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COURSE DESCRIPTION: Supervised full-day experience in assisting and teaching in a secondary school situation, culminating in the exercise of responsibility for the teaching role in P-12. Includes middle high school grade placements. The duration is sixteen weeks.
CREDIT HOURS: 12 Semester Hours
TELEPHONE: (334) 229-4485
OFFICE: Council Hall 201
Any student requiring alternative formats for testing and/or handouts for this course, or other types of accommodations, due to a handicapping condition, should advise the instructor within the first week of classes.
Prepared by: ______Alethea Fletcher Hampton Date
Approved by: ______Department Chair Date
______Dean Date
Revised 2007 (AFH) 2
The purpose of EDU 482 is to provide the prospective teacher a period of internship under the supervision of a fully qualified teacher. Internship gives the prospective teacher an opportunity to put theory into practice and to appraise his or her potential as a teacher.
The internship will be limited to P to 12 grade level. Experiences of the intern will progress to the full responsibilities of the teacher for at least 20 days. At least 10 days of this full range of responsibilities will be consecutive.
Manage the full cycle of responsibilities associated with the profession position of teaching of secondary school. a. Demonstrate the ability to use students’ prior knowledge and experiences to introduce new subject- area related content. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (1) (c )1. (iii). b. Demonstrate the ability to identify student assumptions and preconceptions about the content of a subject area and to adjust instruction in consideration of these prior understandings. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (1)(c )1.(iv). c. Demonstrate the ability to help students make connections across the curriculum in order to promote retention and transfer of knowledge to real-life settings. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (1)(c )1.(v). d. Demonstrate the ability to provide accommodations, modifications, and/or adaptations to the general curriculum to meet the needs of each individual learner. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (1)(c )2.(ii). e. Demonstrate the ability to select content and appropriately design and develop instructional activities to address the scope and sequence of the curriculum. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (1) (c )2.(iii). f. Demonstrate the ability to teaching explicit cognitive, meta-cognitive, and other learning strategies to support students in becoming more successful learners. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (2)(c )1.(v) g. Demonstrate the ability to use knowledge about human learning and development in the design of a learning environment and learning experiences that will optimize each student’s achievement. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (2)(c )1.(vi) h. Demonstrate the ability to recognize individual variations in learning and development that exceed the typical range and use this information to provide appropriate learning experiences. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (2)(c )1.(vii). i. Demonstrate the ability to plan and implement equitable and effective student access to available technology and other resources to enhance student learning. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (2)(c )2.(v) j. Demonstrate the ability to plan teaching and learning experiences that are congruent with the Alabama Courses of study and appropriate for diverse learners. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (2)(c )2.(vi). k. Demonstrate ability to collect and use data to plan, monitor, and improve instruction. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (2)(c )2.(vii). l. Demonstrate the ability to organize, allocate, and manage the resources of time, space, and activities to support the learning of every student. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (2) (c )2(viii). m. Demonstrate the ability to select and support the use in instructional and assistive technologies and integrated these into a coherent instructional design. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (2) (c )4.(v). n. Demonstrate the ability to make developmentally appropriate choices in selecting teaching strategies to assist diverse learners in meeting instructional objectives. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (2) (c )4.(vi). o. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate, select, and integrate a variety of strategies such as cooperative learning, discussion, discovery, problem-based learning, and direct instruction into a coherent lesson design. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (2)(C )4.(viii)
Revised 2007 (AFH) 3 p. Demonstrate the ability to adjust instruction in response to information gathered from ongoing monitoring of performance via formative assessment. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (2) (c )4.(viii). q. Demonstrate the ability to use questions and questioning to assist all students in developing skills and strategies in critical and higher order thinking and problem-solving. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (2)(c )4.(ix). r. Demonstrate the ability to use strategies that promote the independence, self-control, personal responsibility, and self-advocacy of all students. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (2)(c )4. (x). s. Demonstrate the ability to design and use a variety of approaches to formal and informal assessment to plan instruction, monitor student understanding and progress toward learning, modify teaching and learning strategies, and measure and report student progress related to learning objectives. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (2)(c )5.(v). t. Demonstrate the ability to collaborate with others to design and score common assessments and to use results to share and compare instructional practice and plan new instruction. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (2)(c )5.(vi). u. Demonstrate the ability to collaborate with others to incorporate accommodations into all assessments as appropriate. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (2)(c )5.(vii). v. Demonstrate the ability to provide a variety of ways for students with diverse needs, including students with disabilities, to demonstrate their learning. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (2)(c )5.(viii). w. Demonstrate the ability to develop and select appropriate performance assessments. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (2)(c )5.(ix). x. Demonstrate the ability to develop rubrics and to teach students how to use them to assess their own performance. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (2)( c)5. (ix). y. Demonstrate the ability to engage all students in assessing and understanding their own learning and behavior. