Skills in Lancashire: Evidence Base Commission Lancaster Statistical Annex
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Skills in Lancashire A COMPREHENSIVE EVIDENCE BASE ON SKILLS AND EMPLOYMENT Lancaster 2015 Skills in Lancashire: Evidence Base Commission – Lancaster Statistical Annex
2 Skills in Lancashire: Evidence Base Commission – Lancaster Statistical Annex Lancaster occupations, again a result of the presence of the University and hospital. The proportion working as managers and directors, and in sales and customer service occupations, is well below the county and national Key Messages average.
Lancaster is the second smallest of the Lancashire sub-geographies, with Lancaster’s workforce is less well-qualified than the national profile, and a population of 140,600, just under 10% of the Lancashire total. has seen slower growth in the proportion of people holding qualifications Lancaster is a key driver of economic and housing growth within at Level 4 and above. Lancashire. The population has increased by 6,000 since 2001, with the rate of growth keeping pace with the Lancashire average. Lancaster’s labour market is much more self-contained than many of the others within the Lancashire LEP area, reflecting the relative isolation of The age profile of the population differs from that of Lancashire as a Lancaster and its distance from major employment centres. Over three whole, with a smaller proportion of children (0-14 years), and a higher quarters of Lancaster’s employed residents work within the Lancaster proportion of 20-24 year olds (due to the presence of one of the UK’s top local authority area, with only 13% travelling outside the LEP to work. ten universities). Lancaster has a smaller proportion of its population in the 25-49 age groups. There are 53,700 people in employment in Lancaster’s workplaces, with health and social care, wholesale and retail and education accounting for Population projections suggest that Lancaster will experience a 2% nearly 50% of all jobs. Again the University’s presence is clear in the decline in its working age population over the next ten years, whilst the share of employment provided by the education sector – 15% compared number aged 65+ will rise, although more slowly than in the county, to 9% in Lancashire as a whole. Manufacturing makes up only a small region and England minus London as a whole. proportion of total employment, in contrast to many parts of Lancashire.
The economic activity rate is lower in Lancaster than at county, regional The utilities: electricity and civil engineering sub-sectors account for a or national level, although the employment rate has increased over time higher proportion of employment within Lancaster than is the case and the gap with the national rate has narrowed. Lancaster’s below nationally, by a factor of nearly six in relation to the electricity sub-sector. average employment rate largely results from the low proportion of Both of these sectors have significant growth potential over the next ten residents aged 20-24 who are in employment (46.6% compared to 64.4% years. nationally), again reflecting the presence of the University. Lancaster has a very low business density rate – just 46 businesses per Lancaster has a relatively high level of self-employment, and has seen a 1,000 working age residents. Start up rates are slightly lower than the substantial increase in recent years. Lancashire average, and fewer businesses survive for five years from the date of being established. Unemployment has more than halved in Lancaster, in contrast to other parts of Lancashire where the unemployment rate has increased. Just The forecasts for the Lancaster economy suggest an employment growth over 1,500 people are claiming Jobseekers Allowance. Lancaster has rate of 7%, out-performing the county, regional and national growth rates. relatively high rates of economic inactivity, with 31% of the working age Jobs will be created in the administration and support services, population not active in the labour market. Most of these inactive construction, health and social care sector and wholesale and retail residents are students. However, one quarter of Lancaster’s children live sector, providing employment opportunities at all skill levels. in households where no-one is in work. Lancaster’s young people have good GCSE attainment, with 68% Lancaster has a lower than average proportion of residents working in achieving five good grades. Lancaster accounts for around 9% of highly skilled occupations, but more than one in five are in professional learners participating in further education, and a slightly lower proportion 3 Skills in Lancashire: Evidence Base Commission – Lancaster Statistical Annex
of those undertaking apprenticeships.
The vast majority of learners learn within the Lancaster local authority area, with very few learning elsewhere in the LEP area.
Nearly 3,400 Lancaster residents have been attached to the Work Programme since it began, 24% of whom have secured a job outcome. This is above the Lancashire average and in line with the national level.
