West Bergholt Cricket Club

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West Bergholt Cricket Club

West Bergholt Cricket Club

Festival Committee Meeting Monday 1 st June 2015

Attendees: Wendy Twydell, Kevin Riley, Sandra McBride, Imelda Owers, Michelle FitzGerald Apologies: Tracey Southernwood, Carole Cansdale, Dan Wheeler Agenda:  WBCC Committee Members Update  Minutes of last meeting  Treasure Hunt  Stall allocation  BBQ  Other Items  Date of next meeting

WBCC Committee Members Update Wendy commenced the meeting by reading out an email from the Chairman of the Cricket Club, Pete Twydell. Pete acknowledged the Festival Committee members efforts, which are appreciated by all in the club. He then went on to confirm cricket arrangements for the Saturday and Sunday of the festival. To try and increase the take up for the Car Treasure Hunt and Quiz, Pete suggested that we approach people directly e.g. during Colts practise sessions at the club (Friday eve or Sunday morning). Pete will speak directly to the players for the car Treasure Hunt. Other Issues: Pete confirmed that Seb is purchasing a freezer from Jewson’s. Pete has contacted Steve at the Queens Head for free tables and chairs and awaits a reply. We already have confirmation that tables can be borrowed from the Scout Hut. A transit is required to transport them to the pavilion – please let Pete know if you can help. The questions and quizmaster have been arranged for the quiz night and Pete queried what would happen if it rains, do we have a marquee? Due to the fact that many of the festival posters have been removed from around the village, Pete suggested that we just use the Co-op, chemist, pubs and shop. Pete thanked the committee members for all their help and support. Wendy confirmed that she will be stepping down as Festival Committee Chairperson after this year’s events, due to her new job, moving house and Emma’s wedding. She also confirmed that Pete will be taking some time off as Chairman during August. If anyone would like to take up the reigns of Festival Committee chairperson, please let Wendy know.

Minutes from last Meeting Minutes of the last meeting were discussed and action points updated and agreed.

See the Action Points at the end of these minutes

1 Treasure Hunt Marketing: Only a few cars have booked for the Treasure Hunt, so Wendy will approach Colts parents at practise sessions at the pavilion. Imelda will contact the school and email them the event posters, so that they can be added to parentmail. We also decided to do a leaflet drop, Michelle will do Albany Rd & Earle Harvard Rd plus route to school, Imelda will do Valley Crescent, Chapel Lane, Queen’s Road, Bourne Rd and Wendy will do the Malting’s. Action: Wendy will approach people at Quick Cricket session Friday Action: Imelda to email posters to school Action: Michelle, Imelda and Wendy to complete leaflet drop

Prizes: The FC agreed on the following prizes for the Treasure Hunt: 1st Prize – Trophy and Fish & Chip Voucher 2nd Prize – Possible donation from Nicki Bowdidge (Wendy to chase this) 3rd Prize – Selection of cupcakes (Carole to source if possible please – Sandra to email) Action: Sandra to email Carole Action: Wendy to chase Nicki regarding donating a prize

Wendy/Kevin will give out leaflets for the festival at the event and sell raffle tickets. Sweets and ice creams will also be available for sale – depending on weather.

Kevin and Wendy will be at the pavilion for the start of the treasure hunt and will then proceed to the end destination. Contact numbers will be available for drivers in case they get lost. Queen’s Head happy to do whatever needed to help. Action: Wendy to ask if they want to arrange for scones and cream to be purchased by participants/customers.

Kevin has put together the route and Sandra & Drew will complete a dry run with Kevin to ensure the clues etc. are accurate. Action: Sandra to contact Kevin with possible dates

Stall Allocation Kevin has drawn up a blank stall rota and the following committee members have been designated the main contact for these areas:

 BBQ – Sandra  Cakes/Jams – Carole  Bottles/Face Painting – Imelda  Sweets – Jasmine  Ice Creams – Michelle  Bar – Emma/Tony/Pete/Peter  Raffle/Tombola – Wendy/Kevin  Colouring Competition – bar staff  Bouncy Castle - Tracey We will discuss a floor plan for the stalls at the next meeting.

Car Boot Please remember to take any donations for the car boot sale to Wendy’s.

2 BBQ We discussed using frankfurter sausages as well as normal sausages and the FC agreed to this, as they thought these would appeal to children. Frankfurter sausages to be purchased at Makro. We also discussed obtaining the sausages and burgers from one source e.g. Queen’s Head. Wendy to find out if they can oblige. The bread rolls used last year were too small for the size of the burgers, so we need to check the size of the burgers before purchasing rolls. Michelle will check out prices of burger baps, regular round rolls and finger rolls at sainsbury’s and Imelda will check Asda and Iceland. Action: Michelle to check prices of burger baps, round and finger rolls from Sainsbury’s and Imelda to check Asda and Iceland. We have a new BBQ; the old one will be used also to cook onions and veggie options – a spare frying pan will be needed for this (Sandra to look into). We decided on the following prices for the food:  Sausage (both types) - £2.00 (to include onions/cheese)  Burger - £2.50 (to include onions/cheese)  Veggie options – as above

