DE3N 34 Communication: Analysing and Presenting Complex Communication

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DE3N 34 Communication: Analysing and Presenting Complex Communication


DE3N 34 Communication: Analysing and Presenting Complex Communication

The Unit is due for revision and although there are restrictions on change because of the embedding of the Core Skill of Communication at SCQF level 6, draft proposals have been put together to take account of existing good practice.

Awareness of the Unit purpose – to meet the needs of learners in the HN AIT/Business awards – underpins all proposals.

Outlines of changes proposed were presented to practitioners at the Network events for discussion and comment.

Summary of changes proposed:

1. New Unit title 2. Recommended entry qualifications: more specific detail 3. More flexibility in assessment of Outcomes 1 and 3 4. General updating of the specification to reflect developments in technology and industry

2) SESSION 12 1. New Unit title

Communication: Business Communication

The majority of participants felt that the title was a great improvement on the awkward current Unit title. It emphasised the focus of tasks undertaken and would be readily understood by employers. A few people expressed a preference for a slightly longer version, suggesting Communication for Business, or Communication in a Business Environment. 2. Recommended entry qualifications: more specific detail

Access to this Unit is at the discretion of the centre. However, learners should have competence in Communication skills at SCQF level 6 or equivalent. This could be demonstrated by achievement of one of the following:

C270 12 Higher English

F3GB 12 Communication (Core Skill)

Communication (NC) FA1W 12

DE1K 33 Workplace Communication in English

C222 12 English for Speakers of Other Languages (Higher)


Many expressed concern that the entry qualifications – which expand on the requirements for the current Unit - are beyond those recommended for entry to the HNC awards. Learners can begin the course with a Core Skill Communication profile or equivalent at SCQF level 5. The IELTS score was variable but never beyond competent. It was broadly agreed, however, that it could be an advantage to make clear to learners the standard of Communication that would be required in a Business environment and for future progress to University. In some centres learners developed skills by also covering the Unit Research Skills in their first year.

2) SESSION 12 Summary of Evidence Requirements

Outcome 1 (Reading)

Analyse complex written business information

Evidence Requirements The learner will read and summarise ONE complex business related text (800 – 1500 words), demonstrating in depth understanding of key information, ideas and supporting detail.

The learner will evaluate (in approximately 350 words) the accuracy, relevance, presentation of the text in meeting the needs of purpose and readers.

Evidence presented can be written or oral.

Explaining word limits and expanding the Evaluation criteria was seen as beneficial. Useful discussion clarified that the Reading document could involve pages from a textbook for another subject, a business plan or report, a web page or a model of a report for another subject area. This Unit is designed to support the needs of learners as they undertake the award; a repeat of a traditional Core Skills approach is not helpful. The potential for incorporating Outcome 3 of Economic Issues or a using themed approach integrating with elements of the Unit World Economy was raised.

Outcome 2 (Writing) Produce complex written business documents

Evidence Requirements

The learner will produce ONE or a portfolio of complex written business related text(s) - minimum 1500 words, not including references. The word count can include appendices or associated or supplementary papers produced by the learner.

The assessment will be conducted in open book conditions. The centre should ensure the authenticity of the learner’s work.

In general participants emphasised the team approaches in negotiating with other delivery sections so that learners would not be over burdened with assessment. In many centres integration with subjects such as Customer Care, Managing People in Organisations, Office Administration was existing practice. Timetabling and other practical considerations meant that it could not be seen as routine. It was suggested that if remediation were to be needed a portfolio of related documents at the required standard might be compiled at the end of the year when skills had been developed in context.

Outcome 3 (Oral Communication) Present and respond to complex oral information in a business context

Evidence Requirements

The learner will produce and respond to complex oral communication by planning and delivering an input of at least 6 minutes to a formal business related event (eg meeting, presentation, review, interview).

Currently the task involves preparing for, participating in and completing documentation for a meeting. The increased flexibility proposed was very well received. Participants had no difficulty in identifying several naturally occurring opportunities for integration with tasks in other Units. The removal of restrictions of numbers and the ability to tailor assessment to individual learner needs was welcomed.


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