4 Skills in Lancashire: Evidence Base Commission – Lancaster Statistical Annex Working Age population change: Lancaster Population 65+ 16-64 1.1 The population of Lancaster is 140,600, accounting for 9.6% of the total 2001- 2013 % change % % 2001 2013 2001 2013 Lancashire population. Population growth since 2001 has been in excess of the change change Lancashire average level and equal to the regional level, however it is 3% below Lancaster 85,300 90,400 6% 23,900 26,900 13% the national average. Over this period the working age population has grown by Lancashire 888,900 918,400 3% 235,200 275,600 17% 6%, slightly faster than overall growth. North West 4,297,200 4,516,100 5% 1,081,700 1,252,600 16% 1.2 The population forecasts indicate that the working age population is England 26,731,300 28,595,200 6,938,400 8,344,800 expected to fall by 2% by 2025. This is in line with the forecast for Lancashire and minus the northwest but in contrast to the forecast for the working age population London 7% 20% nationally. Source: Mid Year Population Estimates 1.3 The age structure in Lancaster is generally consistent with Lancashire, regional and national profiles with the only significant variation being that the Ethnic Make Up, % of total population: Lancaster number of 20-24 year olds is 4% higher than in the other areas, reflecting the Black / presence of Lancaster University. Asian / Mixed / African / Asian multiple Caribbea Other Total 1.4 The Lancaster population has a smaller percentage from ethnic minority British ethnic n / Black backgrounds (4%) than Lancashire as whole (10%). British Lancaster 3% 1% 0% 0% 4% Total Population: Lancaster Lancashire 8% 1% 0% 0% 10% 2001- 2013 % 2001 2013 change North West 6% 2% 1% 1% 10% Lancaster 134,000 140,600 5% England minus London 6% 2% 2% 1% 10% Lancashire 1,417,300 1,468,800 4% Source: Mid Year Population Estimates North West 6,773,000 7,103,300 5% England minus 42,127,300 45,449,300 8% London Population Projections: Lancaster (000’s) Source: Mid Year Population Estimates 16-64 65+ % % 2015 2025 2015 2025 change change Population by Age Group: Lancaster, % of total Lancaster 91 88.5 -2% 28 32 16% 0-14 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-49 50-64 65+ Total Lancashire 928 910 -2% 287 337 17% Lancaster 15% 7% 11% 11% 18% 18% 16% 100% North West 4,586 4,551 -1% 1,305 1,546 18% Lancashire 18% 6% 7% 12% 20% 19% 15% 100% England minus London 29,152 29,577 1% 8,744 10,580 21% North West 18% 6% 7% 13% 20% 19% 14% 100% Source: ONS Population Projections England minus 18% 6% 7% 13% 20% 19% 15% 100% London Source: Mid Year Population Estimates
5 Skills in Lancashire: Evidence Base Commission – Lancaster Statistical Annex Source: Annual Population Survey Economic Activity, Employment and Self-Employment 1.5 Economic activity (the proportion of the working age population who are Employment Rate by Age group active in the labour market, i.e. either in work, self-employed or unemployed but Lancaster Lancashire North West England min. London actively looking for work) has increased by 0.1 percentage point over the last 10 Aged 16-19 28.9 30.3 31.0 35.2 years but still remains lower than the levels across Lancashire as a whole, the Aged 20-24 46.6 60.6 63.4 64.4 northwest and England minus London. Aged 25-34 78.5 76.9 77.7 80.0 1.6 The employment rate amongst those of working age has increased by 2.6 Aged 35-49 88.9 82.8 80.9 83.7 percentage points, with Lancaster bucking the trends seen in other areas, which Aged 50-64 59.9 61.6 63.1 68.9 have seen falls in the working age employment rate. However, the employment Aged 65+ 11.3 8.8 8.3 10.1 rate in Lancaster is lower than other areas, 6.3 percentage points lower than Total 66.5 68.7 69.2 72.8 England minus London. The age group in Lancaster with the highest employment Source: Annual Population Survey rate is those aged 35-49 (88.9%), which is significantly above the Lancashire, regional and national average. However this is offset by the lower levels of Employment rate by gender: Lancaster employment amongst those aged 16-19 and 20-24 years, which are well below average, again due to the presence of Lancaster University. Male, % Female, % Gap Lancaster 70.6 63.9 6.7 1.7 The difference