State of North Dakota ) s2

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State of North Dakota ) s2



Chairman Dave Quale called the meeting to order. Commissioners John Thompson and Harley Steffen were present along with States Attorney Charles Peterson.

Commissioner Steffen made a motion to approve the December minutes and Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Steffen made a motion to appoint John Thompson as Chairman of the Board and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to appoint Commissioner Steffen as Vice Chairman of the Board and Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to reappoint Commissioner Steffen to another term on the GV County Airport Board and Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Steffen made a motion to reappoint Sharon Rackley to another term on the County Library Board and Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


Discussion was held regarding taking the Weed Control Officer’s wages out of the General Fund. Commissioner Quale made a motion to amend the 2013 General Fund by $42,000.00 and to pay the County Weed Control Officer’s wages out of the County General Fund and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

States Attorney Peterson updated the Board regarding correspondence between his office and Oswood Construction.

The Auditor informed the Board that the cost per vote for the General Election was $5.11.

Clerk of Court/Recorder, Patty Thompson met with the Board to request more help in her offices. The Auditor had informed the Board that Crystal Nesvig, who currently works full time between the Auditor and Recorder’s offices, has been offered a part time position at the Beach Medical Clinic. Patty stated that she would like to have a full time deputy in both the Recorder and Clerk’s offices. The Board said they will address this issue once Crystal is only working part time for the County. Patty informed the Board that she and her deputy Rachel Keohane will be going to Bismarck on January 10th for Clerk of Court training.

Zoning Director Henry Gerving met with the Board to discuss an additional bill received from Roosevelt-Custer Regional Council for the County’s Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Update. Commissioner Steffen made a motion to pay Roosevelt-Custer $400.00 for addition printing costs and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Social Service Director Maurice Hardy met with the Board to discuss repairs and renovations that are needed in the Social Service Building.

Bobby Olstad from Dakota Insurance Agency met with the Board for her annual insurance review with the County.

At 11:00 the Board met with the Contractors and Architect working on the elevator addition to the courthouse for their monthly update and progress report. Present for this meeting were David Haught from Ainsworth-Benning Construction Inc., Al Berger from Berger Electric, Jared Twogood from Hulsing & Associates Architects, and Tom Wanner from CA Contracting.

The Board and County Employees gathered for a post Christmas get together over the noon hour.

Jack Cook and Henry Gerving met with the Board regarding setting up a County Web Site. The Board will get back to Cook on his proposal.

Tax & Zoning Director Henry Gerving met with the Board to discuss Zoning Board recommendations and abatements. Commissioner Steffen made a motion to approve of a conditional use permit for NorDak in the S1/2SE1/4 of Section 17-141-105, contingent upon Carl Newton complying with the requirements set by the SW District Health Unit, and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Quale made a motion to approve of the Zoning Board’s recommendation to rezone a 2.01 acre tract in the SE1/4 of Section 24-141-105 from commercial to agricultural and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Quale made a motion to reject an abatement for Arnold Smith for the 2.01 acre tract in the SE1/4 of Section 24-141-105, based on the advice of the GV County State’s Attorney and NDCC, due to the status of this property on February 1, 2012 and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Quale made a motion to approve an abatement for Dell Beach, on the N 19’ of Lot 8 and the S 31’ of Lot 9 of Block 8 of Hunter’s 3rd Addition to the City of Beach , and for Bern Zachmann, on Lots 10 & 11 of Block 3 of Hunter’s 3rd Addition to the City of Beach, due to an administrative error, and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Steffen made a motion to approve an abatement for Dale Maus on the NE1/4 of Section 34-141-104, due to a duplicate assessment, and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Steffen made a motion to approve an abatement for David and Linda Cook, on Lots 6,7 & 8 of Block 7 of the Original Townsite of Sentinel Butte, for improvements that don’t exist on this property, and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Gerving asked the Board for permission to attend appraisal classes in Mandan on January 28th and 29th and the Board approved of his attending these classes.

Ed Hammond met with the Board and Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld regarding closing a section line trail between his place and Larry Schulte’s. The Board advised Ed to visit with the Township for options regarding this request. Ed also discussed dust control on the road going by his place.

Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld, Tim Kelly and Justin Hyndman from KLJ and Jon Brosz from Brosz Engineering met with the Board to discuss current and future road projects.

Chairman John Thompson declared the meeting adjourned at 4:30 P.M.


______Cecilia Stedman, Auditor John Thompson, Chairman, Co. Commissioners



Chairman John Thompson called the meeting to order. Commissioners Dave Quale and Harley Steffen were present along with States Attorney Charles J. Peterson. Gene Hamilton was also present for part of the meeting.

Commissioner Steffen made a motion to approve the January minutes and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Steffen made a motion to transfer $150,000.00 from County Poor into the Social Services Fund and Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

States Attorney Peterson gave the Board an update on regarding Count issues and his office.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to appoint Ron Volk to the County Fair Board and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Board discussed the web site proposal presented to them at their last meeting from Jack Cook of Butte Web Pages. Commissioner Quale made a motion to hire Butte Web Pages to set up a County Web Site and pay for this out of the Contingency Fund and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The following Treasurers bi-annual report was presented to the Board:


Ledger balance for period 7-1-12 through 12-31-12

BALANCE 7-1-12 $8,896,674.22 JULY COLL. $ 389,580.67 JULY PYMT. $ 483,253.72 AUGUST COLL. $ 249,175.96 AUGUST PYMT. $1,228,561.14 SEPT. COLL. $4,411,846.12 SEPT. PYMT. $3,787,962.40 OCT. COLL. $ 488,261.57 OCT. PYMT. $ 718,512.97 NOV. COLL. $ 270,796.13 NOV. PYMT. $1,305,860.74 DEC. COLL. $1,362,046.24 DEC. PYMT. $ 852,064.67 BALANCE 12-31-2012 $7,692,165.27 TOTAL $16,068,380.91 $16,068,380.91

BALANCE 12-31-12 $7,692,165.27 BANK DEPOSITS $2,063,444.04 LIBR. CD & SAVINGS $ 57,620.68 CERT. OF DEPOSIT $5,563,107.91 CASH ITEMS $ 120.00 CHECKS & DRAFTS $ 2,060.26 CASH ON HAND $ 5,812.38 TOTAL $7,692,165.27 $7,692,165.27


Rod Landblom from Roosevelt-Custer Regional Council and Zoning Director Henry Gerving met with the Board to discuss a bill RC&D had sent the County for the County’s Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Quale made a motion to pay RC&D $1388.00, out of the Contingency Fund, to clear up this bill and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Landblom also briefly discussed the Community Block Development Grant with the Board.

Zoning Director Henry Gerving met with the Board to discuss the Zoning Board’s recommendations from their Zoning meeting on January 28th. Commissioner Quale made a motion to approve Joe Kreitinger’s request to rezone Lots 16, 17 and 18 of Block 1 of Gass Vetsch 1st Addition to the City of Golva from Residential to Mobile Home, and a setback variance for Mel Bosserman at his farmstead at 16444 49th St. SW and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Gerving also discussed other zoning issues that are pending and various Tax Director issues.

