Teachers, Please Read and Follow These Procedures
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Gulfstream Middle School 2015-16 Technology Procedures
Teachers & Staff, please read and follow these procedures diligently. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action and/or teacher being required to pay for replacement of equipment.
MANDATORY CLASSROOM TECHNOLOGY POLICY AND PROCEDURES : 1. Each classroom/office has a “Room Inventory Checklist” that is posted in a prominent location and checked regularly. NO ITEMS MAY BE REMOVED FROM A CLASSROOM/LAB WITHOUT A PROPERTY REMOVAL PASS APPROVED IN ADVANCE BY AN ADMINISTRATOR. 2. The teacher/staff member assigned to the classroom/office is responsible for securing all of the equipment on a daily basis. 3. Classrooms/offices of teachers/staff who have substitute teachers will be inventoried at the start and end of each school day of absence by Technology Support Specialist, Security Specialist, and/or Assistant Principal.
MANDATORY COMPUTER LAB(S) POLICY AND PROCEDURES: 1. Have students leave backpacks in designated area, not near the computers. 2. Have students sit at assigned laptop/computer. *Student computer assignments will be recorded and submitted to the Assistant Principal. 3. Count all laptops/computers to confirm that they are physically present. 4. Have each student confirm that their laptop number/computer is in front of them and has no damage or missing parts. If a student identifies a problem, he/she must report the damage IMMEDIATELY to the teacher of record so that they will not be held accountable for the damage. Once notified, the teacher/staff member should immediately notify Duke. Sign in on computer lab sheet. 5. Five minutes before the bell, have students replace laptop in the cart and plug in charger. 6. Before the bell rings count all laptops/desktops to confirm that they are physically present and in working order. Sign out on computer lab sheet.
MANDATORY LAPTOP CART PROCEDURES: 1. Teachers will have a sign out sheet to sign each time you check out the carts. You are signing that all items are present and in working condition when you receive and return the cart. 2. Each student will be assigned the same laptop each day or each time the same cart is used. *Student computer assignments will be recorded and submitted to the Assistant Principal. 3. Each cart must be checked and counted before and after each use by the teacher to make sure all the laptops are there as well as the power cords. 4. Absolutely no substitute teachers will use the carts if you are absent. (Do not put them in your lesson plans).
If any assigned technology items are missing: First, check the left hand corner of the classroom white board to make sure Mr. Duke or Ms. Nader has not left a note that they have taken an item out for repair. If nothing is written on the board, contact either Ms. Moss, Mr. Duke, Ms. Nader or Mr. Langston for immediate investigation.
______Teacher Signature Date
*Complete a computer assignment chart for each class that you take to a lab or utilize a cart. Assign each student their own computer number. Attach computer assignment charts for each class period to this form, sign, and submit to Administration.
Updated 8/5/2015 Student/Computer Assignment Chart
Class Period
Computer Lab/Laptop Cart
*Complete a computer assignment chart for each class that you take to a lab or utilize a cart with. Assign each student their own computer number. Attach computer assignment charts for each class period to this form, sign, and submit to Ms. Moss.
Computer Number Student’s Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Gulfstream Middle School 2015-16 Technology Procedures
Updated 8/5/2015