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QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE LRE Page on OIEP Version 9.0 Least Restrictive Environment Decision Making & Placement

Placement Summary:

What placement options did the IEP team consider? Required Components: o Describe current placement

o Consideration of less or more restrictive placement options

If removed from the general curriculum environment, explain reasons why services cannot be provided in the general education environment with the use of supplementary aids and services: Required Components:  If removal from general education setting is NOT needed you can say:

o “Student is able to access curriculum within the general education environment, removal is not appropriate.”

 If removal from the general education setting IS needed you should:

o Describe the characteristics of the disability (Do NOT simply state the student’s disability).

Sample Sentence: “Due to Student’s diagnosis of (disability) he/she demonstrates the following behaviors (characteristic), (characteristic), (characteristic).

Example: Due to Student’s diagnosis of ADHD, Student demonstrates the following behaviors; distractibility, impulsivity, lack of organization, and behaviors that impact others.

*Possible Characteristics: anxiety, distractibility, below grade level reading abilities, impulsivity, speech disfluency, difficulty with grade level comprehension, etc.

o Describe why the characteristics limit the student from accessing the general education setting even with the supports in place.

Sample Sentence: These characteristics impact Student’s ability to ______which requires them to be removed from the general setting because/to______.

Example: These characteristics impact Student’s ability to complete assigned classwork and regulate emotions which requires him to be removed from the general education setting to access counseling and an environment with a higher teacher to student ratio.

o Describe why these supports cannot be provided within the general education setting.

Sample scenarios: Intensive setting is required; Impacts learning of others, one-on-one support needed; access to counseling support

Example: Student requires extensive modifications and supplemental aids in order to access the general education curriculum; even with such supports in place Student is not accessing the curriculum satisfactorily. Student requires a small group setting for specific and direct instruction which allows for maximum prompting, frequent breaks and a highly structured environment.

Document basis for the decision: Required Components:  Description of placement recommended

 Explanation of why the placement is needed

Sample Sentence: Based on the documentation provided above, the student will be removed from the general education setting/will not be removed from the general education setting during ______in order to______.

Example: Based on the documentation provided above, Student will be removed from the general education setting during testing situations in order to access a separate setting and read aloud.

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