The Bourne Academy Development Plan- 2017-18

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The Bourne Academy Development Plan- 2017-18

Review & Reboot Dates: December 4th, March 5th & May 14th

everyone is a learner and everyone is a teacher The Bourne Academy Development Plan- 2017-18

At The Bourne Academy we develop literate, numerate global citizens who ASPIRE: Ambitious, Self-confident, Physically Literate, Independent Learners, Resilient, Emotionally Literate ______Academy Desired Outcomes Outcomes for children and learners Progress: Overall + Progress 8 score (2017 -0.24, 2016 +0.02 (FE), 2015 +0.03) +Progress in English, Maths and Science (getting English maths and science, GEMS) Higher Ability (-0.25 in 2017, +0.08 in 2016) cohort to achieve a positive progress 8 score Disadvantaged (PP) cohort to achieve a positive progress 8 score All SEND students achieve their target grades

Attainment: Attainment 8 grade – C+ or equivalent (41.28 in 2017) 42% grade 9- 5 in English & mathematics (FFT 5 44%, FFT 20 is 38%) 60%+ grade 9 to 4 Incl EM Science to be at least in-line with national expectations All SEND Support students achieve their target grades Diminish the difference: Disadvantaged students achieve at least as well as non-entitled (Narrow the gap) All Higher Ability students achieve grade 9-7 or equivalent in at least 5 subjects

Sixth Form Outcomes: Progress + Progress for sixth form using ALPs measure at least ALPs 6 (2017 ALPs 7.00, 2016 ALPs 7.33), Attainment A level and Academic point score as a grade to average C (C- in 2017, D in 2016) Applied and Tech level point scores as a grade to average Dist (Dist – in 2017, Dist- in 2016) A Level pass rate 100% (26% at A* or A grade and 80% A* to C) Retention 85% Retention rate Destinations 100% of students who applied for higher education get accepted, 100% EET

Teaching, Learning & Assessment  100% of Teaching has a good or outstanding impact on learning.  Marking Policy used by all teachers, including planned lesson time dedicated to students reading and responding to that feedback in lessons leads to measurable impact on students’ progress.  Ensuring that teachers consistently use assessment information to plan learning that provides high levels of challenge for all students, particularly the most able, disadvantaged and other vulnerable students. Teachers must explicitly share differentiated outcomes with students e.g. GCSE grade 9-7 students will have more challenging outcomes than grade 6-4 (mild, medium, hot).  Learners helped to mastery by building confidence and resilience, including most able and disadvantaged students. Teachers will plan for this through low-stakes testing to rehearse current and prior learning and through planning learning activities that demand higher order thinking.  Professional Development continues to have measurable impact on student outcomes  Increased breadth of students’ reading sources across & outside curriculum, and teaching of reading, writing, communication and maths cohesively planned & implemented across curriculum

Personal development, behaviour and welfare  ASPIRE competencies to be at the forefront of everything we do  All students’ attitudes to learning are of an equally high standard across subjects, years & classes  100% students report feeling safe at school  Maintain our zero tolerance approach towards negative behaviour which disrupts teaching and learning and contradicts the ethos of the Academy  Attendance: 96%  Persistent Absence: 8.0% (to outperform national figures)  All students in KS3 to participate in at least one ACE activity per week  To plan a reciprocal visit to our international partners in Kenya so that our students can experience different cultures

