Appendix a on Reviewed and Updated Corporate Equality and Diversity Action Plan

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Appendix a on Reviewed and Updated Corporate Equality and Diversity Action Plan

Appendix A: ROG Report on Reviewed and Updated Corporate Equality and Diversity Action Plan1

CORPORATE PRIORITIES Action Equality Task/Improvement Progress to date/ Future Action BVPIs/ Led by Complete/ Issue Outstanding issues New Review Target Leadership All Champion leadership on Leadership centred LGLC Further leadership work BV2a1/ Personnel Ongoing equalities to ensure development work planned as part of the BV2b & Training BoP’s priorities, our undertaken workforce plan partnerships and community role addresses the needs of Poole residents Access to All Integrate equalities into Discuss DDA requirements to BV2a/ ICT Ongoing Services service design & be reflected in 2007/08 BV2b business planning to business plan (partic loop ensure that BoP meets development, procurement, the needs of local communication tools) communities Report progress to UMT every quarter All Improve accessibility of BV2a/ Ongoing service information & BV2b organise meetings/ events that consider the needs of all All Better co-ordinate & BV2a/ Apr 07 share information on local BV2b support to equalities issues Dis. Undertake access audits Access audits completed to Continue to deliver the BV2a/ Mar 07 & review resource establish the programme of programme of works subject to BV2b Property implications for key works funding (see comments re Services Council sites BV156) Race Review and develop a co- BV2a/ Ap 07 ordinated Gypsy & BV2b Traveller policy

1 Actions were taken from SUs Equality Impact Assessment registers so please refer to these if needs be. Available on Loop Equalities page 1 Most actions on this page contribute to the achievement of Level 2 of the Equality Standard BV2a

1 CORPORATE PRIORITIES Action Equality Task/Improvement Progress to date/ Future Action BVPIs/ Led by Complete/ Issue Outstanding issues New Review Target People & All Workforce planning and Assess actions required to BV11a-c ICT April 07 skills Joint Agency Children’s address occupation BV16 workforce planning to segregation/workforce profile BV17 identify recruitment needs Workforce plan proposed for Cabinet consideration of Personnel Mar 08 and gaps and to reflect Management Team Workforce plan to take place & Training equalities agenda Joint workforce planning Pursue joint workforce taking place planning Gender Undertake Job Evaluation Equal pay audit been carried Full council wide job evaluation BV2a Mar 07/08 & Equal Pay Audits out and completed for review is on its way to particular groups where completion equality is identified as an issue

All Extend personnel & Monitoring report submitted Achievable with new HR BV11a-c Mar 06 training monitoring to Resources Overview database – business case BV16 Group currently being compiled BV17 All All employees & Equality training is being Need to ensure equality Ongoing/ Members to undertake undertaken and has been training is kept up to date 6 monthly appropriate equality enhanced training within a year of Need to offer further member permanent appointment Included within induction training on equality issues to a role & receive training appropriate updates Need to provide member Further Members training training on recruitment needed following May 06 elections Equality training is now Ensure that all staff attend the Property embedded as part of the core dignity at work training to raise Services training for all new staff awareness Majority of ICT staff been on Remaining and new staff will ICT Embracing Diversity training undertake ED training

Prejudice All Report incidents of Communication to unit Ensure that all staff attend the BV174 Property Ongoing Reporting/ harassment/ issued in Feb 06 highlighting dignity at work training to raise BV175 Services Complaints discrimination2 against the racist incident protocol. awareness

2 CORPORATE PRIORITIES Action Equality Task/Improvement Progress to date/ Future Action BVPIs/ Led by Complete/ Issue Outstanding issues New Review Target employees, service Team leaders issued with delivery & in the information pack community ICT rep to attend launch of new ICT April 07 prejudice reporting process and roll out to ICT teams All Support individuals No incidents recorded Issue another communication BV174 Property Ongoing through such incidents to raise awareness once the BV175 Services new protocol is issued. Monitoring All Improve the scrutiny & An EQIA action plan has Improvement and Policy Officer Mar 2006/ monitoring of services, been documented in Sept 05. – Equalities to attend UMT to Property 6 monthly contracts, equalities Scrutiny and monitoring discuss monitoring process Services action plans to be able to procedures now need to be monitor & review established progress, & identify priority actions Communicat All Improve corporate Comms/CP Apr 2006 ion equalities information on T internet & intranet All Promote equalities stories No progress to date Unit to look at examples of best Property Ongoing in all forms of practice across the council. Services communications STRONG SENSE OF COMMUNITY Access to All Consult key stakeholders Achieved March 2006. Financial Jun 2006/07 services Collection & Debt Additional wording in Services Recovery & amend reminders and letters plus a information to encourage leaflet with further advice debtors to seek about Court procedures independent advice R Consult stakeholders to On going On going Ongoing/ improve BME people’s Jun 2006 take up & undertake a ‘Benefit Take Up campaign’ with ASSC

