Scholarship Criteria s1

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Scholarship Criteria s1


SCHOLARSHIP SCHOLARSHIP CRITERIA APPLICATION COMMENTS PROCEDURE ANTHONY “JOEY” POTTER Seniors who exemplify the Applications are available on the Family of Anthony “Joey” MEMORIAL AWARD qualities of good work ethic, Cooperstown Central School Potter will select the recipient outgoing nature, determination website, Naviance and in the of this award. and love of the outdoors. Counseling Office. Deadline April 4

CATHERINE DAVIS BLACK Seniors will have volunteered Applications are available on the Cooperstown Rotary sponsors SCHOLARSHIP and contributed to their Cooperstown Central School and selects recipient of this community and/or have special website, Naviance and in the scholarship. interest in early childhood Counseling Office. education, the successful Deadline April 4 candidate will be planning to pursue a career in this academic area. CHRISTINA WAYMAN Seniors who embodies Applications are available on the Cooperstown Class of 1994 SELAN AWARD Christina’s characteristics: moral Cooperstown Central School sponsors and selects recipient character, leadership, motivation, Website, Naviance and in the of this scholarship. and sportsmanship. Counseling Office. Deadline April 4

CLARK SCHOLARSHIP Academic standing, character, Applications are distributed to all The Scholarship Committee PROGRAM leadership, service to the Seniors in December. Deadline recommends recipients to the community and promise of to submit application is second Clark Scholarship Office and successful college achievement. week in January. recipients are notified in the Spring. COOPERSTOWN A graduate going on for training Applications are available on the Cooperstown Community COMMUNITY in a program which is vocational Cooperstown Central School Foundation sponsors and FOUNDATION in nature. Website, Naviance and in the selects recipient of this Counseling Office. scholarship. Deadline April 4 COOPERSTOWN A graduate pursuing education in Applications are available on the Cooperstown Rotary Club ROTARY CLUB a vocationally directed field. Cooperstown Central School sponsors and selects recipient SCHOLARSHIP Based on honesty, fairness, Website, Naviance and in the of this scholarship. goodwill and service above self. Counseling Office. Deadline April 4 COOPERSTOWN VETERAN A graduate who has a relative Applications are available on the Cooperstown Veteran Posts POSTS SCHOLARSHIP who has served or is serving in Cooperstown Central School sponsors and selects recipient the US military, either on active Website, Naviance and in the of this scholarship. duty or in the reserves. The Counseling Office. recipient must have an academic Deadline April 4 average greater than 85 and plan to attend an accredited two or four year college or university. CRITERION CLUB A graduate who has evidenced Applications are available on the The Cooperstown Criterion (Jean Ross Memorial) proficiency, ability and interest Cooperstown Central School Club sponsors and selects in the business field. Website, Naviance and in the recipient of this scholarship Counseling Office. program. Deadline April 4 DR. JASTREMSKI A graduate who has been Applications are available on the Cooperstown Lions Club LIONS CLUB MEMORIAL accepted in an accredited Cooperstown Central School sponsors and selects recipient SCHOLARSHIP institute for Vocational Training. Website, Naviance and in the of this scholarship program. Counseling Office. Deadline April 4 SCHOLARSHIP SCHOLARSHIP CRITERIA APPLICATION COMMENTS PROCEDURE ELIZABETH & BENJAMIN Recognizing excellence in Applications are available on the The Scholarship Committee BASSETT SCHOLARSHIP academics, balanced Cooperstown Central School selects the recipient and development, and a willingness Website, Naviance and in the notifies the Charles H. Bassett to overcome challenges and seize Counseling Office. Youth Foundation, Inc. opportunities. Deadline April 4 ELIZABETH WHITE A graduate going on to obtain a Applications are available from The Scholarship Committee SCHOLARSHIP degree in the field of education the Superintendent’s Office selects the recipients. with the desire of becoming a teacher. GEORGE H. & MINNIE Character, leadership, Applications are available Faculty votes on applicants. MARSH WHITE scholarship and promise of being through the high school office in There are 8 to 10 scholarships worthy of assistance. March to all Seniors not awarded given each year. a Clark Scholarship.

