2016-2017 Course Syllabus s1

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2016-2017 Course Syllabus s1

McKenzie High School Algebra II

2016-2017 Course Syllabus Instructor: Mr. Logan Hubble Room Number: 103 Planning Period: 4th Period at 1:35 School Telephone: (731) 352-2133 Teacher E-mail: [email protected] Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of Algebra I

A. Course Description This course is designed to build on algebraic and geometric concepts. It develops advanced algebra skills such as systems of equations, advanced polynomials, imaginary and complex numbers, quadratics, and concepts and includes the study of trigonometric functions. It also introduces matrices and their properties. The content of this course are important for students’ success on both the ACT and college mathematics entrance exams. Completion of Algebra I with a passing grade is required for admission into this course due to building on mathematical complexity.

B. Method of Instruction Students are held to high expectations during this class not only pertaining to behavior but class participation as well. The class contains individual desks that allow plenty of room for students to work with ease. Throughout this course, students will work together on a regular basis both formally and informally. Students may simply make a contribution to the class at any open opportunity by simply raising their hand and waiting for teacher’s acknowledgment to proceed. I allow for students to explain solutions or give further interpretation to their classmates. This further allows me to evaluate the comprehension of my students as well as those needing extra help.

C. Course Topics: The lecturing of chapters are permitted to not follow numerical order. Presentation of chapters are subject to be aligned most accurately to TN State Standards and teacher’s judgment.

Chapter 1: Equations and Inequalities Chapter 2: Linear Equations and Functions Chapter 3: Linear Systems and Matrices Chapter 4: Quadratic Functions and Factoring Chapter 5: Polynomials and Polynomial Functions Chapter 6: Rational Exponents and Radical Functions Chapter 7: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Chapter 8: Rational Functions Chapter 9: Quadratic Relations and Conic Sections Chapter 10: Counting Methods and Probability Chapter 11: Data Analysis and Statistics Chapter 12: Sequences and Series Chapter 13: Trigonometric Ratios and Functions Chapter 14: Trigonometric Graphs, Identities, and Equations

D. Textbook and Required Tools or Supplies a. Textbook: Holt McDougal, Larson Algebra II a.i. ISBN: 978-0-547-47986-6 a.ii. Textbook price dependent upon age & to be determined by school if damaged or lost. b. Supplies and/or Tools: b.i. Pencils b.ii. Lose Leaf Notebook Paper b.iii. Graphing Paper b.iv. Graphing Calculator (supplied if needed) b.v. 3-Ring Binder or Folder w/ Prongs b.vi. Highlighter c. If needed and teacher allows use, there is a classroom set of graphing calculators available for students use DURING CLASS. However, most students choose to purchase one of their own so that they will have access to it for their homework. If you have any calculator questions, please do not hesitate to communicate them to me.

E. Classroom Rules of Conduct a. Students are expected to be courteous and respectful as well as follow instructions spoken by teacher at all times. Any behavior that interferes with the right of others to learn will not be tolerated. b. No cell phone use will be allowed unless authorized for occasional class use. c. No food is allowed. Only water is permitted. d. All work must be turned in or completed on the day it is due. Late work is not accepted unless prior correspondence with teacher. e. It is the responsibility of the student to approach and obtain make-up work following a tardiness or absence. f. No profanity or back-talk will be used. F. Grading Plan a. The overall grading scale will be as follows:

Grading Scale: Class Grade: A 93-100 1st 9 Weeks: 1st 9 Weeks: Homework = 25% B 85-92 40% C 75-84 2nd 9 Weeks: Quiz = 25% D 70-74 40% F 0-69 Final Exam: Test = 25% 20% Mid-Term = 25% 2nd 9 Weeks: Homework = 25%

Quiz = 25%

Test = 25%

EOC = 25%

a.i. No form of cheating will be allowed. Cheating constitutes academic dishonesty and in general will be handled as part of the course grading process. Penalty will result in an “F” for the assignment. a.ii. There will be progress reports given throughout the semester. Semester grades are calculated using bell work, participation, classwork, homework, projects, and exam scores. a.iii. Each assignment is assigned a percentage value to follow the scale listed above. The total number of points earned by the student is divided by the total number of possible points.

G. Course Component Specifics a. Homework a.i. An opportunity to review homework will be given daily or on the following day. Many times, teacher will allow students to begin work on homework. Students will find it a requirement to complete the assigned homework in order to assure successful completion of course. Students are expected to turn in any homework on the following day of being assigned once entering classroom. b. Notes b.i. Students are expected to take notes for each lesson set. Note sheets may be provided for each section, dependent upon teacher. Notes may or may not be graded. c. Projects c.i. Projects may be assigned corresponding to material. Information will be given at a later date. d. Late Assignments d.i. Late assignments will NOT be accepted unless prior permission has been granted from teacher to pupil. e. Exams and Quizzes e.i. Exams and/or quizzes will be given throughout the year. Quizzes will be announced as well as the possibility of being unannounced to encourage studying of material. A comprehensive final will be given at the conclusion of each semester. f. Makeup-Up Policy f.i. It is the responsibility of the student to approach, inquire, and obtain any missing assignments due to absence. f.ii. It is the student’s responsibility to discuss scheduling with instructor in the essence of missed test or quiz. H. Miscellaneous a. Additional Help a.i. I will be available during my planning to students who need assistance. Refer to first page for scheduled planning period time. b. Parent-Teacher Conference b.i. Parents are encouraged to contact me via email or phone at any time concerning a student’s progress in my class. c. Special Needs c.i. If a student has difficulty viewing the board, or needs some form of accommodation, they are encouraged to notify the instructor. This is to affiliate learning equally available to all students.

------Cut, Sign, & Return Bottom Portion! I. Affidavit My signature below indicates that I have read and understand the syllabus. I agree to organize my time and effort to successfully complete Algebra II. I will notify Mr. Hubble immediately if I begin to fall behind in class assignments to implement an action plan. I understand I will comply with a higher expectation as a member of Mr. Hubble’s class. I understand daily work outside of class will be required in order to succeed.

______Student Signature Date

My signature below indicates that I have read the syllabus for Algebra II. I agree to be familiar with the Algebra II course requirements and to help my son/daughter organize study time in support of class assignments. I will notify the teacher immediately of any concerns that I have relating to the course of my child’s progress. I understand my child will be held to a higher expectation as a member of Mr. Hubble’s class. I will do my best to continually encourage my child to ask questions, participate, and do his/her best.

______Student Signature Date

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