Beach City Auditor Kim Nunberg met with the Board to request that the County sponsor a walking/bike trail project that the City is applying for through a grant called Bikes Belong which is also partnered with a ND DOT grant program called Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP). Kim stated that there would be no cost to the County in sponsoring these grants. Commissioner Quale made a motion to have Golden Valley County sponsor the Bikes Belong and TAP grants and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

DES Director Brenda Frieze met with the Board to have the Board renew the City Watch Agreement, invite them to a table top exercise on a Medical Shelter Kit on February 19th, an informational session by the Department of Energy hosted by Bowman County, the Next Generation Program (NG911) and EMPG requirements and upcoming meetings. Commissioner Quale made a motion to renew the County’s City Watch Agreement and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

At 11:00 A.M. the contractors and architects for the courthouse addition met with the Board and States Attorney Peterson. Those in attendance were Jan Prchal, Jim Nelson and Cindy Haught from Hulsing & Associates Architects, David Haught, Bruce Hanson and Ed Boe from Ainsworth-Benning Construction Company, Tom Wanner from CA Contracting and Derek Herbel from Berger Electric. The group discussed the progress of the project, the generator, a broken pipe and various other issues regarding the new addition.

Jan Prchal and Jim Nelson from Hulsing & Associates Architects met with the Board and States Attorney Peterson to discuss the claims received from Oswood Construction Company for the courthouse addition. Commissioner Steffen made a motion to give States Attorney Peterson the authorization to make a proposal to Oswood Construction Company, per Prchal’s recommendation after reviewing all the claims, and Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Prchal also presented 2 payment requests to the Board.

County Agent Ashley Ueckert met with the Board to give them an update on her office and request that one of them sit in on her annual performance evaluation with Gerald Stern on March 12th.

Social Service Director Maurice Hardy met with the Board to discuss a CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) for an ADA door and bathroom at Social Services. Commissioner Quale made a motion to have the County sponsor this CDBG and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld and Tim Kelly from Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson, Inc. met with the Board to discuss the Westerheim Road project, a bill from Goldenwest Electric and various other road department issues.

Chairman Thompson declared the meeting adjourned at 3:45 P.M. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ) )SS COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY)


Chairman John Thompson called the meeting to order. Commissioners Dave Quale and Harley Steffen were present along with Assistant States Attorney Tom Gehrz.

Commissioner Steffen made a motion to approve the February minutes and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Assistant States Attorney Gehrz gave the Board an update on County issues.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to appoint Renee Smith to the Golden Valley County Fair Board and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Prairie West Executive Director Deb Walworth and Deputy Director Vanessa Ueckert met with the Board to give them an update on Vision West and Prairie West Development.

Tax and Zoning Director Henry Gerving met with the Board to discuss permits from the last Zoning Meeting. Commissioner Quale made a motion to approve the conditional use and building permit for Ted Tescher on Section 23-140-103 and the conditional use permit for David & Laurie Horrocks on a 12 acre tract in the SW1/4 of Section 1-139-106, as recommended by the Zoning Board, and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Steffen made a motion to approve an abatement on Parcel #04797000, due to an error on the depreciated value, and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Bruce Hanson from Ainsworth-Benning Construction Company gave the Board a progress report on the courthouse addition.

At 11:00 A.M. the Board adjourned as the Board of County Commissioners and met as the County/Township Board with 12 township members. Tax Director discussed the schedule of township equalization meetings and stated that the values will be set by the time they have their scheduled meetings. Gerving also passed out County Zoning Ordinance Books to the townships. Chairman Thompson introduced Weed Control Officer Jared Burian to the group. Burian informed the group that they are planning on 2 spray crews for 2013, discussed grants for spraying Hounds Tongue, their contract with the Forest Service and cost sharing for private spraying. Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld discussed custom rates, the culvert policy, new signage mandated by 2015, state funding programs, crushing, royalties, mowing and reviewed projects done in 2012. Discussion was then held by the group regarding mowing, spraying, surfacing and other issues with the townships. The County/Township meeting was declared adjourned at 12:15 P.M.

At 1:00 P.M. the Board met as the County Park Board along with Park Board members Kim Nunberg and Crystal Nesvig. Janie Rathbun requested the annual $5000.00 for the swimming pool and $500.00 for the baseball program. Walter Losinski requested $1000.00 for expenses and advertising for the Spirit of the West weekend held on August 2nd and 3rd. John Kouba and Ashley Ueckert requested $1000.00 for repairs and maintenance at the Fair Grounds. Mike Braden requested $3000.00 - $4000.00 for playground equipment at the city pool park. Joe Kreitinger requested $1500.00 - $2000.00 for a new park area Golva is planning to develop. Bernie Schillo requested $500.00 - $1000.00 for expenses at the golf course. Sentinel Public Rec requested funds to help with the emergency shingle job they had to do on their community center last year. After some discussion, Kim Nunberg made a motion to give the Beach City Park $4000.00 from the County Rec Fund for new playground equipment and Crystal Nesvig seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Dave Quale made a motion to give $5000.00 to the swimming pool, $1000.00 to the Spirit of the West, $1000.00 to the Fair Board, $1500 to the City of Golva, $1500 to the Sentinel Public Rec, $1000.00 to the Beach Golf Assn. for the golf course, all from the County Park Fund, and $500.00 from the County Rec Fund for the Beach baseball program, and Crystal Nesvig seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The County Park Meeting was declared adjourned at 1:30 P.M.

The Board reconvened as the Board of County Commissioners

Jeremy Berger from Smart Computers & Security, Web Designer Jack Cook and Register of Deeds/Clerk of Court Patty Thompson met with the Board to discuss the wireless internet access at the courthouse and Meraki which is used for wireless content filtration. The Board will revisit this issue at budget time for next year’s budget.

2:00 P.M. was the advertised time for opening the scoria crushing bids. Joel Meyer, Al Ridl and Kim Ekre from Meyer Aggregate LLC, Rick, Tyler and Elaine Noll from Noll Construction and Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld were present for opening the bids. Three bids were received by the Board and ranged from $3.45/cubic yard to $3.079/cubic yard. Wirtzfeld stated that there wouldn’t be much overburden at this pit. Commissioner Quale made a motion to accept the low bid from Noll Construction of $3.079/cubic yard and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Mark Feland from RDO Equipment Company met with the Board to discuss various options on the motor graders due to new mandates with motor graders.

Register of Deeds/Clerk of Court Patty Thompson met with the Board to discuss hiring part time help for her offices. Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld met with the Board regarding various road projects and road department issues.

Chairman Thompson declared the meeting adjourned at 4:30 P.M.


______Cecilia Stedman, Auditor John Thompson, Chairman, County Commissioners



Chairman John Thompson called the meeting to order. Commissioners Dave Quale and Harley Steffen were present along with Assistant States Attorney Tom Gehrz.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to approve the March minutes and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Assistant States Attorney Gehrz updated the Board on County issues his office is handling for the County.

Discussion was held regarding the grant received from the Energy Impact Office for helping fund the County’s Strategic Plan through Vision West ND. Commissioner Steffen made a motion to deposit these funds into the County’s Capital Outlay Reserve Fund and then disburse them back to the REAP Investment Board and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Thompson signed 3 change orders for the courthouse addition.

