Mission: Loving God and Others Like Jesus

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Mission: Loving God and Others Like Jesus

Stage 1 (YR 2) Mission: Loving God and others like Jesus

Module Focus In this module, students relate their experience of the loving actions of family members and others to the example of Jesus through a study of 'Jesus and the Blind Beggar' (Lk 18:35-43). Students will learn how Christians with a sense of mission can love God and others through their relationships with others at a personal, local and global level. Students will be encouraged to identify how they can participate in the mission of Jesus through loving God and other people in imitation of him. These modules uniquely relate to materials developed for the celebration of World Mission Day/Week in October each year. Therefore, the suggested period for the implementation of these Enrichment units is the first four weeks of Term 4. Resources are reviewed and new resources are developed by Catholic Mission each year.

Outcomes J S1.2: Sequences, records and communicates stories about Jesus S S1.5: Identifies and recalls stories from Sacred Scripture through which God reveals Himself. Students Learn About: Students Learn to: J S1.2: J S1.2:  Jesus’ ministry to the sick and the outcast  locate, research and record selected Biblical  Jesus’ relationship with the Father stories  Being a disciple of Jesus  recount stories of Jesus’ ministry  reflect on and express key messages from Jesus’ ministry  name actions appropriate to discipleship

S S1.5: S S1.5:  the Bible as the Word of God  retell specific Scripture stories in their own  the purpose of the Bible words  stories of God’s call and people’s response  enact stories from the Scriptures  stories of the Bible revealing God’s love  ask questions to clarify meaning  explain what these stories teach Discipleship Challenge Students are challenged to recognise the implications of Jesus’ words and actions Students are challenged to show reverence to and appreciation towards the Bible

Catholic Discipleship

As students hear and read the Scriptures more often they become more aware of how the stories from Jesus’ ministry relate to life. The desire to be like Jesus can only come with knowledge of how Jesus treated others. A longing to be like Jesus and a reverence for the Word as it comes to us through the Scriptures should develop together.


This module is designed to support learning experiences of approximately FOUR WEEKS

Page 1 Core Scripture

Luke 18:35-43 Jesus and the Blind Beggar The Eager Reader Bible p. 326 Mark 10: 46-52 Gold and Honey Bible p 317

Scripture in Context

The character in this story shows how keen he is to encounter Jesus, but the real focus is on Jesus reaching out to others who have been isolated either by their behaviour or simply by circumstances. At this level it is easy for students to see how they can follow Jesus by behaving as Jesus did.

Catechism of the Catholic Church nn. 781-829 The Church - People of God nn. 830-856 The Church is Catholic nn. 1213-1284 The Sacrament of Baptism nn. 1822-1829 Charity nn. 2083-2195 You shall love the Lord nn. 2196-2557 You shall love your neighbour

Background for the Teacher


The ministry of Jesus is quite unique in the way it is presented in the Gospels. He preached love of the Father, he preached love of each other, and he healed the sick, benefiting them and pointing the way to the Kingdom.

The ministry of Jesus

Jesus understood his ministry as a ministry of healing: healing of the sick and the sinful. The good, he saw, as not needing his help. It was those who were on the fringes of society who were most in need of his help because society had taught them that they were not wanted, that they were unloved. Jesus’ message to them was that they were indeed loved, because their status in society was unimportant.

Healing stories and the foreshadowing of the Kingdom

While the concept of the Kingdom or the Reign of God might be difficult for young students to grasp they can well be introduced to the idea that the miracles (particularly the healing miracles) are meant to signify something; that is, they are not simply for their own sake but for the meaning they convey. In the case of the blind man near Jericho there are immediate messages: we are meant to be whole; and that wholeness is closely linked with faith. “It is only the sight of faith which opens eyes to see who Jesus is and to follow him”. (New Jerome Biblical Commentary 43:159)

The Kingdom Jesus promises is one in which all will be made whole. In his promise we are reminded of the words from the prophet Isaiah: “…the Lord God will wipe away the tears from all faces, and the disgrace of his people he will take away from all the earth…” (Is 25: 8) Jesus’ healing is making this Kingdom already present.

Our mission to heal

Every follower of Jesus is called to imitate as a disciple imitates the Master. It is our mission, too, to heal, to extend the Kingdom to the poor, the outcast, the sick and the lonely. In our own lives this can be done even more simply than we might imagine. All around us are those who need our support:

Page 2 people who irritate those with whom they come in contact; the sick whose conditions have become the focus of their lives; those whose lifestyles are in conflict with the values we espouse as Christians.

For young students it might well be a challenge for them to recognise ways in which they too might contribute to alienating others. They might exclude others from games, or from groups in class. Often this can exacerbate the behaviour that led in the first place to the exclusion. As adults we know this, and as Christians we have a duty to work towards providing our students with the strategies to overcome the difficulties experienced in relationships.

To reach out to those with whom we come in contact in the same way that Jesus reached out is our Christian duty. It is not, however, a duty bound up in law; it is a duty of love. If we find we do don’t reach out in this way then it shows us that we are not loving others as Jesus did.

In the Gospel story, the blind man called out to Jesus. His call was disruptive and embarrassing for those in the crowd. Jesus, however, took the time to ask the blind man what he wanted. That time that Jesus gave is something that we too can give, particularly to those who behaviour is embarrassing or confronting. That behaviour is often their way of calling out.

In Brief for Students

 These modules uniquely relate to materials developed for the celebration of World Mission Day/Week in October each year. Resources are reviewed and new resources are developed by Catholic Mission each year.

 Our mission to act like Jesus begins in our daily life.

Student Context

Why am I teaching this module to these students at this time using these strategies and resources?