Leadership & Management All teachers, leaders and managers embed safeguarding practice as an integral part of everyday life  Academy on route to have 1050 students by September 2018  100% EET – to maintain and develop our nationally recognised outstanding careers provision  Staff retention stabilised (particularly in maths and Science/Computer Science) to allow continuity of learning but with healthy turnover for promotion 1 Review & Reboot Dates: December 4th, March 5th & May 14th  All resources, including Disadvantaged funding, are used effectively to improve learning  Alumni to increase membership and active participation  Continue to develop our relationship with our sponsor, Canford School  Parental Engagement: Increase attendance at Parent Teacher Consultation sessions to >= 90% o Parent Voice actively engaged in promoting and raising money for Academy Outcomes for Students Academy Actions to achieve Outcomes Impact & next Milestones Operational Accountable Desired & Descriptors Steps & Final people person Deadline Teaching Fully met Partially met Not met Blank: no impact Outcomes yet +Progress in every See Subject Action Plans Oct 2017 SLs Line subject Managers Progress tracking broadsheet to Aug 2018 include Progress score for each C Wigg A St John subject area N Leech Additional learning, Saturday and holiday revision Higher Ability See Subject Action Plans ongoing SLs Line cohort to achieve a Provide events and opportunities for Managers positive progress 8 higher ability students through STARS Kelly Franklin score programme All Higher Ability Ensure stretch and challenge through students achieve ‘HOT’ objectives and outcomes in lessons grade 9-7 or equivalent in at least 5 subjects + Progress 8 score Yr10 & 11 Progress tracking & Internal Senior Leaders M Avoth Intervention team to continue but take tracking HoH, STARs A St John into account Progress 8 on an individual assessment coordinator, and subject level points SENDCo, Review curriculum to ensure the lowest throughout Disadvantaged ability students can still achieve a +ve P8 year, For coordinator and yr11 DOL’s and SL for Aug 2018 MA,EN,Sc 42% grade 9 to 5 in See individual action plans for maths, Jan/May 18 A St John M Avoth E&M English and science leading; SL’s for DOL’s of 60%+ 9 to 4 Incl Yr10 & 11 Progress tracking & Internal MA,EN,Sc MA,Sc EM Intervention team with HOH tracking GEMS group established and led and assessment Science outcomes monitored by Senior Leaders points to be at least in-line Maths, English and Science throughout with national interventions and progress scrutinised year, For outcomes in LM meetings between Subject yr11 Lead/Director and Senior Leaders, and between SL and maths, English and science teaching staff Progress of each teacher’s maths, Aug 2018 English and science class to be monitored to ensure expected and better progress made in every group

Increase capacity in science overseen by a Senior Leader See individual action plans Internal Senior Leaders M Avoth Attainment 8 grade – Yr10 & 11 Progress tracking & tracking HoH, STARs A St John C+ or equivalent Intervention team with HOH – monitor assessment coordinator, grade and intervene with key marginal students points SENDCo, throughout Disadvantaged Early identification of students who are year, For coordinator and not accessing all 3 “buckets” to maximise yr11 DOL’s and SL for all available grades MA,EN,Sc Aug 2018 Disadvantaged See Disadvantaged students Action Plan Jan/May E Roberts R Grinyer students achieve as 2018 well as non-E Aug 2018 SLs 2 Review & Reboot Dates: December 4th, March 5th & May 14th students See Subject action plans

All “other” See appropriate Action Plan Jan/May H Gaj, J Beer & C Harrison vulnerable groups, 2018 N Leech incl EAL, Young Additional learning, Saturday and Aug 2018 Carers and LAC, holiday revision achieve as well as other students All Higher Ability See More Able and subject Action Plans Jan/May K Franklin A St John students achieve≥ Additional learning, Saturday and 2018 SLs M Avoth grade 9-7 or holiday revision Aug 2018 DOL’s equivalent All SEND students See SEND Action Plan Jan/May H Gaj C Harrison achieve their target 2018 grades Aug 2018 + Progress for A See Sixth Form Action Plan level – ALPs 6 Yr12 & 13 Progress tracking & Jan/May K Franklin, A St John & M Interventions fully employed. 2018 A St John, all Avoth Aug 2018 SL’s and DOL’s Continue to implement PIXL 6 strategies

Additional learning, Saturday and holiday revision

A Level pass rate See Sixth Form Action Plan Jan/May K Franklin & K Franklin & 100% (26% at A* Yr12 & 13 Progress tracking & 2018 A St John A St John or A grade and 80% Interventions fully employed. A* to C Aug 2018 All SLs and Continue to implement PIXL 6 strategies DOL’s

Additional learning, Saturday and holiday revision

85% Retention rate See Careers and Sixth Form Action Plan Jan/May K Franklin & K Franklin & in 6th Form Ensure 6th form provision allows students 2018 V Woodings A St John 100% of students to access appropriate Level 3 courses Aug 2018 SLs & DOLs who applied for Increase number of students who gain higher education offers for Russell Group universities get accepted 100% EET KS3 KPIs used to KS3 tracking fit for purpose ongoing N Leech A St John intervene and Teachers accurately assess progress of report to parents students in their classes, using testing and moderation