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (2)(c )5.(xi) z. Demonstrate the ability to model appropriate oral and written communication. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (3)(c )1.(iii). aa. Demonstrate the ability to use appropriate communication strategies that include questioning and active and reflective listening. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (3)(c )1.(v). bb. Demonstrate the ability to foster effective verbal and nonverbal communications during ongoing instruction using assistive technologies as appropriate. . New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (3)(c )1.(vi). cc. Demonstrate the ability to integrate skill development in oral and written communications into all content areas that one teaches. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (3)(c )1(vii). dd. Demonstrate the ability to use effective nonverbal communication and respond appropriately to nonverbal cues from students. . New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (3)(c )1.(viii). ee. Demonstrate the ability to solve problems using different strategies, to verify and interpret results, and to draw conclusions. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (3)(c )3(v). ff. Demonstrate the ability to communicate with others about mathematical concepts, processes, and symbols. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (3)(c )3.(vi). gg. Demonstrate the ability to integrate technology into the teaching of all content areas. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (3)(c )4.(iii). hh. Demonstrate the ability to facilitate students’ individual and collaborative use of technology, including classroom resource as well as distance and online learning opportunities when available and appropriate. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards (3)(c )4.(iv). ii. Demonstrate the ability to use technology to assess student progress and manage records. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (3)(c )4.(v). jj. Demonstrate the ability to develop culturally responsive curriculum and instruction, i.e., model, teach and integrate multicultural awareness, acceptance, and appreciation into ongoing instruction. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards (4) (c )1.(iv). kk. Demonstrate ability to communicate in ways that show sensitivity to diversity such as appropriate use of eye contact, interpretation of body language and verbal statements, and acknowledgement of and responsiveness to different modes of communication and participation. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards (4)(c )1.(v).
Revised 2007 (AFH) 4
ll. Demonstrate the ability to help students assess their own learning styles and to build upon identified strengths. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards (4)(c )4.(iii) mm. Demonstrate the ability to design learning experiences that engage all learning styles. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards (4)(c )4.(iv). nn. Demonstrate the ability to involve families, community agencies and organizations, and colleagues in helping support academic achievement of diverse learners. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards (4)(c )5.(ii). oo. Demonstrate the ability to create a learning community in which individual differences are respected. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards (4)(c )5.(iii). pp. Demonstrate the ability to involve parents and/or families as active partners in planning and supporting student learning. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards (5)(c )1.(iv). qq. Demonstrate the ability to share responsibility for all students’ learning across the school and collaborate with colleagues to support every students’ growth. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards. (5)(c )1.(vi.) rr. Demonstrate the ability to participate as reflective members of different types of teams, including, but not limited to, Building Based Support Teams. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards (5)(c )1. (vii). ss. Demonstrate ability to collaborate in the planning of instruction for an expanded curriculum in general education to include Individual Education Plans and other plans such as Section 504 goals for students with disabilities. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards (5)( c)1. (viii) tt. Demonstrate the ability to communicate and collaborate effectively with colleagues, students, parents, guardians and significant agency personnel who are included and valued equally as partners. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards (5)(c )1.(ix). uu. Demonstrate the ability to exhibit the professional dispositions delineated in professional, state and institutional standards while working with students, colleagues, families, and communities. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards (5)(c )1.(x) vv. Demonstrate the ability to willingly inquire into one’s own practice by designing action research to determine the effectiveness of identified instructional strategies. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards (5)( c)2.(vi). ww.Demonstrate the ability to participate in the creation and nurturance of a learning environment that supports standards-based inquiry, reflective practice, and collaborative learning for teachers at all stages of their careers. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards (5)(c )2.(vii). xx. Demonstrate the ability to integrate statewide programs and initiatives into the curriculum and instructional process. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards (5)(c )3(iii). yy. Demonstrate the ability to communicate with students, parents, and the public about Alabama’s assessment system and major state educational initiatives (5)(c )3.(iv). . New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards zz. Demonstrate the ability to participate in school improvement planning by working collaboratively with teams focused on specific improvement initiatives. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards (5)(c ) 4.(iii). aaa. Demonstrate the ability to assume increased leadership responsibility in school, district, and state improvement initiatives over the course of one’s professional career. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards (5)(c )4.(iv). bbb. Demonstrate the ability to use and maintain confidential student information in an ethical and professional manner. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards (5)(c )5.(iii) ccc. Demonstrate the ability to practice the safe, responsible, legal and ethical use of technology and comply with school and district acceptable-use policies including fair-use and copyright guidelines and internet-user protection policies. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards (5)(c )5.(iv). ddd. Demonstrate the ability to access school, community, state and other resources and referral services. New Alabama Quality Teaching Standards (5)(c )6(ii).
