Oxford Brookes Templates
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Dept. of PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIAL WORK & PUBLIC HEALTH Headington Campus, Gipsy Lane, Oxford OX3 0BP Direct Line for Dr Name ( supervisor): 01865 48xxxx Email: (of supervisor) Researcher’s name (student) and email DATE
Dear parent/guardian,
Project title here Undergraduate Research Project – Student’s name here
Your child is being invited to take part in this research study. Before you decide if you want to allow them to do this it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please take time to read the following information carefully.
What is the study about and what will it involve? Describe study here. Keep it short and do not use technical/academic psychology language.
Why is my child being asked? Here is an example of what could go here……. We will be carrying out the study at your child’s school and are inviting parents of all children aged 10-11 who speak English at home to take part. From those whose parents give consent, we will select equal numbers of girls and boys across the age years. If you agree to your child taking part, your child will be seen individually for 15 minutes and …
Do I have to give my consent? No, giving your permission and allowing your child to take part in the study is entirely voluntary. Also, if you do decide to take part you are free to withdraw at any time.
Benefits and disadvantages of your child taking part Example content …… Allowing your child to take part will enable us to gain a better understanding of motor development in girls and boys. All we require is N minutes out of the school day to allow us to assess your child and your time to complete the questionnaire.
What will happen to the findings of this study? Example content …… All data collected will be kept anonymously. The findings will be used in my dissertation. To maintain confidentiality it will not be possible for parents or teachers to have access to the results of individual children. However I will provide a summary of the research … (e.g. if you leave me with your email or other contact details … OR … to the school in early April 2011 OR to a website – give address of the website you will create)
Ethics This study has been approved by the Psychology Research Ethics Committee at Oxford Brookes University. If you have any concerns about this please contact [email protected]
Please don’t hesitate to contact me or my supervisor with any other questions or queries about this study. Our contact details can be found at the top of this letter. Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you agree to your child taking part then please ….. (e.g. contact me at … sign and return the attached consent form and questionnaire to … …. remember to say exactly how they should to this).
Researcher’s name (student) here