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Orange Park Medical Center

NEFHIMA Board Meeting Minutes – May 3, 2016


MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF: NEFHIMA Board Meeting teleconference DATE: May 3, 2016

MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHER ATTENDEES: ABSENT: ______Lee Starling, President Francesca Philemy Rhonda Carmichael, Past President Lisa Shelar, President-elect Glenneta “Nitta” Thompson, Past President Tameika Gause, Treasurer Geri Newman, Recording Secretary

I. WELCOME The meeting was called to order at 4:05 p.m. by Lee Starling, NEFHIMA President.

II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from the previous meeting held March 22, 2016, were previously distributed for review and are also posted on the NEFHIMA website. Tameika Gause made a motion to approve the minutes as written and Geri Newman seconded. Motion passed.


1. Score Card Update Lee will be a FHIMA Director again. One of the big things will be related to scorecards. Current scorecards will be due June 6 th. Scorecards should start collecting data again after the convention. NEFHIMA has won awards in the past and is considered an active association, so we want to be sure to be actively working on meeting the scorecard reporting items. 2. FHIMA/Regional Leadership update There have not been any FHIMA Leadership meetings so there is nothing to actively update from that aspect. 3. Regional Meetings Update a. June Regional Meeting: It has been agreed that we should have a meeting in June and Lisa says that she has a speaker lined up for that meeting. Location was discussed and Lee suggested some outlying areas such as St. Augustine and Palatka. Lisa indicated that 21 st Century oncology had an officer in Palatka that might be able to be used. Lee said she would review the member roster and determine where our members are concentrated. It was discussed about having the next meeting in September. Lisa mentioned finding out about using public library meeting rooms and finding out if there is a cost involved. b. February – Student Forums: The plans for the rescheduled Student Forum in Jacksonville will be delayed till next year. No response. In Gainesville, Julie Shay has a speaker lined up for the Fall, so maybe we can line up that speaker for a Gainesville Student Forum. . 4. Spring Seminar – Thrasher Horne

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Follow-up a. Rankings Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied 1. Overall Usefulness of Speaker/Topics 84.1% 14.3% 1.6% 0.0% 0.0% 2. Meeting Location 76.2% 22.2% 1.6% 0.0% 0.0% 3. Length of Meeting 73.0% 23.8% 1.6% 1.6% 0.0% 4. Online Registration 82.5% 15.9% 1.6% 0.0% 0.0% 5. Key Note Speaker - Julius Csizmazia 51.6% 32.3% 11.3% 3.2% 1.6% 6. ICD-10 - Kim Urbanowicz 79.0% 17.7% 3.2% 0.0% 0.0% 7. Social Media/Advocacy - Geri Newman 78.7% 19.7% 1.6% 0.0% 0.0% 8. Take a Deep Breath and Login In: Pulmonology & the EMR - Dr. Bonnie Hudak 87.1% 12.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 9. Sleep and Neurological Issues - Dr. Mara Cvejic 91.9% 8.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 10. Tumor Registry - Barbara Dearmon 75.8% 22.6% 1.6% 0.0% 0.0% 11. Centralizing the HIM Department Across Multi- ple States - Raeanna Bonetti and Cathy Murphy 79.0% 19.4% 1.6% 0.0% 0.0%

b. What went well – Everything seemed to flow well for this seminar. Everyone stepped up. A huge thanks goes to Gloria Irvin for running the check-in desk. c. What Needs Improvement – The trash situation was very frustrating. Our contract says we are supposed to remove the trash, but it was a first time for it happening. Lee indicated she would prefer to pay more and get them to handle it rather than handle it ourselves. It will need to be addressed in future contracts or we will need to also get a couple sets of volunteers to assist with this in the future.

IV. New Business 1. July HOD – We have our 10 delegates and Lee has submitted the information to Carolyn Glavan. 2. Board Reports a. Treasurer Report: Tameka read the March 2016 bank information which has also been posted on the website. The FIRE account has $76.00. Scholarship has $120.90 Main account has $10105.92. The FIRE and Scholarship account have been merged in to the main account as of the end of April 2016. Money was sent to FHIMA as our donation towards costs which has typically been handled in the past by buying gift cards. b. FIRE: No report. Officers have been asked to see about locating a chair. c. Advocacy: Advocacy participated in the March Twitter Rally for #MyHealthID. Besides what NEFHIMA posted and retweeted, we had one member also post. We also participated in the April #IGNow Twitter Rally, and NEFHIMA saw an increase in member participation to four members posting and/or retweeting. We also had a couple people sign the #MyHealthID petition during the Spring Seminar in April. d. ByLaws: Gloria Irvin has volunteered to chair this committee. Bylaws were updated by Pam Rollins but still need to be reviewed. Lee will meet with Gloria to see if she got the ByLaws and has had a chance to review them. Officers should review them as well to see if there may be anything else that needs to be changed or updated. Lee would like something added discussing reimbursement of members due to cancelling registrations.

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e. Technology: Francesca Philemy has volunteered to chair the Technology Committee. Geri will meet with Francesca about getting her started. The website has been actively updated and includes a Job Posting page, an ICD-10 Resources page, and a Technology page. More updating is needed, but we really need to educate the members about these resources. A suggestion was also submitted for the board to consider a change to the membership application to double check email addresses because we have a number of bad ones, and we also have members that don’t use the email address they listed. f. Coding: This committee was primarily done in preparation for ICD-10. It is not felt that a committee chair is truly necessary at this time. We will table this committee for the time being. g. Scholarship: Lee wants to change the structure of this committee to mirror FHIMA Scholarship application. We need to follow our deadlines. Lee will make contact with the CAHIIM accredited schools in our area to introduce us and use that as a launching point for students to apply for the scholarship. It may be necessary to review the ByLaws for specifics or even update to reflect the structured scholarship process. h. Nominating: No report. Nitta will be handling this. Lee would like to get an early start for next round of elections.

V. Open Discussion: 1. #MyHealthID – This initiative has ended and we did not meet our petition requirements. This may come up again in the future as Geri had an opportunity to speak with Pam Lane (AHIMA Advocacy in Washington, D.C.) after a meeting with some big players in Washington where it was said that AHIMA is considered the leading group with timely and relevant information in patient safety and will have an opportunity to bring ideas to the table. 2. House of Delegates – Future of HOD - There are changes coming. Instead of a House of Delegates and Leadership meeting, the meeting will be open to all members across the state to be involved. There will be more involvement of the regionals having to pass information on to the members to ensure they know about the meeting content. 3. FHIMA Voting – Voting is currently complete. Congratulations to Lee Starling being voted in as Director. She will be leading three committees: Public Good (fka Blue Button Initiative), Awards and Recognition, and Scholarship. She is looking for committee members and wants to see involvement increased from NEFHIMA members. Erin Head will be chairing the Public Good committee. 4. CHTS Task Force – Geri went to Chicago AHIMA to join this Task Force and shares that it is possible that the results of this task force will end up with a restructuring of the credential to a more marketable and useful format.

VI. Adjournment Next meeting is scheduled for May 24, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. via teleconference. Lee will let us know if there is a change in that schedule since that is only three weeks from now. Meeting was adjourned at 4:59 p.m.

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