EVALUATION AND MINIMUM STANDARDS The objective for this course will be evaluated on the basis of ratings by the college supervisor according to the instrument provided in this syllabus. See the instrument attached.
Revised 2007 (AFH) 5
Input from the cooperating teacher for the final grade is sought and respected. The final grade is decided in a conference between the university supervisor and the cooperating teacher. The university supervisor will determine the final grade earned in student teaching.
Interns will be informed in writing of all evaluations performed by the cooperating teacher and the university supervisor.
The instrument will be administered on four occasions by the university supervisor. The final grade, however, will be based upon the rating done on the final administration of the instrument by the university supervisor. The cooperating teacher will complete the instrument on two occasions, one at the mid-point of the internship and one at the conclusion of the internship.
The first three forms completed by the university supervisor and the two forms completed by the cooperating teacher will be used to give feedback to the student teacher.
In order to pass the objective for the course, and intern must earn a “meets standard” rating on all competencies listed on the instrument. Passing criteria are the achievement of at least a “2” rating out of the possible “3” ratings for each competency statement. The following scale will be used for the determination of letter grades:
90% of total possible points = A 80% of total possible points = B 70% of total possible points = C 60% of total possible points = D Below 60% = F
The successful intern in secondary education will be competent as a decision-maker in all the areas listed on the instrument.
I. School policies and procedures II. Preparation/Presentation of instruction III. Classroom management IV. Professional attitudes V. School and community VI. Transition between lessons VII. The sharing of contemporary methods and skills in teaching METHODS AND MATERIALS
I. Methods a. Participation as a student teacher in the classroom and written reflections upon this experience b. Personal conferences with the university supervisor and cooperation teacher II. Materials III. Materials in the Teacher Education Center at Alabama State University and at the school in which student teaching is done
INSTRUMENT FOR RATING THE STUDENT TEACHER Alabama Professional Education Personnel Evaluation Program (PEPE)
The successful intern candidate will display the ability to:
Promote language acquisition and development. Direct a variety of speech and theatre activities. Teach journalism including how to product magazine and newspaper layout; develop copy and/ or story radio and televisions production Apply techniques of advertising, reporting, and editing
Revised 2007 (AFH) 6
Use current and emerging technology in the production of print and non-print journalisms Teach standard American English while recognizing regional and ethnic dialects as expressions of cultural diversity. Incorporate a variety of individual and group activities and multimedia/multi-sensory techniques in the teaching of oral and written communication. Select appropriate reading materials for students based on interests, abilities, and grade level and encourage student interest in reading for knowledge and pleasure. Interrelate the teaching of listening, speaking, reading, and writing using a variety of instructional activities. Use group interaction for collaborative learning in the language arts (e.g., discussion, debate, creative problem solving, composition, drama, reading, and improvisation) Teach students to explore and relate personal experiences and develop interpretations. Teach students to identify facts, implications, assumptions, inferences, and judgments in both spoken and written discourse. Teach students to structure and expand ideas into coherent writing. Teach the writing process including the stages of prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. Use peer and teacher conferencing and rubric assessment to help students edit and revise their writing. Teach students to apply discipline-specific reading and writing strategies in all content areas. Select appropriate research-based strategies and materials to meet the needs of struggling readers.
