PROHIBICIÓN OBLIGACIÓN/ NECESIDAD AUSENCIA DE OBLIGACIÓN PERMISO Mustn´t Must – autoridad fuerte Don´t /doesn´t have to- Can ( expresar o pedir permiso)- uso I must post this letter coloquial You mustn´t run in the corridor You don´t have to buy it You must be here on time You can use my umbrella *Have(got) to ( obligación más Needn´t Could- ( menos directo y mas suave- autoridad procede de fuera del educado)- pedir permiso hablante, de una ley o regla ) You needn´t wait for me. Could I borrow your pencil, please? I have to hand in this essay on Friday ( teacher´s order) Children have to go to school until 16 ( a law)

Need ( expresa necesidad) May – (más formal)- expresar y pedir permiso Need we go out now? May I use your phone, please? Should/ought to ( obligación moral) You should to be more tolerant

Had to ( obligación o necesidad en pasado) I had to buy a mobile phone yesterday ABILITY POSSIBILITY/PROPABILITY REQUESTS DEDUCTIONS –CERTAINTY

HABILIDAD O CAPACIDAD* POSIBILIDAD/ PROBABILIDAD PETICIONES DEDUCCIONES Can ( en presente) Can ( posibilidad/imposibilidad)* teórica Can ( para pedir algo o pedir a Must ( deducción afirmativa) ( presente) alguien que haga algo) * coloquial We can drive very well -If you try hard enough, you can do -They must be brothers anything you want to -Can I have a cup of tea? -It must be raining ( debe de estar -The temperature in Málaga can reach 37º -Can you help me? lloviendo) * estamos seguros que se esta in August desarrollando ( hay gotas de agua) -I can´t talk, I´ve got a very sore throat Could ( en pasado) May* posibilidad/ especulaciones Could ( menos directo y más Can´t ( deducción negativa) presentes/futuras (indica algo no es seguro; formal) Jane could drive before she was 18 mas seguridad que might o could) -Could I borrow your bike? She can´t be at school. It´s a holiday. * -He may come to the party -Could you open the window, estamos seguros que no esta sucediendo -That may be the thief who was arrested by please? the police * Be able to ( para completar los Might * posibilidad/ especulaciones May (pedir algo, muy formal) May/could+be ( sugiere que algo tiempos verbales del can) presentes/futuras ( dudoso- menos puede ser verdad) seguridad que may) May I have some more salt, please? He could be studying -It might rain this afternoon I won´t be able to talk for a few -It might not snow days Could ( menos seguridad que might) * Will ( will you? – quisiera... Might be+ing ( menos posible que especulaciones pr/fu posibilidad remota ( educado) sea verdad) They could be friends Will you turn down the TV, please? He might be talking…. Could ( posilidad/ imposibilidad en el Would you mind ..? pasado) ( educado) I couldn´t open my eyes Would you be quiet?


OFRECIMIENTOS SUGERENCIAS Y CONSEJOS BUENA INTENCION/PROMESA/RECHAZO Can ( coloquial) * poco usado Should ( Dar o pedir consejos- debería) Will ( expresa buena intención) I will give you a hand Can I help you? You should go to the doctor ( expresa promesa) I promise I will help you Won´t ( expresa rechazo de algo o de algo) The car won´t start She says she won´t take the medicine

May ( formal)* poco usado Ought to ( Dar consejos) Shall I...? En preguntas expresar buena intención

May I help you? You ought to talk to him Shall I help you? Shall ( Shall I….?* preguntas cuyo sujeto es primera Shall we... ? Pedir sugerencias Wouldn´t expresa rechazo en pasado persona I ) Where shall we go? She said she wouldn´t take her medicine Shall I do it now or later? Will Could ( hacer sugerencias)

I´ll help you tidy up your room We could go to the cinema

Would you like/prefer..?

Would you like a cup of tea? MODAL IDIOMS - Dar consejos o sugerencia (sería mejor) - It's getting dark, we'd better go home now HAD BETTER Had better+ bare infinitivo ( infinitivo sin to) - You´d better not let them out Se usa para expresar preferencias , sinónimo Would prefer - I'd rather stay at home (prefiero)* las dos acciones ( preferir/estar) se refiere al mismo sujeto - + bare infinitive ( infinitivo sin to) : el sujeto de las dos acciones es la misma persona - I'd rather listen to music than dance ( prefiero escuchar WOULD música a bailar) RATHER - + bare infinitive + than + bare infinitive: cuando se prefiere una acción a otra - I'd rather she studied harder ( Preferiría que ella estudiara más duro) - + simple past sentence: sujetos diferentes

BE USED TO - Expresa "estar acostumbrado a.." - I'm used to going to bed late. + -ING GET USED TO - I can't get used to his way of cooking. - Expresa " acostumbrarse a.." + -ING MODALES PERFECTOS: Se refieren al pasado: expresan conclusiones, suposiciones y conjeturas que hacemos sobre hechos pasados y se forman con un modal + have + participio.

MUST + HAVE + PARTICIPIO → conclusiones lógicas en el pasado, e.g. Sheila was absent yesterday. She must have been ill. ( ella debe haber estado enferma)


COULD + HAVE + PARTICIPIO→ indica que hubo posibilidad de hacer algo en el pasado pero realmente no se hizo, e.g. He could have helped us, but he came too late. ( El pudo habernos ayudado, pero llego demasiado tarde)

→ en negativa, expresa la incredulidad de que lo ocurrido sea cierto, e.g. She couldn't have said those words

→ para hacer una suposición en el pasado, e.g. She didn't come to the party. She could have been ill.

- Expresar una critica : You could have bought some more food!

MAY / MIGHT + HAVE + PARTICIPIO → expresan una suposición/ especulaciones sobre el pasado, e.g. Call her again. She may / might not have heard you the first time. ( ella puede que te haya oído la primera vez)

SHOULD / OUGHT TO + HAVE + PARTICIPIO→ para lamentar que no se siguió un consejo en el pasado, e.g. She looks worse. She should / ought to have seen a doctor last week.

→ para lamentar que no se haya cumplido lo que esperábamos, e.g. They should have been home by now.

→ en negativa demuestran nuestra opinión crítica sobre algo que no debería haber ocurrido, e.g. I'm very angry with her. She shouldn't have been so rude