Putney Board of Selectmen s2

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Putney Board of Selectmen s2

TOWN OF PUTNEY PO BOX 233 PUTNEY, VT 05346 802-387-5862 Putney Board of Selectmen

July 10th, 2006


The Town of Putney Selectboard met on Monday, July 10th, 2006, at the Putney Town Hall at 6:00 PM.

Board Members Present: Lyssa Papazian, Scott Henry, Josh Laughlin

Others Present: Chris Ryan, Town Manager; Anita Coomes, Treasurer; Paul Mousel

The meeting was called to order at 6:15PM.

Selectboard goals

Board reviewed edited list of goals for coming year, provided by L. Papazian. Individual members agreed to take responsibility for various projects –(see attached).


Minutes of June 20th accepted as submitted, with minor edits

Mt. Paul property-

P. Mousel discussed his concern with fencing installed by new owners on boundary between his property and site of former Putney Fire Station. P. Mousel feels strongly that right of way still exists over both properties, and that fence interferes with the exercise of that R.O.W. Board agreed that C. Ryan should ask former Board members about circumstances concerning Boundary Line Agreement executed in 1999 between P. Mousel and Town, to determine if any reference to ROW was made at that time, and that it was also permissible to send P. Mousel’s letter explaining his view of issues to R. Stern, attorney for Station parcel buyers.

Lister Extension request-

Board discussed request for support of an additional 30 day extension of reappraisal project by Listers. On a motion by S. Henry, seconded by J. Laughlin, the Board voted unanimously to give their assent to the request ,to be filed with Vermont Property Tax Bureau, and requested that Listers make a public announcement notifying residents of schedule and expected completion date.

Water Rate Appeal –

After reading appeal letter from Susan Taylor, Board voted unanimously on a motion by J. Laughlin, seconded by S. Henry, to allow S. Taylor account to be converted to a reservation account, responsible for debt payment only, as Ms. Taylor had no intention of connecting to water system in foreseeable future.

Sewer Connection Request – Board approved the granting of a new sewer connection and allocation of flow of 2 ERUs to Rochelle Garfinkel, for the development of a new residential lot on property at 94 Main Street, currently owned by Hildamarie Hendricks.

Village Center designation

L. Papazian informed Board that new designation had been approved on June 26, incorporating proposed properties to north as far as Basketville, but that southern extension had not been approved, as area was considered to be more Highway commercial. Brochures will be prepared for distribution to properties within village district.

Cemetery Commission-

Board reviewed letter informing them of Commissioners’ wish to convert shares of Montgomery Street Investments mutual funds to a Chittenden CD; no objections, and Board instructed C. Ryan to inform Commissioners.

Town manager updates:

 Admin. Assistant: – several interviews conducted; two scheduled for Friday, July 14th .

 Town Land sale – C. Ryan informed Board that he had taken a $1200 deposit on former Seward property off Taylor Road.

 Putney Pool – C. Ryan informed Board that new gate has been installed, several umbrellas donated, and pavilion design underway. Rec. Commission Dance is scheduled for Fri, July 21st ; several future private parties tentatively scheduled.

 NEMRC update – Cynthia Stoddard is working with C. Ryan and A. Coomes to close of fiscal year; emphasis on proper attribution of FY 06 expenditures to current FY 06 budgets

 Carpenter gravel pit – Brief discussion of ACT 250 hearing on July 6th, attended by C. Ryan, L. Papazian, ands J. Laughlin, outlining several issues that were raised – Recess memo will be issued by Act 250 Commission addressing these issues in near future.

 Fire Station final billing – C. Ryan informed Board of final Westfield Construction billing, and several other small items that will require additional funding of several thousand dollars. Board authorized use of Fire Dept Reimbursement Fund to cover these construction shortfalls. Board requested that shutters not be installed if order had not yet been placed. C. Ryan will investigate status.

Warrants to Treasurer

The Board approved and signed the following warrants to the Treasurer for payment:

Payroll Warrant #53 - $6,256.92 Payroll Warrant #1 - $7,505.47 Executive Session –

Board voted on motion by J. L. seconded by S.H. to enter executive session at 9:30 to discuss a request for funding from the White-Whitney Committee. Board reentered open session at 9:35, and voted unanimously to fund the request as presented, at $102.43

Future Meetings

 Selectboard -July 24th @ 6:00 PM  Wardon Road – date still pending

Meeting adjourned @ 9:40 PM –Submitted – Chris Ryan

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