval to continue with the Round Valley Middle School Student Activity account. It is required that the district get Board approval on an annual basis. This was Board approved in accordance with ARS 15-1122, with the Business Manager as Treasurer, and the Middle School Principal as Assistant Treasurer, and John Allen, Travis H. Udall, Cass Pond, Elizabeth James anad Marcie Udall as authorized signatories.
G. Authorized the Establishment of an Auxiliary and Tax Credit Fund Account
Administration asked for Governing Board approval to continue with Auxiliary and Tax Credit Account funds, including Auxiliary Account Revolving Funds and Clearing Account funds for FY 2017-2018. This was Board approved with Cass Pond as Treasurer, Slade Morgan, Travis H. Udall, Cass Pond, Merrilea McBride, Kathy Hansen and Kayla Dillon as authorized signatories, in accordance with ARS 15-1101(A).
H. Authorized the Establishment of District Insurance Fund Account
Administration asked for Governing Board approval to continue with District Insurance Fund Account fund for FY 2017-2018. This was Board approved with Travis Udall, Cass Pond, Merrilea McBride, Kathy Hansen, Kayla Dillon and Tonya Gleave as authorized signatories, in accordance with ARS 15- 1101(A).
I. Authorized the Establishment of a District Lunch Fund Account
Administration asked for Governing Board approval to continue with the District Lunch Fund Account fund for FY 2017-2018. This was Board approved with Travis Udall, Cass Pond, Merrilea McBride, Kathy Hansen, Kayla Dillon and Tonya Gleave as authorized signatories, in accordance with ARS 15- 1101(A).
J. Authorized the Establishment of a Round Valley High School Student Activity Money Market Account
Administration asked for Governing Board approval to continue Round Valley High School Student Activity Money Market Account funds for FY 2017-2018. This was Board approved with Slade Morgan, Wendy Crowther, Travis Udall and Marcie Udall as authorized signatories, in accordance with ARS 15- 1101(A).
K. Approved ASPIN as Food Service Provider under Mohave Educational Services Cooperative
The District has been purchasing food and related items from ASPIN under the Mohave Educational Services Cooperative. The Board approved the continuation of purchases from this vendor which exceeds $100,000.
L. Approved Employees to Return on ESI Contract
The Board approved retired/retiring employees to return to work the district on an ESI contract. Employees approved include Vanessa Flores, Perri Matthews, Mike McClellan, Billie Sue Rose, Marcie Udall and Kathleen Scott-Rugg.
M. Approved Employee Recommendation
Regular Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Page 7 The RVUSD Speech Therapist, Natalie Cordova, was inadvertently left off of the employee recommendation list for 2017-2018 for special services. The Board approved the Special Services Director’s recommendation for her return for the 2017-2018 school year.
N. Approved Personnel Matters
(1) Resignations/Retirements
a, b, d and e were tabled to the July meeting. c. Mindy Hamblin – Kindergarten Teacher – effective at the end of the 2016-2017 school year. f. Jennifer Nicolds – RVUSD Health Aide – effective at the end of the 2016-2017 school year. g. Maria Garcia – RVHS Custodian – effective June 30, 2017. h. Sarah Johnson – Pre-School Aide – effective April 10, 2017. i. Five Bus Drivers – Bruce Moore, Carey Goodman, Sonya Owens and Jack James – effective May 25, 2017; and Delinda Sipe – effective May 15, 2017
(2) Employment of certified staff for 2017-2018 school year, as presented. Salaries determined from the 2016-2017 Certified Salary Schedule.
a. Nancy Williams – Kindergarten Teacher – salary of $33,000.00 (BA, Step 1). b. Anna Meliza Ramos – 1st Grade Teacher – salary of $34,342.00 (BA, Step 6). c. Kayla Nicolds – 4th Grade Teacher – salary of $33,000.00 (BA, Step 1). d. Two ESY Teachers – Karen Groves and Caty Salazar – hourly rate of $22.50. This also includes June 2017.
