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What This Unit Contains s1

Judaism Part 2 Unit 3 Title: Jewish life Year Year:

What this unit contains The journey of Jewish life: Bar/Bat Mitzvah and marriage, blessings. The synagogue. Use of Kippah, tallit and tzitzit in worship.

Where the unit fits and The third unit of Judaism, this builds on work covered on the Jewish home in unit 2. how it builds upon This unit is best taught incorporating either a visit to a synagogue or with a Jewish visitor coming to the class in previous learning session 2. Organising a visit to a synagogue that would take place in session 2 would best start this unit. The learning objectives could be achieved by asking a class list of questions during the visit and from pupil research in the synagogue.

Alternatively, a Jewish visitor could be invited to talk about the synagogue or the class could be organised to research these areas from a range of sources including use of ICT. The work could be presented as guidebooks, wall displays or group presentations. Session 3 provides the time for drawing the work together and presenting it.

Extension activities and  If this Unit is taught after work in Sikhism on the Amrit Ceremony or Confirmation in Christianity then pupils further thinking could consider concepts of 'coming of age' in a faith and the types of responsibilities this includes.  Create a 'journey of life' timeline for either a Jewish person or for oneself.

Vocabulary SMSC/Citizenship

Judaism Tallit adult  taking responsibility for one’s actions as a member of an adult community. Jewish Tzitzit bride  significant events and times in people's lives. Rabbi Synagogue groom  sharing good times with the wider community. Bar Mitzvah blessing chuppah Bat Mitzvah wedding Mazel tov Kippah thankyou rite of passage

Southwark Education Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education Non-statutory units Page: 1 Judaism Part 2 Unit 3 Title: Jewish life Year Unit 3 Sessions 1,2,3 Year: A A Learning objectives T T Suggested teaching activities Focus for assessment Sensitivities, points to 1 2 note, resources

Pupils should: In session 1 in small groups and then as a class, Resources  consider places that √ identify and discuss places that are important in the Video are special to them; lives of members of the class. Places for Worship - Judaism section on the synagogue.  know about the For each one highlight: - What makes it special? Synagogue: Websites . a special place for - Who can / does go there? The Board of Deputies of Jewish people, - When do you go there? British Jews . what happens there - How do you behave there? http://www.bod.org.uk/ in weekly http://re- worship, Then engage pupils in the range of areas which they xs.ucsm.ac.uk/gcsere/revi . the role of the are going to find out about - for a visit or if you are sion/judaism/jud3/page1.h Rabbi, inviting a visitor in to the class instead, a tml http://www.bbc.co.uk/religi . it is used as a place questionnaire can be devised. If a research task is √ being planned then pupils should be grouped and on/religions/judaism/wors for study, a hip/worship3.shtml the expectations of the outcomes agreed. venue for special http://juniors.theresite.org. occasions e.g. uk/nframe.php?http://re- festivals and Session 2 is either the visit, where pupils investigate xs.ucsm.ac.uk/re/places/ family occasions. the areas indicated in the learning objectives or http://www.surreycmc.gov. pupils interview a Jewish visitor or using books or uk/re/ the internet, engage in research. Books: Session 3 provides the time for drawing the work My Jewish Faith together and presenting it. The work could be My Jewish Life presented as guidebooks, wall displays or group Where we worship - synagogue presentations.

Southwark Education Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education Non-statutory units Page: 2 Judaism Part 2 Unit 3 Title: Jewish life Year Year: Unit 3 Session 4 A A Learning objectives T T Suggested teaching activities Focus for assessment Sensitivities, points to 1 2 note, resources