DES Director and 911 Coordinator, Brenda Frieze, met with the Board to discuss a road name change request and the County burn ban. The Board approved of Brenda sending a letter to all rural county residents regarding burn regulations and contacts and to pay the postage expense and new sign expense out of the County’s General Contingency Fund. Commissioner Quale made a motion to adopt the following resolution and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

RESOLUTION 2013-12 Fire Emergency Order WHEREAS, the Golden Valley County Board of County Commissioners recognizes that Golden Valley County, North Dakota has potential dry conditions with significant fuel supplies available; and

WHEREAS, Golden Valley County has sustained or been threatened with rural fires in the past and the Golden Valley County Department of Emergency Services has been in consultation with local fire departments; and

WHEREAS, all available resources remain committed to protecting life and property; and

WHEREAS, the impact of fires could threaten the health, well-being, and safety of the citizens of Golden Valley County; and

WHEREAS, the cost of response, inordinate equipment wear and fire damages may be in excess of available County resources; and

WHEREAS, the Board wishes to regulate activities within the County which pose a potential hazard for such loss, should the present weather conditions continue.


1. No travel is to be allowed off of surfaced roadways normally used for vehicular traffic except as necessary for normal farmer/rancher or industry operations. 2. Industrial operating crews and farmer/rancher operations shall have fire extinguishers and normal fire-fighting equipment at hand, and industrial personnel shall remain at the job site for one-half hour after daily operations are completed.

3. Smoking is restricted to inside of vehicles or buildings.

4. Burn ban to include a ban on any open burning which includes a ban on the ignition of fireworks, garbage burning, pit-burning and campfires, and burning of farm or crop land.

5. This burn ban is automatically in effect for Golden Valley County whenever the North Dakota Range Fire Index is in the High, Very High, or Extreme category and/or a Red Flag Warning has been issued for Golden Valley County, North Dakota. The daily Rangeland Fire Index can be found at the following web site:

Pursuant to N.D.C.C. 37-17.1-10.1, and person who willfully violates the burning ban established by this resolution is guilty of a Class B Misdemeanor, which carries with it a penalty of up to 30 days in jail, a $1000.00 fine, or both. In addition, restitution of fire suppression costs may be sought from the court. Dated at Beach, ND, this 2nd day of April, 2013. Golden Valley County, North Dakota

BY:______John Thompson, Board Chairman

Attest:______Ceil Stedman, County Auditor

Jack Cook met with the Board to update them on the progress of the County’s Web Site and presented a bill for partial payment on this project. The Board approved of paying Cook’s bill.

At 11:00 A.M. the contractors and architect met with the Board to discuss the progress of the elevator addition. Those in attendance were, David Haught, Bruce Hanson, and Jerry Jewell from Ainsworth-Benning Construction, Jim Nelson from Hulsing & Associates Architects and Duyan Poss from CA Contracting.

Clerk of Court/Recorder Patty Thompson met with the Board to inform them that she has hired Angelina Gonzalez for the part time job in the Recorder’s Office.

Tax & Zoning Director Henry Gerving met with the Board to discuss his April schedule with his equalization meetings, increases in values for property in 2013, the Veteran’s van and the volunteers who drive it for the County and gravel and scoria permits presented at the Zoning Meeting on April 1st. Since there wasn’t a quorum for the Zoning Meeting on April 1st, Gerving held a special telephonic meeting for approval of the gravel and scoria pits. Commissioner Quale made a motion to approve the recommendation of the County Zoning Board for approval of a Conditional use permit for Knife River Corp. for a new gravel permit in the N1/2SW1/4 of Section 29-141-103 and Conditional use permits for Ken Stedman for a new scoria pit in the NW1/4NW1/4 of Section 16-141-105 and the NE1/4SW1/4 of Section 8-141-105 and for a new gravel pit in the S1/2 of Section 17-141-105 and Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld and Jeremy Wood from Northern Plains Engineering met with the Board to discuss various road projects and road department issues. Commissioner Steffen made a motion to trade the 3 older motor graders for 3 new ones and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Thompson declared the meeting adjourned at 4:30 P.M.

ATTEST: ______Cecilia Stedman, Auditor John Thompson, Chairman, County Commissioners



Chairman John Thompson called the meeting to order. Commissioners Dave Quale and Harley Steffen were present along with States Attorney Charles J. Peterson.

Jon Cameron, Field Representative for Western North Dakota for Senator John Hoeven, met with the Board to introduce himself and discuss concerns the Board has for our County and western North Dakota.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to approve the April minutes and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

States Attorney Peterson gave the Board an update on cases they are handling for the County.

The Board discussed the 2013 PILT (Payment in Lieu of Taxes) that came in at $1,984,240.91. Commissioner Steffen made a motion to disburse these funds using the same percentages as in the past and give Beach School District 7.5% or $148,818.07, Lone Tree School District 3% or $59,527.23, Sentinel Township 3% or $59,527.23, each of the 6 unorganized townships with Federal Lands $500.00 and the balance of $1,713,368.38 into the Road Reserve Fund and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Auditor informed the Board that Crystal Nesvig is resigning effective May 17th. The Board approved of Angelina Gonzalez taking Crystal’s part-time position in the Auditor’s office, which will make it a full time job for Angelina between the Recorder and Auditor’s offices.

The Auditor informed the Board that she will be attending the NDACo Legislative Wrap-Up in Bismarck on Monday, May 13th.

Darin Maus, Eileen Goodijohn and Alan Muckle from the GV County Ambulance Crew and Dan Buchholz from the Beach Fire Dept. met with the Board to discuss the extra 5 mills that are levied for the Ambulance to help for the extrication unit and expenses. The group also discussed grant applications to try and get another full or part time paramedic for the crew. Commissioner Steffen made a motion to amend the General Budget and give the Beach Fire Department $60,000.00 towards the payoff of the extrication unit, to possibly free up some of the Ambulance levy for the Ambulance Service in 2014, and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously

Sheriff Scot Steele met with the Board to introduce our new deputy Dion Steinley who will be replacing Mike Willems in the Sheriff’s Department.

Veteran’s Service Office Henry Gerving met with the Board to introduce Todd Remmington and Doug Dunford who were in Beach with the Vet Center Van. Gerving also informed the Board that Josh Barthel has volunteered to drive the Veteran’s Van.

Tax and Zoning Director Henry Gerving met with the Board to inform the Board of the Zoning Board’s recommendations from the April 22nd and 29th meetings. Commissioner Quale made a motion to approve of the Zoning Board’s recommendation to change the name of Ted Tescher’s Whiskey Springs Subdivision to 4 Boots Investment, LLC, and to approve a setback variance for Ed Hammond for two shelterbelts, one located in the NW1/4 of Section 18-137-106 and one in the SE1/4 of Section 12-137-106 and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Steffen made a motion to appoint Dean Wyckoff (per his acceptance) to the Zoning Board, to fill a vacancy on the Zoning Board, and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

At 11:00 the Board met with Jan Prchal and Jim Nelson from Hulsing & Associates Architects, David Haught and Jerry Jewell from Ainsworth-Benning Construction Inc., Tom Wanner from CA Contracting and Derek Herbel from Berger Electric to discuss the progress on the courthouse addition. Prchal, Nelson, States Attorney Peterson and the Board discussed claims submitted from Oswood Construction.

