Eugene IHS Site Council Meeting September 11, 2012

Present: Deon Saraceno, Kristin Brandon, Rebecca Hammons, Stephanie Cannon, Kaycee Schoellhorn, Steve Smith, Susan Ventura, Lisa Albrich, Wade Powell, Kira Wyld, Janelle Schoellhorn, Jessica Schabtach, Peggy Farris, Marilyn Curtis, Christine Pettingill, Kyle Yamada, Jessenia Formick

Welcome and Introductions

Eugene IHS Site Council Governance Steve gave us an overview of the function of the Eugene IHS Site Council and how it participates with the staff in the governance of the school.

We need to change the governance document to include the number of voting members that must be present to make decisions for 2012/13.


Student The Eugene IHS Student Government will hold an ultimate tournament, a petanque tournament, and a dance this year. Eugene IHS t-shirts are available in the IHS office for $10.

Parents The Welcome to Eugene IHS Parent Meeting is set up for September 24 at the Ed. Center Auditorium at 7:00 p.m. Four other meetings are set up for the rest of the year and will be held in the Ed. Center Parr Room on the following dates: November 27, January 22, March 19, and May 28. Janelle wants parents to know these meetings are more informational and sometimes educational than some and parents do not need to volunteer for everything.

Staff We met up-river for an enjoyable and productive retreat. The Eugene IHS staff paid out of their pocket for lodging and teacher voluntarily came one day before the official start of the year for this retreat. It is a wonderful way to meet new staff and catch up with returning staff. We have two new teachers, Donn Osterlund and Emily Gerrity, and two teachers returning who have been away for some time, Jess Land and Kreg Hulings.

The Eugene IHS Opening Assembly was moved to Thursday, September 27, because of renovations of the South Eugene auditorium. The theme this year will be “The Power of You(th).” School Report

IB Report Marilyn Curtis passed out the results of the 2012 IB tests. Two hundred candidates were registered, including 55 diploma candidates. Six hundred eight tests were administered. Forty- four students successfully completed the diploma. Thirty-one is the average score for this year’s diploma candidates. A score of 30 or above receives an automatic scholarship to OUS schools.

For several years we have been able to offer scholarships to our students who qualify for free and reduced lunch to cover most of IB testing. We fronted over $10,000 to over 30 students for the 2011/12 school year. We never know for sure until spring if we will be reimbursed for these scholarships. This year the program that pays for these scholarships was canceled. However, there was so much response to the cancellation that eventually the program was reinstated. This means we will be reimbursed for the 2012 tests.

During 2013/14, we will be completing our five year review for IB. We need to work to make sure we meet IB requirements as we move into the 3x5 schedule.

3x5 Transition Issues Churchill High School moved to the 3x5 schedule this year and South and Sheldon will move to the 3x5 next school year. There are several problems to work out with running the semester and trimester at the same time that will only be a problem for this year. The early release and no school days are creating some confusion, but we are working through this.

Marilyn is concerned about IB requirements for time in the classroom as we move to the 3x5. If AP is three terms, we should consider the same for IB.

Over the next two years, all staff will get five days of professional development to help with the transition.

Freshmen being fully enrolled (and fully scheduled) In order to fill the time slot left every other day in an IHS student’s schedule, South and Churchill will schedule PE classes during the open period. At Sheldon this period will be filled with a new class (paid for with .5 additional FTE from the district) called Global Connections. The class is currently being designed and we hope to have it in place by Monday.

We are unsure of what happens from here. The sense from the district is that the IHS model needs to adapt with the 3x5 schedule. The way it is now with the overlay and the traditional IHS block with open periods is a problem with the superintendent. We need to be proactive in working with the district to address the needs and concerns they have.

We will need discussions about how to fund students being fully enrolled. IHS was not included when giving funds to “fully enroll” 9th graders. The comprehensive programs will need additional funds to continue this. IHS needs to be included in the list of schools to receive funds to “fully enroll.” IHS did have all our students fully enrolled until last year when budget cuts forced us to drop freshmen and sophomore projects.

Bob was asked what the 3x5 means for AP. He doesn’t know yet how it will look, but with the 3x5, AP may look different.

EEF Grants The sophomore team would like to apply for a grant of $2400 to support the Eurasian Conference. The Site Council members voted on this and approved.

Future Meetings Since the Churchill dismissal time is 3:45, it is difficult for teachers on that campus to make it to the site council meetings by 4:00. We will discuss at the next meeting the possibility of moving the meetings to 4:15.