
Language Test – Unit 4 Week 2

Find the adjective in each sentence that tells about number, size, or shape. Write it on the line. Then write the word number, size, or shape beside the adjective to tell what it describes.

1. Sue planted ten sunflowers in her garden. ______

2. Her garden also has twenty tulips. ______

3. Tulips grow from round bulbs. ______

4. Her friend gave her a packet of seeds. ______

5. She planted the oval seeds in her garden. ______

6. Sue must keep her large garden watered. ______

7. Last week she saw an insect in the garden. ______

8. The flying insect had tiny wings. ______

Complete each sentence with one of the following adjectives. Use the clue in ( ) for help. Write the adjective on the blank.

two little tall round a

9. My class visited ______pumpkin patch. (number)

10. There were ______stacks of pumpkins. (size)

11. Each child chose ______pumpkins. (number)

12. Maria and Kevin picked ______pumpkins. (shape)

13. I liked the ______pumpkins best. (size)

Circle the verb in the following sentences.

14. Squashes grow on long vines.

15. That squash is a bright yellow color.