3 Review & Reboot Dates: December 4th, March 5th & May 14th

Quality of Teaching, Learning & Assessment Academy Actions to achieve Outcomes & Impact & next Milestones Operational Accountable Desired Descriptors Steps & Final people person Deadline Teaching Fully met Partially met Not met Blank: no impact Outcomes yet 100% of Regular lesson observations, drop in’s & Sept & Oct R Bennett: M Avoth Teaching has a book look –LT and DOL’s or SL 2017 coaching and good or support plan outstanding impact Weekly drop ins and learning walks Sept overview on learning. ongoing Monday CPD programme to focus specifically on the quality, consistency and C Harrison rigour of  Objectives linked to KPIs or LT, DOLs, SLs, examination spec AOs teachers’ self- development  Low stakes testing and therapy intervention  HOT (higher order thinking) opportunities

Professional Needs sheet (Performance Management Document) completed by all staff and actioned through year

Coaching programme to target support Summer R Bennett C Harrison Pilot triad Coaching 2018 6wk Support Plans as required

Marking Policy book look in LM meeting and in daily Sept & Oct DOL’s, SL’s C Harrison used by all lesson drop-ins 2017 and LT with R teachers, including Bennett planned lesson time dedicated to students reading and responding to 9-20 Oct that feedback in 8-19 Jan 30 April lessons leads to -11 May measurable impact on students’ progress.

Ensuring that Data team to produce class lists with all July 17 C Wigg/N A St John teachers assessment information on Leech consistently use Oct 17 assessment Develop the role of the T&L Strategy C Harrison information to plan group to incorporate IRIS connect LP’s/AOL learning that training materials reps/R provides high Ongoing Bennett A St John levels of challenge Access to and training in 4 matrix and investigate the purchase of ASSET Sept 17 for all students, particularly the C Wigg/N Training for Analyse School Leech most able, Performance tool disadvantaged and other vulnerable students. Teachers must explicitly share differentiated outcomes with students e.g. GCSE grade 9-7 students will have more challenging outcomes than grade 6-4 (mild, 4 Review & Reboot Dates: December 4th, March 5th & May 14th medium, hot).

Learners helped Updated Lesson Learnt form has ASPIRE K Franklin & V J Perkins/A St to mastery by resilience as aspect to be monitored Days Woodings John building confidence and Learning walks focused on confidence 14 Nov LT/DOLs/SL’s resilience, building and resilience 1 March C Harrison including most 10 July able and ASPIRE Days (x3) to explicitly measure disadvantaged the Academy competencies: ambition, self- confidence, physical literacy, students. Teachers independent learning, resilience, will plan for this emotional literacy of each student over through low-stakes the year testing to rehearse current and prior learning and through planning learning activities that demand higher order thinking. Increased breadth of See English Action Plan Sept 2017 M Lever V Gladden students’ reading Increase use of library through celebration onwards N Barr sources across & launches, book clubs, silent reading and V Gladden - outside curriculum, visits from every subject area Reading and teaching of Sound Training – high intensity across the reading, writing, intervention for students whose reading Curriculum communication and age is below their chronological age with maths cohesively the intention to improve outcomes S Lovett planned & Maintain and increase Canford Book Club implemented across participation curriculum

Professional Teach First Programme now in its 5th year, Sept 18 R Bennett C Harrison / Development with more experienced able to help coach M Avoth continues to have new participants measurable impact on student Use of IRIS Connect to produce outcomes development videos LPs & Teaching & RQTs Project to continue Learning Strategy Middle Leadership development Group programme J Perkins Appraiser Training M Avoth Senior Leadership Programme R Bennett

Staff Bursaries C Gobell

5 Review & Reboot Dates: December 4th, March 5th & May 14th

Personal Development, Behaviour & Welfare

Academy Actions to achieve Impact & next Milestones Operational Accountable Desired Outcomes & Descriptors Steps & Final people person Deadline Teaching Fully met Partially met Not met Blank: no impact Outcomes yet All students’ attitudes  Introduce and monitor use of Sept 2017 HoH & C Harrison to learning equally Progresso rewards system onwards Behaviour A St John high across subjects, Manager yrs, classes & staff  Wider use of student mentors to support underachieving students.  Increase further profile of yellow ‘doing the right thing’ slips.  Early intervention in use of recently revised behaviour reporting system to ensure that all students are working towards K Franklin & V outstanding behaviour Woodings  Multiple slips follow up  Increase provision and profile of HoH/ESW Academy wide careers service LT  Sharing of anonymous CP concerns ASPIRE competencies to be at the forefront  Introduce timetabled LT of everything we do walkabout duties

To develop a structured tutor time to include thought for the day, ASPIRE competencies and SMSC content to focus minds on learning

