How Effective Are Leadership And Management In Raising Achievement And Supporting All Learners

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How Effective Are Leadership And Management In Raising Achievement And Supporting All Learners

How effective are leadership and management in raising achievement and supporting all learners?

The Evidence column should be completed to show 1. Agreed sources (whole school) – you may find the suggestions in the guidance helpful. 2. Any additional sources used by the year group

Explanatory ASPECT Evidence (Examples) 1 2 3 4 Comment Outstanding Good Satisfactory Inadequate (optional) Leadership Vision/direction Year handbook and policy The vision statement and/or aims create a common The vision statement and aims The vision statement provides statements sense of purpose among staff and are reflected create a common sense of inspiration, but is not reflected in Improvement plans consistently in the work of the year group purpose among staff and are the work of the year group reflected in the work of most of Staff feedback The aims focus on raising standards and promoting The aims are clear but not firmly the personal development of all learners the year group rooted in practice Minutes of meetings

Planning for Improvement plan The IP is directly informed by self-review and Links between SIP and IP are The IP does not reflect current improvement Evaluation of improvement securely linked to the SIP. It focuses on raising not fully secure. Monitoring improvement needs and priorities plans through senior line standards/promoting the personal development of and evaluation occurs but does and/or does not link to the SIP. management meetings learners. Monitoring and evaluation informs next not universally inform the next Monitoring and evaluation does not steps and planning for CPD stage. Patchy links to CPD occur or is very patchy. No clear Intervention plans priorities links to CPD programme CPD plan Management Quality assurance Policy framework Quality assurance is systematic and acted upon Quality assurance follows Quality assurance is sporadic and Quality assurance files incisively. The year leader has a realistic view of its agreed procedures but is not not acted upon. The year leader strengths and weaknesses consistently acted upon. The does not have a realistic/accurate year leader has a view of its view of its strengths and strengths and weaknesses weaknesses Data analysis Links between School analysis Year leaser consistently undertakes comprehensive Data is analysed by year leader Limited or incomplete analysis outcomes of data IPs analysis, which impacts teaching, learning and but has variable impact on which does not provide secure analysis and action Intervention plan outcomes. teaching, learning and priorities to raise standards CPD/performance management outcomes records Inclusion Equality of Curriculum model The inclusion of all learners achieved The inclusion of most learners Inclusion of significant numbers of opportunity Relevant opportunities exist for entry level to level 3 is achieved learners is not achieved qualifications There are limited opportunities Opportunities do not exist for entry for entry level to level 3 level to level 3 qualifications qualifications Resources Adequacy of staffing Staffing structure There are sufficient teaching and support staff with the qualifications and/or expertise to Insufficient teaching and support meet the demands of the planned provision staff with the qualifications and/or expertise to meet the demands of the planned provision. Adequacy of Asset Management Plan Accommodation and resources do not inhibit the Most areas and resources are Accommodation and/or resources accommodation and Audit of resources delivery of the curriculum suitable for the curriculum to be do not allow the curriculum to be resources taught effectively taught effectively Links with parents and outside agencies Use of external agencies School records Very good links exist Good links exist with Links with outside agencies are Links exist with parents and other to enhance learning Springboard minutes with outside agencies outside agencies to at least adequate providers but overall the year group resulting in success for support the year group’s does not do enough to ensure they Connexions records all learners work. The impact is good have a positive impact on learners’ progress on most fronts progress Summary Judgement

Explanatory Overall judgement: 1 (Outstanding) 2 (Good) 3 (Satisfactory) 4 (Inadequate) Comment (optional) Leadership and Leadership and The leadership of the year is strongly focused on raising Leadership and Overall, year leadership and management have too little This grade Management management are at least standards and promoting the personal development of management are effect so that standards are too low and learners make slow good in all or nearly all learners. It has created a common sense of purpose inadequate in no major progress in their work and personal development. At its should respects and are among staff. Through its effective self-evaluation, respect, and may be worst, the year group is disorderly and unsafe. Leaders and correlate Descriptors exemplary in significant managers have a good understanding of the year group’s good in some respects, managers are insufficiently focused on raising standards and elements, as shown by strengths and weaknesses and have a good track record of as shown by their promoting the personal development of all groups of with their impact on the making improvements, including dealing with any issues impact on the year learners, and lack the authority and drive to make a grades for performance of the year from the last inspection. The inclusion of all learners is group. difference. Many staff are disenchanted and lack confidence group central to its vision and it is effective in pursuing this and in their leaders. Even though the year may run smoothly on sections 2 dismantling barriers to engagement. The year group runs a day to day basis, the quality of its self-evaluation is and 4 smoothly on a day to day basis. Resources are well used, inadequate and managers do not have a realistic view of its including very any extended services, to improve learners’ weaknesses. Resources are not well deployed, because the outcomes and to secure good value for money. Goof links year group does not have a well-ordered sense of its exist with parents and outside agencies to support its priorities. Links exist with parents and other providers of work. The impact is seen in good progress made by most education, but overall the year leader does not do enough to learners on most fronts, in their sense of security and well- ensure they have a positive impact. Overall, the leadership being, and in its deservedly good reputation locally. The and management do not provide the school with the capacity leadership and management provide the year group with a to improve. good capacity to improve. How well do learners achieve? The Evidence column should be completed to show 1. Agreed sources (whole school) – you may find the suggestions in the guidance helpful. 2. Any additional sources used by the faculty/department

