Administer Personnel Information Management

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Administer Personnel Information Management

November 2014 United States Army Soldier Support Institute Adjutant General School


Administer Personnel Information Management

(Administer Emergency Notification Data)



OBJECTIVE: This practical exercise will measure your ability to Administer Emergency Notification Data by updating the DD Form 93 (Record of Emergency Data) and SGLV 8286 (Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance Election and Certificate).


1. AR 600-8-1 (dated 30 Apr 07) 2. Student Handout 3. Pencil(s) 4. Answer sheet

INSTRUCTIONS: a. You will be graded on your knowledge on DD Form 93 and SGLV 8286. This practical exercise contains 10 questions. Count each question now. If you are missing a question or a portion of it is illegible, obtain a new examination booklet from your instructor. b. All work on this practical exercise must be your own. You will be given 50 minutes to complete this practical exercise. You must answer 7 questions correctly to achieve a 70% and a go for this practical exercise. You may NOT communicate with other students, give or receive assistance, make record of your answers anywhere but on your answer sheet, or pass on information about this examination to other students. Failure to follow these instructions will result in the appropriate disciplinary action being taken. c. Upon completion of this test, turn in your booklet, answer sheet, DD Form 93, SGLV 8286, and any scratch paper or other issued test materials to the instructor. You will receive further guidance at that time. d. When using the SSN search, use the following formula: (9_ _-XX-XX_ _). Character one is always a “9”Characters two and three (shown as “_ _”) are the class number Characters four through seven are the same as the database Soldier’s SSN. Characters eight and nine (shown as “_ _”) are the student’s number. Example: 906-33-9801(06 is the class number) (01 is the student number)

2 Students will claim their work by locating the student number in the SSN of printed work.Administer Emergency Notification Data Practical Exercise 1

Situation: As a Human Resources Specialist for your unit, you will be responsible for updating the Record of Emergency Data and the Servicemen’s Group Life Insurance Election.

Requirement: You will be given 50 minutes to complete the following multiple- choice questions.

1. What regulation covers Record of Emergency Data Notification and Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance?

a. AR 600-8 b. AR 600-8-1 c. AR 600-8-10 d. AR 600-8-104

2. When should a Soldier not update his/her Emergency data information?

a. Prior to deployment b. When any information changes c. At a minimum of every 5 years d. When there is a change in the unit

3. What is Death Gratuity?

a. Money given to survivors to pay for funeral expenses b. A lump sum gratuitous payment made by the Army to eligible beneficiaries c. A series of payments made to beneficiaries if the service member enters a missing status d. None of the above

4. SSG Jones’ wife’s name is Angela Marie Jones, her maiden name is Davis. How would her name be entered in block 4a of the DD Form 93?

a. Angela M. (Davis) b. Angela M. Jones (Davis) c. Jones, Angela M. (Davis) d. Jones, Angela Marie (Davis)

5. What can be done to the DD Form 93 in item 15?

3 a. May be left in blank b. May be electronically signed c. May not require no signatures d. May be signed by the witness

6. What is the maximum amount of insurance available under the Servicemember’s Group Life Insurance program?

a. $150,000 b. $250,000 c. $300,000 d. $400,000

7. A Soldier has listed 3 principal beneficiaries; he wants them to receive equal shares. What is the correct entry in the “share to beneficiary” column of the SGLV-8286?

a. 1/2, 1/4, 1/4 b. 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 c. 25%, 25%, 50% d. 35%, 35%, 35%

8. What is the lowest amount of insurance you can elect under SGLI?

a. $25,000 b. $50,000 c. $75,000 d. $90,000

9. What does Loco Parentis mean?

a. A parent you have guardianship of b. Someone that you call mother or father c. A parent that continues to support the child beyond the age of 18 d. A person who stood in for your parents for a period of at least 5 years before turning 18

10. Who is considered an unusual beneficiary?

a. A child or children b. Brothers, sisters, or parents c. A person within your immediate family d. A person other than family when your family is likely to outlive you

4 11. A Soldier elected $250,000 in Dec 2014 and then elected $400,000 in Jan 2015, but failed to answer the health questions. Soldier dies in Aug 2015. How much will the beneficiary receive? a. $400,000 b. Soldier beneficiary will only be given the death gratuity ($100,000) c. Soldier’ beneficiary will not be paid; the SGLV will not be considered a legal document d. Soldier beneficiary will only be given $250,000 initially, while OSGLI makes a determination on the other $150,000


You are the Battalion human resources specialist and your supervisor has instructed you to initiate the following transactions within the eMILPO database to complete validation of the unit’s DD 93’s and SGLV’s. Where applicable use Today’s Date for all Effective Date requests. At the completion of each transaction print the supporting documents and turn in to the instructor.

1. SPC RUDY CRUMPTON SSN: 9-_ _-23-64_ _ UIC: WS_ _78, has named his SPOUSE as the person to contact for Category: ADDITIONAL EMERGENCY INFORMATION/PADD.

SPC RUDY has decided to add a WILL. Update the Category: ADDITIONAL EMERGENCY

INFORMATION/PADD. The will is located at The Office of Judge Advocate General Fort

Jackson, SC 29207. Make the changes and Print the “Emergency Notification Listing” page.

2. SPC SHANNON VITALE SSN: 9_ _-23-53_ _ UIC: WS_ _78 has elected not to notify her

MOTHER of any emergency situations due to the MOTHER’S POOR HEALTH CONDITIONS.

Add Emergency Notification Category: DO NOT NOTIFY: MOTHER, Notify Instead:

HUSBAND. Make the changes and Print the “Emergency Notification Listing” page.

3. PV2 JASON STEPHEN SSN: 9_ _-24-06_ _ UIC: WS_ _78 has named his

MOTHER as Beneficiary Type PRINCIPAL for Beneficiary Share 100% under Servicemen’s

Group Life Insurance of SGLI Coverage $50,000. PV2 JASON has received his counseling on the benefits of SGLI Coverage and has decided to received the full SGLI Coverage $400,000.

The SGLI Election/Recertification Date and SGLI Counseling Date are Today’s

Date. Make the changes and Print “Servicemen’s Group Life Insurance Listing” page.

5 4. PFC DUSTIN UDEN SSN: 9_ _-23-21_ _ UIC: WS_ _78 has named his MOTHER

Beneficiary Type CONTINGENT Beneficiary Share 100% under Servicemen's Group Life

Insurance Beneficiary Data. PV2 BENNIE has decided to give his MOTHER and FATHER each a Beneficiary Share of 50% of Beneficiary Type CONTINGENT with Payment Option: LUMP

SUM. The SGLI Election/Recertification Date and SGLI Counseling Date are Today’s Date.

Make the changes and Print “Servicemen’s Group Life Insurance Listing” page.


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