Portishead Running Club AGM
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Portishead Running Club AGM 8.00pm Monday 1st June 2015
The Royal Inn, Pier Road, Portishead
1. Apologies
Oli Martin, Steve Corbett, Charlie Hurcum, Jon Bonner, Linda Foley, Pat Foley, Mike Luke, Stuart Wallace, Giacomo Squintani, Jo Gallagher.
2. Determination of quorum
3. Minutes of the previous AGM
Minutes of the 2014 were agreed.
4. Matters Arising
No matters arising.
5. Chairperson’s report
Club Ethos We are a club for all with 3 weekly sessions - Tuesday night run, Wednesday Ladies Club Night run and Thursday efforts. There is lots of good news from the past year: - Weekends away (Barcelona half marathon in February and Dartmoor running weekend in May) where PRC participated with Southville Club - Good links with other local clubs - Emersons Green (Horseshoe Relay), Southville and Nailsea running clubs. - Four local parkruns where PRC attendance is particularly good at Little Stoke where we are the fourth largest local club represented. Congratulations to Simon Faulkner who won the Little Stoke Championship in 2014. On Saturday 4th July, PRC will take sole responsibility for marshalling the Little Stoke event. - Congratulations to all PRC members who took part in the London Marathon (Jon Bonner had the club place, Tim Nabosi achieved sub 3 hours). - PRC took part in the 2015 Rotary Swimathon held at Parish Wharf. - The bank account of the old Junior Club has been closed. £500 was donated to North Somerset Athletic Club for the ‘back the track’ fundraising campaign. Ann kindly sorted out this transfer and handed the cheque over. £500 came back into the club accounts which will be used to cover the cost of 4 members attending a ‘Leadership in Fitness Course’ (Helen Tunnicliff, Mike Luke, Matt Palmer and Beth Manning) to develop expertise and group leaders within the club. - The 2014 Splash and Dash series was a success and covered its costs. The first event of 2015 held in May had a good turnout. - The 2014 Multi-terrain went well. - The Gordano Round Marathon is a new PRC race for 2015. - Two teams are entered for the Cotswold Relay in 2015 (only one in previous years). - The club now has a Facebook group as well as a Facebook page to enable members to communicate more easily. - PRC successes are featuring more regularly in the local paper.
Challenge: Membership stagnant around 60 mark. Thoughts on the vision of the club and ways to move it forward will be requested in AOB.
Committee Positions and Responsibilities The committee have been looking at each of the roles and their responsibilities. In the next year, defined role descriptions will be created and added to the website. This will ensure members are well informed about the club, know what is required of each role if they wish to stand for a position and provide a smooth transfer of information for new committee members. Individual thanks to all committee members were given by the Chairperson. Tim Haysom
6. Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer was unable to make the AGM. See separate report.
Oli Martin
7. Membership Report and Fees for 2016
Membership Numbers
Affiliated: 43
Non-affiliated: 17
Membership Fees
England Athletics has increased their affiliation fee from £10 to £12 per affiliated member. The club currently charges members £10 to cover affiliation. The club will cover the £2 increase for club members this year as England Athletics did not make the change until after the last AGM. In 2016, PRC will raise affiliation by £3 to cover the cost. It was proposed that affiliation fees for 2016 would be £25 (affiliated) and £15 non-affiliated. It was raised that this meant there would be £10 discrepancy between affiliated and non-affiliated and it should be £12 i.e. the difference in the England Athletics fee should be the difference between the two fees. The following fees were, therefore, agreed for 2016:
Affiliated: £25
Non-affiliated: £13
Membership Year
The membership year will be brought in line with England Athletics and start from April as of 2016. Membership payment will be requested from January 2016. Membership Cards
Only new members will automatically receive a local club membership card (EA members automatically receive a card by post) – current members can request a new one annually. This will reduce the cost of resources.
Marie Palmer
8. Election/Re-election of officers
The Chairperson explained that the officer roles had been split into two groups. The ones below are core as set out in the club’s constitution.
President: Ann D’Arcy Singer (Tim proposed, Ann seconded)
Chairman: Tim Haysom (Cath proposed, Simon seconded)
Secretary: Beth Manning (Tim proposed, Simon seconded)
Treasurer: Oli Martin (Tim proposed, Val seconded)
Membership Secretary: Marie Palmer (Beth proposed, Paula seconded)
Club Captain: Simon Faulkner (Tim proposed, Simon seconded)
Social Secretary: Helen Tunnicliff (Tim proposed, Helen seconded)
Welfare Officer: Steve Corbett (Beth proposed, Tim seconded)
9. Co-Opted Officers
Hutch Monitor: Simon James Ladies Night Leader: Paula James and Sarah Hawkins Publicity: Cath Taylor Kit: Chris Jones Splash and Dash: Duncan Manning
10. 2015 Events
Gordano Round Marathon
- 14th November 2015. Race capacity: 100 runners - Licence granted through Trail Runner Association and insurance through England Athletics - Clapton Parish Council are happy with the event, as are the Black Horse Pub (a stop on the route) – Other local parish councils have been informed. - Tim has started to make contact with local landowners to notify them and Paula James will contact Clevedon Court Woods (permissive path) to explain about the event. - Initial opposition from the Gordano Footpath group (believed the footpath would be damaged by runners) but further communication has ensured no further opposition will be taken. - Tim has already contacted club members about their availability to support the event and has 20+ volunteers currently.
Sunday 4th October 2015.
Splash and Dash Dates are published via email and will appear on website.
Mob Match Friday 17th July 2015 evening 10k Toepath team race in Bristol.
11. AOB
Club Communications
Members commented that the club email and Facebook posts were ideal for communication. The new Facebook group where members can post was received positively.
The Hutch Beth suggested that the Hutch would benefit from exterior care to ensure it is well maintained in its setting. Ann will contact North Somerset council and then liaise with the hutch monitor and social secretary to establish a date for decorating. Members will be contacted to make it a social event.
Social Events Helen proposed organising a timed race on the first Tuesday club night of each month. The idea was well received by members and discussion was held around the distance of the timed race – 5k or 1 mile. It was decided to wait until Steve returns from illness to discuss the idea in more detail.
London Marathon Place Jon Bonner received the club place this year and ran in April 2015. Any member who has entered the ballot for 2016 and does not get a place will be drawn for the club place at the Christmas meal or in December.
Kit It was suggested that if would be nice to have names on running vests. Chris Jones will look into the cost and place where members can then take their vest to have their name printed.
Club Ethos
Members were asked about their view on the clubs ethos and ideas on how to take the club forward. The following is a summary of the key points: - Members commented on the friendliness of the club and that it was a club for people who wanted to run together. - A few more regular runners would be good in order to expand club nights to include different groups e.g. plodders. With new trained leaders, there will be the potential for more groups. - 7pm starts on club nights were commented on as being helpful. It was suggested to contact old members and tell them about the new start time. - More leaflet drops would publicise the club in the town. - More club social runs were requested, for example, Bluebell Run. - As the club has money, take an advert out in the local newspaper which advertises the ethos of the club. - Big group photos in the local paper are well received and help to raise the profile of the club. - More socials after events. - Encourage a culture where everyone is cheered over the line at races. - Ambition for growth: evaluate what we have already, create a vision statement and clearly communicate the club ethos to people (existing, old and new members).
The chairperson will take these suggestions to the next PRC committee meeting to take forward these ideas.
Attendees were thanked for attending and the meeting closed at 21:40