2010 Exhibitor Information
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2010 Exhibitor Information
Dear Exhibitor:
Thank you for your participation in the Tenth Annual AKC/Eukanuba National Championship. We are extremely pleased to report that this will be the largest National Championship held to date. We thank you for your entry and congratulate you on your dog’s accomplishments which have earned them an invitation to the 10th AKC/Eukanuba National Championship.
Included are a few particulars that might make your exhibiting experience as seamless and as enjoyable as possible.
The Judging Program will be in the mail shortly but since many take advantage of obtaining their ID and tickets at the Superintendent’s table in Long Beach, this brief communication will help to clarify a few minor details.
This notice contains an attachment with a schedule that estimates the judging times for most of the evening Groups as well as special attractions and presentations that will occur each night. This information will be helpful in gauging your time to arrive in the “Ready Ring” for those advancing in the competition.
The “Evening Ring Times” schedule for those who might be competing in the groups on one of the evenings. This is NOT an official schedule…just a guide to approximate your ring time when considering some of the “Special Attractions” that will be taking place in the arena each night. Another attachment shows the Group Entrance Order” this will be the way the dogs will enter the ring for the groups.
Also attached please find a layout of the show rings and grooming area. This year all exhibitors at the AKC event will be required to conform to a grid pattern that will be marked off in the grooming areas in order to maximize the space. It will be set up with designated lanes for crates, tables and aisles. This format will be overseen by AKC field representatives and club officials and we anticipate your cooperation, when requested, to follow the procedures. The outdoor tented grooming area which is also equipped with lighting and electrical is also available for exhibitors. Please consider this space when planning your grooming needs.
There will be specialty/supported entry breed club areas designated at the shows preceding the AKC event. You may be required to condense after the All Breed shows if space is needed. Please understand that we make every attempt to accommodate all the class entries remaining from the All Breed shows in the building over the entire span of events. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.
The National Championship has restricted aisles so the handlers of the dogs can have as much open space as possible just before entering their ring. Only those with a dog and/or an exhibitor’s wristband will be allowed access to these aisles. You can secure the wristbands from an AKC Rep on the day or in advance at one of the other shows.
Grassy areas for those who want to set up personal ex-pens outdoors is available. You may use the grass areas outside of Hall C and the lagoon area as well. Please be diligent on cleaning up after your dogs and do not place set ups in any area marked off.
There will be ex-pens placed around the hall and no private ex-pens will be allowed inside the facility during show hours. Again, it is the exhibitor’s responsibility to clean up after their dogs inside and outside.
For those planning to exhibit at the all breed shows that precede our event, unloading will not be available until 3:00p.m. on Tuesday, November 30th. All unloading will take place from the Hall C entrance (South Dock) at the rear of the facility. Please plan to unload as fast as possible as you will be expected to leave your vehicle headlights on during the unloading process.
There will be bathing stations available to bathe dogs. These will be located in the front of the arena lobby. Please exercise care not to walk wet dogs thru the Arena Lobby as that will cause a safety hazard to the public attending the shows. There will be a carpeted path to follow or plan to wheel your wet dogs in a crate. We thank you in advance to pass this information along to those that will be doing the bathing.
Special Advertizing Opportunity for Online Photos of your Entry
Due to the size of our event catalog, we cannot accommodate pictures of every dog entered. We have a great option to have your dog’s photos seen worldwide through our “Online Catalog.” We will have all the results posted as soon as they are made and you can submit up to four photos of your dog that can be seen on this online catalog and will include all your dog’s entry information: Sire, Dam, Registration Number, DOB, Breeder(s)/Owner(s) and Full Title as of the date of the show. This catalog will be permanently archived on the AKC website and available every time anyone visits. To date there are over 800 dog photos included in the Online Catalog.
Here is the link to get your photos uploaded: https://www.akc.org/catalogphotos/
We can accept photos any time right up to the day of the show and after, if desired.
All exhibitors will receive a special commemorative keychain with each entry shown. Be sure to get yours as you exit the ring from the ring steward. There are also special prizes being offered in many of the breeds. Be sure to check the catalog for whatever prize(s) you might be eligible for.
Each entry acknowledgement will contain admission tickets for each Daytime Session (Sat/Sun) and each Evening Session (Sat/Sun). Because the evening events take place in the Arena, every seat is accounted for from the total inventory. The Long Beach Ticket Office cannot “Over Sell” the arena and no replacement tickets can be issued for any reason. Please be sure that you have your tickets on your person when you leave or have time to have them sent to you before needed. I repeat: No evening tickets can be replaced if lost, forgotten or for any other reason. Thank you for understanding. If you asked for your entry to be held by Onofrio, be prepared to sign for said pick up. You must provide a legible signature as the person taking responsibility of receiving the envelope. There will be ample tickets for sale at the Long Beach Convention Center December 1-5. No need to pay any surcharges for an advanced purchase.
I think this covers most of the useful information pertaining to the show. Have a great time at the event and we thank you for being part of our 10th event and hope you have been able to enter the preceding shows December 1-3 at the same location.
Good Luck at the Shows!