Mav Strategic Work Plan 2007-08

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Mav Strategic Work Plan 2007-08

Municipal Association of Victoria Strategic Work Plan 2007-2008

Delivering a strong and strategically positioned sector. MAV STRATEGIC WORK PLAN 2007-08


The Municipal Association of Victoria was established to promote the efficient carrying out of municipal government throughout the State of Victoria and to watch over and protect the interests, rights and privileges of municipal corporations. (Municipal Association Act, 1907)

In fulfilling its purpose under the Act, the MAV is a representative body - developing policy and promoting effective inter-governmental cooperation, and advocating actively and energetically to represent its membership in a variety of political, community and media forums.

The activities of the MAV are supported by a comprehensive policy research base, which covers economics and finance, governance and councillor development, planning and building, human services and public health, infrastructure, transport, environment, emergency management and community safety, community development, workforce and professional development and collaboration and capacity building.

According to the process endorsed by State Council for developing the MAV's Strategic Work Plan, the MAV Board first developed the broad policy direction for 2007-08 with input from staff. Members were consulted on these directions through the regional meetings held across the state in March and April.

This document outlines actions the MAV proposes to undertake in 2007-08 in pursuit of the major issues raised by its membership, and is presented in draft form for consideration by councils ahead of the MAV State Council on 10 May 2007.

Issues incorporated into the Work Plan are typically statewide in nature and greater priority is attributed to matters affecting the whole local government sector.

It is clear from the regional meetings there is significant agreement in the major issues affecting the sector and there is a consensus on the key issues requiring priority MAV effort. The top five issues raised by the members are: The long-term financial viability of the sector  The effect of cost shifting from other tiers of government  The ageing of the population, and associated financial strains on councils (including Home and  Community Care funding) The effect of the drought and climate change  The challenge of renewing local government infrastructure 

Major changes to MAV priorities highlighted through the regional planning meetings are the elevation of climate change as a local government priority and the addition of MAV activities in local government efficiency measures.

A critical function of the MAV is its ability to remain flexible and adaptable enough to achieve both its set objectives and respond in a timely manner to issues affecting the sector as they arise.

The Association will accordingly include additional items in its work plan as new matters emerge. The Board of Management, with support from established advisory groups, will be responsible for prioritising these matters in the context of the agreed work program.

The MAV will report its achievements against this plan in its Annual Report 2007-08.



The MAV held 13 regional planning meetings with councils in March and April 2007. Council views were sought on the priority issues affecting the local government sector which ought to be considered for MAV action. The following provides an overview of the issues raised by MAV member councils and the frequency with which they were raised.

Economics and Finance Financial sustainability * * * * * * * * * * * * * 13 Cost shifting * * * * * * * * * * 10 Intergovernmental Relations * * * * * * * * 8 Capacity to pay rates * * * * * * * 7 Rural council funding * * * * * * 6 Local government efficiency * * * * * 5 MAV data * * * * * 5 Alternative tax sources * * * * 4 Cost of 2-yearly revaluations * * * 3 Red tape * * * 3 Rate rebate for EC declared councils * 1 Unbundling of water * 1 Superannuation payback * 1 Pipeline rating * 1 State funding - local roads * 1

Governance and Councillor Development Prospective and new councillor training * * * * * * * * 8 Increase skill level of councillors * * * * * * * 7 Councillor remuneration * * * * * * 6 Councillor Development Weekend * * * 3 Certified councillor training * * * 3 Attracting quality councillors * * * 3 Access to training * * * 3 Mayoral training * * 2 Councillor conduct * * 2 Electoral representation reviews * 1 Role of councillor * 1 Media training * 1 Relationship MAV - LGPro * 1

Planning and Building Developer contributions * * * * * 5 Local planning * * * * 4 Alignment State-local planning policy * * * 3 Rural Zones - direct translation * * * 3 Planning simplification * * 2 Sustainability planning * * 2


Planning and Building Regional strategic planning * 1 Responsibility for public land * 1 Aboriginal Heritage Act * 1 Green wedge * 1 ResCode * 1 Planning new communities * 1 M2030 * 1 Managing urban growth in regional cities * 1 Development pressures * 1