Social Service Director Maurice Hardy met with the Board to discuss the sewer line repairs that are being done at the Social Service Building and various problems they are running into with the project.

Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld and Zoning Director Henry Gerving met with the Board to discuss county approach permits. The Board stated that if it is a new approach or one that won’t meet the requirements for its current use, a permit would be required for the approach.

Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld, Tim Kelly and Mark Milstone from KLJ and Jeremy Wood and Dennis Beamis from Northern Plains Engineering met with the Board to discuss road projects and various road department issues. Chairman Thompson signed a Road Release Statement for a county road Hlebechuk Construction Inc. used in hauling from a pit, and a Construction and Maintenance Agreement and Utility and Right of Way Certification for Road Project SC-FHC- 1700(001). The Board also approved of the Road Foreman advertising for bids on a new truck.

Chairman Thompson declared the meeting adjourned at 4:00 P.M.

ATTEST: ______Cecilia Stedman, Auditor John Thompson, Chairman, County Commissioners



Chairman John Thompson called the meeting to order. Commissioners Dave Quale and Harley Steffen were present along with States Attorney Charles J. Peterson.

Commissioner Steffen made a motion to approve the May minutes and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to reappoint Kim Nunberg as the County’s representative to the SW REAP Board and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Deb Walworth joined the meeting at this time.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to reappoint Tamra Sperry to the County School Reorganization Committee for another 3 year term and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to approve Change Order M-5 for the courthouse addition and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously

Commissioner Thompson made a motion to approve a Gaming Site Authorization for Home on the Range and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

States Attorney Peterson discussed Oswood Construction Company’s claim against the County regarding the courthouse addition. Commissioner Steffen made a motion to pay Oswood Construction Company a settlement amount of $222,036.38, for Oswood Construction Company’s claim as the prior contractor on the courthouse addition, out of the Capital Outlay Reserve Fund, per States Attorney Peterson’s recommendation, and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Board approved of the Chairman signing a letter to Senators Heitkamp and Hoeven regarding the 2013 PILT Payment’s 5.l% sequestration, to be sent along with other County’s letters that were affected by the sequestration.

The Board approved of the Auditor attending training in Bismarck on June 13th for Oil & Gas Production distribution due to HB1358.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to approve of the Health Maintenance Program request of $4750.00 for 2014 and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Board received a letter from ND Recorders Information Network (NDRIN) informing them that the County will be refunded $1423.01 for documents that were recorded during 2012.

The Board discussed an annual engineering agreement they received from KLJ. The Board decided not to sign this agreement since, they select our engineers per project and sign an agreement with the engineering firm at the time of the projects.

Web Designer Jack Cook met with the Board to show them the status of the County’s Web Site. Kayla Begger and Rachel Keohane also met with the Board and Jack to give them some feedback on what has been done on the site and give them some ideas for the web site.

DES Director Brenda Frieze met with the Board to discuss the County’s current Burn Ban. Brenda stated that details on our Burn Ban can be found in the ND Rural Fire Danger Guide that was sent to County residents. Brenda also informed the Board that she will be attending the 911 Quarterly meeting in Bismarck June 5th and 6th, the table top exercise in Dickinson on June 18th and the Homeland ‘10 and ’11 Grants for radios. Commissioner Quale made a motion to amend the Homeland ’10 Budget by $20,000.00 and the Homeland ’11 Budget by $12,000.00 for the radios and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Jim Nelson from Hulsing & Associates Architects, David Haught and Bill Davis from Ainsworth-Benning Construction Inc. and Derick Herbel from Berger Electric met with the Board to discuss the status of the elevator addition and any concerns anyone might have regarding the addition.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to give the county employees July 5th off for a longer 4th of July weekend and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Recorder/Clerk of Court Patty Thompson met with the Board to inform the Board that Rachel Keohane will be coming off probation the end of June. Commissioner Quale made a motion to increase Rachel’s hourly pay to $13.25, effective with July payroll, and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Patty also discussed the Magistrate salary in her office. The Board agreed to pay Patty this salary retroactive to 1-1-13.

1:00 P.M. was the advertised time for the annual County Equalization Meeting. Tax Director Henry Gerving reviewed changes with the Board since the 2012 taxes. There will be a 10% increase for agricultural property and a 10% increase for residential and commercial structures for 2013 in order to be in tolerance with the State values. The Board met as the Unorganized Township Board. Commissioner Steffen made a motion that a finding be made that all classifications of property have been reviewed and find them proper as assessed and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Thompson made a motion that a finding be made that there were no Exemption Applications and Homestead Credit Applications to be reviewed and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Quale made a motion that a finding be made that the overall Assessment Roll for the Unorganized Townships for 2013 has been reviewed and found properly assessed and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Steffen made a motion that based on the preceding findings, the Board declare the Assessment Roll for 2013 for the Unorganized Townships equalized and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Board adjourned as the Unorganized Township Board at 1:20 P.M.

The Board met as the County Equalization Board. Various changes to the townships and cities were reviewed by the Board. Commissioner Thompson made a motion that a finding be made that all classifications of property have been reviewed and found properly assessed with a 10% increase for agricultural property and 10% increase for residential and commercial structures for 2013 and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Quale made a motion that a finding be made that the Board reviewed all Exemption Applications, including Veteran’s Exemptions and Homestead Credit Applications and found them properly assessed and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Quale made a motion that a finding be made that the overall Assessment Roll for Golden Valley County of 2013 has been reviewed and found properly assessed and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Steffen made a motion that based on the preceding findings, the Board declare the Assessment Roll for 2013 for Golden Valley County equalized and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Board adjourned as the County Equalization Board at 2:00 P.M.

Tax Director Henry Gerving discussed a letter the County received from Rod Landblom from Roosevelt-Custer Regional Council for Development regarding waste management regulations. The Auditor will check with Landblom to see what the cost would be to incorporate these regulations into the County Zoning regulations. Gerving also informed the Board that he is now a certified Tax Director and asked them to consider the raise they had talked about once he became certified. Commissioner Quale made a motion to raise Gerving’s Tax Director salary to $2900.00 per month and the Zoning Director salary to $200.00 per month, beginning with the June payroll, and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 3:00 P.M. was the advertised time for opening truck bids. Bids were received from RDO Mack in Fargo, Wallwork Truck Center in Bismarck, Allstate Peterbilt of Bismarck and Westlie Truck Center of Dickinson. Commissioner Quale made a motion to table the truck bids until Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld has time to look them over and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion . Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Thompson declared the meeting adjourned at 3:30 P.M.


______Cecilia Stedman, Auditor John Thompson, Chairman, County Commissioners



Chairman John Thompson called the meeting to order. Commissioner Dave Quale was present for this meeting.

The purpose of this special meeting was to make a decision on the truck bids that were opened at the June 4, 2013 meeting. Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld was present for this meeting. Commissioner Quale made a motion to bring the truck bids back to the table and Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion was held regarding the various bids and options for a new truck. Commissioner Quale made a motion to accept the Option 3 Bid from Wallwork Truck Center of Bismarck for a 2014 Kenworth T800 truck, with the trade in of the 2005 Mack truck, for a difference of $92,628.40 and Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to have 15 concrete parking spaces put in on the south side of the Courthouse, as part of the project, and Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Thompson declared the meeting adjourned at 10:30 A.M.