between the employment rate for male and females is less Lancashire 71.6 64.0 7.6 pronounced in Lancaster than in Lancashire, the north west or nationally at 6.7%. Self employment accounts for 16.1% of Lancaster’s employed residents, higher North West 72.9 65.1 7.8 England minus than the Lancashire, regional and national average. The rate of self employment 77.3 68.0 9.3 London has also increased at a greater rate in Lancaster over the past 10 years. Source: Annual Population Survey Economic Activity rate, %: Lancaster 2004 2014 2004- 2014 % pt change Self-employment: Lancaster Lancaster 69.0 69.1 0.1 2004 2014 2004- 2014 change Lancashire 74.8 73.4 -1.4 No. % No. % No. % pt North West 74.1 74.6 0.5 Lancaster 6,800 12.3 9,600 16.1 2,800 3.8 England minus Lancashir 77.0 77.6 0.6 73,900 11.5 86,300 13.9 12,400 2.4 London e North Source: Annual Population Survey 330,400 10.7 397,500 12.8 67,100 2.1 West Working age employment rate, %: Lancaster England minus 2,358,800 11.8 2,775,700 13.4 416,900 1.6 2004 2014 2004- 2014 change London No. % No. % No. % pt Source: Annual Population Survey Lancaster 55,400 63.9 60,000 66.5 4,600 2.6 Lancashir 641,900 71.3 622,300 68.7 -19,600 -2.6 e North 3,075,300 70.6 3,106,500 69.2 31,200 -1.4 West 19,948,50 20,642,40 Eng.- Lon. 73.7 72.8 693,900 -0.9 0 0
6 Skills in Lancashire: Evidence Base Commission – Lancaster Statistical Annex Unemployment and Inactivity JSA Claimant Count: Lancaster 1.8 2,200 Lancaster residents are unemployed; this represents 3.6% of the 2005 2015 2005-2015 change % of WA % of WA economically active population, meaning the unemployment rate has fallen by 3.9 No. No. No. % pt pop pop percentage points over the last 10 years. This contrasts with increased Lancaster 1,804 2.0 1,547 1.7 -257 -0.3 unemployment at county, regional and national level. Lancaster’s unemployment Lancashir 17,429 1.9 16,062 1.7 -1,367 -0.2 rate is less than half of that seen in Lancashire as a whole. e North 101,028 2.3 86,925 1.9 -14,103 -0.4 1.9 Over 1,500 Lancaster residents claim JSA, 1.7% of the population, 0.2 West percentage points lower than the regional and national level. Over the past 10 England years this has fallen faster than nationally, but a lower rate than the regional minus 544,072 2.0 549,649 1.9 5,577 -0.1 decline. London Source: DWP 1.10 Just under one third of working age residents in Lancaster are economically inactive; this is in excess of the Lancashire, regional and national levels and reflects the relatively large student population within Lancaster, with Economic inactivity rate, %: Lancaster students accounting for 40% of the inactive population. The level of economic 2004- 2014 % pt 2004 2014 inactivity in Lancaster has remained relatively constant over the past 10 years, change whilst in Lancashire overall, the economic inactivity rate has risen by 1.4 Lancaster 31.0 30.9 -0.1 percentage points. Lancashire 25.2 26.6 1.4 ILO unemployment: Lancaster North West 25.9 25.4 -0.5 England minus 2004 2014 2004- 2014 change 23.0 22.4 -0.6 London No. % No. % No. % pt Source: Annual Population Survey Lancaster 4,500 7.5 2,200 3.6 -2,300 -3.9 Lancashir 31,400 4.7 50,000 7.5 18,600 2.8 e North 151,800 4.7 252,100 7.5 100,300 2.8 West England minus 896,000 4.3 1,426,600 6.5 530,600 2.2 London Source: Annual Population Survey
7 Skills in Lancashire: Evidence Base Commission – Lancaster Statistical Annex Occupation and Skills Profile 4% lower than the national average. The rate of growth in the proportion of the population holding skills at this level has been slower than in Lancaster than 1.11 In total, 37% of Lancaster residents work in highly skilled occupations. across the region the nation as a whole. The proportion of those in highly skilled jobs in Lancaster is two percentage points lower than Lancashire and four percentage points lower than the north west. The 1.13 Over three quarters of the Lancaster population work within the local most common occupational group in Lancaster is professional occupations which authority area, with only 13% working outside of the LEP. This reflects the relative have increased more rapidly over the past 10 years than any other category. isolation of Lancaster from major employment centres.