Human Services and Public Health Ageing population * * * * * * * * * * 10 Youth * * * * * * 6 Early years * * * * * 5 Public library funding * * * * * 5 Shared and co-location of services * * * 3 Community diversity * * * 3 Housing affordability * * * 2 Unemployment * 1 Health services delivery * 1 Kindergarten infrastructure * 1

Infrastructure Infrastructure renewal * * * * * * * * * * * * * 13 Freight infrastructure * * * * * * 6 State infrastructure * * * * 4 Population growth * * * * 4 Sport, community infrastructure * * * 3 Telecommunications * * 2

Transport Public transport * * * * * * * 7 Community transport * * * * * 5 Congestion * 1

Environment Water * * * * * * * * * * 10 Climate change and renewable energy * * * * * * * * * 9 Sustainability – local government as a role model * * * 3 Coastal issues * * 2 Waste management * * 2 Weed management * * 2 Balancing objectives - flora and fauna * 1


Emergency Management & Community Safety Drought * * * * 4 Gambling * * * 3 Graffiti * * * 3 Speeding * 1 Police numbers * 1

Community Development Small town viability * * * * * 5 Population decline * * * * 4 Community wellbeing * * * * 4 Sea / tree change * * 2 Role of DVC in community planning * * 2 Volunteer burnout * 1 Community planning * 1

Workforce and Professional Development Staff recruitment * * * * * * * * * * 10 Rotate staff through urban and regional areas * 1

Collaboration and Capacity Building Collaboration * * * * * 5 Large and small councils working together * 1

Communications & Marketing Image of local government * * * * * 5 Freshen up communication with members * * * * 4 Rate increases * * * * 4 Alternative communication mechanisms * 1 Understanding of local issues * 1 Establish a PR Unit at MAV * 1 Strong united voice for the sector * 1

Other Future of Local Government * * * * * * * * * * * * * 13 Federal election campaign * * 2 Rural / metro voting at MAV State Council * * 2 Reducing metro focus of strategy and policy * * 2 A summer census * 1 MAV relationship with VLGA * 1 Uniform national petrol price * 1


Other Abolish the states * 1 Human Rights charter * 1

Insurance * 1


The MAV’s strategic work plan includes issues of a long-term and short-term focus. Accordingly, many issues identified in previous strategic work plans remain, while issues that have been resolved in 2006-07 are replaced by new priorities.

To clearly document the flow of actions in the strategic plan, the following table illustrates those issues from the Strategic Work Plan 2006-07 which will be incorporated in the Work Plan for 2007- 08, the completed issues, and priority issues identified through the regional planning meetings that will be incorporated into the Work Plan.

Strategic objectives have been defined for each policy domain following the widespread planning and consultation process undertaken by the MAV. All items in the subsequent action plan for each area have been aligned to the achievement of the relevant objective.

As outlined previously, the work plan of the MAV will evolve throughout the year as new issues emerge.

1. Finance

Strategic Objective: To strengthen local government funding and finances to ensure long-term sustainability for the sector Ongoing New Complete

National Funding  Establishment of a  Continue to support the model for increased ALGA in its campaign for funding for LG an improved escalator  Develop a vision for LG for the Financial through FOLG Advisory Assistance Grants, the Group establishment of a community infrastructure fund, and a continuation  of Roads to Recovery Continue to collect and analyse and report to the sector at least annually the financial state of Victorian local government Intergovernmental  Establish protocols and  Complete the Agreement practice to support the development of the implementation of the State-based IGA IGA  Ensure there are processes to monitor the application of the IGA