Developing the Partnership

How can I make connections between the learning in this module and parents and the wider community?

 Students suggest times when they have experienced/witnessed sharing, either from home or the community.

 Parents are invited to support the Mission week activities/liturgy.

Curriculum Links

Indicate outcomes from other Key Learning Areas to be covered in this module.

Suggested Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategies

Suggestions for preparing classroom and initiating the module: Word bank – for reference throughout the module, e.g. Mission, kindness, care, concern, compassion, image and likeness of God, neighbour, community, disciple, Good News

Page 3 Display Symbols – for reference throughout the module. E.g. Bible, globe or map of world, posters/pictures/photos of people (these can be added to, changed during module), bowl of rice, Catholic Mission posters and other materials, candles to be used in processions with bible to classroom prayer space/table and in class veneration of the Bible and holy water to sprinkle on Bible during prayer

Locate Catholic Mission posters and teaching/learning materials for THIS Year. Display this year’s theme in a prominent position in classroom. Select other appropriate resources to be used during this module including Catholic Mission’s Prayer Box 1, The Face of God CD, the video Faces and explore and choose internet sites from list at end of module.

At a whole school level, tap into any parents or community connections that can provide direct and authentic first hand experiences of missionary work. Plan for these experiences to be shared across the various stages teaching these Mission modules.

 Identify ways the students experience loving actions of family members and others - role play

 Draw on students’ knowledge of Baptism from the stage 1 module, ‘Baptism’. Discuss and explore that the call of Baptism is to share in the mission of Jesus as a member of a loving community.

 Introduce the current 'World Mission Week' magazines to the class. Students underline words and actions in stories and articles about people sharing in the Church's mission of loving God and others like Jesus.

 Work through the appropriate stories and activities in the 'World Mission Week' materials. Make a paper chain (of words) of ways that people can show love for some of the children shown in the magazines.

 Read Lk 18:35-43 Perform a chorus play (see Appendix). For information on chorus plays see Just Imagine p. 3

 List the actions of the characters using the headings; Jesus, the blind man, the crowd. OR complete a Jigsaw Summary Into the Deep Identify that Jesus shows us how to love one another, especially those most in need

 Participate in a ‘Thought Sheets’ activity. Materials prepared beforehand include a photocopy of the text and illustration plus several thought-provoking questions relating to the story of ‘Jesus and the Blind Beggar’. These could include: ‘Even people with very good eyesight can sometimes be blind. What does this mean?’, ‘How can we escape from the blindness that sometimes comes over us?’; ‘How can we keep our hearts from closing?’

 Ask students to identify how they can participate in the mission of Jesus through loving God and other people in imitation of him. Guide students to the understanding that, ‘Christians show their love of God by loving people, especially those most in need’. Display in the classroom using a concept map form OR Billboard Role-plays Into The Deep p. 135 ASSESSMENT

 Examine the song, ‘Tell the Good News‘ A. Chinn in Wherever I Go and ‘unpack’ the lyrics, writing and illustrating their meaning; make up accompanying actions.

 Participate in a guided meditation/reflection activity on experiences of love, eg. To God on a Magic Carpet p. 10 Complete a Y chart: what does it look like, sound like, feel like when I show someone love.

 Invite a parent, grandparent or parishioner to talk to students about how they live as a mission person (reaching out to those in need).

 Listen to and question a guest speaker talking about their mission work.

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 Conduct a Pauper's Banquet. Complete a Y chart following this activity.

 Participate in Mission Week fundraising activities and liturgy/ies. Invite parents to participate.


The resources indicated below are recommended to assist with the teaching of this module. Please add others that are used.


 Catholic Mission materials  Lucas, D.J. The Eager Reader Bible. 1994. Tyndale House Publishers. London  Hari, A. and Singer, C. 1993. Experience Jesus Today. Understanding the Gospel. France: Editions Du Signe  Kelly, L. et al. 1999. The Junior Bible. Jesus the healer. Essex: Matthew James Publishing  O’Brien, K. and White, D. 2001. The Thinking Platform. Strategies to foster Whole Brain Thinking in the Cooperative Classroom. Marayong: K.D. Publications  O’Brien, K. et al. 2003. Into the Deep. Marayong: K.D. Publications  Wintour, R. 2000. Just Imagine. Creative Ways of Presenting Scripture. Brisbane: Mountjoy Enterprises

Audio Visual



 Wherever I Go 2004, Butterfly Music. Australia  As One Voice for kids. 2002. Australia: Willow Connection and Openbook Publishers

Internet Sites

 www.catholicmission.org.au

 http://www.un.org/cyberschoolbus/poverty2000/intro.asp

 http://www.caritas.org.au/education/

‘My Classes’ DBB RE Teachers Resource Page

Page 5 Appendix

Chorus Play based on Luke 18: 35-43 Jesus and the blind beggar

Narrator: Jesus and his disciples were walking near the town of Jericho. A big crowd followed them

Chorus: A big crowd followed them

Narrator: Just outside the city was a beggar. He had to beg because he was blind and could not get a job. He heard the crowd passing by and asked

Beggar: What’s going on?

Chorus: It’s Jesus

Narrator: He heard about Jesus and he knew that Jesus could help him. He took a deep breath and shouted

Beggar: Jesus, have mercy on me

Chorus: Shhh! Be quiet!

Jesus: Please bring that man to me

Narrator: The people were amazed and said

Chorus: How about that! Jesus wants to see you!

Narrator: The man got up and went to Jesus

Jesus: What do you want me to do for you?

Beggar: Lord, I want to see

Narrator: Jesus was glad the man believed and he touched the man

Jesus: Now you can see

Narrator: Everyone was amazed!

Page 6

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