Use Case Template

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Use Case Template

Use Case Name: DCO User Lost Password Point of Contact Name: Patrick West

Use Case Name Give a short descriptive name for the use case to serve as a unique identifier. Consider goal-driven use case name.

DCO User Lost Password

Goal The goal briefly describes what the user intends to achieve with this use case.

Allow a DCO user to request a password reset

Summary Give a summary of the use case to capture the essence of the use case (no longer than a page). It provides a quick overview and includes the goal and principal actor.

In any system that requires login there will be times when a user forgets their username or password or both. In such cases the system must provide a service to allow the user to reset their password. And sometimes the user can’t remember their username. The DCO system will provide a service to allow a user to reset their password. Since the user might have also forgotten their username the system will ask for the user’s email address. And for security reasons two separate emails will be sent to the user, one with their username, in case they forgot, and a temporary password sent in a second email. Once reset the user will be provided links to change their password to something that they can remember.

Actors List actors, people or things outside the system that either acts on the system (primary actors) or is acted on by the system (secondary actors). Primary actors are ones that invoke the use case and benefit from the result. Identify sensors, models, portals and relevant data resources. Identify the primary actor and briefly describe role.

User – someone who wishes to participate in the DCO community so requires an account System – the Deep Carbon Observatory system

Preconditions Here we state any assumptions about the state of the system that must be met for the trigger (below) to initiate the use case. Any assumptions about other systems can also be stated here, for example, weather conditions. List all preconditions.

DCO system is up and available. The user is already registered with the DCO system

Triggers Here we describe in detail the event or events that brings about the execution of this use case. Triggers can be external, temporal, or internal. They can be single events or when a set of conditions are met, List all triggers and relationships.

User has forgotten their username and/or password and requests a reset

UseCase- -Template 1 Basic Flow Often referred to as the primary scenario or course of events. In the basic flow we describe the flow that would be followed if the use case where to follow its main plot from start to end. Error states or alternate states that might be highlighted are not included here. This gives any browser of the document a quick view of how the system will work. Here the flow can be documented as a list, a conversation or as a story.(as much as required)

1) User clicks on the login button/link 2) A link is provided to allow the user to reset their password, user clicks on this link 3) User enters their email address in order to reset their password and clicks submit 4) User is taken to a page stating that emails have been sent to them with a new temporary password and links to change this temporary password 5) User receives an email with their username 6) User receives a separate email with a temporary, random password, with a link to allow the user to change this password

Alternate Flow Here we give any alternate flows that might occur. May include flows that involve error conditions. Or flows that fall outside of the basic flow.

1) Email provided by the user is not in the system or is entered incorrectly. User is sent back to the screen with a notification that the email is incorrect and to enter their email again 2) The user is notified if there is a system error in resetting their password with information to contact an administrator. a) Error in communicating with the DCO Single Sign-On System b) Error in sending the user the required emails

Post Conditions Here we give any conditions that will be true of the state of the system after the use case has been completed. User is able to use the username and temporary password provided to either change the temporary password to something they will remember, or to login to the system

Activity Diagram Here a diagram is given to show the flow of events that surrounds the use case. It might be that text is a more useful way of describing the use case. However often a picture speaks a 1000 words.

UseCase- -Template 2 Notes There is always some piece of information that is required that has no other place to go. This is the place for that information.

UseCase- -Template 3 Resources In order to support the capabilities described in this Use Case, a set of resources must be available and/or configured. These resources include data and services, and the systems that offer them. This section will call out examples of these resources.

Data: Data Type Characteristics Description Owner Source System (dataset Remote, e.g. – no cloud Short description of the USGS, Name of the name) cover dataset, possibly including ESA, etc. system which In situ, rationale of the usage supports discovery Etc. characteristics and access User In situ Email address Email address is used User DCO SSO request is uniq to allow the user to Informatio reset their password or n be reminded of their username User In situ Password is The user information DCO DCO SSO response secure, that is provided to the SSO information username and user after requesting a password are password reset sent separately

Modeling Services Model Owner Description Consumes Frequency Source System (model Organization Short List of data consumed How often Name of the name) that offers the description of the model system which model the model runs offers access to the model

Event Notification Services Event Owner Description Subscription Source System (Event Organization Short description of the event List of subscriptions Name of the system name) that offers the (and owners) which offers this event event Confirm DCO SSO After submitting a reset DCO SSO request a screen that informs the user that their request has been submitted and emails are on their way. Usernam DCO SSO User receives an email with DCO SSO e Email their username Password DCO SSO User receives an email with a DCO SSO Email temporary password to use with request to change

UseCase- -Template 4 Invalid DCO SSO Reset password page DCO SSO Email displays that the user has Provided entered an invalid email address Error DCO SSO Popup informing the user DCO SSO that there was a system error in processing their request

Application Services Application Owner Description Source System (Application Organization Short description of the application portal Name of the system name) that offers the which offers access to Application this resource SSO DCO Single Sign-On System which handles DCO SSO login, registration, username and password services Portal DCO Various web-based services provided by DCO System DCO such as Community Portal, Information Portal Data Store DCO System which stores the user’s DCO SSO information and provides an interface to access and verify the information

Other resources Resourc Owner Description Availability Source System e (sensor Organization Short description of the resource How often the Name of system name) that owns/ resource is available which provides manages resource resource

UseCase- -Template 5

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