Ongoing New Complete

Productivity  Prepare a submission to Commission Review the PC review of local government revenue raising on behalf of the sector  Investigate alternative sources of taxation Review of Local Road  Advocate the interests of Grants Victorian councils in the review of the interstate distribution of local roads grants Water Rights  Complete the project with councils and the DSE on water unbundling  Advocate on behalf of councils for a commitment that supports affected communities New Reform Agenda  Work with the ALGA to access payments for reforms under the New Reform Agenda  Work with the State Government to identify red tape reduction opportunities  Advocate for a reduction of red tape imposed on local government Fire Services Levy  Continue to advocate against the significant escalation of the FSL Revaluations  Communications campaign on revaluations  Advocate for three year valuation cycle Capacity to pay rates  Research the capacity of  Produce a report the community to pay examining the policy rates implications of the capacity to pay rates research National Competition  Advocate for a Policy replacement tranche of funding for NCP payments Land Tax  Advocate for land tax reform for SME Cost shifting  Undertake research on incidence of cost shifting Intergovernmental  Advocate for a clearer Relations allocation of responsibilities between the spheres of government


Ongoing New Complete

Local government  Undertake a project to efficiency examine factors affecting cost escalation in local government  Examine priority areas for improving local government efficiency Rate rebate for EC  Advocate on behalf of Declared Councils councils in the reimbursement of the rate rebate Superannuation  Investigate the feasibility payback of returning excess funds from the defined benefits fund Pipeline rating  Examine the feasibility of undertaking an advocacy campaign on pipeline rating State funding - local  Advocate for state roads funding for local roads

2. Governance and Councillor Development

Strategic Objective: To strengthen the skills, knowledge and capacity of local government’s elected representatives and workforce Ongoing New Complete

Councillor conduct  Work with councils to  Advocate for the identify models to adoption of the preferred resolve governance model to resolve breakdowns in councils governance breakdowns in councils Legislative amendments  Provide an integrated and proactive approach to dealing with the implementation of legislative change affecting local government Good Governance  Assist councils to identify strategies to encourage and support good governance with internal and external polices, programs and seminars Councillor Development  Complete Councillor  Ensure professional Program Competency Framework development offering research complements the  Review and align Integrated Performance councillor development Framework for programs to the findings Councillors as it evolves of the Councillor Competency Framework research


Ongoing New Complete

Councillor  Advocate for a review of  Develop a sector Remuneration councillor remuneration position for the councillor remuneration review Councillor Census  Undertake a census of at least 90 per cent of Victoria’s councillors to understand the demographic profile of elected officials and appropriately target support for councillors Election reforms  Examine options to reform local government elections to reduce the costs borne by councils  Examine the operation of the first iteration of the electoral representation reviews Prospective and New  Provide an extensive  Investigate the feasibility Councillor Training and extended program of extending new of training for new and councillor training to experienced councillors include prospective  Establish a website councillors providing information to new and prospective councillors Councillor Development  Investigated the Weekend feasibility of locating the Councillor Development Weekend at another location but have been unable to locate a 200 seat auditorium in rural Victoria other than in Lorne Certified councillor  Examine options for training professional certification through the Councillor Competency Framework Access to training  Provide, upon request, any training program offered as an in house service Media training  Offer advanced and foundation media training Rural / metro voting at  Issues will be MAV State Council considered at May 2007 State Council


3. Planning and Building

Strategic Objective: To support and strengthen local government to fulfil its planning functions and to improve the planning system, processes and practices, for improved natural and built-form outcomes in Victoria. Ongoing New Complete

Rural Zones and  Conduct a forum on  Develop and implement  Progress findings of the Regional Planning planning and projects to improve the Rural Zones planning management of rural capacity of councils to projects, particularly land and regional growth apply the new format relating to priority issues (planned for June) Rural Zones and support facing rural councils the planning and management of rural land Melbourne 2030  Progress green wedge  Continue to convene  Explore housing issues survey outcomes and support the focussing on through DSE and green Melbourne 2030 local accessibility, housing wedge management government reference diversity and affordability planning  group  Advocate for planning  Identify priorities for Conduct issue specific processes and controls

councils in the forums on place-making to improve integrated implementation of and integrated transport transport outcomes for Melbourne 2030 in the planning urban areas lead up to November  Advocate for increased  Utilise Melbourne 2030 election and the DSE support from the State review to explore sub- implementation review Government in regional economic, retail developing infrastructure and employment to support Melbourne functions 2030  Understand council concerns about Melbourne 2030 and make representations to the State about these concerns Carbines Review and  Support local  Participate in the  Examine role and the Streamlining of government Development structure of local Planning representatives on the Assessment Forum planning policy Carbines Review  Advocate for ongoing  Represent the interests committee reform, improvement of local government in and resourcing of the any attempt to align Victorian Planning state-local planning System and Planning policy and Environment Act Growth area  Convene the six  Advocate local councils affected by the government issues in growth area the establishment phase implementation through the Growth Area Establishment Taskforce and the Growth Area  Authority Ensure that GAA work informs and adds value to directly affected councils as well as sector knowledge