Action: Wendy will ask the Queen’s Head if they would be able to supply regular sausages and burgers for the festival. Action: Sandra to check if she still has her old frying pan Action: Sandra, Wendy and Michelle to bring BBQ utensils to festival

Other Items:

 T-Shirts – Approval has been given by the Cricket Committee to obtain T-Shirts for the FC members. The FC agreed the sizes to be ordered for the committee members. Action: Kevin to order 11 T-Shirts

 Sweets – Sweets to be wrapped before Car Treasure Hunt weekend. Action: Sandra to suggest a date to come to hers to wrap sweets

 Raffle & Tombola - Prizes are coming in, please keep them coming. Action: Prizes to be taken to Wendy’s by 27th June please.  Colouring Competition – The FC agreed that five designs are needed for the colouring competition. Kevin will design an A4 sign for the table in the pavilion

Action: Jasmine/Kevin & Michelle to look for suitable images on internet Action: Kevin to design A4 ‘Children’s Free Colouring Competition’ poster to display in pavilion  Cakes – We originally wanted cakes to be taken to Carole’s on Fri 4th July but will need to discuss this further as we need to think about storage. It might be better to stagger the delivery of the cakes.

3  Bottle Stall – We discussed purchasing wine for the bottle stall from Makro but it was suggested the Queen’s Head might be able to help with this. Action: Wendy to ask QH if they will source wine for the bottle stall  Makro Trip Sandra, Michelle & Imelda have arranged a shopping trip to Makro on Saturday 13th June. The FC have compiled a shopping list.

 Bar – Fruit will need to be prepared and brought along on the day for the Pimm’s Action: Sandra to purchase fruit from the market on Friday 3rd July and prepare  Marquee – A marquee will be needed in case it rains during the festival and for the quiz night Action: Wendy to chase regarding this.

Agenda items for next meeting:  Diagram of stalls  Allocation of stalls  Helpers  Delivery and storage of cakes  Car park marshals (Hi Vis jackets?)  Price lists for BBQ, Bottle stall, Tombola, etc.  Final arrangements

Next Meeting Date The committee agreed to hold the next meeting at 7pm on Monday 29th June at the CRICKET PAVILION

4 Summary of Actions: No. Action Who Update Status From 23/2/15 Look into sourcing raffle and 25 Festival Committee ongoing tombola prizes Cakes to be delivered to 26 Carole after 4pm on Friday Festival Committee ongoing 3rd July Bring empty wine bottles and 27 2L plastic bottles to next Festival Committee ongoing meeting Buy ice creams/lollies from Sandra & Michelle to buy ice 36 Michelle ongoing Sainsbury’s/Asda (£40) lollies From 30th March Wendy to look into putting 61 questions together and Wendy Lollies to be bought from Makro Discharged purchasing lollies for prizes. Michelle to get some cricket 62 related pictures from the Michelle/Jasmine/Kevin Jasmine & Kevin to also look internet. If you approach any other business please email all the 68 Festival Committee ongoing FC members, so we don’t approach the same people. From 27th April Email cricket members mid- 70 June to remind them to bake Wendy cakes for festival 74 Wendy to speak to the Wendy Queen’s Head about serving scones & cream to be purchased by participants/customers at the end of the Treasure Hunt. Also let them know how

5 many people expected. Wendy to speak to Nicki Bowdidge to see if they can 75 Wendy donate a prize for the Treasure Hunt From 1st June 2015 Michelle & Imelda to arrange 82 Michelle / Imelda to pick up freezer Sandra to contact Kevin with 83 possible dates for Treasure Sandra Hunt dry run Wendy will ask the Queen’s 84 Head if they would be able to Wendy supply regular sausages and burgers for the festival. Check for old frying pan for 85 Sandra veggie option 86 Kevin to order 11 T-Shirts Kevin Sandra to suggest a date to come to hers to wrap sweets 87 Sandra at her house (Monday or Friday) Tombola & raffle prizes to be 88 taken to Wendy’s by 27th Festival Committee June Sandra to purchase fruit from the market on Friday 89 Sandra 3rd July and prepare for Pimm’s Kevin to design A4 90 ‘Children’s Free Colouring Kevin Competition’ poster Wendy to look for laminated 91 table posters from last year Wendy (sweets, etc.) Email festival posters to 92 Imelda school to add to parentmail

6 Wendy will approach people at Quick Cricket session 93 Wendy Friday re Treasure Hunt and Quiz Michelle, Imelda and Wendy 94 Michelle / Imelda / Wendy to complete leaflet drop Sandra to email Carole re 95 making cupcakes for Sandra Done – 3/6/15 Treasure Hunt prize Sandra, Wendy and Michelle 96 to bring BBQ utensils to Sandra / Wendy / Michelle festival Michelle to check prices of burger baps, round and 97 finger rolls from Sainsbury’s Michelle / Imelda and Imelda to check Asda and Iceland. Wendy to chase regarding 98 Wendy obtaining a marquee


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