Pupils should: √ Make a class list of responsibilities that members of Resources  consider how the class have been given at home or in school as Book people are given they have grown up. Talk about when they will be My Jewish Life more responsibility expected to take on more responsibilities at home or as they grow up; in society. Posters Synagogue / Torah  know that in √ Watch programme 2 of the video – Pathways of reading / Bar Mitzvah Judaism boys have Belief – Judaism. (This revisits some knowledge posters (Badger and Bar Mitzvah from Unit 2 and teachers may wish to edit sections Folens) celebrations to from this.) show they are Artefacts becoming adult √ Talk about how Jeremy and his family feel about his Yad; members of the Bar Mitzvah. Mini Torah scroll; community; Tallit; √ Write a diary entry describing attending a Bar Kippah;  know that in some Mitzvah or make a Bar Mitzvah congratulations card Bar/bat mitzvah cards; Jewish communities incorporating Jewish symbols. girls celebrate their Video Bat Mitzvah. √ Explain to pupils that in some Jewish communities, Pathways of Belief: girls celebrate Bat Mitzvah at roughly the same age. Judaism – programme 2

Assessment task: Design an invitation to a non-Jew for a Bar / Bat Mitzvah ceremony explaining what they will see and what it symbolises. Decorate with appropriate symbols.

Southwark Education Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education Non-statutory units Page: 3 Judaism Part 2 Unit 3 Title: Jewish life Year Year: Unit 3 Session 5 A A Learning objectives T T Suggested teaching activities Focus for assessment Sensitivities, points to 1 2 note, resources

Pupils should: Before the lesson, create a Jewish wedding display. Resources  know that weddings Books: are a way in which √ √ Share experiences of weddings that have been "Weddings - a resource pack some couples make attended by members of the class. Discuss and for schools" Lewisham make a class definition of a wedding. Education a public My Jewish Life (p12) commitment to Discuss the different roles in a wedding e.g. bride, My Jewish Faith (p28) What do we know about each other for life; groom, best man, witness etc. Where do weddings √ Judaism? take place? List of venues. Where might you expect Books about weddings which  know some of the a Jewish wedding to take place? Who would be in include a Jewish section customs and charge? symbols of a Jewish Jewish music tape wedding; Explain the use of a chuppah or wedding canopy, Wedding artefacts; √ symbolising the Jewish home. Show pupils images Pictures of Jewish weddings showing a chuppah  consider promises of weddings taking place under a chuppah. Wedding contracts (ketubah) that should/could be made by a bride Examine the promises made in a Jewish wedding Wedding promises and and groom. √ and the Jewish sayings about weddings. In groups sayings sheet* decide on promises that pupils believe should be made to each other in a wedding. N.B.Teachers should ensure that they affirm the wide range Design a wedding card for a Jewish wedding or of family experiences of their √ pupils. These should be devise a set of wedding vows / promises and set out equally valued in order to on a sheet decorated with Jewish wedding images promote pupils' self esteem and and symbols. demonstrate that faith marriage is only one option of many. √ As weddings are happy family occasions, play appropriate Jewish music whilst pupils work.

Southwark Education Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education Non-statutory units Page: 4 Judaism Part 2 Unit 3 Title: Jewish life Year Year: Unit 3 Session 6 A A Learning objectives T T Suggested teaching activities Focus for assessment Sensitivities, points to 1 2 note, resources Assessment Levels Pupils should: √ Recall knowledge from previous lessons and point Level 2Attainment target 1 out that these occasions are public, shared by Pupils use religious words and  know that times of phrases to identify some features of change in life are families and friends and in Judaism by the faith religion and its importance for some often marked by community. Ask the class to recall times that they people. They begin to show ceremonies and have known that have been shared by more than awareness of similarities in rituals; their immediate family. religions. Pupils suggest meanings for religious actions and symbols. Introduce the idea of a 'rite of passage' and talk  know that for some Attainment target 2 people these rituals √ about some of the ceremonies and symbols in the Pupils ask, & respond sensitively to, take place in a Jewish rites of passage that they have studied. questions about their own and place of worship; others’ experiences and feelings. Assessment task Level 3 Attainment target 1  know that these are √ In small groups devise a meaningful rite of passage Pupils use a developing religious called rites (rituals) celebration to mark moving up a year in school or vocabulary to describe some key of passage (passing moving on to another school. features of religions, recognising similarities and differences. They from one state into begin to identify the impact religion another). has on believers’ lives. They describe some forms of religious expression.

Attainment target 2 Pupils identify what influences them, making links between aspects of their own and others’ experiences. They make links between values and commitments, and their own attitudes and behaviour.

Southwark Education Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education Non-statutory units Page: 5

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