Resident Occupation by Sub-Geography 2014 Working Age Population Skills Profile by Sub-Geography 2013 Lancaster Lancashire North West Trade Other No L4+ L3+ L2+ L1+ Mgers & directors 6% 10% 9% App. quals quals Professional 21% 18% 19% Lancaster 28% 55% 68% 2% 83% 3% 14% Assoc. prof & tech 10% 12% 13% Lancashire 29% 51% 69% 4% 83% 6% 11% Admin & secreta. 9% 11% 11% North West 31% 52% 70% 4% 83% 6% 11% England minus Skilled trades 13% 12% 11% 32% 54% 72% 4% 85% 6% 9% London Caring, leisure and other 10% 10% 10% service Source: Annual Population Survey Sales & cust. 4% 8% 9% Pro, plant & machine op. 8% 7% 7% Elementary 17% 11% 11% Change in skills levels, 2004-2013 Trade Other No L4+ L3+ L2+ L1+ Highly skilled 37% 39% 41% App. quals quals Source: Annual Population Survey Lancaster +3% +7% +6% -4% +3% -3% -1% Change in Resident Occupation by Sub-Geography 2004-2014 Lancashire +5% +5% +7% -4% +5% -1% -5% Lancaster Lancashire North West North West +8% +7% +8% -3% +7% 0% -7% Mgers & directors -7% 0% 0% England minus +7% +8% +10% -3% +7% -1% -6% Professional +6% +2% +3% London Assoc. prof & tech +2% +1% +1% Source: Annual Population Survey Admin & secreta. +1% -2% -2% Skilled trades -2% -1% -1% Caring, leisure and other TTW Lancaster -2% +1% +1% service Work within Work elsewhere Work outside the Sales & cust. -7% 0% 0% home LA in the LEP LEP Pro, plant & machine op. +1% -1% -2% Lancaster 77% 10% 13% Elementary +6% 0% -1% Source: Census 2011
Highly skilled +1 +3% +4% Source: Annual Population Survey Economy and Workforce Demand 1.14 There are 53,700 jobs in workplaces in Lancaster, 8.7% of the 1.12 This is reflected by the resident skills profile. Only 28% of residents have Lancashire total. Like the trend within Lancashire as a whole, the number of jobs skills at level 4 or above, lower than the Lancashire and north west averages, and within Lancaster has decreased by 1% (-300). 8 Skills in Lancashire: Evidence Base Commission – Lancaster Statistical Annex 1.15 The largest employment sector in Lancaster is the Health and Social Sectoral Employment 2013, % Care sector (18%), with the Education (15%) and Accommodation and food Lancaster Lancashire North West sectors also employing an above average share of the total in Lancaster. Health & social 18% 16% 14% However, manufacturing employment, at 5%, is well below the Lancashire Wholesale and retail 15% 17% 16% average. Education 15% 9% 9% 1.16 Four sub-sectors – Education, Human Health Activities, Retail Trade, and Accomm. & food 9% 7% 7% Food and Beverage – each employ in excess of 3,000 people, with education Admin & support 7% 6% 8% being the largest of these employing 8,200. In terms of sector representation Manufacturing 5% 13% 10% almost six times the share of total employment are employed in the electricity sub- Construction 5% 6% 5% sector compared to the national average, and more than twice the share are Transport & storage 5% 3% 5% employed in civil engineering. Prof., sci. and tech. 4% 6% 8% 1.17 Almost 4,200 businesses are located in Lancaster over 8% of the Public admin & defence 3% 5% 5% Lancashire total, which is slightly lower than Lancaster’s share of the total Utilities: Electric 2% 0% 0% population. The number of businesses per 1000 working age people is Info. & comms. 2% 2% 3% significantly lower than the national average and also lower than regional measures of business density. Financial & insurance 2% 2% 3% Real estate 2% 1% 2% 1.18 Business Start up rates are slightly lower than the regional average and Arts, ent. & recreation 2% 2% 2% the survival rate for businesses is also lower, with both factors contributing to the Other services 2% 2% 2% lower business density rate. Mining & quarrying 1% 0% 0% Utilities: Water 0% 1% 1% Workplace Employment: Lancaster Total 53,700 617,600 3,092,900 Change % change 2009 2013 Source: BRES 2009-2013 2009-2013 Lancaster 54,000 53,700 -300 -1% Lancashire 622,600 617,600 -4,900 -1% North West 3,081,800 3,092,900 11,100 0% England minus 19,466,800 19,513,400 46,600 0% London Source: BRES
