Create the quick one-page website in Microsoft Word

Use the Start button and Access Microsoft Word.

Use the File New command to create a webpage.

Add any content to the page that you would like displayed on the Internet.

Use the Format Theme menu to dress up your webpage.

Use the File Save As a Webpage to save your page. The page should be saved as index.html so that it will be displayed when you enter your site via the Internet. The address of your page will be username (or net id). If you make any additional changes, you must use the File Save As a Webpage and Replace the old file.

Use the Start, All Programs, Accessories, Windows Explorer and locate the file you just saved and right-click the mouse button and use the copy command to copy the file index.html and if you used the format theme menu, you should also copy the index folder. A copy of folders/files will be held in the clipboard viewer, a temporary holding area for material that has been copied. Use the X button or file Exit to leave the Window.

Access the Internet and Publish your One-page Website

Use the Start button and access your Internet Browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer)

Enter and press the enter key

Enter your User Name and Password as indicated below: Once you enter your User Name and Password, you will see the following screen:

Double-click on the public_html folder and then right-click the mouse button and use the paste command to place your index.html file (and any other folders or files you copied) into the public_html folder.

At the address area, type username (or net id) to view your published webpage.

Note: If you make changes to your one-page website via Microsoft Word, you must then republish the page so that it will be up-to-date on the Internet as well.

Use the X button or file Exit to leave the Window.