ATTEST: ______Cecilia Stedman, Auditor John Thompson, Chairman, County Commissioners STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ) )SS COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY)


Chairman John Thompson called the meeting to order. Commissioners Harley Steffen and Dave Quale were present along with States Attorney Charles Peterson.

Commissioner Steffen made a motion to approve the June minutes and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Steffen made a motion to adopt the following resolution and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


WHEREAS, the bid in the amount of $1,664,771.20 from Baranko Brothers Inc. received in the bid opening of June 21, 2013 for Project SC-FHC-1700(001) was the low bid received. WHEREAS, this bid is considered reasonable. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of GOLDEN VALLEY County will award to Baranko Brothers Inc. the contract for Project SC-FHC- 1700(001) and hereby authorizes the Chairman of the board to sign said contract. It is further understood that the County shall reimburse the North Dakota Department of Transportation for any payments made under this contract, which are not collectible from the Federal Highway Administration.


______County Auditor Chairman, Board of County Commissioners


This is to certify that the above resolution was adopted and passed at a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners at Golden Valley County on July 2, 2013.

______County Auditor The following Treasurer’s report was presented to the Board for review:


Ledger Balance for period 1-1-13 through 6-30-13

BALANCE 1-1-2013 $7,692,165.27 JAN. COLL. $3,230,789.22 JAN. PAYMENTS $3,394,390.30 FEB. COLL. $1,366,601.55 FEB. PAYMENTS $1,098,295.94 MARCH COLL. $1,026,021.20 MARCH PAYMENTS $1,548,354.18 APRIL COLL. $2,407,478.29 APRIL PAYMENTS $ 523,657.89 MAY COLL. $1,989,253.77 MAY PAYMENTS $2,520,043.51 JUNE COLL. $ 311,861.67 JUNE PAYMENTS $ 576,544.74 BALANCE 6-30-2013 $8,362,884.41 TOTAL $18,024,170.97 $18,024,170.97

BALANCE 6-30-2013 $8,362,884.41 BANK DEPOSITS $2,504,151.21 WEST. COOP. CU SAVE $ 225,111.33 LIBR. CD & SAV. $ 57,620.68 CERT. OF DEPOSITS $5,568,102.93 CASH ITEMS $ 80.00 CHECKS & DRAFTS $ 2,060.26 CASH ON HAND $ 5,758.00 TOTAL $8,362,844.41 $8,362,884.41

______Golden Valley County Treasurer

Deb Walworth from Prairie West Development met with the Board to show them the Vision West plans for a Community Wellness and Health Center that is proposed for Golden Valley County.

Clerk of Court/Recorder Patty Thompson met with the Board to inform them that she has been approached about someone scanning and digitizing the records prior to 1999 in the Recorder’s Office. The Board requested more information on this before making a decision about having this done.

Tax & Zoning Director Henry Gerving met with the Board to discuss the county reappraisal that will begin next week. Gerving also informed the Board that the appraisal valuation he arrived at for a road easement in the S1/2N1/2 of Section 2-138-104 was $400.00 per acre. The Board approved this appraisal. Gerving also informed the Board of a hearing that will be held to add more detailed waste management regulations to the County Zoning Code and that Dean Wyckoff declined a position on the County Zoning Board. James Wosepka met with the Board to review the County’s 2012 audit. Commissioner Steffen made a motion to approve the 2012 Audit and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to amend the County HT budget, to add in a line item for inventory decrease, for $475,000.00 and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

DES Director & 911 Coordinator Brenda Frieze met with the Board to discuss the County’s FCC license. Commissioner Quale made a motion to pay for the coordination and license preparation fees to update this license, in the amount of $1630.00, out of the General Contingency Fund and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried. Brenda also discussed the eDispatches System with the Board and they approved of her paying for this service out of the 911 budget.

Sheriff’s Administrative Assistant Kayla Begger met with the Board to discuss the following Sheriff Dept. issues as the Sheriff was out of town for a meeting: the asphalt is in need of repair at the impound lot, the new patrol vehicle has been ordered, the County/City Law Enforcement Contract and budget and the Lexipol policy manual geared toward law enforcement that is being adopted statewide in which the initial cost will be reimbursed by the Attorney General’s Office. Commissioner Quale made a motion to pay for the Lexipol expenses out of the General Contingency Fund and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

At 11:00 A.M. the Board met with Jan Prchal from Hulsing & Associates Architects, David Haught and Bill Davis from Ainsworth-Benning Construction Inc., and Derick Herbel from Berger Electric to discuss the progress to date on the courthouse addition. The Board approved of adding a parking lot on the south side of the courthouse.

Carissa Suter from Blue Cross Blue Shield met with the Board to discuss changes in health care insurance the County will be facing in the next few years.

Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld, Jeremy Wood and Dean Rau from Northern Plains Engineering, Dick Vande Bossche, Director of Area Operations and Danette Welsh, Manager of Government Relations from Oneok, Inc., Don Clark from Belle Fouche Pipeline and Leland Mann from Bridger Pipeline all met with the Board to discuss the Bell Lake Road Project and options for helping with the utility relocates on this project.

Tim Kelly from KLJ met with the Road Foreman and Board regarding road projects.

Chairman Thompson declared the meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M.

ATTEST: Cecilia Stedman, Auditor John Thompson, Chairman, County Commissioners STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ) )SS COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY)


Chairman John Thompson called the meeting to order. Commissioners Dave Quale and Harley Steffen were present along with States Attorney Charles J. Peterson.

Commissioner Steffen made a motion to approve the July minutes and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

States Attorney Peterson discussed HB1041 regarding Public Administrator Funding with the Board. The Board decided not to take any action on this issue at this time.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to appoint Mary Ann Schillo, retroactive to July 1, 2013, to the County Social Service Board and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Auditor informed the Board that our annual BLM payment came in at $28080.00. Commissioner Quale made a motion to transfer #30,000.00 from the BLM Fund into the Special County Road Fund as per the 2013 budgets, and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Chairman and States Attorney signed a Construction and Maintenance Agreement between the NDDOT and the County for signing, pavement markings and rumble strips.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to hire James J. Wosepka, PC to do Golden Valley County’s 2013 audit and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Auditor Ceil Stedman informed the Board that she will be resigning her position as County Auditor at the end of 2013. The Board decided to advertise for her replacement.

Tax and Zoning Director Henry Gerving met with the Board to update them on the progress of the reassessment of the County and stated again that this isn’t being done to raise taxes but to make property values fair for all residents. Gerving also informed the Board that the Zoning Board recommended that the Commissioners adopt the amendments of Section 4.6.2 of the County Zoning Ordinance and approve the updated zoning map for the City of Golva. Commissioner Thompson made a motion to approve of the Zoning Board’s recommendation to adopt the amendments of Section 4.6.2 of the County Zoning Ordinance and approve the updated zoning map for the City of Golva and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Gerving also discussed a software editing tool for metes and bounds. Commissioner Steffen made a motion to allow Gerving to add this “editing tool” to the GIS Workshop Contract and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Board selected Chairman John Thompson to be the County’s Delegate and the NDACo’s annual convention in October in Bismarck.

Chairman Thompson signed Change Order G-1 for adding a parking lot on the south side of the Courthouse.

