Body Paragraph Rough Draft (Taped-Up Outline)

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Body Paragraph Rough Draft (Taped-Up Outline)

Writing Rough Draft

Name: ______6 – Superior 5 – Outstanding 4 – Highly Competent 3 – Competent 2 – Marginally 1 – Substandard Competent Grasp of  persuasively  effectively and  effectively  develops a point  develops a point of  demonstrates Subject develops a distinct insightfully develops a point of of view view that is vague an inadequate opinion develops a point of view or limited understanding view of the assignment  demonstrates  demonstrates  demonstrates  demonstrates  demonstrates _____ superior critical outstanding strong critical competent critical some critical thinking critical thinking thinking thinking thinking

Organizati  original and  clear and  clear thesis which  thesis controls  thesis loosely  absent or on intricate thesis complex thesis controls the essay essay controls essay ineffective thesis  compelling intro  strong intro and  effective intro and  has a beginning, and conclusion conclusion conclusion  adequate intro middle, and end  lacks and conclusion beginning,  smooth  logical  body paragraphs middle, and end _____ progression of progression of ideas develop thesis  body paragraphs ideas relate to thesis

Developm  topic sentences  topic sentences  topic sentences  topic sentences  topics sentences  lacks topic ent enhance thesis advance thesis develop thesis relate to thesis are vague or sentences ineffective  persuasive  convincing  appropriate  adequate  absent or specifics specifics specifics specifics  lists specifics poorly chosen without explanation specifics

 explains and  explains and  explains and  explains justifies specifics justifies specifics justifies all specifics majority of _____ thoroughly in some depth specifics

Style  fluent transitions  effective  appropriate  adequate  ineffective  lacks transitions transitions transitions transitions transitions  precise, sophisticated, and  clear and  clear diction  standard  vague, awkward,  poor use of imaginative thoughtful diction vocabulary or colloquial language diction language _____  varied sentences  some variety in  clear, varied, sentences  straightforward and mature sentences sentences

Mechanics  free of errors in  virtually free of  generally correct  generally  frequent errors  repeated grammar and errors in grammar in grammar and correct in grammar in grammar and errors in mechanics and mechanics mechanics with no and mechanics with mechanics standard _____ major errors in few major errors English sentence structure in sentence structure Assignment: After reading the classic, Romeo and Juliet, you will write a formal 5 paragraph essay explaining a theme. - select a subject - turn subject into a working thesis - each body paragraph explains/proves the thesis – you will need at least 3 separate paragraphs with at least 3 embedded quotes per paragraph

Directions: For your body paragraphs, instead of writing quote cards with a “Set-Up”, “Quote”, Inference”, you will embed all of your quotes like we have been practicing in class.

This is the embedded quote card…note the MLA citation for plays.


After Romeo’s bad dream predicting his early demise, he takes a big risk in agreeing to continue on to the Capulet feast. He lets fate “steerage of [his] course direct [his] sail”, and by this action, Romeo gives up all control over personal choice, direction, and guidance. At this point, fate is in total control over Romeo. (I. iv. 112-113)

Topic of card: still include to keep organized

Quote from text (MLA): Place the page number either after quote or at the end of the sentence – which ever is less conspicuous.

Inference: combines the set-up and inference together to flow well and to sound more intelligent. Remember sentence-combining rules! Graphic Organizer for Essay

Thesis: ______

Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph #1: ______

1st Example from book 2nd Example from book 3rd Example from book

Why is this important? How Why is this important? How Why is this important? How does this relate to your does this relate to your does this relate to your thesis? thesis? thesis?

... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………… Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph #2: ______

1st Example from book 2nd Example from book 3rd Example from book

Why is this important? How Why is this important? How Why is this important? How does this relate to your does this relate to your does this relate to your thesis? thesis? thesis?

……………………………………………………………………… ………………… Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph #3: ______1st Example from book 2nd Example from book 3rd Example from book

Why is this important? How Why is this important? How Why is this important? How does this relate to your does this relate to your does this relate to your thesis? thesis? thesis? Drafting a Working Thesis

The following examples are from To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee:

1. Identify the subject of your paper. Scout’s maturity in To Kill a Mockingbird How does Scout progress from an 2. Turn your subject into a guiding question. immature young girl to a mature young woman? Why does it matter?

Scout is influenced by the Tom Robinson 3. Answer your question with a statement. trial and by Miss Maudie and Mrs. Dubose. They help her learn to handle conflict.

4. Refine this statement into a working thesis. The Tom Robinson trial and Scout’s interactions with her neighbors teach her how to handle conflict in a mature manner.

1. Identify the subject of your paper.

2. Turn your subject into a guiding question.

3. Answer your question with a statement.

4. Refine this statement into a working thesis. Introduction


Options: 1. relevant commentary 2. ask a relevant question 3. begin with relevant quotation 4. connect with a story






Background Information:

Goal: You have to connect your hook to the novel and its relevance, so offering background information helps. Be sure to Title and author’s name. ______










______Make sure your thesis answers the ______question, “Why does this matter?” ______BODY PARAGRAPH #1:

Topic Sentence (statement to prove your thesis)


Transition phrase to introduce 1st example



Embedded quote (first example)






Connect example to thesis statement






Transition phrase to next example


Embedded quote (2nd example)______



______Connect example to thesis statement






Transition phrase to next example


Embedded quote (3rd example)______





Connect example to thesis statement






Clincher (one sentence to sum up what you stated in the paragraph)

______Body Paragraph #2

Topic Sentence (statement to prove your thesis)

______Transition phrase to introduce 1st example



Embedded quote (first example)






Connect example to thesis statement






Transition phrase to next example


Embedded quote (2nd example)______





Connect example to thesis statement





Transition phrase to next example


Embedded quote (3rd example)______





Connect example to thesis statement






Clincher (one sentence to sum up what you stated in the paragraph)


Body Paragraph #3

Topic Sentence (statement to prove your thesis)


Transition phrase to introduce 1st example


______Embedded quote (first example)






Connect example to thesis statement






Transition phrase to next example


Embedded quote (2nd example)______





Connect example to thesis statement






Transition phrase to next example


Embedded quote (3rd example)______





Connect example to thesis statement






Clincher (one sentence to sum up what you stated in the paragraph)



Restate your thesis in a different way:





Restate your 3 main ideas in a different way:





End with a “So What?” Statement: Connect to the world; connect back to beginning;

This is your last chance to make an impression; This is the last section the teacher will read before he gives you a grade – make it worth it!











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