Ongoing New Complete

Planning fees review  Participate in the review of planning fees  Support the stakeholder, technical reference and local government review groups. Developer contributions  Examine options to fund  Explore opportunities to infrastructure commissioning research development through on options to improve developer contributions funding for urban and and betterment levy infrastructure services schemes Sustainability planning  ESD advocacy group  Develop information  Participate in drafting established and meeting resource for councils “Your Development” quarterly  Advocate for regulatory guide reform Responsibility for public  Request DSE to land management convene a local government forum on Crown land and other public land management and resourcing issues Aboriginal Heritage Act  Monitor impacts  Support transition, implementation associated with monitoring of impacts introduction of new Act and possible review of and associated implementation of regulations Aboriginal Heritage Act Managing urban growth  Melbourne 2030 local in regional cities and government reference development pressures group open to all councils  Continue to host VicUrban / MAV business breakfasts ResCode  The need for review and  Pursue opportunities to ability to modify simplify processes for ResCode was raised councils to modify and through Cutting red tape tailor ResCode projects provisions Planning new  See managing Urban communities Growth  See Melbourne 2030  See Growth Area


4. Human Services and Public Health

Strategic Objective: To strengthen local government’s ability and capacity to provide for the social wellbeing of communities Ongoing New Complete

Early Years  Advocate for the  Advocate for affordable,  Advocate for funding expansion of Best Start accessible and quality support for integration of site funding childcare children’s services  Implement the childcare  Advocate for funding to  Strengthen partnerships register pilot project support local with key stakeholders to government achieve better kindergarten and integration of children’s childcare services services at the local  Work with councils to  level. maintain and renew Work with outer early years strategies suburban (or interface)

councils to strengthen the effectiveness of their planning and service delivery for young families.  Update the MAV publication Housing: Housing Your basic infrastructure – A toolkit for local government housing policies and strategies Support the effective  delivery of positive Positive Ageing ageing strategies and grants to council projects HACC  Undertake a baseline  Continue to advocate for  Support council efforts study of HACC costs improved funding and to implement new HACC service standards for service models HACC MCH  Develop mechanisms to  Review the outcomes of share best practice and the Memorandum of service enhancement Understanding between between councils the MAV and DHS for  Undertake a baseline the MCH service, study of the costs and pending the outcomes of relative funding levels the costing study for MCH services  Library funding Advocate for greater  public library funding Youth Convene a national forum on youth to discuss youth issues, areas of advocacy for Commonwealth and State support and to clarify the local government agenda for youth issues


Ongoing New Complete

Kindergarten  Advocate for capital infrastructure funding for kindergarten infrastructure Disability services  Advocate for a Building provision and advocacy Accessibility Standard, such as those suggested in the Accessible Housing Taskforce  Develop a quantitative assessment of current accessibility in local government and develop a costed action plan for making council buildings and facilities accessible  Resolve local government responsibility for bus stop compliance under the Disability Discrimination Act Public Health  Represent the interests of local government in the Health Act review  Develop a local government position on the Victorian Competition and Efficiency Commission review of food safety regulation

5. Infrastructure

Strategic Objective: To support and enhance local government’s provision, renewal and maintenance of sustainable local roads, infrastructure and integrated transport systems Ongoing New Complete

Asset Management  Conduct an  Integrate asset renewal  Document case studies Capacity Building independent audit of funding gap data with on council efforts in council capacity in asset financial statements of asset management and management through councils the need for additional the introduction of a asset renewal funding new advanced Step support Program  Refine the measurement of the asset renewal funding gap Road Management Act  Participate in the review of the Road Management Act and advocate for outcomes to support local government