At 11:00 A.M. the Board met with Jim Nelson from Hulsing and Associates Architects and David Haught from Ainsworth-Benning Construction Inc. to discuss the progress to date on the elevator addition to the courthouse. They are hoping to have the project completed by the end of August.

11:30 A.M. was the advertised time for the annual SW District Health Unit public hearing on their proposed 2014 budget. Sherry Adams, Executive Officer for the SW District Health Unit, Beth Honeyman and Seth Olin, Interns at the SW District Health Unit and Gene Hamilton, our County Representative on their Board, were present for this hearing. Sherry discussed the proposed budget and issues she foresees for the future for the Unit. There was also discussion regarding housing the County Health Nurse in the Courthouse.

Jack Cook met with the Board to inform them that the County web site is now completed and just needs department heads to review their information for corrections. The Board also hired Angeline Gonzalez to handle updates on the web site. Angelina will be paid $100.00 per month for this service at this time.

Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld and Tim Kelly from KLJ met with the Board to discuss various road projects and road department issues.

Chairman John Thompson declared the meeting adjourned at 4:30 P.M.


______Cecilia Stedman, Auditor John Thompson, Chairman, County Commissioners



Chairman John Thompson called the meeting to order. Commissioners Dave Quale and Harley Steffen were present along with States Attorney Charles J. Peterson.

Commissioner Steffen made a motion to approve the August minutes and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Auditor informed the Board that the Co. HT Fund will be going in the red when we pay some bills out of that fund today and they agreed the other road funds could cover this fund until more Co. HT funds were collected.

The Board set Wednesday, September 11, 2013 at 9:00 for a special meeting to meet on the proposed 2014 budgets.

The Board approved of the Chairman signing the 2014 budget for the SW District Health Unit, that had been approved at the joint County Commissioner budget hearing the end of August.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to amend the Document Preservation Budget to $15,000.00, due to extra revenue received and spent that hadn’t been budgeted for, and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

DES Director Brenda Frieze met with the Board to discuss some of the items she has budgeted for on her 2014 DES budget.

Tax & Zoning Director Henry Gerving met with the Board to discuss the recommendations the Zoning Board sent to the Commissioners for their approval. Commissioner Quale made a motion to approve the recommendation from the Zoning Board to approve of a variance for Mel Bosserman for grain bins in the NW1/4 of Section 11-137-105 and to refer the Kenneth & Rita Dedeker request for rezoning the NE1/4 of Section 14-140-106 from agricultural to industrial to the City of Beach, and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Gerving also discussed a price for outside vendors who want to purchase GIS Workshop parcel data. The Board gave Gerving the go ahead to set the price the County will charge for parcel data requests. Three Homestead Credit Abatements were presented to the Board for approval. Commissioner Quale made a motion to approve of one Homestead Credit Abatement from the tax year 2012 and two Homestead Credit Abatements for the tax year 2013 and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld met with the Board to discuss various road department issues. Commissioner Quale made a motion to sell the County’s old Schulte XH1500 mower to Sentinel Township and Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman Thompson signed the County’s Federal Aid Program sheet.

Destry Northrop met with the Board and Road Foreman to discuss surfacing on the unorganized townships roads by the ranch.

Tim Kelly from KLJ met with the Board and Road Foreman to discuss road projects.

Weed Control Officer Jared Burian met with the Board and Pete Wirtzfeld to discuss a shop for the weed board equipment.

Chairman Thompson declared the meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M.


______Cecilia Stedman, Auditor John Thompson, Chairman, County Commissioners




Chairman John Thompson called the meeting to order. Commissioners Dave Quale and Harley Steffen were present along with Richard Volesky from the Golden Valley News office.

The purpose of this special meeting was to interview applicants for the County Auditor’s position. Four applicants were interviewed for this position. After some discussion, Commissioner Steffen made a motion to table the decision on the County Auditor position until their special meeting on Wednesday, September 11, 2013 and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Thompson declared the meeting adjourned at 11:00 A.M.


______Cecilia Stedman, Auditor John Thompson, Chairman, County Commissioners STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ) )SS COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY )


Chairman John Thompson called the meeting to order. Commissioners Dave Quale and Harley Steffen were present along with Richard Volesky from the Golden Valley News office.

The purpose of this special meeting was to make a decision on the Auditor position and review the proposed 2014 budgets.

Commissioner Steffen made a motion to remove the Auditor position decision from the table and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. After more discussion, Commissioner Steffen made a motion to offer the Auditor position to the Board’s first choice and if she declines the offer, then offer the position to the Board’s second choice and Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Bill Stegmiller from Ainsworth-Benning Construction met briefly with the Board to discuss the walk through for the new addition with the General Contractor tomorrow morning.

Patty Thompson, Patsy Maus, Scot Steele and Henry Gerving met with the Board to discuss offering the employees full family medical insurance. Various options were discussed and the Board will check into other options before making a final decision on this issue.

Dan Buchholz, Henry Gerving and Scot Steele met with the Board to discuss the County Ambulance’s mill levy. Buchholz informed the Board that the agreement between the Ambulance Board and Fire Department is that 7 1/2 mills would go for the ambulance service expenses and the other 2 1/2 mills would be used for the extrication expenses.

Clerk and Recorder Patty Thompson met with the Board to discuss various items on her proposed 2014 budget and new furniture for her office. Discussion was held regarding the proposed 2014 budgets.

Chairman Thompson declared the meeting adjourned at 12:15 P.M.


______Cecilia Stedman, Auditor John Thompson, Chairman, County Commissioners



Chairman John Thompson called the meeting to order. Commissioners Harley Steffen and Dave Quale were present along with States Attorney Charles J. Peterson and Attorney Elizabeth Ebert. County Auditor Designee, Tamra Sperry was present for this meeting.

Commissioner Steffen made a motion to approve the September minutes and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to amend the Homeland ’11 Budget from $12,000.00 to $14,000.00, to cover the cost of the radios for the Homeland ’11 Grant, and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

States Attorney Charles J. Peterson introduced Attorney Elizabeth Ebert and requested the Board appoint her as the County’s Assistant States Attorney, to replace Attorney Thomas Gehrz. Elizabeth informed the Board about her schooling and background. Commissioner Steffen made a motion to appoint Elizabeth Ebert as the County’s Assistant States Attorney and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

States Attorney Peterson updated the Board regarding cases he is handling for the County and discussed the Public Administrator Funding pool that is being set up between the Counties and the ND Association of Counties. Commissioner Steffen made a motion to join the Public Administrator Funding pool with NDACo, for 1/10th of a mill for 2 years, and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to appoint John Kouba as the County’s representative to the State Fair Association’s Annual Meeting and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Two 2013 Homestead Credit Abatements were presented for the Board’s approval. Commissioner Quale made a motion to approve the two 2013 Homestead Credit abatements and Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Steffen made a motion to amend the County Relief Budget by $50,000, for unexpected expenses on the Social Service Building, and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Quale made a motion to transfer $50,000.00 from the County Relief fund into the Social Services fund and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to approve the recommendation from the County Zoning Board to rezone Tract B of Block 9 of the Original Town site of Sentinel Butte from City owned exempt to R-1 Single Family Residential and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Auditor presented the list of properties that may go back to the County for non-payment of taxes. The Board reviewed the property and Commissioner Steffen made a motion to set the value on these properties at their Full & True Value and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Board set October 23, 2013 at 9:00 A.M. for the hearing on the values that were set on these properties.