Sub Sectors in Lancaster 2013 10 Largest Sub Sectors 10 Highest Represented Sectors* Sector No. LQ Sector No. LQ Education 8,200 1.6 Utilities: electricity 1,300 5.9 9 Skills in Lancashire: Evidence Base Commission – Lancaster Statistical Annex Sub Sectors in Lancaster 2013 Human health activities 5,700 1.4 Civil engineering 900 2.1 Retail trade (exc. motor) 5,600 1.0 Accommodation 1,300 1.7 Food and beverage 3,300 1.1 Other personal services 900 1.6 Social work (w/o accomm.) 2,300 1.4 Education 8,200 1.6 Residential care activities 1,700 1.2 Social work (w/o accomm.) 2,300 1.4 Public admin and defence 1,700 0.7 Human health activities 5,700 1.4 Land transport/ transport via Wholesale (exc. motor) 1,500 0.6 1,200 1.3 pipelines Employment activities 1,500 0.9 Residential care activities 1,700 1.2 Utilities: electricity 1,300 5.9 Food and beverage 3,300 1.1 Source: BRES *Based on the ten highest LQs in sub-sectors with a minimum of 500 employees.
Business Numbers and Density Business per No. 000 WA pop Lancaster 4,185 46 Lancashire 49,825 54 North West 240,075 53 England minus London 1,674,850 59 Source: Business Demography and Mid Year Population Estimates
Business Start up and survival rates S/up, % of current 3 year survival rate 5 year survival rate base. Lancaster 12% 56% 38% Lancashire 13% 57% 41% North West 15% 56% 40% England minus 13% 58% 43% London Source: Business Demography
10 Skills in Lancashire: Evidence Base Commission – Lancaster Statistical Annex Economic Forecasts Lancaster Lancashire North West Admin & support 1,007 8,378 49,641 1.19 Employment forecasts indicate that Lancaster’s employment will grow at a faster rate than the United Kingdom average, with 7% growth over the next 10 Construction 745 8,929 34,399 years; over this period 4,500 jobs are expected to be created. Health & social 694 2,500 10,415 Wholesale and retail 607 5,961 31,541 1.20 The administrative & support services sector is predicted to be the largest Accomm. & food 543 3,033 17,416 driver of employment growth in absolute terms generating over 1,000 jobs closely followed by; construction creating 745 jobs; and Health & Social Care employment Transport & storage 492 2,924 18,217 increasing by 694 jobs. Employment is expected to fall in manufacturing, public Prof., sci. and tech. 370 7,609 54,849 administration and defence, the electricity sub-sector, and Mining and Quarrying. Other services 280 1,919 10,970 Arts, ent. & recreation 235 2,586 13,854 1.21 Admin & support; Real estate; Transport & storage; Arts, Entertainment & Recreation; and Construction are all predicted to grow faster than average for the Real estate 213 1,674 12,887 region. However, employment in the professional, scientific and technical sector is Info. & comms. 148 2,181 13,243 expected to grow more slowly than average for the region. The largest job losses Education 112 - 1,500 - 10,271 in terms of percentage change are expected to be in Mining and quarrying (-25%), Financial & insurance 25 183 3,501 public administration & defence (-15%) and Manufacturing (-13%). Utilities: Water - 19 - 357 - 1,586 Agri., for. & fishing - 88 - 940 - 2,962 Mining & quarrying - 110 - 119 - 352 1.22 The growth of highly skilled jobs in Lancaster is expected to be slightly Utilities: Electric - 161 - 270 - 1,700 higher than Lancashire as a whole, but at an equal rate to the North West. Public admin & defence - 236 - 4,500 - 18,497 Occupations that are set to grow particularly quickly compared to the rest of Lancashire are managerial jobs, skilled trades, and process, plant and machine Manufacturing - 357 - 10,335 - 40,556 operators. Total 4,500 29,857 195,011 Source: Oxford Economics 1.23 The proportion of working age people holding higher level qualifications in Lancaster is set to grow at a slightly faster rate than the UK as a whole, with level 4 and above expected to increase by 16% in Lancaster compared with 14% across Lancashire and 15% across the whole of the UK. Forecast Employment Growth: Lancaster Change % change 2015 2025 2015-2025 2015-2025 Lancaster 64,705 69,205 4,500 7% Lancashire 737,919 767,776 29,857 4% North West 3,692,462 3,887,473 195,011 5% UK 33,767,070 35,859,350 2,092,280 6% Source: Oxford Economics