Ensure all staff are Safeguarding training for all staff Sept 2017 K Franklin/V A St John Safeguarding trained, Woodings which includes the My Concern training for all staff “Prevent” agenda at whole Academy level Place opportunities into the curriculum to discuss extremism All teachers, leaders Ensure all staff have ability and Sept 17 All Staff M Avoth and managers embed training to log any concern. C Harrison safeguarding practice Use of My Concern LT, HR Safeguarding as an integral part of Safe Recruitment protocols followed Team everyday life 100% students report Peer mediators group to be started up Sept 2017 L Burbidge/T J Perkins feeling safe at school again onwards Peacock Continue Bully Buster’s or alternative programme and raise profile Sept 2017 J Perkins Raise profile of Bourne Leaders onwards T Peacock C Harrison/A All vulnerable groups feel “safe HoH/SENDCo/E St John Strengthen health and wellbeing team SW/WC in response to local need

6 Review & Reboot Dates: December 4th, March 5th & May 14th Exclusions reduce to: Have intervention groups for students Summer All teaching C Harrison Days lost ≤215 with high number of sent out of term 2018 staff with HOH No of exclusions ≤160 lessons. No of students ≤80 Monitor Internal exclusion room (InEx) On going Behaviour C Harrison and produce data regarding repeat throughout Manager & “visitors” year M Avoth HOH Strategic use of alternative provision to ensure students can turnaround Spring 2018 C Harrison behaviour HoH Thrive Lead & WC Thrive Programme for students with poor behaviour due to emotional challenges to be used to track interventions and support

Attendance = 96% Continue weekly attendance meetings Summer J Beer with C Harrison and follow up with VP, EWO & HOH term 2018 tutors & HOH Year 11 “passport to the Prom” Non authorisation of term time holidays and prosecution

Persistent Absence Continue weekly attendance meetings Summer J Beer with C Harrison =8% to and follow up with VP, EWO & HOH term 2018 tutors & HOH outperform national Year 11 “passport to the Prom” figures) Prosecution

All students in KS3 to ACE programme to be developed On going T Peacock A St John participate in at least across the week. More subjects one ACE activity per offering a variety of opportunities week Encourage Global Develop further links with Osiligi Autumn Bourne Leaders C Gobell Citizenship by Charity (Kenya) including the building Term 2018 K Franklin/L M Avoth continuing to establish of a teachers house and a visit to Burbidge links with international Kenya schools so that Develop further cultural opportunities Academy students can with our International schools experience different programme cultures

7 Review & Reboot Dates: December 4th, March 5th & May 14th

Effectiveness of Leadership & Management Academy Actions to achieve Outcomes Impact & next Milestones Operational Accountable Desired & Descriptors Steps & Final people person Deadline Teaching Fully met Partially met Not met Blank: no impact Outcomes yet Academy on route Primary collaboration continues under JP On going J Perkins C Harrison to have 1050 Increase taster sessions at Academy M Avoth students by through SLs in core subjects September 2018 Increased tours around the Academy Use of social media to promote the Oct 17 Marketing C Gobell Academy in the wider community Coordinator

Marketing activity aimed at attraction into 6th form + annual survey of current Dec 17 Marketing C Gobell 6th formers to find out likes/dislikes – Coordinator aiming to improve our service Oct 17 to A St John Mar 18 K Franklin/V CIF bid where appropriate as capacity in Woodings the sixth form will be a concern Oct 18 M Avoth C Turner 100% EET – to Continue to widen opportunities for KS3 Sept college V Woodings A St John maintain and students to access Careers advice. placements develop our Continue and develop our College liaison nationally programme at KS4 recognised outstanding careers Have college students and employees provision from range of occupations speaking to Sept 2017 V Woodings A St John year 8 students, as requested by students onwards

Develop work with Oak Academy following successful SUN bid Continuing developing an outstanding careers provision using the Gatsby model for evaluation

Develop Tycoons in schools programme

Sept 17 V Woodings A St John Staff retention Restructure of support and teaching staff Sept 17 F Gilson M Avoth stabilised roles to allow for expansion of the Aug 18 M Avoth (particularly in Academy and greater promotional maths and opportunities. Science/Computer Science) to allow Senior and middle Leadership Sept 17 R Bennett / J C Harrison continuity of Development programme continues Perkins learning but with healthy turnover for Investigate welfare / Health support for Ongoing M Avoth promotion staff C Turner

