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CSC MEETING Notes Tuesday, September 3, 2013 5:30-7:30 p.m. Denison Library

CSC Members in Attendance: Kelly Monroe, Liz Lewis-Riggs, Kathy S. Yamile R.


Sign in, welcome, introductions of members & guests 5 minutes Approval of Minutes from 8/5/13 5 minutes CSC New Business: 75 Standardized Testing/TCAP minutes Katy provided context for discussion on assessment  Denison needs assessment waivers to get out of administering DPS interim assessments  District leaders are working with Gilpin and Denison to consider waivers problems is we do not yet have any Montessori assessments to replace  We are not asking to get out of State mandated assessments Why can’t we just get out of using interims?  Senate bill 191 – all educators will be evaluated based on student performance on assessments. Teachers need to be evaluated on body of evidence and data that would reflect student growth over time (beg, mid and end of year student data)  Student assessment results impact teacher salary  Student assessment results impact non-probationary status  It is still not clear how teachers without testing will be measured – SPF data will be part of data measurements Why is Montessori different?  Inherent in Montessori is teacher scientific observation where teachers are constantly tweaking instruction to meet student needs  Formative assessment will become part of assessment calendar- Can’t Montessori design their own assessments that will meet the interim growth measures?  Katy, principal, has been communicating with key district leaders and they are in support of working with Denison to find solutions to assessment issues  These key leaders are also willing to meet with Denison teacher and parent communities.  Often with the assessment calendar the 3hour work period is interrupted to assess individual grades which impacts student learning time  The goal now is to figure out a way to align assessments to Montessori curriculum Summary of Comments and Questions:  Parents want to support teachers and Montessori  Parents want a to formulate a clearer more unified message  District, State and National assessments measure achievement gaps; how certain students perform better that others. Either based on socio economic status, race or ethnicity and English language learners vs. non-English language learners – we need to keep this in mind? Do we have gaps in our data? At Denison? And will the new assessments document these gaps? Our goal is to close achievement gap Next Steps:  Denison wants to request waiver from District Interim Assessments and find an alternative Montessori friendly measures  Could portfolios be a part of this?  Gilpin and Denison are collaborating on this issue as principals from both schools

Registration  Still looking for 1st graders to fill those spots - Numbers are little below comfortable range in lower elementary classrooms (not all lower el classes at 26 students each)  That is needed to fund paraprofessionals for those classrooms Our 1 st day: went very smooth.

Back To School Night:  Received negative response for holding back to school for primary parents at 9am  Will be changed for next year  Interest in moving to ice cream social not a picnic or FDM does a fun night  Complaints from parents who didn’t have room numbers before or school supply list earlier – maybe next year we could at least provide supply list earlier CSC Ongoing Business 10 minutes Discipline/Safety – no issues at the time

Monthly Family Events/Activities/Calendar  9/25 4-7pm PAC & FDM Chipotle night at Wadsworth and Colfax  10/26 Fall Festival 1-4pm Saturday – FDM will discuss with Staff  Request to please send reminder to all Primary parents regarding in-service days which exceed other grade levels for non-contact student days so parents can be better prepared.

Teacher Parent Conferences Dates:  CSC decision to provide two evening conference and comp teachers a day so that parents are better able to attend

Principal Updates 10 Follow up of hiring minutes  Upper Elementary Teacher position filled  GT teacher filled  Drama – Chris returned as a teacher  Extra paras, misprint to be corrected

CSC Teacher Member – Elisa has volunteered – looking for upper elementary teacher representative – position needs to be elected, waiting for ballot results

Reports from Subcommittees and other Committees - 10  FDM – 9/11 meeting 5:30pm meeting will take place for parents interested who minutes cannot attend during the day  SLT  PAC – membership change – will provide breakfast for teachers – need to identify date  Next PAC meeting will be 9/19 4:15-5:15pm

Create Agenda for October Meeting 5  Katy will bring TCAP Gap data minutes  Review SPF  Update on Interim conversation Next Scheduled Meeting is on October 1, 2013

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