Ongoing New Complete

Roads to Recovery  Build a case for a third round of Roads to Recovery funding  Assist ALGA in advocating for Roads to Recovery mark III National Road Data  Assist ALGA to progress the National Local Road Data framework, a joint project between the MAV and LGAQ to improve the quality of local government road data (note: a possible budget allocation may be made in May 2007) AusLink - Regional  Examine options for Transport Groups Victorian regional transport groups to finance the identified regional development and transport plans (note: additional activities will take place if further funding rounds are announced) Freight infrastructure  Advocate for improved freight infrastructure State infrastructure  Advocate to improve the standard of state infrastructure Sport, community  Undertake technical infrastructure work to develop strategies to drought proof sporting grounds and community infrastructure

6. Transport

Strategic Objective: To enhance and support local government’s advocacy and delivery of improved mobility and transport for the community Ongoing New Complete

Transport  Draft and adopt the  Implement the MAV  Coordinate a local Sustainable Transport Transport Strategy and government position on action Plan Sustainable Transport the Eddington review  Develop the MAV  Action Plan and facilitate Transport Strategy Continue to advocate opportunities for councils to meet with  Review outcomes of the the interests of local the study team Meeting Our Transport government on issues of  Challenges policy and traffic congestion in Provide further advocate for support to Melbourne and regional opportunities for overcome any gaps Victoria transport alliances to meet to progress issues of common interest


Ongoing New Complete

Disabled Parking  Work in partnership with the State Government to advocate for reforms to enhance the disabled Persons Parking Scheme Community transport  Examine options to progress community- based transport with the Department of Infrastructure; the Department for Victorian Communities and other key stakeholders Congestion  Develop a local government position to congestion issues through the DOI/MAV Liaison Group

7. Environment

Strategic Objective: To ensure local government has effective practices and processes that protect and enhance the environment Ongoing New Complete

Weed Management  Advocate for clarification to the Catchment and Land Protection Act such that local government is not burdened with the responsibility to manage roadside weeds


Ongoing New Complete

Waste Management  Respond to the  Develop a sector Productivity Commission position on the Inquiry into Waste effectiveness of the Generation and National Packaging Resource Efficiency Covenant in the lead up  Represent the interests to the 2008 mid-term of councils through the  review current metropolitan Address resource waste reforms recovery expectations of

ratepayers for services in rural areas  Assist rural councils to deal with the increasing regulatory burden of waste management  Examine options to finance the development of new technologies for waste management  Develop a local government position on the land fill levy when the current incremental growth mandated concludes on 30 July 2007 Native Vegetation  Support councils through the rollout of the ‘New Approach’ to native vegetation management, including the development of referral agreements Planning and  Continue working on the Environment integration of land use planning and regional catchment planning Domestic Wastewater  Develop a position in  Undertake a study on Management response to the Auditor local government General’s Report about resourcing for domestic the management of waste water to inform backlog sewerage pending regulatory connections review  Advocate for further State Government investment in domestic wastewater management  Obtain continued State Government funding for the Smart Septics capacity building program Water  Establish an MAV Water  Represent the sector’s Taskforce perspective on various government committees on stormwater, domestic wastewater, floods and drainage and alternative water sources


Ongoing New Complete

Climate Change &  Complete a study of Renewable Energy climate change and develop local government case studies Sustainability - LG as a  Convene the Victorian  Reflect the sector’s role model local government perspective on local sustainability network government sustainability through the Minister’s Local Sustainability Advisory Committee Coastal issues  Provide on-going support to coastal issues through the Association of Bayside Municipalities

8. Emergency Management and Community Safety

Strategic Objective: To support local government’s community safety and emergency management roles that contribute to the protection of local communities. Ongoing New Complete

Emergency  Continue to advocate for Management a more clearly defined local government role in emergency management, including necessary legislative amendments Pandemic Planning  Advocate for the role of local government in State and Commonwealth plans for avian influenza pandemic planning  Assist councils to undertake their own pandemic planning and preparedness activities Community Safety  Coordinate a sector-  Work with the Local wide response to the Government Drug Gambling Licenses Issues Forum to Review and advocate facilitate information local government’s sharing between position councils and to promote  Represent the local successful strategies in government position in managing local drug and relation to the high cost alcohol issues of graffiti management for councils and the need for state level coordination to the State Government.