ASPECT Evidence (examples) 1 2 3 4 Explanatory Outstanding Good Satisfactory Inadequate Comment KS3 Progress KS2-3 PANDA grades based on schools with Consistently A/B Overall A-C grades. Mostly grade Cs Mostly D/E/E* Core only similar levels of prior attainment over the grades. Balance of As Balance of Bs grades last 3 years L5+/L6+/APS Value added measures KS2-3 PANDA Value added index in relation to A grade (PANDA) or B grade (PANDA) or C grade (PANDA) or D/E/E* grade Core only schools with similar levels of PA 1st-25th centile (FFT) 1st-25th centile (FFT) 25th - 75th centile (FFT) (PANDA) or 75th - th FFT percentile rank KS2-3 100 centile (FFT) Conversion rates L4 to 5 DfES National KS3 strategy data – core Group 1/2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5/6/7 Foundation subjects Conversion rates L3 to 5 School data - foundation Group 1/2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5/6/7 could compare with the nearest core subject Trend in relation to national PANDA Well above Above Broadly In line Below/Well below Core only Gender difference compared PANDA – Average points score - core Gender gap is less than Gender gap is broadly in line with the national gap Significant variation in to national national gap gender gap compared Fischer Trust contextual VA – core with national gap Autumn Package L5+/6+ - foundation Best fit judgement for KS3 overall KS4 Progress KS3-4 Autumn Package grades based on schools Consistently A/B Overall A-C grades. Mostly grade Cs Mostly D/E/E* Core only with similar levels of prior attainment over grades. Balance of As Balance of Bs grades the last 3 years A-C/A-G/APS Trend in relation to national LEA performance handbook Well above Above Broadly in line Below/Well below Core only Gender difference compared – Average points score Gap is less than national Gap between boys and girls performance is Significant variation in to national and broadly in line with the national gap gender gap compared Panda GCSE results summary with national gap KS4 subject performance Key Stage 4 subject residuals – significance Significant positive No significant differences Significant negative indicators - Panda differences differences Best fit judgement for KS4 overall Post 16 Interval grades Post 16 PANDA Balance of A grades Balance of B grades Balance of C grades Balance of D/E/E* grades Standards in subject A2 PANDA (Post 16) subject residuals No significant Significant differences in a minority of subjects Significant differences differences in several subjects Progress KS4-A2 ALIS or equivalent/Performance Handbook Well above Above In line Below/Well below Gender difference PANDA Performance of both Performance of both Performance of both Performance of boys and girls graded A boys and girls graded at a boys and girls graded at either boys or girls minimum of B a minimum of C graded at D/E/E* Best fit judgement for KS5 overall Targets Suitably challenging targets are met by within 5% Targets are met within Targets missed by Target getting Performance Handbook – core 5% more than 5% and/or School data - foundation targets insufficiently challenging

Summary judgement

Explanatory Overall judgement: 1 (Outstanding) 2 (Good) 3 (Satisfactory) 4 (Inadequate) Comment (optional) Achievement and Progress is at least Results are likely to compare well with those Progress is inadequate in no Results are likely to be significantly and persistently standards good in all or nearly from similar schools. Learners meet major respect, and may be good below those in similar schools. A significant number of all respect and is challenging targets and, in relation to their in some respects. Results are learners do not meet targets that are adequately exemplary in capability and starting points, they achieve unlikely to be significantly challenging. Value added measures indicate slow Descriptors significant elements. high standards. Most groups of learners, below those attained by learners progress, especially in core subjects. Considerable Results are likely to including those with learning difficulties and in similar schools. numbers of pupils underachieve, or particular groups of compare well with disabilities, make at least good progress and pupils underachieve significantly. The pace of learning is those attained by some may make very good progress, as insufficient for learners to make satisfactory gains learners in similar reflected in value added measures. Learners knowledge, skills and understanding, especially in core schools. are gaining knowledge, skills and subjects. Learners underachieve in one or more key understanding at a good rate across all key stages. Performance in a number of subjects and courses stages. Most subjects and courses perform is unsatisfactory. Overall, the standards that learners well, and some better than this, with nothing achieve are not high enough when set against their that is unsatisfactory. capability and starting points. Post 16 (if different)

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