10:00 A.M. was the advertised time for the annual budget hearing. Sheriff Steele met with the Board to ask them to add the Task Force fee back into his 2014 budget and discussed the grant he applied for and the county auction that is being planned for this fall. Clerk of Court/Recorder Patty Thompson met with the Board to discuss the Magistrate and Clerk’s salaries. Commissioner Quale made a motion to approve the 2014 budgets, as amended by the Board, and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Discussion was held regarding Tamra Sperry’s wages. Commissioner Quale made a motion to amend the Auditor’s Budget by $13,500.00 to cover Sperry’s wages for the rest of 2013 and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Auditor also informed the Board that she will be attending a mill levy training in Bismarck on October 6th before the annual NDACo convention and Tamra will be attending election training in Bismarck on October 9th.

A.J. Wallevand, Certified Landscape Architect from Ulteig Engineering, Surveying & Consulting Services, met with the Board and Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld to discuss how the County selects their engineers for various County projects.

Linda Stoveland and Sheila Stedman from the Soil Conservation District and County Agent Ashley Ueckert met with the Board to discuss repairing the roof on the Soil Conservation District’s building which houses the County Agent’s office. The County and Soil Conservation District have a contract regarding the maintenance and upkeep of this building. Commissioner Steffen made a motion to have the County pay $15,000.00 for the new roof, out of Capital Outlay Reserve, and Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Jeremy Wood from Northern Plains Engineering and Tim Kelly from KLJ met with the Board and Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld to discuss various road projects. Wirtzfeld also informed the Board that he will be attending the annual road conference in Rapid City in October. The County has $77,562.72 in their Infrastructure Fund to disburse to townships impacted by oil activity. George D. Hildebrant, Andrew Smith and Gordie Ueckert from Beach Civil Twp., Ron Davidson from Delhi Twp., Brad Ross from Elk Creek Twp., Leroy Johnson from Garner Twp., Tamra Sperry from Henry Twp., Ray Tescher from Pearl Twp. and Charlie Schaal from Saddle Butte Twp. all met with the Board to discuss the various issues they are facing in their townships due to the increased oil activity in the County. Lone Tree Twp. also sent a letter requesting funds to help cover their township’s impact from oil activity. The Board discussed the various concerns and impacts and Commissioner Steffen made a motion to disburse the Infrastructure funds in the following manner: Beach Civil $9695.34, Delhi $14,543.00, Garner $4847.67, Saddle Butte $14543.00, Elk Creek $7271.52, Pearl $9695.33, Henry $9695.34 and Lone Tree $7271.52 and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Thompson declared the meeting adjourned at 4:30 P.M.


______Cecilia Stedman, Auditor John Thompson, Chairman, Co. Commissioners



Vice-Chairman Harley Steffen called the meeting to order. Commissioner Dave Quale was present for this meeting. Chairman John Thompson was absent.

The purpose of this special meeting was to hold the hearing on the values that were set on the property turned back for taxes. Commissioner Quale made a motion to leave the values set at the October 1st meeting and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Auditor Designee presented the board with a Community Grant for the Golden Valley County Fair Board to sign off as the Project Sponsor. The grant is to improve the outdoor equestrian facility. Commissioner Steffen made a motion to approve being a sponsor and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Quale brought up concerns about the boiler for the County shop. Commissioner Quale made the motion to accept the boiler project on Robin’s estimate and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Vice-Chairman Steffen declared the meeting adjourned at 9:15 A.M.


______Tamra Sperry, Auditor Designee Harley Steffen, Vice-Chairman, Co. Commissioners




Chairman John Thompson called the meeting to order. Commissioners Harley Steffen and Dave Quale were present along with States Attorney Charles J. Peterson.

Commissioner Steffen made a motion to approve the October minutes and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

After reviewing the monthly bills, the board decided to wait with the payment to Hulsing until some unanswered questions were resolved. All other bills were approved for payment. Commissioner Quale made a motion to approve the decision of allowing the winning bidder at the land auction to be held on November 19 to have the option for contract for deed with the county. The contract will be offered at 25% down and 5 equal annual payments at 8% interest rate. Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to approve the Chairman signing a Legal Representation/Waiver of Conflicts of Interest per a request from the ND Association of Oil and Gas Producing Counties. Commissioner Steffen seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Discussion was held regarding Angelina Gonzalez’s raise. Commissioner Quale made a motion to increase Angelina’s pay to $13.25 retroactive to the October payroll. Commissioner Steffen seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to pay Judy Ridenhower $200 for her time reorganizing out the County Superintendent’s office, out of the General Contingency Fund. Commissioner Steffen seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Sheriff Steele, Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld, and DES Director Brenda Frieze met with the board about possible road closures when needed. Discussion was held to come up with a voluntary road closure plan. Commissioner Steffen made a motion to approve that Pete will make the judgment call then run it through the Chairman and Brenda Frieze will make it public knowledge. Commissioner Quale seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Brenda Frieze brought attention to the board that City Watch was bought out by Code Red. Payments are now due in November versus February. Brenda mentioned since we paid through February 2014, they would accept the $3390.41 after the first of the year to keep the budget for 2013 and 2014 as budgeted.

Sheriff Steele informed the board that his law enforcement grant was approved except for the renovation part. Discussion was held to possibly use the old restrooms downstairs for office use. The board requested to have Sheriff Steele gather estimates for his proposed renovations.

Clerk Of Court/County Recorder Patty Thompson informed that her Deputy, Rachel Keohane is on maternity leave. Commissioner Quale made a motion to approve Rachel continue to receive her benefits while out on maternity leave. Commissioner Steffen seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Tax & Zoning Director Henry Gerving met with the Board to discuss the recommendations the Zoning Board presented to the Commissioners for their approval. Commissioner Quale made a motion to approve the recommendation from the Zoning Board to approve Weinreis Brothers request to renew a conditional use permit for the SE1/4 of Section 18-140-105 for a Crew Housing Camp establishment, Noll Construction’s request for a conditional use permit for Section 2-140-105 to establish a scoria pit, Velocitel Inc. for AT&T’s Mobility request for two building permits, two conditional use permits, and two road approach permits in the SE1/4 of Section 4-140-103 and on the SE1/4 of Section 12-137-106, and Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The board also agreed to accept the donation from the ND Vet Service of a new van which may be used for Vet Services or any County related business and the County will have to pay any expenses incurred. Gerving also presented the board with the tentative Vet Service bus schedule for the Fargo trips.

Weed Board Officer, Jared Burian presented the board with a possible location for a new weed board shop. The board suggested Burian gather bids for the building project and get back to them. Burian also presented the board with the 2013 Weed Board Summer re-cap overview.

Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld met with the Board to discuss various road department issues. Chairman Thompson signed the road release statement for pit GV-1008 haul road and updated County’s Federal Aid Program sheet. Tim Kelly from KLJ met with the Board and Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld to discuss various road projects.

Chairman Thompson declared the meeting adjourned at 4:00 P.M.