Revised 2007 (AFH) 7
Name of Intern ______Semester ______
School ______Subject ______
University Supervisor/ Cooperating Teacher ______Date ______
Listed below are a number of teacher competencies which help evaluate the abilities of the Secondary Education student intern in a school setting. Although every experience does not provide activities in all areas, the instrument can serve as a guide in assessing the student intern and in selecting activities for future interns. Please rate the intern on the appropriate areas at the conclusion of internship. Rate by checking in the appropriate column:
(1) Weak (needs work) (2) Satisfactory (adequate) (3) Excellent
Comments are always welcome.
TEACHING COMPETENCIES PREPARATION/ PRESENTATION OF INSTRUCTION I. Decisions Made About Preparation and Presentation of Instruction The Intern . . . Demonstrated Abilities 1 2 3 Comments Prepares appropriate lesson plans with clear objectives and goals from approved state and/or school system sources Makes and uses effective long-range plans and short-term measurable objectives Plans instruction consistent with developmental level of students (physical, social, emotional, and cognitive) Reviews previous day’s lesson with future lesson checks for retention States purposes of lesson and its objectives Identifies contents/ skills to be mastered Gives clear directions Selects and uses resources that enhance the lesson (remediation, reinforcement, or enrichment) Points out new concepts, uses examples, practices, and summarization Demonstrates with-it-ness by monitoring students at all times/ secures student attention Uses teaching time efficiently Stimulates critical thinking Requires active participation of all students Demonstrates knowledge of subject matter and pedagogy Exhibits effective communication skills—speaking, writing, listening Handles classroom routines efficiently Uses nonverbal communication and responds appropriately to nonverbal uses from students Uses motivational strategies to promote learning and positive environment Varies teaching roles such as instructor, facilitator, coach, and listener Identifies teaching/ learning activities to accommodate individual differences/ exceptionalities among learners (achievement level, interests, learning styles)
Revised 2007 (AFH) 8
CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT II. Decisions Made About Classroom Environment The Intern . . . 1 2 3 Comments Begins instruction promptly Completes non-instructional duties with minimal loss of instruction time Returns students to task quickly after unavoidable interruptions Anticipates conditions which can lead to inappropriate student behavior and uses intervention strategies Establishes and announces rules and procedures that involve respect for all members of the class Maintains a satisfactory physical environment for learning Demonstrate proper use and care of school equipment and supplies Uses adequate and appropriate discipline techniques (verbal and nonverbal) Creates a learning climate in which individual differences are respected Organizes, allocates, and manages the resources of time, space, and activities to engage students in productive learning tasks Use praise appropriately (verbally and nonverbally) Uses consistent rules for all students
TECHNOLOGY III. Decisions Made About Technology, Media, and Other Resources The Intern . . . 1 2 3 Comments Uses audio-visual aids effectively Designs and implements lessons using a variety of current technologies and media (e.g., audio visual technology, computers, videotapes and disks, print and non-print resources) Accesses resources to meet exceptional learning needs within the classroom
ASSESSMENT IV. Decisions Made About Assessment of Student Performance The Intern . . . 1 2 3 Comments Monitors student performance Uses appropriate diagnostic and evaluative instruments Uses confidential student information in a professional manner Designs and adjusts short-range and long-range plans based on the assessment of students’ needs and performance Measures student progress systematically Provides feedback about student performance Uses assessment results to improve learning and communication
SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY V. Decisions Made About the School and Community With Parents/ Guardians The Intern 1 2 3 Comments Keeps parents informed about student’s progress Adjusts activities and schedules when necessary to accommodate other programs or activities Holds conferences at times mutually convenient to all participants Acts as an advocate for students Seeks outside help for students, as needed
Revised 2007 (AFH) 9
PROFESSIONALISM VI. Decisions Made about Professionalism The Intern . . . 1 2 3 Comments Exhibits a positive attitude toward supervision Relates to colleagues in a professional manner Exhibits ethical/ effective professional relationships Acts to gain professional knowledge and improve teaching skills Communicates optimal expectations for each student Teachers and conducts professional activities Dresses and grooms appropriately for teaching Relates to all students in a positive manner Completes job requirements according to established timelines Adheres to written local and state board policies and federal laws and regulations
______Date Signature/ Cooperating Teacher
______Date Signature/ University Supervisor ______Date Signature/ Secondary Education Intern
Revised 2007 (AFH)