Forecast Change in Sectoral Employment 2015-25, No 11 Skills in Lancashire: Evidence Base Commission – Lancaster Statistical Annex Lancaster Lancashire North West Forecast Change in Sectoral Employment 2015-25, % Mgers & directors 8% 5% 7% Lancaster Lancashire North West Professional 4% 4% 4% Admin & support 20% 17% 16% Assoc. prof & tech 5% 3% 5% Real estate 19% 16% 18% Admin & secreta. 2% 0% 2% Construction 17% 16% 15% Skilled trades 7% 3% 4% Arts, ent. & recreation 16% 13% 14% Caring, leisure and other 7% 4% 4% Transport & storage 14% 9% 9% service Other services 13% 11% 11% Sales & cust. 6% 5% 5% Info. & comms. 12% 13% 13% Pro, plant & machine op. 4% -2% 0% Prof., sci. and tech. 12% 15% 16% Elementary 8% 4% 5% Accomm. & food 11% 7% 8% Wholesale and retail 7% 5% 6% Highly skilled 5% 4% 5% Health & social 6% 2% 2% Source: Oxford Economics Financial & insurance 2% 2% 3% Education 1% -2% -3% Utilities: Water -7% -6% -7% Forecast Change in skills levels, 2015-2025 Agri., for. & fishing -9% -9% -9% Other L4+ L3+ L2+ L1+ No quals Utilities: Electric -11% -11% -11% quals Manufacturing -13% -12% -12% Lancast 16% 0% -12% 15% 13% -10% Public admin & defence -15% -14% -13% er Lancash Mining & quarrying -25% -25% -25% 14% -3% -15% 12% 12% -16% ire Total 7% 4% 5% North 15% -2% -14% 13% 13% -15% Source: Oxford Economics West UK 15% -2% -13% 13% 14% -14% Source: Oxford Economics
Forecasts Change in Occupation by Sub-Geography 2015-2025, % 12 Skills in Lancashire: Evidence Base Commission – Lancaster Statistical Annex Education and Skills Total learners 2,100 28,900 1.24 The percentage of young people achieving five good GCSEs (at grades Starts 1,200 14,400 A*-C) is above the Lancashire and national averages. By the age of 19 around Enrolments 2,600 31,400 one third of Lancaster’s young people have entered higher education. Achievements 800 9,200 Source: Data cube 1.25 Over 10,000 Lancashire residents participated in further education in 2013/14, accounting for around 9.5% of total learners, and a similar proportion of Travel to Learn, % starts, enrolments and achievements. A slightly lower proportion of apprentices in Outside LA but Within LA Outside LEP Lancashire are from Lancaster (c. 8%). within LEP 1.26 Only 10% of Lancaster’s learners learn outside of the LEP and 82% of Lancaster 82% 8% 10% learners learn within their home local authority. The proportion learning outside Lancashire 61% 29% 10% the LEP is consistent with Lancashire a whole but the level of learners studying Source: Data cube inside the home local authority is 21 percentage points higher than the Lancashire average, and again reflects the relative isolation of Lancaster.
1.27 Nearly 3,500 Lancaster residents have participated in the Work Work Programme Attachments and Outcomes, up to Dec 2014 Programme since it began. Lancaster matches the England level of job outcomes Outcomes as % of Attachments Outcomes as a percentage of attachments on the Work Programme, exceeding the attachments Lancashire level. Lancaster 3,370 820 24% Lancashire 38,750 8,500 22% GCSE attainment, % England 1,658,560 401,210 24% Fewer than 5 A*- Source: Work Programme: Local Authority cumulative figures 5 A*-C 5 A*-G G grades Lancaster 68 93 7 Lancashire 66 93 7 North West 65 93 7 England minus London 65 93 7 Source: DfES
FE Learners 2013/14 Lancaster Lancashire LEP Total learners 10,100 106,800 Starts 26,800 284,000 Enrolments 28,400 303,400 Achievements 21,100 236,400 Source: Data cube
Apprenticeship Learners 2013/14 Lancaster Lancashire LEP 13