February 22, 2016


Dwight Jelle, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. The meeting had been properly noticed under Section 19.84 of the Wisconsin Statutes and complies with ss 19.81 – 19.90 Wisconsin Stats., Open Meeting Law.

Establish Quorum for Veteran’s Service: Present: Betty Bergmark, Dwight Jelle, Dorothy Thompson Absent: Bill Ingram

Others Present: Jim Goss, Paula Winter, Cammi Catt-DeWyre, Donna Juleff, Dorothy Peters, Joan Plumer, Michelle Weiss, Sue Hoch

Approval of Agenda: No changes were made to the Veteran’s Meeting agenda.

Public Comments on Agenda Items: None

Dwight Jelle made a suggestion that the agenda should read, “Public Comments” so the public in attendance can address any issue at the beginning of the meeting. There would no longer be “Public Comments on Agenda Items” and “Public Comments on Issues Other Than Agenda Items” on the agenda. The Board was in agreement.

Approve Minutes of the Previous Meetings – October 26, 2015 and January 14, 2016: Motion by Dorothy Thompson, seconded by Betty Bergmark to approve October 26, 2015 minutes. Motion carried by a voice vote. Motion by Betty Bergmark, seconded by Dorothy Thompson to approve the January 14, 2016 minutes. Motion carried by a voice vote.

Vouchers for Veteran’s Service Office: Motion by Dorothy Thompson, seconded by Betty Bergmark to approve 2015 Voucher #25-15 in the amount of $10,521.20 and 2016 Vouchers #01-16 and #02-16 for a total of $161.40. Grand total of 2015 and 2016 vouchers was $10,682.60. Motion carried by a voice vote.

Approval to Hire Veteran Service Officer: This was addressed at the January 14, 2016 meeting, therefore no action was needed.

Veteran’s Office Operations: Jim Goss reported that he is working on submitting pensions for the War Time Service Veterans. He has attended numerous funerals and walk-ins have increased. Jim informed the board that there is an agreement between the two counties in regards to coverage until Pepin County has hired their Veteran’s Service Officer. Jim will bring the agreement to the next meeting. Micci Weiss informed the Board that the county will be administering a civil service exam and then interviews will be scheduled.

Set Next Meeting Date and Time: Monday, March 28, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. in County Board Room of Government Center

Future Agenda Items: None

Public Comments on Issues Other Than Agenda Items: None

The Board Chair adjourned the Veterans Service Department Meeting at 4:11 p.m.

Submitted by Sue Hoch, Administrative Manager


February 22, 2016


Dwight Jelle, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 4:11 p.m. The meeting had been properly noticed under Section 19.84 of the Wisconsin Statutes and complies with ss 19.81 – 19.90 Wisconsin Stats., Open Meeting Law.

Establish Quorum: Present: Betty Bergmark, Dwight Jelle, Donna Juleff, Dorothy Peters, Joan Plumer, Dorothy Thompson

Absent: Bill Ingram

Others Present: Paula Winter, Cammi Catt-DeWyre, Sue Hoch

Approval of Agenda: The Board had no changes to the agenda.

Public Comments on Agenda Items: None

Dwight Jelle made a suggestion that the agenda should read, “Public Comments” so the public in attendance can address any issue at the beginning of the meeting. There would no longer be “Public Comments on Agenda Items” and “Public Comments on Issues Other Than Agenda Items” on the agenda. The Board was in agreement.

Approve Minutes of the Previous Meeting – January 14, 2016: Motion by Betty Bergmark, seconded by Dorothy Peters to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried by voice vote.

Senior Nutrition Program Request for Proposal (RFP): Cammi Catt-DeWyre will review the bids with the Nutrition and Aging Advisory Committees and bring a recommendation to the Human Services Board for their approval. The Human Services Board was in agreement with this process.

P-422 Senior Nutrition Program Laundry Protocol: Cammi Catt-DeWyre reviewed the new procedure with the Board. The Board had no concerns with the procedure.

Update from Task Force Committee Common Message and Integration of Aging and the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC): Paula Winter and Cammi Catt-DeWyre provided an update on the progress with the Task Force Committee. The Task Force requested that the Leadership Team develop a draft Integration Model. One barrier that challenged the Leadership Team was the differences between Human Services (Buffalo, Chippewa and Pepin Counties) and Clark County Social Services. Clark County has separate Aging, Human Services and Social Services programs. Another concern Clark County Board has is regarding their tax levy being used by other counties in an integrated model, even though the counties have committed to the Governance Contract which keeps the tax levy in individual counties. Dorothy Thompson asked how essential it is to have Clark County included in the integration process due to their barriers and concerns (need consistency among partners). Dwight Jelle would be interested in hearing from personnel as to the possible integration and what responsibilities are duplicated, which could be combined to save funding. Paula stated that the Leadership Team also received a draft Letter of Commitment from the Task Force facilitator to review and provide a recommendation at the next Task Force Meeting.

Policy and Procedure on Child Care Certification: Paula Winter informed the Board that Child Care Certification is administered by Western Dairyland for Pepin County. The program is under Human Services, therefore, the policy and procedure developed by the state needs to be approved by the Human Services Board. Betty Bergmark commented that the whole policy and procedure had a negative tone. Paula will share this comment with state personnel. Motion by Donna Juleff, seconded by Joan Plumer to approve the Policy and Procedure on Child Care Certification as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote.