______Tamra Sperry, Auditor Designee John Thompson, Chairman, Co. Commissioners




Chairman John Thompson called the meeting to order. Commissioners Harley Steffen and Dave Quale were present.

Commissioner Steffen made a motion to approve the November minutes and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

After reviewing the monthly bills, the board decided to wait with the payment to Hulsing until they meet with Hulsing to discuss some unfinished work. All other bills were approved for payment.

Commissioner Steffen made a motion to amend the 2013 Capital Outlay Reserve Fund by $250,000 for courthouse expenditures and Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Board set Monday, December 30th at 9:00 A.M. as the date and time for the final Commissioner meeting to approve final 2013 bills.

Auditor Designee Tamra informed the board she will be out of town for the January 2014 meeting. The board decided to move the meeting to January 16, 2014.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to adopt Resolution 2013-14, retro-active to Chairman Thompson signing the document on November 21, 2013, adopting North Dakota Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan as approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution 2013-14: North Dakota Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan

Whereas, the County Commission for Golden Valley County, North Dakota recognizes the threat that natural hazards pose to people and property within the county; and Whereas, Golden Valley County participated in the preparation of the multi-hazard mitigation plan herby known as the 2013 Dunn, Billings, Golden Valley, and Stark Counties Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan in accordance with the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000; and

Whereas, the 2013 Dunn, Billings, Golden Valley and Stark Counties Multi-Hazard Mitigation plan identifies mitigation goals and action to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property within the county from the impacts of future hazards and disaster; and

Whereas, the commission is adopting the final plan that is approved by FEMA; and

Whereas adoption by the Golden Valley County Commission demonstrates its commitment to the hazard mitigation and achieving the goals outlined in the Dunn, Billings, Golden Valley, and Stark Counties Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan as approved by FEMA; and


Golden Valley County adopts the Dunn, Billings, Golden Valley, and Stark County Multi- Hazard Mitigation Plan as approved by FEMA.

This 21st day of November, 2013 By ______John Thompson, Commission Chairman

Attest:______Golden Valley County Auditor

Commissioner Thompson made a motion to continue to have only 1 precinct in Golden Valley County for the 2014 elections and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. This precinct will be at the Beach Community Center.

The board approved to give the Golden Valley County Employees all of Christmas Eve off.

DES Director Brenda Frieze presented the board a rough draft of the Media and Public Notice that will go out to the public on the wet weather road closures. After reviewing the notice, the board made suggestions to Brenda on changes and suggested that Brenda speak with State’s Attorney Chuck Peterson for his input on the issue.

Al Muckle and DES Director Brenda Frieze requested from the board to switch to a state paging system. The cost would be $1000. Commissioner Steffen made a motion to approve the upgrade of the paging system and to pay the $1000 out of Contingency and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Social Services Director Maurice Hardy met with the board regarding Social Services 2013 budget. Hardy informed the board that he will go over the budget with the outstanding expenditures. Commissioner Steffen made a motion to amend Social Service’s 2013 budget for $70,500 and Commissioner Quale seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Tax & Zoning Director Henry Gerving met with the Board to discuss the recommendations the Zoning Board presented to the Commissioners for their approval. Commissioner Quale made a motion to approve the recommendations from the Zoning Board of rezoning Lots 1-2, Block 2, Original Town site of Sentinel Butte from Government Exempt to Commercial and also approve the variances to accept the location of Burton and Cheryl Cook’s garage on parcel #05593000 with a legal description of Lots 5-6 Block 1, Robinson’s 1st ADD., and also to appoint Maria Marman to fill the open position on the Zoning Board and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Gerving discussed the Vanguard updates and 2013 taxes. Gerving also informed the board that Korean Reborn books are available free of charge to any Korean War Vets. Gerving also presented the board with the number of building permits in comparison to previous years as to current.

Weed Board Officer, Jared Burian informed the board that the Golden Valley County Fair Association is willing to sell the 7 lots for the location of the new weed board shop. Burian also updated the board on progress of obtaining cost estimates for the project. Commissioner Quale made a motion to approve of the weed board buying 7 lots from Golden Valley Fair Association at $500 per lot and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Thompson signed a letter of support for the grant for the second phase of the bike and walk path brought forward by the City Auditor, Kim Nunberg.

County Auditor Designee Tamra Sperry presented the board with an agreement between the County and Prairie West Development Foundation. After reviewing the agreement the board feels it is not necessary to sign the agreement.

Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld met with the Board to discuss various road department issues. Jeremy Wood with Northern Plains Engineering met with the Board and Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld to discuss various road projects.

Chairman Thompson declared the meeting adjourned at 4:00 P.M.

______Tamra Sperry, Auditor Designee John Thompson, Chairman, Co. Commissioners

************************************************************************ STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ) )SS COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY)


Chairman John Thompson called the meeting to order. Commissioners Dave Quale and Harley Steffen were present.

The purpose for this special meeting was to approve the final bills for 2013 and review the 2013 budgets.

Tax Director, Henry Gerving met with the board to discuss the updates on the 2014 Golden Valley County Reappraisal Project. Henry informed the board it has been 10 years since the last reappraisal.

Ron Davidson met with the board and Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld to discuss repairs needed to a road in the Delhi Township. Davidson informed the board he will be sending in for a grant for the repairs and asked the board for help from the County on funds that may not be granted and Delhi Township will pay the upkeep of the repaired road. Quale made a motion to co-op with Delhi Township and pay for the expenses of the repairs that will not be covered by the grant and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Olie Golberg met with the Board to renew his beer and liquor licenses for Buffalo Gap Lodge. Commissioner Quale made a motion to renew the liquor and beer licenses for Buffalo Gap Lodge for 2014 and Commissioner Steffen seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The Board and Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld, discussed having other entities do road work on County Roads when Golden Valley County’s crew was not available. After discussion they decided the work needs to be approved prior to the work by Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld. They also discussed Right Of Ways.

Weed Board Chairman, Pete Wirtzfeld, requested to appoint Gerald Streitz to the Weed Board. Commissioner Quale made a motion to appoint Gerald Streitz to the Weed Board retro-active to the December 18, 2013 meeting and Commissioner Steffen seconded. Motion carried.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to amend the 2013 Unorganized Township budget by $110,000 due to house bill 1358 disbursements to the townships and Commissioner Steffen seconded. Motion carried.

Commissioner Steffen made a motion to amend the 2013 Special County Road budget by $62661.90 due to a new furnace for the shop and unexpected expenditures and Commissioner Thompson seconded. Motion carried.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to amend the 2013 General budget by $500,000 due to unexpected revenue and Commissioner Steffen seconded. Motion carried

Commissioner Quale made a motion to transfer $500,000 from the General Fund and transfer $250,000 to the Capital Outlay Reserve fund and $250,000 to the Road Reserve Fund, and Commissioner Thompson seconded. Motion carried. Commissioner Steffen made a motion to amend the 2013 County Poor Budget by $25,000 and Commissioner Quale seconded. Motion carried.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to transfer $50,000 from the County Poor fund to Social Welfare fund to cover remodeling expenses and Commissioner Steffen seconded. Motion carried.

Chairman Thompson declared the meeting adjourned at 11:15 A.M.

______Tamra Sperry, Auditor John Thompson, Chairman, County Commissioners

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