Ongoing New Complete

Drought  Establish a drought  Continue to represent taskforce the interests of councils and their communities that are affected by drought Police numbers  Examine the issue of police numbers through the Victorian Safe Communities Network

9. Community Development

Strategic Objective: To strengthen connections and engagement between councils and their communities Ongoing New Complete

Lighthouse Project  Implement community (Community planning planning initiatives and well-being project) through the Lighthouse program  Continue to advocate for greater alignment between State and MAV community planning activities Voluntary Community  Undertake a research Participation project exploring the role of local government in supporting and enabling volunteering in a community development context  Support councils to address volunteering as a core component of their community strengthening work  Develop resources with councils to identify and adopt best practice in community volunteering  Develop and promote partnerships and cross sector engagement and networking  Provide ongoing support in the implementation of the Volunteer Support Grants


Ongoing New Complete

Small town viability  Deliver funding for the Small Towns Program with Regional Development Victoria  Represent the interests of the Rural Councils Victoria group  Advocate for improved health services in rural communities  Examine practical activities to boost employment opportunities in small communities Sea/tree change  Continue to advocate for Commonwealth and State support for councils undergoing rapid demographic shifts

Workforce and Professional Development 10.

Strategic Objective: To support the attraction, retention and development of local government’s workforce Ongoing New Complete

Workforce Planning  Coordinate a nation-  Continue progressing  Deliver two ‘local wide Skills Shortage workforce recruitment government villages’ at project and retention strategies career fairs to build the  Combine the GoGrad  on behalf of the sector image of councils as development program Run an HR conference, employers

with GetSet initiatives including a workshop on and open enrolments to creating the local all council employees government workforce  Leverage on-line  brand recruitment and Continue the workforce selection software and planning advisory electronic channels to groups

reduce management effort devoted to GoGrad MCH Nurse Recruitment  Strengthen partnerships and Retention with the Department of Human Services Grampians region to implement a nurse bank for maternal and child health nurses  Develop marketing material to promote this profession (note will be completed by end of June 2007)


Ongoing New Complete

Planning Bank  Establish and run a  Continue to operate the planning bank to planning bank increase the supply of statutory and strategic planners for rural and regional councils Rotate staff through  Investigate the feasibility urban and regional and council appetite of areas rotating staff through urban and regional areas

11. Collaboration and Capacity Building

Strategic Objective: To advance innovation and reform of business practices through local government collaboration and utilisation of economies of scale Ongoing New Complete

Collaborative Services  Develop cost effective  Identify legislative and shared operation non-legislative models for library constraints which may management systems impeded adoption of through the Swift project identified service  Undertake research delivery models examining alternative models to delivery collaborative services  Develop a report to  Draft the three  Produce a document State Council following frameworks on local specifying the core role Future of Local Government

consultation with government of local government in councils on the accountability, Victoria proposed future vision performance and for the sector  regional cooperation Seek the involvement of other state associations in the process  Large and small councils Investigate the appetite working together for small and large councils to work in strategic partnerships 19 MAV STRATEGIC WORK PLAN 2007-08

Other Issues 12. Ongoing New Complete

Image of local  Convene a reference government group for strategic advice on the image of local government  Develop a strategy to guide MAV action on boosting the image of local government  Disseminate a discussion paper on the image of local government for formal consultation in May 2007 Freshen up  Undertake a  Implement phase two of  Develop and commence communication with communications review the website redesign, implementation of a members with members including the marketing and  Undertake a website establishment of a communication plan on review members only section how the MAV communicates with members Rate increases  Collect data on rate increases and position rate increases in the context of long-term financial sustainability challenges Alternative  Explore alternative communication forms of communication mechanisms with members, such as web casting meetings Establish a PR Unit at  In place since the MAV communications review undertaken in 2001 Federal election  Develop an MAV campaign strategy for the federal election campaign Human Rights charter  Advocate for local government training in the implementation of the Human Rights charter by DVC and DOJ


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