Continue to investigate ways to reduce Sept 17 M Avoth workload without impacting on student D Mastrocola outcomes Alumni to increase Regular invites to students who have just Jan 18 Marketing C Gobell membership to left and anniversary reunions On going Coordinator include “Academy” ex students Initiate a Year 13 and Alumni Ball Summer 18 K Franklin C Gobell / A St John Further develop our Another Joint INSET held to promote Summer 18 C Harrison C Harrison relationship with similarities and differences in each R Bennett our sponsor, sector. Focus on Outcomes for learners Canford School Year 10 Twinning programme to continue and develop Ongoing T Peacock A St John

Increase opportunities for staff to engage in extra-curricular activities with each 8 Review & Reboot Dates: December 4th, March 5th & May 14th other Nov/Dec 17 A St John M Avoth Ensure at least one Academy student is successful in their sixth form application December/ V Woodings/C A St John/ M to Canford. April Gobell Avoth

Development Activities ie. International Students and Funding/Opportunity Collaboration Ongoing C Gobell M Avoth

Canford students to visit The Academy every Monday PM as part of their Ongoing A St John M Avoth community service (supporting in Science and mathematics)

Oxbridge and potential medical student workshops/preparation support K Franklin A St John M Avoth

All resources, Continue highly effective impact of Ongoing Disadvantaged R Grinyer including Entitled spending Student Disadvantaged PP Success evening Coordinator Finance funding, are used E Roberts Manager: CT effectively to improve learning

Increase parental Telephone survey of parents who do not By Feb 2018 All HOH C Harrison attendance at attend next PTC to ask what Academy Parent Teacher needs to change to ensure their Consultation attendance – act on those findings Sessions Introduction of new assessment, reporting and recording system. To include 2 Parent Consultation evenings Reports produced and Oct 2017 N Leech/C A St John per student and 3 data sheets sent home colour coded Wigg throughout the year Parent Voice Business Director to continue meetings Tom Peacock & C Gobell actively engaged in with Chair of PV to encourage more Lisse Burbidge promoting Academy parents to join and more events with PV M Avoth and raising money Principal to continue to attend

To be Outstanding – The Bourne Academy Post-Ofsted Action Plan

Whole School  Ensure that teachers consistently provide written guidance to help students develop their knowledge and understanding in all subjects and that students respond to that advice

6th Form  Share the good practice in the main school throughout the sixth form, including the planning of lessons and the engagement of students in their learning

 Ensure that the high expectations that challenge the more able students in the main school are also evident for those studying A level

9 Review & Reboot Dates: December 4th, March 5th & May 14th

Monday Twilight Induction/CPD Programme – 2017-2018 Induction sessions will be held on Mondays 4:10-5:00pm (venue will be listed on the weekly bulletin). All teachers are expected to attend sessions where safety or priority teaching strategies are being developed. Any teacher who requires improvement in any aspect of their practice will be expected to attend the relevant sessions. ALL sessions are compulsory for NQTs, Teach 1st graduates and teachers new to the Academy. Any member of staff is welcome to attend any session.

Teachers Date Theme Facilitator NQT RQT Teach First All teaching staff Cover Supervisors new to Academy

Monday 04.09.17 Start of the Year Day 1 MA Compulsory for ALL staff

Tuesday 05.09.17 Start of the Year Day 2 Teams Compulsory for ALL staff Middle Leaders Weds 06.09.17 Development JPe Middle Leaders – Big picture, vision and leadership styles programme Weds 06.09.17 RQT meeting in HU2 RB 

11.09.17 Safeguarding CHa, KFr & JB      Weds 13.09.17 Coaching Team AM [2:15-3:15] 18.09.17 Educational Visits JSh      Weds 20.09.17 T&L Strategy Group RB [2:15-3:15] 25.09.17 INSET DAY 1 Performance Man Weds 27.09.17 Subject Leaders meeting RB [2:15-3:15] 02.10.17 New staff catch-up RB, FG & CHa  09.10.17      Teaching & Learning and RB Skills CHa Choose one workshop NB from: 1. Planning for progress 2. Behaviour man. Review & Reboot Dates: December 4th, March 5th & May 14th 3. Marking & feedback

Outstanding 16.10.17 Role of tutor      tutor(s) 23.10.17 Half term

Teachers Date Theme Facilitator NQT RQT Teach First All teaching staff Cover Supervisors new to Academy

