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more from Matti Pitkanen is on the /Pitkanen.htm page at doc pdf URL note: because important websites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was archived from on 12/05/2016. This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned website. Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if the updated original cannot be found at the original author's site. what's new in "Magnetospheric Consciousness" TGD Dr. Matti Pitkänen Postal address: Köydenpunojankatu 2 D 11 10940, Hanko, Finland E-mail: [email protected] URL-address: (former address: ) "Blog" forum:

Book Abstract: doc pdf URL Complete Book: URL URL-bkup

Could the replication of mirror DNA teach something about chiral selection? (05/20/2016). One step further in the understanding the origins of Life (05/17/2016). Direct evidence for dark DNA?! (07/23/2015) Ribosome as the first self-replicator? (01/11/2015)

Could Podkletnov effect be understood using heff= heff hypothesis? (01/10/2015) TGD-inspired model for the formation of exclusion zones from coherence regions (12/26/2014) How bio-polymers were associated with their dark counterparts? (12/12/2014) More precise view about remote DNA replication (09/02/2014) Quantum gravity, dark matter, and prebiotic evolution (06/14/2014) Another approach to the Protocell (05/14/2011) Oil droplets as a primitive lifeform (05/12/2011) Could high-energy phosphate bond be negentropic bond with negative binding energy? (02/19/2010) TGD-based model for the evolution of Genetic Code: VI (04/03/2008) TGD-based model for the evolution of Genetic Code: V (03/29/2008) TGD-based model for the evolution of Genetic Code: IV (03/25/2008) TGD-based model for the evolution of Genetic Code: III (03/22/2008) 1 TGD-based model for the evolution of Genetic Code: II (03/20/2008) TGD-based model for the evolution of Genetic Code: I (03/19/2008) Quantum version of the Expanding Earth theory (11/06/2007) DNA as a Topological Quantum Computer (11/01/2007) Fractional Quantum Hall effect in TGD fram ework (10/01/2007) Intronic portions of genome code for RNA: for what purpose? (06/16/2007) Hydrogen bond and dark matter (0/22/2006) A more precise definition of N-atom and dark matter as a matter in wrong place (01/22/2006)

Book Abstract: doc pdf URL Complete Book: URL URL-bkup

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