HAROLD BALCOM Selection is based on financial Applications are available on the Selection by family and need, achievement, educational Cooperstown Central School Scholarship Committee. goals, citizenship, character, Website, Naviance and in the leadership, motivation, and Counseling Office. participation in school and Deadline April 4 community. SIDNEY & ONNOLEE HUFF A graduate interested in teaching Applications are available on the The Scholarship Committee CHARITABLE or nursing. In lieu of nursing it Cooperstown Central School selects the recipient of this TRUST SCHOLARSHIP could be a health related field. Website, Naviance and in the scholarship Counseling Office.

JULIA ALEXANDRA A recipient shall be selected Applications are available on the The Music Department and the LEVANDOWSKI-KLIX based upon the following criteria: Cooperstown Central School Levandowski-Klix Family MEMORIAL AWARD • A graduate who has maintained Website, Naviance and in the selects the recipient of this a minimum grade point average Counseling Office. award. of 85; planning to attend a four- Deadline April 4 year college, university or conservatory to pursue a course of study in the field of music, theater or journalism. • A graduate who exhibits financial need, motivation, moral character, citizenship, and has participated in school and/or community activities. KEVIN J. BELROSE A graduate, who attained a Applications are available on the The Scholarship Committee SCHOLARSHIP minimum grade point average of Cooperstown Central School selects the recipient of this 80%, plans to attend a two-year Website, Naviance and in the scholarship. vocational or technical school, or Counseling Office. pursue a degree in engineering at Deadline April 4 a college or university. Graduates who enter military service will be considered for a deferred scholarship award.


5/1/2017 LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP This scholarship is offered to Applications are available on the The Leadership Scholarship students enrolling in a course of Cooperstown Central School committee selects recipient of study to include Volunteerism , Website, Naviance and in the this scholarship. Community Development Counseling Office. /Organizational Leadership or Hospitality / Tourism either with a private enterprise,not-for- profit organization or government entity. MABELLE A. & ORANGE Selection is based on character, Applications are available from The Scholarship Committee L. VAN HORNE leadership, scholarship, the Superintendent’s Office. selects the recipients. SCHOLARSHIPS personality, general ability and They will be distributed to all need. Seniors not awarded a Clark Scholarship. MARY AUGUSTA & WILSON Recognizes excellence in Applications are available on the The Scholarship Committee T. BASSETT SCHOLARSHIP scholarship, good character, and Cooperstown Central School selects the recipient and exemplary service to others in Website, Naviance and in the notifies the Charles H. Bassett the community. Counseling Office. Youth Foundation, Inc. Deadline April 4

MILDRED J. STADLER Candidates who intend to further Applications are available on the The Scholarship Committee WEDDERSPOON AND their education either at a two- Cooperstown Central School selects the recipients. FRANCES STADLER year, four-year or technical Website, Naviance and in the SCHOLARSHIP school, pursuing the fields of Counseling Office. veterinary science, animal Deadline April 4 husbandry or veterinary science technology.

THE THAYER FAMILY A graduate pursuing a course of Applications are available from The Scholarship Committee SCHOLARSHIP TRUST study, either on an undergraduate the Superintendent’s Office in selects the recipients. or graduate level, at an accredited March. institution, in (1) Conservation, preservation and protection of natural resources, the environment and wildlife, (2) Biology, agriculture, geology, botany, zoology and research in such fields, all as they relate to natural resources, the environment and wildlife, (3) Veterinary Science. Other Scholarship New York State Scholarship for Highest NYS Regents Exam Information available at: Academic Excellence average as established by the NYS Education Department. (No application.) College Students who have graduated from CCS MARJORIE WICKS A demonstrated interest in Information is available from the These awards are granted to DICKERMAN furthering international Superintendent of Schools. college students who have SCHOLARSHIP understanding. Planned study in graduated from CCS and who a foreign country or countries, plan to study overseas through especially central and eastern their college. Europe. Proven capability for such study.


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