Commentary on Assigning Subjects to Groups in a Controlled Trial

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Commentary on Assigning Subjects to Groups in a Controlled Trial

SPORTSCIENCE · Perspectives / Research Resources Commentary on Assigning Subjects to Groups in a Controlled Trial Alan M Batterham Sportscience 14, 13-14, 2010 ( School of Health and Social Care, University of Teesside, Middlesbrough TS1 3BA, UK. Email. Reprint pdf · Reprint doc This article and the accompanying spread- continuous scale, though the article notes that sheets will be very useful additions to the re- the influence on outcome is likely to be small. searcher’s toolbox. The article details a series I was pleased to read that subject character- of scenarios/study designs for which minimisa- istics need to be included in the analysis. Other tion is advisable in all cases, even for crossover statisticians have also made this often neglected designs based on order of interventions. This is point; for example Senn (2007) stated that "the sound advice and the points are well taken. factors that we considered to be important in I am interested in comparing Will’s spread- the first place and led us to adopt sheets to existing freeware such as the Minim minimization… cannot be regarded as irrelev- program. Minim permits up to four groups, dif- ant. So, for example, if we sought to balance ferent proportions of patients in each group, any by sex, we must include sex as a factor in the number of prognostic factors and categories for analysis." The benefit of including subject char- each factor (subject to a total of 100 categories acteristics with minimisation is better precision for all factors together), and different weights than that with simple random allocation. This is for each prognostic factor if required, so that perhaps one reason why minimisation has been some factors can be treated as more important described as the "platinum standard" for trials– to balance for than others. On the issue of that is, better than the gold standard of random- weighting, I note that for the scenario in which isation (Treasure and MacRae, 1998). characteristics for all participants are known be- The examples used to illustrate the effect of fore allocation, Will’s method assigns primary differences between sample and population weighting to one factor and equal importance to means (e.g., Figure 1 and associated text) are secondary factors, whereas for allocating parti- instructive. Further, deriving a standardised dif- cipants as they are recruited equal weighting is ference between the sample and population assigned to all factors. I am unsure what influ- means via the standard error of the active inter- ence this difference would have on resulting es- vention mean is a neat way of anchoring min- timates of effects if one wished to weight imum sample size to the default for the minim- factors more finely. However, I have never um important difference (MID) of 0.2 standard been in possession of sufficient a priori inform- deviations. This reveals that the standardised ation to decide fine-tuned weighting between mean difference between a sample mean and multiple prognostic factors, and in practice the population mean is typically >MID for a equal importance is the default assumption, so I group sample size <25. doubt there is any practical advantage of Minim The alternative analysis method to account in this regard. In any event, Will proposes a for minimisation that Will proposes for the situ- neat side-step of this potential problem which ation is which assignment is performed after all allows one to ‘double-weight’ a variable by in- participants have been recruited has echoes of cluding it twice with identical values. propensity score matching–a method used in Will’s method is an advance on Minim in observational/controlled before-and-after stud- that it may be applied in situations in which ies (non-randomised). There is a long-standing characteristics for all people to be allocated are debate in the propensity score matching literat- known in advance, rather than solely for scen- ure on whether the matched samples should be arios in which participants are allocated as they treated as paired or as independent groups. Will are recruited. A further advantage over Minim proposes the former to increase precision and is the ability to include variables measured on a backs it up with simulations. I need to examine

Sportscience 14, 13-14, 2010 Batterham: Commentary on Assigning Subjects to Groups Page 14 more closely any parallels between Will’s method and propensity score matching with re- spect to this issue. Interestingly, Will notes in the article that using the pre-post crossover spreadsheet to analyse data from groups minim- ised on baseline values of the dependent vari- able produced confidence intervals that were too narrow.

Senn S (2007). A personal view of some controver- sies in allocating treatment to patients in clinical trials. Statistics in medicine 14, 2661-2674 Treasure T, MacRae KD (1998). Minimisation: the platinum standard for trials? British Medical Jour- nal 317, 362-363

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Sportscience 14, 13-14, 2010

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