Rclc Board of Directors Meeting
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President Victoria Edwards called the meeting to order at 8:06 a.m.
Board Members present were: Victoria Edwards, President; Pam Tipton, President- Elect; Audrey Blevins-Winkle, Past President; Monica Bresofski, Secretary; Doris Lockey, Exec. Secretary; Charlie Parada, Co-Treasurer; Ashley Harrison-Pena, Co- Treasurer; Jeremy de los Santos, Sgt. At Arms; Shanon Salsbury, Membership; Deanne Voitle, Public Image; Jan Ricketts, Service
Board Member(s) absent were: Mike Berger, Administration; Rick Adams, New Generations; Guest(s) present were: None
The minutes of June 8, 2017 Board Meeting were emailed for approval. Jan Ricketts moved to accept, with a second by Charlie Parada. Motion carried.
Secretary's Report- Monica Bresofski Monica reviewed the Monthly Report and the Individual Report for the month of June. This month's attendance average is a little down from last month, 76.96%. Charlie moved to accept Kris Nordstrom McBride’s transfer effective 7/1/2017. Jan seconded the motion. Motion passed. Shanon moved to accept David Anderson’s resignation effective 7/1/2017. Monica seconded the motion. Motion passed. We had a handful of members with less than 50% attendance. The board discussed “make-ups” and whether make-ups could raise the percentage for several members. Shanon moved to terminate Jon Carswell effective 7/1/2017 for non- attendance. Charlie seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Treasurer's Report - Charlie Parada
Foundation Account: The ending Balance for the Foundation Account: $30,078.74
Operating Account: The ending Balance for the Operating Account: $8,233.50
Memory Park Account: The ending Balance for the Memory Park Account: $12,856.31
Spirit of Texas Bank CDs: Interest earned last year $638.54. Balance is: $ 62,883.33 Two CDs were renewed for 15 and 6 months.
Member Balances: Total of $ 1383.03 outstanding. No concerns were noted. Billing for this quarter will go out later this week.
RCLC Board Minutes, June 2017 | Prepared by dlockey | Page 1 Donations and commitments collected at the installation banquet totaled $493. Victoria is working to get the donations directed to each of the highlighted projects.
Charlie reviewed the budget analysis report. Both Operations and Foundation ended with positive numbers for the year. Budget will be finalized after Polio donations are wrapped up.
Shanon moved to accept the Treasurer's report, and Deanna seconded. Motion carried.
Directors' Reports Administration – Mike Berger
Mike was out of town. Victoria reported classification talks will be the next program.
Membership – Shanon Salsbury
New member Bethany Ruffians is ready for induction. Transfer member Janko Trenkoski is also ready for admission to the club. Shanon is recruiting additional members to serve on the Membership Committee. Christina Rathbun and Sandy Miller have agreed to serve. Committee will review and analyze the reports of members lost.
Service – Jan Ricketts
The transfer of Kris means a new chair will be needed for the Linda Ricketts Scholarship. Initial plans have been made the Henry’s Home project. Donna Steadman will provide a list of hands-on work needed. Jan is also searching for a new chair for the Non-Rotarian of the Year award. The committee suggested she consider Marcos Andazola. Doris said Michael McDougal purchased 3 tables for Burn Your Buns. He donated the tables to the club and they have been placed in the storage unit 1200. The SOS List will be updated and provided to the members. Doris will track our volunteer hours which is a requirement for the 2017-2018 Presidential Citation. She will also coordinate make-ups from member’s service with Monica. Lunches for Love was discussed as a possible backpack program. Jan will do some research and report back to the board.
RCLC Board Minutes, June 2017 | Prepared by dlockey | Page 2 Youth Services– Rick Adams
No report
Public Image – Deanna Voitle
Deanna is revamping the look of the club’s website and Facebook pages. April is helping with the weekly bulletin. Bethany has agreed to keep the weekly meeting notes. Deanna is planning a revised single brochure to highlight all of the club projects.
Foundation – Gary Milleson
Gary reviewed two certificates the club earned in 2015-2016 for support of The Rotary Foundation. The first was for high% per capita giving in the District. The second for highest giving for a medium sized club. Two PHFs will be presented at the installation of officers. Alfred and Dollie will also be honored with Level 2 Major Donor award.
Old Business
Victoria asks the board to continue to fill in the names for the Leadership Chart.
Goals for the year discussion was delayed until next month.
New Business
Victoria will send an email with a request from Alfred Anderson for support of Alex from Belarus.
Victoria reviewed preliminary plans for the 2017-2018 District Grant project. We will do Clothing for Kids at Old Navy on September 9, 2017. Plans are to support kids in Montgomery I.S.D. since most of the kids last year were from Willis ISD.
The District Governor Annual Visit is scheduled for August 24th. Shanon will check with his wife to see if his home would be available for the Wednesday night board meeting and social with the DG.
Rotary International has approved Global Grant 1753394 submitted by Rotary Club of Monterrey Metropolitano (D4130) and our club for $38,512. This grant will fund the purchase of the OCT Primus 200 and Technical Service Package. This vital piece of equipment is used in diagnosis and monitoring of multiple diseases of the retina and optic nerve. It will be used in the Destellos de Luz (Flashes of Light) clinic.
RCLC Board Minutes, June 2017 | Prepared by dlockey | Page 3 Other Business
Doris informed the board that Randall’s wife, Katey had agreed to assist him with the Rotary Youth Exchange student. Charlie moved to make Katey Wiley an Honorary member. Jan seconded the motion and the motion was approved.
Meeting adjourned at 9:09 a.m.
N ext Board Meeting
Next board meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 8 at 8:00 a.m. Meeting will be held at Jeremy de los Santos office.
RCLC Board Minutes, June 2017 | Prepared by dlockey | Page 4