30.10.17 Student Leadership RB, JPe & students     

Weds 01.11.17 Coaching Team RB/AM [2:15-5:15] Middle Leaders Weds 01 .11.17 Development JPe/AM/MD Middle Leaders – Motivating others and accountability [2:15-5:15] programme Literacy Training (1) 06.11.17 SL      Sound Training

13.11.17 Numeracy Training (1) RG     

Weds 15.11.17 T&L Strategy Group RB [2:15-5:15] eSafety 20.11.17 Protecting young people SSC Team      online. Weds 22.11.17 RQT meeting in HU2 RB  {2:15-3:15] Embedding careers and labour market VWo 27.11.17 information in      curriculum areas and lessons Friday 01.12.17 INSET DAY 2 Speaker Compulsory for ALL staff Teams 04.12.17 INSET Day follow-up      Weds 06.12.17 Subject Leaders meeting RB [2:15-5:15] LT, RB & 11.12.17 Reflection on 1st term   Mentors 18.12.17 Xmas holidays

25.12.17 Xmas holidays

01.01.18 Xmas holidays INSET DAY T&L – Planning Tuesday 02.01.18 [2:00-3:00 RQT RB meeting in HU2] Review & Reboot Dates: December 4th, March 5th & May 14th 08.01.18 INSET follow-up RB     

15.01.18 Technology & pedagogy DO      Weds 17.01.18 Coaching Team RB/AM [2:15-5:15] 22.01.18 Literacy Training (2)      NB & R RAISE on-line data 29.01.18 MA Subject Leaders and Middle Leaders dashboard 31.01.18 Subject Leaders meeting RB [2:15-3:15] Teachers Date Theme Facilitator NQT RQT Teach First All teaching staff Cover Supervisors new to Academy Teaching & Learning Skills (2) Workshops to be offered 05.02.18 RB      dependant on feedback from T&L(1) session on 09.10.17 12.02.18 Half term

19.02.18 NQT Evidence Folder RB   Weds 21.02.18 T&L Strategy Group RB [2:15-3:15] 26.02.18 Numeracy Training (2) RG & AM     

05.03.18 RQT meeting in HU2 RB  Middle Leaders 05.03.18 Development JPe/AM/MD Middle Leaders – A shared facilitation on either parental engagement, learning talk, schools of the future or relationship management programme CAD CAM & The Laser- 12.03.18 TED Team      cutter Weds 14.03.18 Subject Leaders meeting RB [2:15-3:15] Thursday 15.03.17 INSET DAY 4 Outreach Compulsory for ALL staff

19.03.18 INSET follow-up Teams Weds 21.03.18 Coaching Team RB/AM [2:15-3:15] 26.03.18 Philosophy for Children RB    

02.04.18 Easter holidays   10.04.18 Easter holidays

16.04.18 Assessment 4 learning RB      T&L Strategy group 23.04.18 RB meeting Review & Reboot Dates: December 4th, March 5th & May 14th Middle Leaders 23.04.18 Development JPe/AM/MD Middle Leaders – Vision check, coaching skills & scenarios programme 30.04.18 Numeracy Training (3) AM & RG     

07.05.18 Bank Holiday Weds 02.05.18 Subject Leaders meeting RB [2:15-3:15] 14.05.18 RQT meeting RB 

21.05.18 Literacy Training (3) NB      Weds 16.05.18 Coaching Team meeting RB [2:15-3:15] 28.05.18 Half term

Teachers Date Theme Facilitator NQT RQT Teach First All teaching staff Cover Supervisors new to Academy

04.06.18 NQT Evidence Folder RB   Middle Leaders 04.06.18 Development JPe/AM/MD Middle Leaders – Time management, agendas and meetings programme Weds 06.06.18 Coaching Team meeting RB/AM [2:15-3:15] 11.06.18 Technology & pedagogy JF & DO      Progress 18.06.18 NL      measures/assessment Weds 20.06.18 Subject Leaders meeting RB [2:15-3:15] Middle Leaders 25.06.18 Development JPe/AM/MD programme Middle Leaders – a shared facilitation on either creative leadership, student leadership/voice or a new area of your choice from session 3. Friday 30.06.17 INSET Day 5 Induction 02.07.18 Curriculum/assesment In teams      review Weds 04.07.18 T&L Strategy group RB [2:15-3:15] meeting Weds 04.07.18 RQT presentations RB & LT [2:15-3:15] 09.07.18 LT, RB & 16.07.18 Celebration Tea   Mentors Summer holidays

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