2 The current review of the Pan-Dorset racist and homophobic incidents will extend reporting to all the equalities strands. SUs should follow the current Racist Incident Protocol & Dignity at Work procedure until BoP’s policy is reviewed.

3 CORPORATE PRIORITIES Action Equality Task/Improvement Progress to date/ Future Action BVPIs/ Led by Complete/ Issue Outstanding issues New Review Target All Benchmark Discretionary Not yet complete On going July 2006/7 Housing Payments & Anti Apr 2006/7 Fraud & Prosecution & Sanction with neighbouring authorities R Revise Anti Fraud & Policy now revised Sept 2005 Prosecution & Sanction policy to consider where translation support need PEOPLE STRATEGY People & G Led on Job Evaluation & Fundamental objective of Examine gender balance and Personnel & Mar 07/08 skills Equal Pay Audits equal pay review undertake further equal pay Training audits All Publicise Buddy Scheme Publicised in dignity at work Completed Mar 06/09 & recruit BME counsellor course

BME counsellor recruited Personnel & All Review Dignity at Work, Formal review initiated Consider whether Civic Temp Mar 07/09 Training Civic Temp Scheme, provision can be extended to existing monitoring & Scope of civic temps has occupational groups or explore results of IiP been extended other ways of procuring to include a temporary services professional register

IiP accreditation received – equality issues received positive feedback

People matter survey – attempted to glean information

4 CORPORATE PRIORITIES Action Equality Task/Improvement Progress to date/ Future Action BVPIs/ Led by Complete/ Issue Outstanding issues New Review Target regarding disability but sample was too small All Ensure consultants are New contract drafted Contract to be circulated Oct 05/06 aware of & promote including managing diversity Managing Diversity & and related policy provisions related Policies All Review diversity of Trainers from different Continue utilising trainers from Ongoing trainers & training format backgrounds used to more diverse backgrounds & to ensure access to all promote equality continue awareness

Tailor programmes to meet the needs of the customer – e.g. provide training on different days/times D Induction Loop to be fitted Portable loop now available NFA Mar 06 in Creekmoor All Ongoing support, Implemented for corporate Completed Oct 05 development & training. Social services Ongoing integration of equalities team now comes under Adult into corporate & Social Social Care & Wellbeing Services training All Develop NVQ’s & access Now comes under Adult Development action Mar 06/07 to Learning Disability Social Care & Wellbeing undertaken Award across LA, Private & Voluntary Sector All Review selection New recruitment policy NFA As above procedures/ study leave agreed by JICC. requirements for external qualifications Study leave requirements for external qualifications reviewed Monitoring All Extend monitoring to Monitoring report carried out Full extension of monitoring to March 2006 training3 & promotion, training only achievable upon

5 CORPORATE PRIORITIES Action Equality Task/Improvement Progress to date/ Future Action BVPIs/ Led by Complete/ Issue Outstanding issues New Review Target disciplinary, performance, implementation of new grievance & exits, access database. Business case to flexible working & prepared and being assessed implement with SUs Access to All Assess need for Watching brief ICT Mar 08/09 services equalities monitoring infrastructure D Consider DDA ICT procurement process and DDA requirements will be Dec 05/07 requirements in ICT procedures are currently factored into this procurement under review within the documentation project management team Access to SO Review of service Legal & Nov 05/06 services delivery implications of Democratic Civil Partnership Bill Services All Provide legal advice to Ad hoc SUs on discrimination cases All School Admissions/ Advertisement Revised Advertisement be placed in Jun 06/ Feb Exclusions Panel publications read by more 07 recruitment to be diverse section of the inclusive community F Consultation on May 06 consideration of other faiths in Civil Ceremonies Commun- All Print & Design to advise Discussions commenced To be “rolled out” to all Units Jan 06/07 ications SUs on Accessible once finalised Communications Guidance & Branding for print works Access to D Improve accessibility to As part of the BoP access With current funding levels it BV156 Property Mar 06/07 services Council buildings & improvement programme, will be possible to bring 3 more Services review resource 34% properties were targeted buildings to compliance with implications for improvements and 35% BV156 during 2006/07 together were achieved. Many with the execution of further