Update on Regional Access Project: Paula provided the Board with a Communication Plan for the Access Project which includes Chippewa, Monroe, Taylor and Pepin counties. Timelines have been developed regarding the funding formula, draft resolution, and a presentation to county boards. There is a meeting scheduled with Secretary Anderson on April 22, 2016, with a final resolution being presented to county boards in May or June of 2016.

Approval of Updated Job Description for Children with Disabilities Social Worker I – III: Paula reviewed the current job description with the Board. The last employee hired had a Master’s Degree in Family Therapy, however, not in social work, therefore, it would be unethical to use the title of Social Worker. Paula and Micci Weiss discussed this issue and felt that the job description may need to be changed. The Board had concern as to where the salary scale falls for staff having their social worker degree versus no social worker degree and what title should be used. Paula will contact other counties and bring her findings back to the board.

Policy F-106 Department of Human Services (DHS) Purchase of Service Contracts: Paula reviewed the new policy and procedure with the Board. The document is very detailed, however, it does provide direction for anyone to complete the process. Following discussion, Dorothy Thompson made a motion, seconded Betty Bergmark to approve Policy and Procedure F-106 as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote.

2016 Contracts to be Reviewed: Following discussion of the contracts, Betty Bergmark made a motion, seconded by Dorothy Peters to approve the contracts and recommend that the County Board Chairman sign the contracts. Motion carried by a voice vote. 1. ResCare for $28,224.00 2. Government and Industry Technologies (GIT) for $18,912.00

Dwight Jelle addressed the Board regarding Consent Agenda. The board would continue to receive an email and packets with all the handouts to be discussed. If a board member wants to discuss an issue on the Consent Agenda, they can ask the chairperson to address it separately. Some items that could be included in a Consent Agenda might be minutes, procedures and vouchers. This issue will be worked on in the next few months.

Human Services Financial Report: Paula reported that the cash reconciliation for 2015 was completed after the packets were mailed out, therefore, the December 2015 Financial Report is in draft form. Pamela Dewitt and Christopher Chouinard continue to meet to address discrepancies between the county and human services accounts. The Board was concerned about the budgeted and actual expenses for 2015. Christopher Chouinard is working on reconciliation for 2015 and should have the December 2015 Financial Report available for the March meeting. Paula and Pamela Dewitt are in the process of hiring a contracted provider to review Human Services accounting process.

Vouchers for Human Services: Motion by Betty Bergmark, seconded by Dwight Jelle to approve 2015 Vouchers #15-13038 through #15-13048, #15-13050 through #15-13054, #15-14001 through #15-14011 for a total of $20,165.99. Approval of 2016 Vouchers #16-01006, #16-01007, #16-01009, #16-01010, #16-02001 through #16-02027, plus eWisacwis Batch for a total of $26,979.17. Grand total of 2015 and 2016 vouchers was $47,145.19. Motion carried with a voice vote.

Conference Requests: None

Human Services Monthly Update on Office Operations: Paula Winter and Cammi Catt-DeWyre provided the Board with their reports. These reports and handouts are on file in the Human Services Department and can be reviewed during regular business hours. Other issues/items discussed:

 Cammi Catt-DeWyre provided pamphlets for the upcoming Living Well Workshop which will be held in Pepin.  Paula Winter reminded the Board of the upcoming Leadership Training on February 24, 2016 in the County Board Room.  The Board was advised that Pamela Dewitt sent an email with Paula’s 2015 Annual Evaluation attached for their review. She would like feedback from the Board.  Paula Winter created a draft Policy and Procedure for Hiring Employees. Micci Weiss is planning to utilize this policy and procedure county wide to provide consistency.

Committee Reports: None

Set Next Meeting Date and Time:

Next Board Meeting: Monday, March 28, 2016 at 4:00 pm in the County Board Room of the Government Center

Next Finance Meeting: Monday, March 28, 2016 at 3:45 p.m. in the County Board Room of the Government Center (Finance members are Donna Juleff and Dorothy Thompson)

Future Agenda Items: None

Public Comments on Issues Other Than Agenda Items: None

Closed Session: Motion by Dorothy Thompson, seconded by Betty Bergmark to go into Closed Session per Wisconsin State Statutes Section 19.85 (1) (c) for considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility – Discuss Personnel Issues. Roll Call Vote: Bill Ingram – Absent; Donna Juleff – Yes; Dorothy Peters – Yes; Joan Plumer – Yes; Dorothy Thompson – Yes; Betty Bergmark – Yes; Dwight Jelle – Yes. Motion carried. Reconvene to Open Session: Motion by Donna Juleff, seconded by Dorothy Thompson to reconvene to Open Session. Roll Call Vote: Donna Juleff – Yes; Dorothy Peters – Yes; Joan Plumer – Yes; Dorothy Thompson – Yes; Betty Bergmark – Yes; Bill Ingram – Absent; Dwight Jelle – Yes. Motion carried.

Action from Closed Session: No action taken.

Adjournment was at 6:25 p.m.

Submitted by Sue Hoch, Administrative Manager