(3) Employment of classified staff for 2017-2018 school year, as presented. Salaries determined from the 2016-2017 Classified Salary Schedule.
a. Ann Marie Pena – ESY Aide – at her regular hourly rate of $10.67. This also includes June 2017. b. Kami Bustamante – Kindergarten Aide – rate of pay is $10.00 per hour (Grade 2, Step 1). c. Laurie Gardner – Health Aide (In-District Transfer) – rate of pay is $10.00 per hour (Grade 3, Step 1). d. Reynaldo Clark – RVHS Groundskeeper – rate of pay is $10.00 per hour (Grade 4, Step 1). e. Daen Marquez – RVHS Custodian – rate of pay is $10.00 per hour (Grade 4, Step 1). f. Crystal Biggs – Title I Reading Aide – rate of pay is $10.00 per hour (Grade 2, Step 1).
(4) Recommendations for Extra Curricular and Volunteer Assignments for 2017-2018 at Round Valley High School and Round Valley Middle School at stipend indicated on Co-Curricular/Extra Duty Salary Schedule.
Round Valley High School
Two Freshman Co-Sponsors (for the 2016-17 school year) – Ira Lewis and Brian Bell – stipend of $340.00 each.
Regular Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Page 8 Chris Matthews - WMA Student Support Summer Work – stipend of $10,000.00. Marcus Bell - Summer Weight Room Supervision – stipend of $3,000.00 each month of July 2017 and June 2018. Lisa Muth - Summer Scheduling, Transcripts, Reporting – stipend of $4,000.00 each month of July 2017 and June 2018. Jimmy Crosby - VoAg Summer Work – stipend of $6,934.95. Steve Elder - Volunteer Athletics. Marcus Bell - Head Varsity Football Coach – stipend of $3,820.00 (Level I, Step 12). Brad Baca - Asst. Football/Offensive Coordinator – stipend of $2,600.00 (Level II, Step 10 for Off. Coord.). Six Asst. Football Coaches – Robert Haws, Troy Merrill and Brian Bell – stipends of $2,400.00 each (Level II, Step 8); Shawn Pena and Levi Howard – stipend of $1,900.00 each (Level II, Step 3); and Joe Young – stipend of $1,700.00 (Level II, Step 1). Ethan Workman - Volunteer Asst. Football Coach Jamie Robinson - Head Varsity Volleyball Coach – stipend of $2,820.00 (Level I, Step 2). Two Asst. Volleyball Coaches – Natalie Workman – stipend of $1,700.00 (Level II, Step 1); and Danika Crowther – stipend of $1,900.00 (Level II, Step 3). Tammy Quetel - Volunteer Asst. Volleyball Coach Bryce Burnham - Head Varsity Girls Soccer Coach – stipend of $ $3,220.00 (Level I, Step 6). Sandy Tenney - Asst. Girls Soccer Coach – stipend of $1,700.00 (Level II, Step 1). Scott Poche - Volunteer Asst. Girls Soccer Coach Marlon Simpson - Head Boys Varsity Soccer Coach – stipend of $2,820.00 (Level I, Step 2). Steven James - Asst. Boys Soccer Coach – stipend of $1,700.00 (Level II, Step 1). Kylie Pena - Head Cheer Coach – stipend of $1,190.00 for each Fall and Spring season (Level IV, Step 1). Two Asst. Cheer Volunteers – Distri Pena and Heather Wilkins. Jamie Robinson - Girls Summer Weights Coach – stipend of $1,700.00 (Level II, Step 1).
Round Valley Middle School
Jeff Cochran - Head Boys Football Coach – stipend of $2,090.00 (Level IV, Step 10). Three Asst. Football Coaches – Pat Tucker and Danny Muth, stipend of $980.00 each (Level V, Step 4); and Tod Workman, stipend of $1,180.00 (Level V, Step 6). Shania Sherwood - Head Cheer Coach – stipend of $1,190.00 (Level IV, Step 1).
Regular Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Page 9 Steve Nicoll moved, Justin Walker seconded, and motion carried unanimously to approve Consent Items 7.A. through 7.N., with the exception of 7.N.a,b,d and e, which were tabled to be brought back to the July meeting, as presented.
A. Next Regular Board Meeting – July 12, 2017, at 12:00 Noon
MOTION – ADJOURN REGULAR MEETING Steve Nicoll moved, Justin Walker seconded, and motion carried unanimously to adjourn the Regular Meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m.
______July 12, 2017____ Greg Erhart, President Date
Regular Meeting Minutes June 21, 2017 Page 10