3 Dependent on project support from ICT on skill point development

6 CORPORATE PRIORITIES Action Equality Task/Improvement Progress to date/ Future Action BVPIs/ Led by Complete/ Issue Outstanding issues New Review Target properties have had access access improvements at a improvements made and a number of other properties in large number of buildings are order to give the greatest now reasonably accessible. benefit to the largest number of However, due to the strict people. Similar targets can be building regulation set for 2007/08 and 2008/09 requirements under BV156, subject to funding availability. many of these cannot be considered as compliant but would be considered reasonable under DDA. D Review key service The unit has been reviewing Improvements and Policy Property Dec 05 policies to be DDA its’ policies, processes and Officer – Equalities to attend Services compliant procedures taking the form of UMT to discuss EQIA the Unit Operations Manual. requirements. EQIA to be Many procedures have been embedded as part of quality documented in draft and as review of all unit policies and part of this review, teams will procedures. also carry out an EQIA to identify an action plan to ensure compliance with the equality standard. Access to All Incorporate corporate Corporate Procurement Still to be rolled out and Financial March services guidance & monitoring Toolkit written. embedded corporately Services 07/08 mechanisms contracts in new Corporate Procurement Toolkit.

7 Abbreviations ASSC Adult Social Service Commissioning BoP Borough of Poole BME Black and minority ethnic CHAD Child Health and Disability Comms Communications Consult Consultations DDA Disability Discrimination Act DEED Development Education in Dorset Dorset REC Dorset Race Equality Council Colour code by Service Unit ES Equality Standard Personnel & Training EQIAs Equality Impact Assessments Property Services HCS Housing & Community Services Financial Services H&S Health and Safety ICT LA Local Authority LAA Local Area Agreement LTP Local Transport Plan MDWG Managing Diversity Working Group METAS Minority Ethnic Achievement Service PANDA Pupil Annual Data Analysis PAGHRI Poole Action Group Against Racist & Homophobic Incidents PSTP Poole Safe Together Partnership RES Race Equality Scheme Recruit Recruitment RR(A)A 2000 Race Relations Amendment Act 2000 SD Service Delivery SUs Service Units SUMT Service Unit Management Team TPSG Teenage Pregnancy Strategy Group UASC Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children

BVPIs Indicator BV2a The level (if any) of the Equality Standard for Local Government to which the authority conforms (amended from 2002/03) BV2b The duty to promote race equality - percentage score against the RES check list (new from 2003/04) BV11a The percentage of top 5% of earners that are women (amended from 2002/03). BV11b The percentage of top 5% of earners from black and minority ethnic communities (new from 2002/03). BV11c The percentage of top 5% of earners that have a disability (new as of 2005/06). BV16a The percentage of local authority employees declaring that they meet the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 disability definition compared with the percentage of economically active disabled people in the authority area. BV16b Percentage of economically disabled people in the authority area BV16x The percentage of disabled staff employed in proportion to the economically active disabled population in the locality. BV17a The percentage of local authority employees from minority ethnic communities compared with the percentage of the economically active minority ethnic community population in the authority area. BV17b Percentage of economically active ethnic people in the authority area BV17x Percentage of minority ethnic staff employed in proportion to the economically active minority ethnic population in the locality. BV156 The percentage of authority buildings open to the public in which all public areas are suitable for and accessible to disabled people. BV164 Does the authority follow the Commission for Racial Equality`s code of practice in rented housing and follow the Good Practice Standards for social landlords on tackling harassment included in the Code of Practice for Social Landlords: Tackling Racial Harassment? BV174 The number of racial incidents recorded by the authority per 100,000 population. BV175 The percentage of racial incidents that resulted in further action.


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